Classy Arsenal Football Club

Not my favourite team I will admit but what cunts they are.

Just won the cup. Into Europe next season. Both worth millions in revenue.

So to celebrate they announce the redundancy off 55 workers from administration to ground staff some of whom earn £25K a YEAR.

Meanwhile, swivel-eyed Herman the German Ozil sits on his butt doing nowt and collecting £350K a WEEK.

Never have the fantasy finances of premiership football been so exposed.

This is but the tip of an iceberg which points to something rather rotten at the heart of our society.

Nurses get no pay rise whilst GP’s (most of whom sat behind their desks during covid) and dentists (who weren’t even OPEN) do.

The Boris Bro JoJo becomes a peer for deserting the tories in the fight for Brexit. And stabbing his brother in the back.

The pay gap between CEOs and staff lower down the line is growing ever bigger.

The 2% digital sales tax just imposed by the govt is being passed on by Amazon to their sellers and ultimately the customers. Bezos’ profits won’t be touched.

Doesn’t all this make you feel a bit sick? It does me.

The fairness we seek is not that of the BLM Marxist fraudsters but of that between ALL the people.

Not everyone can be paid the same we know that. But surely there has to be a fairer distribution of the immense wealth that is generated?

If we don’t realise this now then when will we ever do so?

How about Rashford & Co. speaking up for the anomalies in their own profession?

Nominated by: Lord Helpuss 

61 thoughts on “Classy Arsenal Football Club

  1. There will always be the haves and the have-nots, because people with money are addicted to making more money, whether they’ll ever be able to spend it or not. Just call it what it is – greed.

    • Until us cunts that actually earn these fat cat cunts and corporations all their money make a stand ( I mean a real stand) fuck all will change. The French are a bunch of cunts but at least theystand up for themselves! We’ve become a nation of pussies sadly

  2. Football? Invented by the working class (Arsenal is an abbreviation of “Woolwich Arsenal” armaments factory, team created by workers who wanted some fresh air away from the hell of work) – attempted hijack by the Ruperts, roundly hammered, ran away cwying and went to rugby Union instead, football back where it belonged.
    Fast forward to 1992 and Rupert “the dirty digger” Murdoch decided football was not for the poor – it was for an elitist middle class minority who watch on TV screens and support the team most fashionable or successful.
    And football is fucked – but ask yourself this – if someone offered you 350K a week for the job that you are doing, would you refuse?

  3. I don’t know why any cunt is surprised my this. Football is a business and I never heard of any business employing cunts they don’t need. Getting shot of employees is the first thing the cunts think of when their profit margins are threatened.
    Let’s not forget that Liverpool, still the Champions of Europe, were intending to furlough their staff before they were shamed into backtracking. Did they need that money? No, but that’s free taxpayers money so you help yourself. That’s business.

  4. All for fairness but remove capitalism and go all Marxist social justice and we end up like Venezuela.
    We live in a fair society where anyone can do well or at least make a reasonable living, the problem isn’t the lower paid its the idle feckless can’t get off their arse cunts.
    All for a helping hand and bringing working peoples wages up, but we need real justice not fucking ‘social justice’

    Arsenal football club can do what the fuck they like, all businesses restructure and jobs go and jobs are created, no idea why they made redundancies but let’s hope it was foreign cunts, peacefuls and stabby types.

    If you want a better life …. work for it!

  5. The money that cunts like Ozil earn is eye watering, I can’t even get my head round it. If I earnt a tenth of what Ozil does I would be a very rich man. Even if I earnt just 1% of it ( ie 3.5k per week ) I would be extremely comfortable to say the least.
    What do you do with that sort of money? Let’s say you’ve bought your mansions, Ferraris and yachts etc. Even that only takes care of a few months wages. I would feel obliged to give 95% of it to charity. You can bet that cunts like Ozil don’t donate a fucking cent.

      • I wonder if there’s a Leicester connection there? ?
        Leicester folk are very generous. Even Gary Vinegar has assured a Conservative MP that he will take a refugee boat person into his own home. ?

      • Linecunts boys are horrible little spoilt bastards. They went to Charterhouse School-an acquaintance of mine was the Matron for the house they belonged to-often driving her to tears with their lewd comments and unruly, disrespectful behaviour. Drink. Drugs.

      • Well there’s an ex-player we have to take our hat off too here. Yes Gary Lineker. He is going to put up refugees in his home he says. He has contacted some charity do this. Could this open the floodgates. All the celebrities will have to do to keep their credibility.

      • Yeah they won’t believe their luck escaping some war torn shithole finding themselves in the lap of luxury. If Benedict and Lily take them in as well we might develop a subset of our celebrity culture-‘Celebrity Refugees’. Elton could write a song for them and and they could go touring the provinces to raise money for the poor indigenous people who have suffered in the pandemic.

      • A dinghy rats for life not just for Christmas.
        He’ll Soon get bored when theyre shitting on his manicured lawn.

      • And getting his kids addicted to smack before gang r*ping them then driving them around the UK for every other sand rat p*edo to have a go.

  6. Please don’t forget

    Liverpool FC were the first to do this.

    A bigger bunch of cunts than you can imagine

  7. Bit of trivia….

    Actor Yul Brynner was a life long Liverpool fan and was also allergic to after shave, so Yul never wore cologne….

  8. Football is rotten to the core, governed by the economics of the madhouse. Greed is good because dull cunts provide the money. Hope it all collapses in a fucking heap and it can become honest work again without being infested with foreign mercenaries, A-rabs and corrupt conglomerates.
    Support Rugby, especially league. Avoid Harlequins because the posh boys have decided they support defunding the police, the overthrow of capitalism and anti-semitism. (BLM) Their public schools would be proud of them.

    • Yeh, rugby league is the way to go. Wakefield Trinity refused to bend the knee last week because they were supporting a teammate
      who refused because his religion wouldn’t allow him to do so.

      Interestingly, it’s been kept very quiet about what the peacefuls reaction is to all this knee bending. They’ve all gone very quiet but surely they’re only allowed to do so towards the Great Knee Bender in the sky?

    • I’m afraid there’s no sport that isn’t tainted by this lefty, “let’s pretend we care” bollocks.
      Last week in the States at the opening ice hockey game of the season nobody went down on one knee. As you can imagine this was followed by a woke twitter storm with the R word being thrown around like confetti. The next night every cunt was down grovelling like whipped dogs. Fucking pathetic.

  9. I’ve often wondered why footballers never get sacked? In any other job, if you’re a useless, lazy cunt, you get fired.

    • They have a contract so they can’t be sacked unless they breach the contract. Abdul the Kraut has to turn up for training, go through the motions and make himself available to play. If they don’t want the lazy cunt to play he sits in the stand and watches, not his fucking problem. Obviously they would love to get rid but nobody is going to pay the cunt half of what Arsenal are contracted to. So he sits on his peaceful arse, keeps his nose clean and sees his contract out. A bad bit of business in the first place but we’ve all bought something, a car perhaps, which turned into a fucking nightmare.

      • AKA “The Gareth Bale” move – 3 Years of playing golf as his Real Madrid contract pays him £650,00 a week not to play.

      • Nice work if you can get it.
        For 650 bags a week, I would volunteer my services as director of education at the notorious Fidler University, i reckon I would have to “work” for my renumeration.

  10. Rashford is a little cunt, who loves Twitter and plays at Black Panthers. When he probably doesn’t even know who they are and the nasty things they preached and got up to. The little sod probably adores that murdering poster boy, Che Guevara and all.

    Never had any love for ‘Ver Harsenal’. Initially down to the 1979 FA Cup Final, to be honest (Gary Bailey. You inept cunt). Also cunts like Robert Pires, Ashley Cole, and that fucker Martin Keown acting like a gorilla on PCP when Ruud missed that penalty. And throwing pizza?! As the great Sgt Major Shut Up would say, ‘Never in all my life, have I seen such a display of blatant poofery!’ Hard to imagine the likes of Nobby Stiles, Chopper Harris, Dave McKay, Graeme Souness, Billy Bremner or Big Jack Charlton (RIP) lobbing pizza like a mincing ninny to show their displeasure.

    Tony Adams and Patrick Viera were good though. Top players.

  11. It’s a disgrace the way some of these clubs acted during the pandemic (including my team LFC).
    Most realised they were being cunts and backed down. The premier League is a massive joke when it comes to finance’s…how could an employer royally fuck up one company and then waltz into another after being a failure? How can a player paid quarter of a million a week, get pissed off and start flirting with other clubs and letting their agent blatantly say the player wants a move publicly? The Premier League, that’s where.
    I started getting concerned when it seemed overnight transfer fees went up overall by 40% and if the player is British add another 10 million in paaahnd on top.
    There maybe be some money laundering/back handers going on I suspect.
    Go fuck yourselves.
    Not much su

  12. The Woolwich Arsenal can go fuck themselves as well…the Saaaahf London cunts. ?

  13. Arsehole fc and premiership player wages are outrages. Not a bit of decency at all with any of them.. Why the fuck didn’t they furlough the fucking lot of them at the start of the kung flu. a couple of grand would have seen them able to eat..The players would have come back once playing resumed Not like they could fuck off and do something else.. Cunts

  14. Funny how Wimbledon, the Olympics, and other sporting events were called off due to the blue mink bat flu.

    But ‘The Premier League’ resumed as soon as the cunts got the green light. The clubs were also ‘ordered’ by Sky TV to take the knee and do that fucking fist salute before every game. Nice to know that the top level of the game is now run by those greedy virtue signalling bastards at Sky, isn’t it? Well, they can frig off. My Sky and my BBC are both permanently cancelled.

  15. Sky TV is the real boss of football. They are the paymasters.

    Thus it wouldn’t matter if the fans were never allowed into the grounds again. The premiership doesn’t need paying customers just paying viewers.

    Of course all the other clubs in the championship and beyond would go broke but the PL doesn’t care about that. But kill the roots and eventually the tree dies.

    As for the likes of Ozil and Bale at Barcelona who get paid huge bundles but hardly ever play and when they do can’t be bothered to try and so get dropped again – their attitude is disgusting. What is the point of talent if it isn’t used? They add nothing to the game and are no more than leeches.

  16. Apparently the reason why Ozil refuses to play is because he wasn’t happy at the lack of the support received from the club after the PL berated him for speaking out about the Uigher situation.

    • He was rather less voluble about Priti Patel refusing to release the muslim child grooming report..

  17. Glad you mentioned the Digital Sales Tax, Lord H.

    Meant to rebalance trade in favour of the High St…… 2% Fuck Off!

    Only when this is upped to somewhere around 20% with a £20 parcel tax will this make a difference. But Hammond ran scared of Tango Man and wimped out

    • The World championship final with Agatha Christie facing Theresa May was a classic!
      Quality eye gouging there Theresa! ??

  18. Instead of kneeling down and giving black power salutes before every game I reckon they should all go out with large bundles of used fifties and wave them around sneerily a la Harry Enfield’s ‘Loadsamoney’. Not only would it be far more appropriate but also far more dignified. Cunts.

  19. Bristol rugby refused to kneel before their game with Saracens. Saracens, however, didn’t. The cunts.

  20. who cares about football and the perenial nutjobs who support it?
    Everton have sold 30,000 season tickets to fans who can’t even go to the match – what sort of fuckwittery is this???

    • Nothing new there. Everton have always played virtual football. The cunts.

  21. GPs are categorically NOT getting a pay rise, because we’re independent contractors to the NHS and not directly employed by the cunts.

    Yes, I have been sat behind my desk usually from 7.20am to 8 fucking pm triaging out shite whilst still being expected to manage all the terminally ill cunts ditched by the hospital.

    Apart from that – good cunting.

    • ‘triaging out shite’

      Fancy getting a job with the cunts at 111 so we, in the ambulance service (who also aren’t getting a payrise) can have a break from the utter shite they send our way?

  22. Who would win in a fight between Thierry Henri and a five year old child?
    I reckon it’d be a draw.

  23. There was much ado about how football clubs acted during lockdown, with the furlough business, and cunts getting serious cash for sitting on their arses, but now they are back playing kickee ballee, all is forgotten. As long as it’s not my money, I couldn’t give a fuck.

  24. Africans.
    Seriously-take our all the heavily suntanned players and let the game revert to the Roy of the Rovers, halcyon days of the game.???

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