A hand-me-down-my-walkin’-cane, red beans and rice, George Mitchell Choir* with dancing girls cunting please for our old friend, so busy dishing out that ole’ black magic, David Lammy, now a Shadow minister in Dame Keir’s gang show.
Amazon advertise everything – including shoes. Shoes come in various colours (though I suspect Hammy Lammy would follow Henry Ford’s maxim “you can have any colour as long as it is black”)
Amazon have been advertising a naughty brown shoe, known for decades in it’s tone colour as “N*gger Brown” (I hesitate to use the full name in case it makes little Dave spit his dummy our again). With everything that is wrong with the country and the economy and the nations health at the moment, you would think even a halfwit like Lammy would have better things to complain about? Well, you would be wrng. What an arsehole that cretin is:
Amazon will send him a bargain bucket of KFC and a ton of Jaffa Cakes as compensation for his hurt feelings – yusss, sirr
* Mr. Mitchell’s choir used to provi the jolly souns on the BBC TV show “The Black & White MInstrel Show” – you are probably too young to remember or care! ?
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
(Please keep any racial invective down to a minimum with your replies – Day Admin)
I favour the brown brogue. Although I have taken a shine to the black recently. That polish gets everywhere.
You’d think a posh lawyer type like David with his white wife, a well known artist among the posh people, would have come across this colour description before. Apparently not.
Good old Dave, always striving to aid the poor and downtrodden. He had a friend in Grenfell you know, another “artist” I believe, but not as posh as Mr and Mrs Lammy obviously. Sir David and Lady Lammy……sounds good don’t you think?
He isn’t the sharpest tool in the box as the producers of mastermind discovered.
The man who made a formal complaint both in the House , and to the BBC for a broadcast comment at the election of the pope. Waiting and observing the traditional chimney for the sign of agreement ( which had been going on for days ) the commentator said ( of the smoke ) ….”…..I wonder will it be black or white..? ”
He called the comment an “unnecessary and hateful reference of a racial nature”
The pea brained idiot demanded an “apology” be made on Television. His request to the Pontiff’s Office to change the historical custom of the burning of the ash ( signifying election/no election. I believe the Pontiffs’s Office may have told Lammy to “fuck off ” ( using the correct colour of smoke of course )
Ho ho ho-he really is a fucking embarrassing imbecile.
I had forgotten about the smoke incident-race baiting at its most desperate???
Whenever I see flatulous windbag Lammy, I always think of ‘half a shilling’ performing on stage in Pheonix Nights (thank god I have the DVD before it gets banned by the lefty cunt brigade.
Need I ad, the song is about a pair of holy communion shoes his dad ordered for him as a boy…..
“Send the buggers back,
send the buggers back.
These aren’t the ones I wanted, son,
so I’m sending them straight back,
I said I wanted white ones,
but they’ve send us bloody black,
So put the lid back on the box
and send the buggers back”
Why stop at Sir David? Surely Lord or the Duke of Grenfell would be more appropriate.
According to the DNA in the ashes Lammy had several Thousand friends in Grenfell.
And still no reply from our favourite black racist Dawn Butler as to why she lied, distorted the facts, edited her mobile phone footage, omitted the small but relevant facts that she was not driving and the car was not registered to her, falsely accused people doing their job of racism for a traffic stop, and has refused to request the Met Police involved release the bodycam footage – if it exonerates her surely she would be clamouring from the rooftops for this? ( I keep asking her on twatter, but for the first time in her life Dawns big mouth ain’t opening – I get the feeling she may be avoiding the questions! ?).
Different names, same racist professional play the victim attitude – I don’t mind their colour, I mind their malice, lies and hypocrisy.
And if she was my Butler I would check her for stolen silver before she left – given her “casual attitude” with regard to spurious and potentially illegal expenses claims..
She is a cunt, like all her fucking tribe
She looked like the local ganstas whore and her clever-clever lip to the Constable made her sound like it too
I wonder will it be black or white..? ”
He called the comment an “unnecessary and hateful reference of a racial nature”
Hadn’t heard that before. Truly a smoke (virtue) signal.
He sees racism everywhere. Lives in a world of smoke and mirrors.
Take a look carefully at the footage …
And IT appears Who ever the fella was driving had no seat belt on….!!!!!!!!
And while they are at it it’s usually the drive who is asked questions not the passenger …..?
Or As they say ……. I want to speak to the organ grinder… not the monkey
Racial invective moderator activated.
Oh what a beautiful morning
Oh what a beautiful day
David Lammy’s ol’ brown shoe
Ain’t gonna ruin my day
lamtown races are too brown
Doo-dah doo-dah
Lamtown races are too brown
Doo-dah doo-dah day
Jaffa cakes all night
Jaffa caked all day
Fiddle expenses, whitey pay
Doo-daa doo-dah day
There once was an ugly monkey
With chips on his shoulders they say
And all of the toffs, with their
nose in the troughs
Said “man” make whitey pay
So he went to the house
The fucking sneaky louse
And he stole the funds away-
And all the cunts did saaaaay
“Your a very fine cunt todaaay”
These boots were made for walking
And that’s just what they’ll do
These black boots will seek out whitey
And walk all over you
….all together now….
A star is Born……. Love it CG. ! ( when is it released ? )
The picture of the shoe is definitely the same colour as Lammy.
Rename N brown to Lammy brown….
Has he claimed to personally know a black man working at Amazon yet?
Have to admit I’m slightly gobsmacked that anyone (other than the black gangsta rap industry or whatever these nits currently call their non musical endeavours) uses the word nîgger to promote a product line in the 21st century. Not very business savvy, I would have thought.
Have you informed the American rap group N*ggas With Attitude of this RTC?
As they join Snoopy the dog Man, or whatever nonsense he calls himself in the fried chiggun shop founded by white American plantation owner and slave trader Colonel Sanders? ?
Irony appears a principle that thick fuckers find difficult to grasp.
When you consider the number of lawyers in the Commons and Lords the only thing that has become abundantly clear to me is that being ignorant and thick is no barrier to getting (I hesitate to use the word ‘earn’) a law degree.
Law degrees are nothing like they used to be Moggie – now it’s just a question of trawling through The Law Society knowledge base and cutting and pasting appropriately, everything they need is on line – no effort or brains required just the ability to copy things and slither under a locked door with a top hat on.
I wonder if Lammys mysterious friend in Grenfell was a lawyer or an aspiring architect – would they be designing a mud hut or trying to sue us for the crime of whiteness?
Shut up, Lammy the sham.
It appears to be the same with journalism, the ability to cut’n’paste some heap of biased, or just plain wrong, bollocks from Twatter or Fuckbook and call it an ‘informed article’. The only person I ever met doing Law was a girl on the same floor of the Halls of Residence as my girlfriend back in the early 80’s and she reckoned it was fucking hard. Maybe it was back then. Current evidence would suggest otherwise.
What does this cunt put on his CV? ‘Profession – Black man’?
W.C Boggs- a superb cunting, crafted from the very finest materials-appropriated from the Dark continent, probably.
I note that the UK’s (arguably) most famous black animal is now an undog, and no doubt he will be airbrushed out of history as well –
What can one say but you fucking, fucking, fucking cunts?
That was cunted last month:
Apologies, if it matters. I was avoiding ISAC as I had enough to be depressed about without it.
No apology necessary, just thought you might be interested.
PS: I feel your pain re avoiding ISAC. I wish I had your discipline.
A belated reference to Churchill’s -waycist – term for his depression…his “black dog”… is surely appropriate here?
If it had been a white dog, called honky, it would have been racist for not being black.
Lammy oh Lammy
Why art though so hammy?
How does your anger grow?
You have a white wife
And a comfortable life
Just let your forgiveness flow…
A cunt of the highest order a fucking racist of the highest order from the same general area of london that gave us dawn butler diane abbott and the one and only bernie grant hate the whites yet with out us no good privileged white bastards wouldn’t have got the start in life to hate and despise us rascism will live long and get worse because of this lot well done you fucking cunts
I’m beginning to think this prick’s real name is David Lammy (7) such is the amount of times David Lammy (7) has been cunted. This must be about his fifteenth. I’ve nominated the racist cretin at least a few times.
David Lammy (7) you are a cunt.
Skintellectuals like Lammy do not want an end to racism. They can make a career out of stoking the flames.
If there was no racism, people would look at the job he does a little closer and he’d be out on his arse.
I fail to understand what this cunt’s long term game is. If he is an MP then he should be fighting for everyone’s rights.
Now, I know us whitey’s are all KKK descendants and we’re all bad but I don’t see any white MP’s standing up in parliament singling out rights for whites (that rhymes – may be counter movement I start up…).
As I’ve said before if Joffy Jaffa doesn’t like it then fuck off. Getting a bit bored of hearing all this poor us, and we’re being stopped for this and that, filming and uploading to social media, blah, blah blah – piss off!
You enjoy the rights and protection that you because of where you are – like it or lump it or piss off.
He’s only 48 so sadly he’ll still be boiling our piss for years to come. Now he has a
Blimey did I just trail off there or get edited? Must be early onset dementia.
Judging by his physique and appearance I’d wager he won’t make it to 60, and neither will Flabbot.
He looks like a clammy black testicle at the best of times. Too much fried goods and not enough movement beyond chewing and moving towards more fried goods.
I would not be disappointed by either of those eventualities, in fact they would both be results.
Just another dumb entitled kaffir. 2 a penny.
In an ideal world a stolen Amazon van filled with neegras shoes would run him over a great deal.
Choco Weeble Cunt.
Is “banana yellow” racist now then?
He’s a fucking cunt, if I was black I’d be trying to find out if he had white ancestry so I could blame that for his epic cuntishness.
Off topic but I think it is important at this dangerous time in world history what with the Pandemic and China/America tensions and a host of other problems. Well President Trump has spoken..He said: “So showerheads – you take a shower, the water doesn’t come out. You want to wash your hands, the water doesn’t come out. So what do you do? You just stand there longer or you take a shower longer? Because my hair – I don’t know about you, but it has to be perfect. Perfect.”
Presumably if the water doesn’t come out he’ll be standing there forever…
What a choice the Yanks have, between two senile demented sex pests.
True enough RT.
The Leader of the Free World
Shouldn’t people at the press conference and the wider public watching at home be left with the impression of the President’s strength and decisiveness not a mental image of him in the shower not showering but just ‘standing there’ looking glum because the jet is so weak.
This is where the hair comes from-
Hee hee – I bet Melania’s looking forward to the Donald being Mr President for a second term….
Why choose a white wife, Lammy?
Because the black ones are ugly.
Endless comedy value from “The Donald”! Although his gift of an afro comb to David Lammy was apparently not appreciated..
Good job Lammy didn’t see the article I saw on flip chart this morning about another bag of soot complaint about a shade of bra called Tobacco being waissist and sold by M&S.
Lest we forget that Lammy is a galaxy sized cunt and a massive racist in his own right. Remember how he cost Red Nose day about £10 million with him outing Stacey Dooley as a white saviour when most dark keys would never go anywhere near Africa to help their own race. Utter cunts!
Saw them on Amazon but preferred the ‘chinky yellow colour’.
Was told to avoid the Michael Jackson brown as it isn’t long before they turn white
Labour are doing their shop: pointing out the failings of the Tories (because they’re just as competent in public office) and ‘social injustice on the internet then crying about it.
I’m sure Lammy’s attention was caught by a ‘concerned world citizen’ via Twitter AKA Stasi 2.0.
‘SJW Epsilon ‘Ughhh Amazon didded a wrongspeak!’ David ‘Social Justice’ Lammy”Now, now, let me look into this… by my old Aunt Jemima’s ginger cake you are correct, world citizen! Tell Twitter to give you a blue tick post-haste!.
*rolls up sleeves in front of keyboard*
‘Let the professionally offended deal with this!’
‘Dear Amazon, I am a black MP and had friends die at the Grenfell massacre…’
I have just completed my 46th year in the leather industry, we stopped using the term Nigger Brown in about 1976. I detest Lammy, I think he is a thick cunt, but if Amazon are using Nigger Brown today then, for once, he might have a point.
Oh no, not Mr Gobshite again…
Be kind to poor old Lammy, he has a friend who died in the Aberdeenshire train crash you know.
Surely qualified for Penis Of The Year award?
I’m afraid Boris stormed that one with a 100% vote EW!
Sorry – I thought you said ” a complete fkin lack of a penis”.
This huge primate is worthy of a Cunting every day for me, do us a favor ShwazerNegro and go and beat on your old Munkey chest somewhere else.!
“I had a friend who died in Grenfell”.
It was suicide dumb Dave the racist – saved the embarrassment of admitting they knew you.
And, like anyone would believe you had a friend! ?
Need to check your black privilege Dave – we don’t need any more black saviours.