I’ve never liked this cunt, mouthy irritating talk show host who tries to be the A lister regardless of who she is interviewing.
Now, the orc faced witch has come under fire, for, well, being a cunt. Former staff have exposed her diva type behaviour, don’t talk to her, don’t look at her, etc, and it has opened a floodgate of stories of similar cuntishness.
Hopefully this will spell the end of her career, as I would be a slightly happier person if I never saw her rat face again, and could revel in the fact that she craves fame and acceptance, and without it, self loathing would probably be the end of her.
Nominated by: Gutstick Japseye
…. and seconded by:Miles Plastic
Ellen Degeneres
There’s a libtard implosion going on at the moment. I am sure cunters have seen it on their news feeds and not taken much interest. But it does speak to something about said liberals.
I never liked her. False as hell I thought.
‘Be kind’ ho ho ho. That was her slogan. ‘Be unkind’ seems to be what went on.
Oh and the endless cheering, everyone standing up when each guest came on.
‘Married’ to a woman. So progressive in sexual politics.
Turns out there was a terrible ‘toxic’ atmosphere on the set with racism, bullying.
It just goes to show that the Progressives have very traditional human weaknesses, traits, character faults, whatever you want to call it. That with all their ‘new ideas’ about human relationships it’s still about old words like ‘jealousy’, ‘envy’, ‘covertness’ ‘greed’, ‘anger’ (she tried to get a waitress sacked because she served her meal with broken nail polish) ‘sloth’ well in human relationships she was lazy you could say, ‘pride’ is the word. ‘I am important’, ‘I can do what I like’
Her whole life has fallen apart.
This should be a learning moment for her..
Degenerate DeGeneres. Never seen what the attraction is myself.
I don’t know how much of the crap thrown at her is true, but I wonder why none of it came out before she sat with Bush at some sports event. She was forced to defend herself after that and then the leaks surrounding her behaviour became public.
Being a woke SJW celebrity leaves you open to being destroyed in seconds for the slightest blip. Good.
With face and hair like that she has to be a dyke. I am sure she and Cressida Dick would love to share a strap-on and turkey baster one day.
She looks like snooker player Neil Robertson in drag!
‘She’s mean mean mean’ the headlines scream.
Who/what is she? Never heard of her.
Count your blessings!
Looks like Philip Schofield’s idiot bastard, gender neutral half sibling.
Also owns a crooked business pushing vegan pet food. Nuff said.
I didn’t know about the vegan pet food. That’s pushed her further up the cunt pole.
Check it out:
You’d have to be a right self-indulgent cunt to try and make a dog go vegan.
Jesus H Christ, give the bastard a bit of fucking meat!
Is she aware that dogs are obligate carnivores? What a cunt!
That is like trying to force a rabbit to eat a dog’s dick.
What a cunt!
Looks like a transitioning Genesis P’Orridge. She has a flat face, purpose built for gaining deep access when licking tuppences and jug ears for the recipient of said oral stimulation to yank her head up and down for maximum sensation.
A repulsive, self-important, self-indulgent creature.
She looks like the bastard lovechild of Frank Gorshin and Mork From Ork.
Next up Harvey Wienstiens pimp Oprah
‘orc faced witch’ – never, has there been a more apt description from a nom 🙂
Like [Gutstick Japseye] I too have never liked this grinning bitch.
A gold plated, diamond encrusted Cunt ( but not one any sane man would ever want to get near ). F*ck off & never darken our screens again.
Never seen her but seem to remember she is famous for tuppence licking.
I could do that.
Tuppence licking is indeed a wonderful thing on an attractive bird…but going down on a real-life lesbian?!
Even when I see her name on the tv listings when I flick through the channels each morning I subconsciously and sometimes say “cunt”. Everything about her screams me me me and every time I see or hear about her I scream cunt cunt cunt.
The non payment of her staff over the bat flu season should have been enough to tell her to fuck off from the woke stone she crawled under from!!!
I agree with every comment about her absolute cunt behaviour. And I have known that her name is connected to an inane Tee Vee talk show for quite some time. But other than that what the fuck has this lezzer done that’s even somewhat significant? Okay, she probably makes heaps of money. Nice, but the world is full of rich cunts. Didn’t she, or doesn’t she presently, shag that Portia de Rossi? At least she’s borderline lipstick. De Generes reminds me of a silly bloody ya-ya bulldyke at one of my Inner West sites. Her occasional overnighter is hot (waste, I recently seen ’em having a morning farewell pash in the car park) but the ya-ya’s got a head like a busted fig.
Eh? What gives? Ppftt!
I hope she is a victim of a 20/20 #metoo movement where cunts are called out for being cunts. Harvey W was one of the biggest Cunts in da biz and rightly got his collar felt for abusing his position let’s hope it happens to Ellen I want this to start trending. #Ellentreatedmelikeapieceofshit
She looks like a Gordon Ramsey-themed Mr Potato Head toy!
I’ve never understood this whole ‘celebrity’ dont look at me bollocks. Surely thats exactly what they want, in order to bring (in their eyes) some value to an otherwise worthless existence.
It looks all wrinkly and worried.
If it stays where it is then I don’t give a fuck about it.
But if it gets any closer than across the Atlantic immediate oven.
This stone faced scissor me timbers was on the telly when I was round at someone’s house, she was on a video link to a girls school sports team.
The vile creature was literally drooling and getting all worked up. You wouldn’t want this cunt anywhere near your daughter.
Ugly bitch ?
What is it with American TV show hosts? They are all ego-maniacs and monsters. The audience must be dumb as hell not to see through their fake sincerety.
Mind you our lot aren’t much better. Eamonn Holmes is a poor man’s Terry Wogan. Then there’s Jeremy Vine who thinks he is a heavyweight journalist but is just a housewife’s pet.
As for the women – Suzanne Upherownarse, Lorraine Belly et al – you can imagine what bitches they are off screen. Yet the GB public lap it all up.
Worst of all are the tweedle dee tweedle dum pairings who finish off each other’s sentences. Yuk!
Has Eamonn Holmes had a stroke or summink? Ruth looks more like his carer everyday.
What if we fired this bullet headed rug muncher into Flabba the Guts minge? Would it reach some sort of unholy critical mass and detonate like a libtard neutron bomb, soy raddled noggins everywhere going all ‘Scanners’? I suspect both would be willing to try but I’m not volunteering for the clean up crew.
Shes just in a shite mood because she’ll never be a real boy.
Even Gepeto couldnt help this fish supper lover.
I read some article by some mardarse who was bullied by her when he was a 10yr old,
She called him Fat and criticised his drawing skills?
And hes still traumatised!!?
Fuckin yanks are puddled.
Morning Miserable, another level of craziness the Hollyweird nutters are indeed with their endless therapy, psychobabble and daddy issues.
Degenerate has been trying to get an exclusive interview with Ginger Pubes and Sparkle Tits, that’ll never happen now as they will drop her faster than Flabbott with a fruit salad. We have our fair share of soft a shite, spill your guts on the sofa cunts like saggy titted fag hag Lorraine Kelly or ‘stunning and brave’ sphincter sniffer, Philip Schofield but the Yanks take the gold medal.
They certainly do.
Sickly sweet faux caring cunts amassing vast riches like Oprah.
That Lorraine Kelly I fuckin loath that cunt LL!!
A unhealthy hatred ive got of her.
Normally like scots but her twee “aww wee lovely” arse licking makes me want to cave her vacuous skull in.?
Had a nice rack on her back in the day.
Was always an Anna Ford man, myself.
We need an all Scotland face off final to see who is the world champion sickly sweet twee professional nice person between Carol Kirkwood and Loraine Kelly.
Och that’s great. I think you’re faaantaaastic i really do!
Another Hollywoke “Star”.All me me me.Not interested.Move along dear
It appears that like Gordon Broon before him, Vlad Pootin’ has saved the WORLD!
I can’t wait to take it. Anyone else up for a bullet in the head?
He has a daughter?
Thought Vlad was, well, you know…light in his loafers, a lover of sailors.
Did he hold a press conference shirtless?
Shirtless AND bareback astride his My Little Pony.
Most accounts have her down as a complete and utter copper bottomed cunt.
I also reckon the carpet munching cunt was tonguing someone big in TV Land (like the repulsive Esther Rancid and Ruby Wax did at the BBC) to get her own series. Aside from that, she is a complete bastard who treats people like crap, and any shit she gets now is entirely deserved. Couldn’t happen to a nicer/nastier cunt.
Also, what lezza worth their salt would go near it? She looks like a cross between Frank Gorshin and Robin Williams. I’ve seen better looking tuppence flickers on Prisoner Cell Block H.
Now her crappy TV show is on the skids, Ellen has decided to go into a life of crime.
Shite. Wrong picture. That was meant for Lewis Hamilton.
Start again, Norman, you cunt.
Now her crappy TV show is on the skids, Ellen has decided to go into a life of crime.
Let s hope this has opened a can of worms. A sort of ‘Time’s Up’ in reverse, and countless other libfuck celebricunts and Hollweird tossers are held to account as scores of ex-employees, PAs, gofers and doormats come forward about these cunts and their shitty behaviour.
Smoke that big karma shaped cigar.
Never fear: she’ll play some kind of “I’m a victim” card or hashtag!
Now her puke inducing show has hit the skids, Ellen has decided to partake in a life of crime. Exclusive picture below.
Personally, I would like to creampie her missus arse and watch the Degenerate feltch my manwax out of Portia’s gaping rusty sheriff’s badge with a length of garden hose.
I think they would both enjoy that.
Here is evil. Turn thy face.
I’ve never liked this pug faced bloke. He’s all thats wrong with murica and steadily the UK .
Id go on but my spleen has gone to DEFCON 4