Hold tight to your corsets, Dame Keir Starmer, it seems, bright eyed an bushy tailed one of the old waxworks of the past is after your job. I refer of course, to the great “charity” worker, defender of South Shields, and gutless back-stabber David Miliband.
Old Dave has appeared for two consecutive weeks in that bastion of New Labour newspeak, The London Standard free newspaper. Last week, he was wittering on about dining in America in social distancing days (made it harder for hi to lick the arsehole of his host), now, having been in the States for years, the bumptious one has denied the shenanigans of 2017 (doubtess he has a crystal ball):
How would the little motherfucker know?. I am no fan of Corbyn but it was undeniable that there were certain “ultra Bairites” in the Labour party who put the boot in every day from 2015 onwards, including Wes Streeting, Neil Coyle, Bendover Brdshaw, Yvette Sugartits Cooper, and every one of the cunts who dissed him were right-wingers. Blair himself was forever mincing about laying down the poison.
I suspect the truth is Mili is fed up with his “charity” work and realises that by becoming a shadow minister, and the extras he can cream off as “expenses” he would be better off with the movers and shakers (on in the Starmer case, the mincers and benders) in the I-can-be-whatever-you-want-me-to-be-duckie Labour party.
Just as Starmer hung on for grim death in a shadow cabinet he had nothing in common with, till he got the chance to replace old Steptoe if he is daft enough (oh yes he is!) to have mincing Mili back he will go the same way when Starmer loses in 2024. I am sure Jimmy Purnell head of BBC news and “education” would bend over backwards to help his little friend. After all, he was his co-conspirator in 2009.
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
Why is he holding his brother’s cock??
I hope Lammy doesn’t mistake it for a banana!
I watched a video clip of a copper being attacked in Hackney by a few dark keys. One of them was jumping and dancing around – it really was like watching chimps at the zoo. Who said they’re not related?
Didn’t his philanthropy – charidee work – pay about half a mill $ pa?
$911,796 to be precise. But it’s the thought that counts…
Will he copy his brother and introduce the “Dave Stone” soon?
I think the old smoothy might have won the 2015 election had labour chosen him instead of his brother.
People were fed up with austerity and hated the libdems by then and Brexit wasn’t an issue at that time. But Ed the Red never looked like a PM and it was downhill all the way from there.
Just as well though as either Milliband would have kept the floodgates open to migrants and kept us in the EU forever.
He is a has been but I doubt he will want to play second fiddle to Sir Kreme Kracker.
Once a Cunt, always a Cunt.
Like I’m not complaing, God, but good people are dying from the Virus, and monumentally crap wankers like this chinless wonder are still roaming around ? ? ?
Pic above taken outside islington junior school.
The Milibands are moribund and ive no time for these leeches.
Double grave.
Is that the banana that his brother used to shaft him with a few years ago?
You’d think with 911 grand, he could pin his ears back, do something with that Brillo Pad hair and wear a nicer suit and tie than that school boy effort in the picture.
A very shallow comment but he doesn’t warrant any further analysis.
Money can’t buy taste and style Cuntologist; it can enhance poor taste and cuntitude though and this is especially true in David “fuck my brother like he’s nothing to me” cuntyband.
That banana must feel like a right twat on the end of that cunt.
Sometimes people have accidents like a baker who falls down a big flight of concrete stairs right into a blazing oven.
Is this Shitty Cunt a baker by any chance?
I am sure he would be a master-baker.
Off-topic but 16 in Sudanese could actually mean 28 in European languages.
He was 28 in France but on arrival in the UK (if he had made it) would be 16, all documents destroyed or lost).
Here he is:
He looks like Marigold – Alf Garnett’ pansy home help in In Sickness & In Health
I hope we never see a picture of the body like we did splashed (excuse the pun) over the front page of the newspapers, like with that other kid who drowned – we’ll never hear the end of it and all the soppy Brits will be asking fro more of the cunts to be let in.
My piss is boiling due to these shitty Gimmigrants.They say Britain doesn’t care for them.Ha ha tough.Hopefully another load of those brown rats drown.Piss ofx back to Sudan.Wankers.
Two more nom’s and he and his brother could be the first people related on the wall of cunts. Either them or Princes Chuckles and Harr… never mind.
Currently salaried at £666,000 for his leading light in Charity. A “fucking sand dancer” south of the river ( fortunately downwind ) Slimy fucking piece of bowel dropping. Socialist my fucking arse.
He is no Sand Dancer, the cunt was useless as MP for South Shields leaving It in a worse state than communist Albania, which would have undoubtedly pleased his Marxist millionaire father. He had a house in Tynedale Road, but was very rarely there, as was evidenced by the few occasions each year when there was Police security around the house whilst he was an ineffective Foreign Secretary. He sent his children to school in London where Miliband lived for the majority of the year. He even tried to gain popularity by “teaching” a few lessons at the London School which he had attended so a pupil, rarely, if ever setting foot in a School in South Shields. He certainly is not worthy enough to be a Sand Dancer, merely an avaricious Mega CUNT, like his Mistress Miranda Bliar.
This cunt learnt his hatred for Britain and the nation state on his utter cunt fathers knee. Even when we saved the cunt from the Nazis he spent his life attacking us. The Milibands are student politics cunts that have never grown up. They were woke before woke. Please give me ten minutes, no five minutes in a locked room with both the brother cucks.
Why would you want to spend four minutes with a couple of dead bodies?
The Milibands got some complicated retroactive thing on their father’s will so they saved a load of tax. Nowt wrong with that – except if the father and kids are left wing whiners who go on about paying more tax.
Miliband senior was a fine example of why we shouldn’t let refugees into the UK – they just start stabbng us in the back.
hm – “whingers” is a trigger word!!
How did you get that I asked?
It started as a wart on my arse replied the banana
I’ll get my coat
slimey cunt
One less.
Need more of this.
Watch out – Miliband is a gangsta – brought up in the roughest area of Muswell Hill to Jewish Marxist UK hating traitor parents, this boy had it hard!
Home from pwivate school to find out WAITWOSE WAS SHUT! ?
The horror..
I dont know how to attach a photo, but Milliband D has always reminded me of Fredric March in Mr Hyde mode – see what you think.
Thanks at least in part to Osborne as editor (he was pushed sideways in June), the Standard is in deep financial shit and may well collapse before the Grauniad does. It’s all globalist remainer cunts to the pumps now.
David Millipede. Him and their, err, ummm, what’s his brothers name again? About as much charisma as dried up flaky dog shit. By the way, what’s with that white bit at the front of his weetabix hair?? Looks like a Peter North money shot.
Gucci marxist.
Just like his father.
The next train, at platform 18, is the 4 : 15 for Auschwitz. Calling at Bergen -Belsen, Sobibor, Belzec, Dachau and Auschwitz.
There is no buffet car on this service.
This is the aaaaage …….. Of the train !
Now then, now then.
Get To Fuck
Miliband is a spineless prick he wants to stay in the USA along with that other wanker Nick Clegg ??