Border Farce, Polis and Serco

Emergency rubber dinghy size cunting for the Border Farce, Polis and Serco, who are all complicit in bringing 100s of illegal migrants to our shores everyday then shipping them quietly off out of Dover to house them in hotels all over the country.

U.K. Patriot was arrested yesterday at a car park in Dover for filming one of these fine fellows going about his work ushering the gimmegrants into the bus.

It’s a fucking silent invasion and no one in power in this poxy government is doing a fucking thing to prevent it.

Nominated by ?????????

(edited for unacceptable racist language – Admin)

92 thoughts on “Border Farce, Polis and Serco

  1. The picked up twenty of the invading bleeders from Syria on the water today and a BBC correspondent was alongside. The results of his arselicking were broadcast on the Wireless 4 midday news:

    “How are you all?”
    “Are you alright?”
    Where do you want to go?

    (answer Dover)

    Cunts like that little shirtliftrer just encourages them more.

  2. BBC have been meeting the ‘migrants’ (not illegal immigrants) out in their dinghies with a cheery ‘ I can see some women. Mostly men…Hi how are you? Where have you come from?’

    The reply? ‘Syria’.

    Get to fuck. Couldn’t see one split arse on the boat, the lying cunts. Sink the cunts with an Exocet missile and Simon Weston the cunts. And then sink the ‘migrants’.

    (These BBC “reporters” are totally ambivalent towards these illegals, purely because they probably won’t be living anywhere near them – Day Admin)

    • The reporter seemed no stranger to hanging around men’s public toilets too.

      Those on the boat would throw him off a roof given half a chance, the stupid grinning cunt.

      • I thought the bastard was going to invite them for tea and a fairy cake. IF the law is every strengthend (as Boris and Priti keep saying it will be), I hope these BBC poofters get arressted for aiding and abetting criminals.

    • Well if they claim they are from Syria then put them in the back of that C130 Hercules that’s flying overhead strap a parachute to their back and push em out over Syria. See how many change their nationality if that happened

    • Boris mumbling his way through this today.

      The worry is that they might jump overboard (suicide) if turned back. Or that once they’re here, we can’t get rid of them.

      Yes, you can Boris. You just need a pair of fucking bollocks and use the laws we already have, you thick cunt.

      • If they do jump – NOT OUR PROBLEM! In fact we need to encourage the whole fucking lot of them to do exactly that!
        Or, if you don’t like that idea, do what the Aussies did, incarcerate them on a remote island, before expediting their return. I’m happy with either solution – but the first one is cheaper!

  3. If Leftards want gimmigrants here then they should be the ones providing the finance and housing,resources etc costs themselves.
    Got a spare room? You can get 4 Mo’s in there, go for it.
    I’m all for the Left eating itself, shit or get off the pot.
    Oh, you want me to pay for it? Why’s that, will it dip into your Tuscan holiday expenses otherwise? Fuck off, I purchase items I want to purchase, I don’t want to purchase a draft dodging, young military invader and his army.

  4. If a Russian vessel enters our airspace or waters, we send in the military to intercept and escort away.
    How come the Syrian, Afghan, or some other shithole’s navy aren’t dealt with in the same manner?
    Whatever the so-called migrant status is, they are still illegal and they have no place in jumping the asylum seeking rules that already exist.
    Take them back to the end of the queue in shithole-istan

    • Boris has no spine.Fat cow Patel has no spine.Feed them to the sharks.We are an ISLAND.Piss off back to France.These lot are no use to man or beast

  5. “Priti asleep”
    “To Kent they creep”
    “Shit loads of w*gs”
    “Helped by the frogs”
    “Into the Port”
    “Then in a Court”
    “Shit of the World packed into a dinghy”
    “Adolf used planes, because he was stingy”
    “Load the sewage on a ship”
    “Take them on a little trip”
    Priti! Resign!

  6. All males, all economic. These are not war torn refugees.

    It’s funny because they get here and you would think they would be glad to be safe From the war but , no it turns out they can’t wait to start stabbing each other because the food in the travelodge in Glasgow Ain’t up to much and it turns out they all hate each other. It appears that racist attitudes towards your neighbour in Africa also come with them and they are far worse than any we are meant to all have over here.

    We are going to the fucking dogs. These cunts with refugees welcome here signs should look after them themselves.

  7. The answer is very simple. Get the navy to incept them, pick them up and put them back on the beach in Calais.

    The French will raise diplomatic hell and we ignore them. Fuck ’em

  8. Tow the cunts back into Frog waters and let them have another go at paddling to Dover. As soon as they approach UK waters then tow them back again. As many times as it takes for the cunts to get the message.

    If they jump overboard then hook them out using a motorboat and net and put them back into their dinghy as soon as it is towed back into Frog waters. They will only jump overboard a couple of times before they realise it ain’t gonna get them anywhere.

    All above board and no yuman roites have been denied.


  9. Has Silly Allen or Sir Jug Ears taken in one of these aspiring rocket scientists yet?

    Get to the bottom of the ocean all of you!

  10. If they travel all that way then a bit of a telling off or a stay in a free hotel won’t have much effect on this African Migrant Express Canoe Service.
    Eichmann the fucking filthy rats.

    • Oh and those soy commies at the BBCistan should be forced to house feed and wipe the arses of the blek cunts.
      At gunpoint as required.
      Fuck off.

      • Hopefully the sight of a BBC boner will inspire the camel jockeys to pitch said BBC cunts off the roof. Win Win. Then oven the bastards.

        Piss boiled to buggery now.

  11. Bearing in mind that they will have passed through “safe” Countries,they cannot be classified as “asylum-seekers”….they are economic migrants. If I were to turn up at immigration control in say Canada or Australia and said that I just fancied living there because I’d heard that they give free houses and money to sponging Cunts, I’d be on the next plane home.

    We shouldn’t be encouraging them to jump the queue of people who may have legitimate claims by allowing them to stay. They should be fingerprinted and returned immediately to their Country of origin..if they refuse to say where they came from or their own Country refuses to accept them we should pay some third-world shithole to take them…still be cheaper than having them and their parasite family here for good.

    Either that or just sink the Cunts.

    • If they refuse to identify themselves then don’t waste time on them. A bullet and thrown into a pit. After all, we have a monument to the Unknown Soldier, the least we can do is a mass grave for the unknown, lying, illegal immigrant.

  12. Slug Boris and Fati Patel suddenly waking up to this ‘problem’ that’s been going on for years.
    This government is such a shower of shit I wish I never bothered voting for them.
    French are CUNTS of the first degree, wanting £5m or so, tocarry out controls on their side of the Channel. FFS!
    None of this will end well.

    • It’ll work out fine for the French. They’re being paid to get rid of the shit they don’t want while our Navy and lifeboats run a free taxi service to the nearest shore.

      • Yes Moggie that’s the problem. The Froggies make up their own rules to suit them.
        We as usual get the shitty end if the stick.

  13. If it wasn’t for Freddie keeping us updated daily and continually drawing the public’s attention to the threat it poses, this scandal would have gone unnoticed. ? I’m sick of hearing the response of “but it would be unlawful for us to . . . .”
    Every other nation ignores or breaks rules so why the fuck are we always so sanctimonious as a nation towards upholding them?

    • Yep, it’s hard to escape the conclusion that the powers-that-be are trying to keep this scandal as quiet as they can.
      More migrants, more claims on our resources, more Muslims, Dog knows how many radical Islamists amongst them.

      • ” Dog knows how many radical Islamists amongst them.”

        Exactly that – and of course, they will be aided in their “angry victim” status by Starmer and his gang of amateur Marxists by playing up to their victimhood. Dawn Butler and David Lammy will delight in helping them see how racist we all are, innit.

        (Funny you should mention Ms Butler. She’s about as popular as a turd in a swimming pool given the number of noms we’ve processed about her in the last couple of days! Watch this space, as they say – Day Admin)

      • Oh yes, there will be plenty of the fucking Jihadi cunts on these boats…. but what the fuck there are plenty already here so a few 100 or 1000 more….
        The new in 6 months a year, two years….. failed asylum seeker stabs 10 people in London, a suicide bomber who was a Syrian refugee has explode a device in London killing twenty people and injuring 100.

        Lessons will be learned!

  14. I just hope the hotels meet their requirements. If not, you can’t blame these desperate migrants for burning the place to the fucking ground.

    • Boris and Priti arent going to do shit so don’t go holding your breath.
      Theyre complicite in allowing it, dont know for what reason but they WANT these rats in the country.
      The whole system is sick, rotten to the core with liberalism and marxism.
      Just done a job and it was moving some feckless fucking druggie in a flat and the social worker was paying me, out of public funds.
      So technically YOU paid for this drugged up cunts removal.
      Everyone is a victim
      Everyone is entitled
      Nobody is a fault
      No one accepts personal responsibility.
      In a short time we as a country have become terminally ill, a cancer has spread through our society, in our goverment our schools our media.
      We need a dose of radiation and start rebuilding this country.

      • 15:48 – landed safely back in Brize Norton. Seems like any time thereafter is a good time for a gimmigrant crossing.

      • They may just be detaching spare a/c from other duties as they become available. A Beech Shadow (43c2b3 hex) has been cruising round Lydd for a little while before heading back up to Waddington – previously monitoring wargames (?) at Salisbury.

      • Sod-all showing there now. As the A400 was featured on R4 News and other news outlets later, we may safely assume that this was a propaganda wheeze designed to assure any far-right ™ racists still unwoke and unsnowflake that action is somehow happening if only for a couple of hours a week and at a safe height, due to economic considerations.

        Which, given that the RAF puts multiple a/c in the air all day every weekday over East Anglia in order to make a noise and burn up fuel, would be pretty fucking rich.

  15. That harpie Claire Moseley has just been bleating to Vanessa Felch about the prospect of the navy being used to block them. According to her, they are not economic, but all genuine refugees who are from the most dangerous countries on earth. Of course fatty Felch didn’t challenge her on this, or mention that the most dangerous countries on earth are because of the people who live there, nothing more, the same people who are in the fucking dinghys.

    • Is that the same Clare Moseley who left her husband to suck off some filthy gimmigrant cock in Calais?

  16. They are escaping the gang wars that now rage in France. And guess who the gangsters are?
    White French cunts? Polish EU workers? Onion sellers on high powered bicycles? Belgian bastards? Eyetie cunts? Roaming Kraut oompah bands?


  17. Do these brown dinghy-dwellers have permission to enter this country? Thought not. That makes them illegal immigrants. So if we elect a government that stands for law and order it’ll solve the problem. Oh wait a minute…………….

  18. Some of these cunts are in a four star hotel near Liverpool, meals provided and forty quid a week spending money on a cash card.

    Some of these cunts were treated to a tour of Anfield and fish and chips for lunch.
    The whole situation is just fucking mental.

    Although in fairness to one of said cunts, he did say if he knew the Anfield trip was part of the deal, he would’ve stayed in Africa drinking bison piss….

  19. There was a report the other day from a beach in France filming a boat leaving in the early hours, can’t remember who was doing the reporting but they interviewed local people and were told it’s a well know departure point but not a fucking sign of a gendarme.
    It doesn’t matter how much money we give the French they don’t give a fuck they are happy to get shot of these cunts, according to the French coast guard when they intercept these boats If they try to stop them they threaten to throw the children into the sea…. well call their fucking bluff and who the fuck is going to know, but it’s really just an excuse to escort them into English waters….. I don’t understand why we are so fucking soft with these cunts they are clearly not asylum seekers they are illegal immigrants and just return they back to the fucking beaches of France or any fucking beach as long as in ain’t here.
    Every time there is a report on this shit it always starts with ‘the busiest shipping lane in the world’ It may be but whenever they show these rubber boats there isn’t another vessel anywhere in sight except the filming crew boat.
    You reap what you sow, wait for the terrorist activity to increase and explain to families of people who are killed why you let these cunts into the country.

    Utter Cunts!

    • The authorities won’t explain fuck all.
      If 2 dozen children can be blown to bits and still the gloves don’t come off then we can be certain we are royally fucked.

      • Exactly, if it was one of my family I would be outside Parliament every fucking day with a fucking big banner saying ‘Why did you allow this to happen’ and make an absolute cunt of myself.

    • Yo Capt! That’s the bint nominated earlier, pictured wearing a pyjama jacket, innit? Never heard of her before this morning but yes I would, no holes barred.

      • Admin bagged her for their own sordid purposes. Or was it Cuntstable Cuntbubble in the library with the horn? We may never know…

  20. There are empty, abandoned naval ships lying around, moor them off the coast and store the fuckers on them with sufficient rations to sustain them until they can be shipped off to one of the three uninhabited Pitcairn islands. I would be happy for hypothecated tax payer’s money being given to set
    up a colony with adequate infrastructure so they can live their lives well away from us civilised cunts and maybe become self-sustaining. Failing that, drown them all. Whatcha reckon?

  21. I don’t really understand the problem. If any normal person is caught entering a country illegally, you are instantly deported. Despite what the MSM say, these cunts are NOT economic migrants, they are illegal immigrants or even an invasion force. Why the fuck is this totally useless government afraid of upsetting a few lefties by not sending the fuckers back?

    • If Boris got tough and sorted this lot out his approval rating would go through the roof, it’s only the fucking limp wrist back door pussies who give a shit.
      I can almost guarantee that the vast majority of the country would be happy to see these cunts sent back, no questions.

      And these cunts haven’t be camping rough in Calais for months, they are ‘fresh’, they see that the crossing is easy, no fucker has died, they see the French coast guard helping and the British coast guard picking them up.
      It’s more dangerous driving round the Périphérique.

      • Sicke, the Calais Jungle closed a while ago as they couldn’t stand any more visits from Lily Allen or Jude Law.

        Difficult to return clever cunts who hide their identity a have no papers. The best solution I’ve heard is huge ‘hulks’ floating off the coast (like the one Magwitch temporarily escaped from in Great Expectations) in which to imprison these future terrorísts. If they cannot give a native country after a year transport them to Xinjiang to be sold as organ transplants.

      • They’ve all got smartphones. Hack them and found out who they are calling and sending messages to, and you’ve figured out which shithole they come from. Then you deport them. And if the corrupt politicians in these countries don’t take back their illegals, bomb the politicians’ homes one-by-one until they get the message.

  22. Its hopeless because they’re helpless. If they came in gunboats we could repel them.
    A kid in a wheelchair for fucks sake.

    Channel 4’s new animation has the 4 rescuing the migrants and depositing them on Land’s End. Everyone smiling.

    The progressive left want the country changed out of all recognition. So welcome them.

    A detention centre until there is agreement on what to do. But that would be turned into a ‘concentration’ camp by the Left.

    Fuck knows.

  23. This country is absolutely fucked. 20 years and it’ll be like living in downtown Mogadishu for everyone.

  24. Sorry fellows cunters, the only cunts who can stop this are the fucking french. BUT they want rid of them so nothing will happen. The frog filth are most probably getting back handers from the smugglers. Fuck em that’s the way it is.

  25. I voted Tory because they were always the party that protected the economy and were more choosy about letting scum bags in that wash up on our shores.
    Well. In the last few months They have fucked up both in spectacular fashion, more so than I could have ever imagined . Next time I will be supporting someone on the radical right. Boris and fatty Patel have failed us miserably.

    • Brexit aside (which he used for his own self serving purposes) Boris has always been on the liberal left of the Tory Party. Priti on the other hand is a boner (sic) fide right-winger whose hands have been tied by pro immigration Boris, biding her time until the next Tory leadership election (sometime next year imo) while Boris digs himself into a hole ever deeper.

      Evening Fenton.

  26. The bleeding hearts brigade like to make a big deal out of how “desperate” these “vulnerable refugees” must be in order to “risk their lives” crossing the English Channel in “flimsy dingies”.

    But how many of these cunts have actually died in the attempt?

    50%? 30%? 10%? 2%?

    Nope. The answer is ZERO%

    Apparently some of them use “spades” as paddles. ?

    • They use “spades” as paddles?
      Isn’t that a bit racist?
      Do they buy them on the blâck market?

      • It was a spade on the radio who said they use “spades as paddles” which made me laugh Bertie. I assumed you’d get the joke, despite its subtlety…

    • I agree, it’s not that dangerous, countless people have managed to swim across, If the weather is good no problem, trying to put the cunts off with ‘busy shipping lane’ totally pointless.

      How many times have we heard ‘putting their lives at risk’ it’s just the usual media spin. A force 8 may be a game changer.

      • They’re more likely to die crossing the road outside the detention centre.

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