Dawn Butler MP (3)

I wish to propose the Right Honourable (right) Dawn Butler MP some part of Brent Labour.

Stopped by old bill whilst driving around in Hackney, seems the wrong reg number indicated a flagged vehicle or something. So big argument with coppers all recorded for social meeja purposes.

Lots of right on shite ie why can’t a black person drive around without police harassment blah,blah bollocks. Police are institutionally racist again. She also points out that she has done lots of work with police re stop and search of black youths and has used her vast knowledge of black on black crime to conclude that the police are doing it wrong ie stop and searching black yoofs, she thinks the profiling is wrong!!!

So vast majority of stabby crime in GLC is carried out by black yoof (statistics support this) but this eejit thinks stopping black yoofs is somehow adding to the problem. Where do they find these cunts?

Nominated by: Black biscuit

…and seconded by: W. C. Boggs


Yes, she’s back – the Corbyn nodding dog, the woman forever by his side enjoying his every fart has felt a bit bereft of late – no longer a shadow minister as there is nothing to match her paucity of braincells for her to do in Dame Kweer’s shadow cabinet of all the talentless, so no publicity. So what is a resourceful expenses swindler to do except create her own.

Butler was out in her Poundland sunglasses yesterday, and purple nail varnish (no doubt from the 50p oddments box), and she suddenly had a Lammy moment:


After her diatribe to a police officer she was off to her chums at the Guardian and the BBC to tell them her tale of woe. Perhaps, if she looked less a cheap whore the police would leave her alone?.

I cant wait for Starmer’s Blairite controllers to order him to get rid of this poisonous bitch, and Lammy, like they did the Wrong-Daily woman. In the Butler case, I am sure there is a one legged BAME lesbian who would “deserve” the Brent seat. What is a millionaire lawyer who owns land in Surrey, and a bit of a jessie to boot, doing consorting with all these great unwashed vermin?

…. and thirded by Lord of the Rings 

Good Morning All !
Hope you are well & may the ‘virus’ be forever far from your door ?

A ‘poor me, I is being victimised, ain’t it’ Cunting for Labba MP & ugly rubber lipped shit Dawn Butler, who is yet again crying “Racism, Racism!” after the fuzz dared to stop the car she was travelling in.
Now the police have apologised & said it was a case of mistaken identity, but lf course this is nowhere near good enough for whinging bitch Butler, who, let’s face it, won’t be happy till the UK is just as ‘Dark’ as “da old cuntry”
A long time embodiment of all that has & is going wrong in this country, Butler is an offensive, lefty, BAME, white hating, sack of sh1t, who’s very existence grinds my gears, and who, like ‘Lammy’ & all the rest, should be called out for what they are…. RACISTS, who want anyone who doesn’t fit their demographic, silenced & trodden underfoot.
I hope her house gets burgled by her ‘brovas’ & the police don’t call round for fear of being labelled ‘Racist’


…. and another! This time from Vernon Fox…

“Racial profiling”

Racial profiling is what some people (not white ones) accuse the Police of when they are stopped for a check – as we all can be. Dawn “whitey hater and baiter” and a black “athlete” have both been whining that they were racially profiled.
YOU WEREN’T! – you were stopped by the Police when you were driving – as Thousands are every day – but you are determined to invent racism where there is none. And you didn’t mind racial profiling to get you elected did you Dawn?
Are black people excluded from the road traffic laws and enforcement that we all have to follow then? Is this not inherent racism in itself? Are black people suddenly above the law (answers on a recycled postcard to “Black Looting Murderers”, C/O everywhere they fucking live).
Back to your fried chiggun Dawn, stop the racial profiling of white Police officers and for goodness sake check your black privilege!
Extra points for anyone remembering the name of Guy Gibson’s dog..


(Although tempting, please dial down any racial comments – Admin)

128 thoughts on “Dawn Butler MP (3)

  1. You try and pull over a white person in a car in the East End of london. 90% per cent of car drivers are black and Asian those that aren’tare taxi drivers, or tradesmen. Statistically the old bill are going to pull over non whites…

    • I once ordered a blow up doll and when it came it was the spit of Dawn B.
      I thought id spice things up in the bedroom and ordered a sexy inflatable that looked in the picture like a young Stevie Nicks.
      I planned to introduce the idea of a threesome with missus Miz, maybe pop it in the corner of the bedroom then slowly move it nearer, till it was in bed with us then let nature take hold!!
      A writhing mass of limbs!!❤❤
      Imagine my dismay when I opened the parcel to find a deflated Dawn butler with a startled expression!!
      As a notorious racist my ardour was cooled and I was too embarrassed to ask for a refund so I inflated Dawn and tied a rope around her neck and hung her from a tree to keep the birds away from my redcurrant bushes.
      Well it caused all sorts of problems with the council!!
      Said it was a hate crime and offensive, Threatened me with the police etc
      Only ones who liked it was the local kids who asked could they come and feed my pet monkey ?
      So Dawn your a trouble causing cunt even in wipeable rubber!

      Ps in the end I threw her in the sea to be rid of her but the coastguard rescued her!
      Now she has a three bedroom house and drives a brand new range rover.

      • Yes Ron if buying a inflatable sex doll ask to take it for a ‘test drive’ first.

      • I think the lesson to be learned here is “weigh the fucker down with bricks before chucking it in”!
        No comment as yet from
        B lack
        L ooting
        M urderers
        Now, all I need is a planet of the apes mask and I can do what the hell I like! ??

      • I bought a Romanian one sir Mali.
        When I nipped the bathroom, came back it was gone!!
        And so was my wallet off the bedside!☺

      • I sympathize Miserable, my Iranian doll was picked up off the Kent coast on a pedalo this morning.

  2. Anyone recall the People Who Annoy you Wheel of Fortune sketch from South Park?

    Perfect for this cunt.

  3. Very very clever what these cunts are doing. They’re strategically making it impossible for today’s lacklustre, weak- willed millenial plod to arrest them. The only solution is the immediate sacking of Cressida Strapon and the hiring of a right-wing, old school, ex-services bully boy to kick non-compliant fucking arse. Ain’t going to happen, sadly. And yes, Dawn (I hate you) Butler is a massive swartz cunt.

  4. She is thick as two planks and that is insulting to planks, at least planks are useful.

  5. Is it cos i is blick, officer? Yes Dawn the only way to stop this stabby crimewave is to stop this unfair stop and search malarkey.
    Might be an idea to just let them get on with it if that’s what she wants.
    Thick twat.

  6. Race card played ??
    Hairstyle that implies “trouble” ??
    Dripping with entitlement ??
    Arse like a fully-inflated beach ball ??
    Embarrassingly unintelligent ??
    Money-grubbing “save the poor” hypocrite ??
    Likes billionaire’s parties and socialism ??
    A whining harpy who can kiss my piss ??

    • I liked the hairstyle point Cap, there is definitely a ‘look’ on some black women. Some great observations that could have been describing Flabbott too, Magic Grandpa has a type. I wonder if he has invited Lardarse around to show her his catalogued collection of photographs from 1970’s Soviet architecture and see what happens.

      • Corbyn almost certainly has, Liquors. He’s no doubt invited Butler round and attempted seduction by showing her his collection of pencils, posters of Leo Sayer, and books about Russia. Before flashing the nude Flabbotasaurus photos he’d ply her with Lidl Sparkling wine and strip down to his Hezbollah grundies hoping to get up the crack of Dawn.

        Butler isn’t ugly and from the tits-upwards would probably be a four-pinter, don’t you think? Unfortunately tits- downwards is a no-man’s land of chunkiness, tribal scarring, and a nagging odour of onions.

      • Beauty is in the eye of the beer-holder, Sir Ruffers. Four or five pints ought to do it.

      • I’d need a lot more than four or five pints Herr Kapitan. Unconscious in fact.

      • I meant pints of gin, dear chap.

        Her face is alright, even with the ‘trouble’ hairstyle The rest of her turns my magnanimous pole into boiled spaghetti. I’d rather have a tumble with Kate Garraway (from 25 years ago, naturally).

      • I’m beginning to think you may be a little bit strange Herr Kapitan…. her face is NOT alright! Even after five pints of railroad gin, it still makes me projectile vomit and shit myself simultaneously.

        But Kate Garraway (from 25 years ago) – now yer talkin’ boy!

  7. Easily in the top ten of the thickest, most corrupt and self serving cunts in Parliament. No wonder Lardbutt cried like a bitch at the unfairness of Bercow not getting his peerage. No racial bias from our Dawn as it was the stumpy dwarf who kept her expenses fiddling fat arse out of prison.
    And who said there is no honour amongst thieves?

  8. Is she a hooker or an Mp….?
    It’s a massive no No on either front
    Ugly cunt….

  9. Anyone deserves aids cancer Ebola covid motor nuerone and a spade across the face it’s this big lipped spook

  10. An embarrassment to Black people, a massive chip on the shoulder cunt, a thick cunt who like The Flabbot would not get a seat outside of most cities, an alledged dodgy expenses claiming cunt and an ugly cunt as well.
    Why the fuck have Labour not got rid of this idiot? Saw some of the video and she was making the most of a mistake the Police made…would hardly let the officer speak and came across as a cunt. Labour have no chance with the voter with cunts like Dawn. She also recited a Stormzy track in the House of Parliament.
    What a ras claaaat she is.
    Go fuck yourselves.

    • I contend Dawn Butler is also a bomba claaat as well!
      And an embarrassment to humanity.

    • Afternoon B&WC, I heard you had resurfaced and were abaaaht. You well? How inconsiderate of Boris not to consider relaxing rules on tonguing ladies bumholes, fuck schools, fuck social bubbles, fuck holidays, what about the real issues?

      • Evening LL, I’m well thanks how abaaaaaht you?
        I am working on a piece to send Boris regarding the immune system boost you get after giving the Mrs pussy and arsehole a good tonguing…and we all know a strong immune system helps aaaaht against Coronavirus.
        I am sure he will try it out on his Mrs and recommend it to the population…
        Actually I am sure he has tried it already the dirty old Tory bastard. ?

  11. Butler and her ilk will push people who have no problem with GGDs (think dambusters) into raving Nazi’s. When I was young I said to myself there was no way I would turn out my old man, a miserable cunt, I was wrong, in fact the way I feel about life in the UK is verging on psychopathic. I know it’s wrong but I want so many people dead and the more painful the death the happier I shall be, i have had enough. The witch should be tied to a stake.

  12. I wonder how many hours Lardbutt and her co-conspirator had been cruising the area trying to get stopped by the cops?

    You can see by the smile on her face how delighted she was to have been successful!

    “Now is the time to get the government’s knee off the neck of the BAME community” (Dawn Lardbutt, June 18th 2020)

    • “Now is the time to fuck off to the African continent is whitey is so racist”.
      Vernon Fox, August 10th 2020.

    • Yeah revving the engine, beeping the horn making wanker signs at the copper?
      Hes a modern copper, probably had headphones on listening to gay dance music, dreaming about Pride parade.

    • That exact same thought went through my mind, she is an expenses cheat, you have to be a thick skinned cunt to claim for a second home the same distance from Westminster as your own home (and a Jacuzzi) so wouldn’t put it past her doing a little bit of entrapment.

      Total cunt, the police were polite, didn’t drag her out of the car, listened to her fucking rant and apologised for the mistake…I just wish it had been a black police officer who stopper, now that would have been be funny

  13. I can only have the briefest of exposure to this utter fucking vermin without becoming extremely psychotic.
    Grinning embezzling trash should be flogged in the streets and then burnt.
    Shitting bag of black shit.
    C U N T.

  14. Dame Kweer has told the police that they “must listen” to Dawn. Why for Christs sake. Do they need advice from an expense swindling cunt who had two homes both within 30 minutes of Parliament, to get the second home allowance and stocked it with goodies at our expense. and even when she got away with that, she still could still not resist being tarry fingered.

    A pity she didn’t go the same way as that Peterborough trollop who served a term in chokey before being kicked out by her constituents.

    She is not just as thick as pig shit and twice as nasty, but her sense of entitlement is massive.

    • I’d love to say that this sort of shit turns our system into one like a 3rd world country but I can’t. 3rd world countries don’t hide their thieving and that gives them more integrity than this hypocritical, racist bitch.

    • Black Labour MPs, guilty until proved innocent, they do have very high proportion rotten apples, but i guess that’s because they truly represent the general black population

  15. The fat lipped cunt would be screaming for police protection if a peaceful got into parliament, hypocritical cunt, a tall tree and a short rope for this spook

  16. How did this Jamaican immigrant get into a position in parliament, then tell the world how wrong and racist our police force is?
    No-one should be allowed into a position of authority unless their ancestry spans many generations. This is how cunts change the country into the toilet they came from, instead of being grateful of the benefits only whitey can provide.
    Now I’m a white male so automatically I’m racist and sexist according to this ugly bitch.
    No point in saying anything to me then.

    • Butler sought election from an all “Female” shortlist – clear and obvious illegal discrimination – anything to say about that Dawn?
      Too busy chasing Fay Wray up the Empire State Building?

      • King Kongs lawyers have been in touch RK – they don’t want the embarrassment of being associated with this hideous dumb beast! ?

  17. This is a typical ‘black labour manufactured’ incident. That cop is a dead ringer for Owen Jones.

    • ‘That cop is a dead ringer for Owen Jones.’

      A lot of them are these days. Either that or a 4 ft 11 20-something woman.

      Modern policing. No hard 6ft white blokes please.

  18. Our Dawn was not actually driving the car – her own phone camera footage had been ‘flipped ‘ to make it look like she was in the driving seat. The driver looks very pale – possibly even white. Why won’t the police release their body camera footage?


  19. I bet that car smells like vanilla scented summer swamp ass.

    Only a matter of time before the other non-bicycle using fat waste of parliamentary space Lammy or Abbott get ‘pulled over’.

    On yer bike!

    • They should get a tandem for work!
      Green eco friendly shed some chicken off their fat arses!
      And itd look like something from the Goodies!?

      • The words ‘Abbot’ and ‘pulled’ haven’t been used in a sentence since Corbyn gossipped about harpooning the Flabbotasaurus Rex with his dinosaur-spearing todger.

        Corbyn: Do you think we can do it with the lights out tonight?
        Flabb: Of course, comrade. Have you suddenly gone all bashful?
        Corbyn: No, it’s just that every time I lift up to thrust, I burn my arse on the light bulb.

      • Evening Cap, I love what Ruff posted over her being mistaken for a cleaner!????
        Id keep the joke going if I was a MP, storing mops and brooms in her chambers, shouting out before PMQ “someones spilt coffee in the corridor when you get a minute”????

      • Evening Ruff,
        Dont know about Portmeiron but its humid as fuck here, orrible an sticky, its going to be a storm tonight thank fuck.
        Ive just had lemon Sole for tea like the nobility have.
        Whatve you had?
        Worried your getting something im not☺

      • I wonder if she does ‘nude-cleaning’ or whether you have to pay extra for her to be clothed.

      • If she were a clearer she would be stealing the stock and there wouldn’t be much cleaning done

      • Extremely hot and humid here too Miserable. We’ll be having our regular Monday prawn vindaloo tonight at approx 8pm (that’s when us posh people have their tea). Next week it will be chicken.

        Still worried Miserable? ?

      • No thats set my mind at rest, dont fancy that,
        Dont like curry.
        Got caremelised apple tart for pudding,
        Wonder if Dicks enjoying his pidgeon?
        Like a cat crouched over it growling..?

  20. She wasn’t even driving. The police stopped the car not them.
    Anyone from the ‘south” stopped now will copy this.

  21. There were riots and large scale looting in Chicago last night after a rumour that police had shot a child. Not a very diverse group carrying out the looting in the video. As is usual.

  22. Hello Admin.
    Are you sure this is only Ms. Butler’s third cunting?
    I cunted her not so long ago and that was cunting number 5 and then she was cunted again a few days’ later.
    If I’m wrong then I’ll have to pull me finger out and write up a few more noms. Along with Tony Blair this specimen cannot be cunted enough.

    • I make it her 8th cunting.

      (I guess its all down to semantics between Dawn Butler and Dawn Butler MP. So we could be on number 8 without the MP syntax. That’s WordPress distinctions for you – Day Admin)

  23. I have never really had any problems being stopped by the old bill…I remember when younger I got stopped for speeding or something and the female copper came and sat in my car for a chat…she obviously couldn’t resist my dashing looks, style and charm and was hanging abaaaaht loving the conversation.
    I have realised that if you’re ok with them then they are usually ok with you.
    I would love to have a female copper to fuck…I’d smoke a spliff in front of her and offer her a line or two and I’d get her wearing her uniform whilst she got a pounding from me before she went to work to pound the beat.
    I wouldn’t let her come round my either of my flats though as they are a bit nosy by nature and I might incriminate myself (not that I am involved in any illegal activities or know anyfink abaaaaaht anyfink illegal) ?
    Go fuck yourselves.

      • I bet she has the odd line before work…using her ‘stash’ which was skimmed off the last raid (alledgedly).
        She is a lesbian though so she’d probably turn up with a strap on and I’m not into that.
        Of course one look at me and she’d be converted from being gay.
        Seriously though imagine having a copper for a Mrs, she’d be even more nosy than a normal bird.

  24. I don’t like Butler. I don’t Like Abbott I don’t like Lammy. Paul Boetang, Kieth Vaz. I don’t like any of them I either lack both taste and appreciation for their efforts…..or…..or…..or I’m racist.

    I must find out.

  25. What we need is “Life on Mars” style policing from the seventies.
    Fallen down the stairs at the police station again?
    Oh dear, how sad, never mind.

  26. Courtesy of Wikipedia. We have 65 BAME Members of Parliament currently serving in the House of Commons which I believe is approximately a representation of 10%.

    Pakistan has no white members. India, none And only 3 serving whites in all of Africa. Fuck knows where else is lacking white input

    • It makes sense. Why would any sane white person choose to live in Pakistan, India or Africa?

      • Eugene Terre Blanche loved living in Africa as did Cecil Rhodes and Tarzan.
        Clive loved India thought it was great.
        Pakistan? Not even pakis want to live there!!
        Fuckin stinks.

      • We’re talking about today Miserable. Not the time when whitey held the whip hand.

      • I had some dealings with the British Embassy in Manila some years ago. To my surprise all the staff seemed to be Filipino. So I politely asked if I could see someone British ( after all, it’s the British embassy remember ) After a lengthy wait I eventually got a Guy Gibson’s dog with a big chip on his shoulder, asked me why I wasn’t happy dealing with a Filipino. If I’d known I was going to get this cunt I’d have stuck with what I had!

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