Duckface Pouting Dickheads

Id like to nominate the “desthpicable” “reduckulous” and “cuntduckula” Instagram type pouty lip filling cunts.

Now I’m not the sort of cunt who uses cuntstagram, I’ll leave that to the vacuous, needy and attention seeking cunts that are everywhere nowadays, however, I do see photos of said cunts in the news pouting away in the same pose as every other cunt on there.

Why on earth would anyone with an ounce of self respect, have their lips injected with all sorts of crap to end up looking like Daffy Duck?

Regardless of how pretty they are, when I see these retards , I think “you look a cunt, don’t you” walking round Morrisons with their sprog all dressed up as a fucking fairy.

I have no idea why these idiots think that having lips like that, drawn on eyebrows that are a shade no eyebrow has ever been and fake eyelashes is attractive. Can anyone enlighten me?

Utter cunts.

Nominated by: Cuntington Smythe

64 thoughts on “Duckface Pouting Dickheads

  1. Good Morning

    There were two of these mongs in the car park on Monday when I took the dogs for a walk. They were yakking away when I arrived and still there when I got back an hour later. I guess they may have been waiting for it to get dark so they could do a bit of dogging as those big lips must mean they can give a decent blowjob.

    • They do call those lips ‘cock cushions’ Wanksock, so I reckon you’re onto something!

  2. All plastic surgery unless it’s for someone whos born with a disfigurement or sustained injuries in a accident is a bad idea.
    Maybe ears pinned back if it affects kids confidence.
    I did a job while they were filming a tv show in cheshire about posh wives, and this woman pulled up in her car, she looked like that Rocky Dennis shed had that much work done!
    I nearly spewed up.

      • Morning LL!
        How about when theyve had a tit job LL?
        You a natural man or a admirer of a upgraded pair of bristols?

      • I’d have to say natural Miserable, never mind the youngsters with plastic surgery, some older ones with plenty of money look terrible, Donatella Versace springs to mind. She looks like one of her old leather handbags.

      • Im on the fence, not keen on the shrivelled biafran look but then not keen on the plastic bouncy castle look either!
        Somewhere inbetween
        A happy medium!!??

      • I hate everything – silicone beef-ups (especially the Katie Price variety), lip jobs, body piercings, tattoos, face painting (cunts!), body art of any description, jewellery, excessive makeup.

        Prefer birds organic, though partial to fit birds smoking tabs and wearing glasses with black plastic frames.

        Morning lads!

      • Morning Ruff,
        Dot Cotton in specsavers?
        Or the singing nun with with 10 Benson &Hedges?
        Like that???

      • Dot Cotton and the Singing Nun would not be my idea of fit birds Miserable, but if they float your boat…

      • Morning all, I think Leslie ash is s prime example. Remember back in the 90’s in Men behaving badly? She was stunning, then decided to fuck it all up, shame

      • She got £5 million compo for looking like she’d sucked off a Formula 1 car’s tail pipe.

  3. Good cunting.

    Of all the girls who, as of recent, have left our company (under a cloud), they have Arsebook pages showing photos of selfies, with them pulling this absurd, pouting face.

    Narcissists and lazy, incompetent, vacuous arseholes who believed that the company should be eternally grateful to them just for turning up to the office in a cloud of cheap scent, looking like a tupenny hapenny whore.

    Fuck off.

  4. “Oi cunt face, over ere” usually does the trick and clears them from the vicinity.

    • This fat lip thing birds are having, think Beck mong daily the Labour anti semite should get it done!
      She was sadly born without any lips, through the trauma of seeing her dad working on the docks before she was born.

  5. As we appear to be entering an age of reparation for events that happened before even our great grandparents were around, I guess it’ll only be a matter of time before these cunts will be seeking some compo for the damage they inflicted on themselves, because after all, Fat Lips Matter. Cunts.

  6. My ex wife, fake tits twice, 1st boob job looked like an acid riddled Sweeney Todd had been let loose on her Bristols, Botox in lips and fucking forehead, nips fucking tucks, laser eyebrow removal, fucking eyelid surgery, you name it she got it done.
    Funny thing when i met her she was stunning, when we divorced she looked like a fish trying to squeeze out a massive shit. A really fucking ugly fish.
    Grow old gracefully ladies, it’s alot more attractive than any plastic surgery fuckery.

  7. All that cash, and they end up looking like a 70s battered wife. Sorry, not battered, I meant ‘clumsy’.

    • Breaking news**

      Tory virtue signaller Dominic Raab has given £5million foreign aid to Beirut, which is nice of him to fritter our money away, like hes playing Brewsters millions.
      Id of sent them a leaflet on the safe storage of explosive chemicals instead.
      The cheeky cunt.

      • $2mill from our government as well, going straight to some slimey Lebo politicians slush fund in Antigua or to buy residency for him and his rat brood here.

      • Morning Shackle, some Lebanese woman was saying any foreign aid will be stolen by the politicians, I think shes right.
        Why are other countries paying for their carelessness?

      • Afternoon Miserable. I have worked with male Lebos and had a Lebo boss, totally corrupt, lazy and always had the attitude of ‘someone else will fix it’. I’d add inept except that they/he was so very crafty in covering their arse/ blaming others and being so erudite at bullshit as to charm and fool their superiors.

      • What fucking use is that? They need 1000x that amount. That’s like throwing 1p at a homeless mans head and expecting results.

      • Another example where native rule has proven ineffective and detrimental to the general populace. Though far from perfect neither the Turks nor French would have allowed the situation to degrade so far as to let this happen.

      • 130 dead, over a thousand injured; 250,000 homeless, and roughly $15bn of damage. And yet all those in authority are playing blame-game between different government agencies.

        Which means no one will be held accountable after the forthcoming 2 year investigation, but no doubt the foreign aid money will come in useful for bribes when it ends up passed through various VIP hands!

  8. Why? They are fucking cunts.
    Even bigger cunts when the NHS try to make them look “normal” again.

    • Why are we bunging money to a bunch of foreign bastards who blew themselves up? Obvious the Jellyfish thinks this will please the bleeding heart libtards. He should remember who voted for him……….it wasn’t those cunts, that’s for sure.

  9. If they have walrus labia implanted into the faces will they talk like cunts too?
    Chest out,shoulders back dahling,eyes and teeth.

  10. Good for sucking cock or like throwing a sausage up an alley?
    I will never know thank fuck.
    Also Fuck the Exploding Lebanon.
    The daft cunts.

    • When asked for foreign aid contributions Israeli spokesman Benny goldberg said that the cheque was ‘in the post’ before laughing and shouting to a friend “hey Ariel, this dumb schlep asked for money for the lebs!
      They bombed themselves!
      Oi vey!”

      • So Allan, what’s your ‘good source’ then?
        It was only a matter of time until the conspiracy theory nutjobs came crawling out of the woodwork.

  11. Can’t think of a single celebrity that looks better after getting this shit done. So why do they keep doing it? Do they think they’ll be the first one?
    Just had my new T shirt delivered. It has a picture of Windsor Davies bellowing “SHUT UP” on it. Has anyone noticed that the BBC show reruns of Dad’s Army, Porridge etc ad infinitum but they never show “It ain’t half hot mum” Now I wonder why that could be?!

    • It will be only a matter of time before Dad’s Army is dropped for offending the Germans in particular, and the EU as a whole.

      In fact it may even be renamed “Gammon’s Army” by some Remoaner woke cunt at the BBC.

    • It’s because it contains blackface, funny Asian accents, references to the British Empire and frequent use of the word “poof”. All micro aggressions which would trigger anxiety attacks on soshul meeja. The BBC would be snowed under with complaints, all of which would have to be answered unlike the ones that normal people send them.

      • I think you might’ve hit the nail on the head there Freddie. Shame really, I used to love it. “Oh dear, how sad, never mind”

    • UK Gold showed It Ain’t Half Hot Mum in 1993, but they haven’t shown it since.

      Joke is the woke cunts won’t even give it a chance and have not even seen it. The British officers have the piss taken out of them as much as the ‘natives’. The late Michael Bates (Rangi Ram) was really from India and he spoke the language. Rangi was also the wisest and most cunning character and he was only tanned, not ‘blackfaced’. The Punka Wallah was also a witty lad who made cutting and sarcastic remarks. And at the series end, the scene where the lads say goodbye to the Char Wallah is genuinely moving and it still is.

      The woke bellends apply the same knee jerk ‘But… But… It’s racist!’ outoook to Rising Damp. Where the black character Philip pulled the most birds, was the most intelligent, and always got one over on Rigsby. They damn these shows without even seeing them, wankers that they are.

      The DVD set of It Ain’t Half Hot Mum is available and well worth investing in.

    • “Now I wonder why that could be?!”

      Coz theys is all a bunch of poofs!! now moo yersells moo yersellllls!

    • I was trying to find a clip af the Dooshka saying “we British”, to post somewhere else to annoy a ducking g irritating cunt from Iran who spends all day trolling whitey, yet acting like a country gent.
      Nothing on YouTube-it’s been wiped clean.

  12. Great picture Admin!

    I hadn’t realised Sir Mick had let himself go so badly…… or is one of his sprogs?

    • A bar maid in the local was a really attractive brunette and then had her lips done. Looked like a fucking porn star and a tranny one at that afterwards! You could now wet her lips and stick her to a window.

  13. I shagged some slaaaag with fake tits many moons back. They looked great but felt horrible.

    I’d take small and natural over big and fake, but it’s always nice to try something different.

  14. Ah, the modern millennial slag…

    Orange skin (sprayed on, of course).

    Tattoos (obviously).

    Blatantly and badly dyed hair.

    Ridiculous long black false eyelashes that don’t match the badly dyed hair.

    Eyebrows that also don’t match the badly dyed hair and the stick on eyelashes.

    Dreadful false and garishly coloured nails that are about as classy and as real as the hair and the eyelashes.

    Plastic tits.

    Primark thong sticking out of the top of their pants, showing their fat arse.

    Mick Jagger/Dunlop Tyres injected lips that they think makes them look ‘sexy’.

    I feel sorry for young lads today.

  15. Some years ago when I was working as a freelance journalist in Brazil, I did a radio broadcast on plastic surgery as Brazilian surgeons are the world masters at this kind of thing. I went along to a medical congress at which the surgeons gave disgusting presentations of their butchery that had turned women into Barbie dolls and them into millionaires. The presentations featured lots of pictures of bare boobs, arses and fannies along with thighs, eyes, lips, noses – even arseholes – that had been enhanced or reduced. It was so repulsive that I went out into the forum in the hope of some relief. No such luck. I grabbed a coffee and was wandering around when I came upon stands displaying the kind of instruments used. There were knives, scrapers, pliers, saws, files, tongs and other tools of torture.

    As I had arranged an interview with the chairman, I had to sit beside him at lunch which was ruined by the graphic descriptions my fellow diners gave of their operations. They boasted about their successes and peed themselves laughing at their failures – boobs that had burst, sloped the wrong way, lips that had expanded pneumatically, bums that had sagged rather than firmed up. They were laughing all the way to the bank.

  16. Trouble with this fucking fake shit , is that the girls are always protective of the item in question – as if you are going to cause them some injury.

    Fake tits – big turn-off.

  17. Anyone who plumps their lips like a fucking truck tyre inner tube must be a cunt. Then there are the drawn on Groucho Marx eyebrows, scraped back black dyed hair, hooped earrings and WORST of all, those fucking awful snot-hanger-nose-rings or worse metal bogie “septum rings” hanging out their noses.

    Nearly forgot, the fucking cunt tattoos, the worst are on the back of the neck or just around the waistline. Live, Luv, Fuck OFF.

    Thousands of Pounds of their benefits spent on this shit, while their benefit sproggs go hungry and the cunts plead poverty, despite sporting the latest IPhone, big TV etc rent, council tax all paid for by us….

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