

Blasphemy is a cunt, isn’t it.

It’s IAC Gameshow time again with a fun question:

Tahir Achmed Naseem, from Pakistan, was arrested and imprisoned in 2018 after claiming he was a prophet. What recently happened to him:
1.) Sent to gaol for five years for insulting Íslam?
2.) Referred to a mental health specialist then given psychological treatment and therapy?
3.) Shot dead in court during the actual hearing by an angry muslím?

Blasphemy is showing disrespect or lack of reverence for a deity. What is this medieval bollocks? Are we still in the Dark Ages? Wouldn’t prohibiting an “insult” mean prohibiting all manner of enquiry and critique in relation to religion? How convenient. Being offended by everything. England finally abolished this flapdoodle nonsense in 2008 though it’s still on the statute laws of 69 countries, including Scotland.

The answer to the IAC Gameshow is 3. Ironically, the murderer who “smuggled” a gun into the court room will probably receive a less severe sentence than the murdered Naseem would have received. Wow. God is indeed Great.

If people want to believe in talking donkeys, flying horses, whispering snakes, magic tricks, lecturing zombies or similar poppycock that’s fine, but lets not have Sharia-type laws preventing others from criticising or laughing at this gobbledygook.

Nominated by: Captain Magnanimous

77 thoughts on “Blasphemy

  1. Now now Cap’n. Let’s not forget that Islam is the religion of peace. You should repeat that frequently, otherwise some cunt will be after you with a hand grenade.

  2. In this country you can slag off the CoE as much as you want, and no one gives a shit!

    But take a pop at all the other religions – especially those of a fucked-up Middle Eastern origin, and you’ll find either plod or a camel-shagging suicide bomber knocking on your front door .. or worse, the woke mob carpet-bombing social media saying what a dreadful “hate-crime” bigoted cunt you are!

  3. For once I actually agree with you,Capt.
    I didn’t know that blasphemy was no longer an offence in England but I wouldn’t much fancy your chances if you were too critical of Islam.

    Far too many subjects are becoming sacrosanct…not just the ridiculousness (or not) of religion.

    • I suppose “hate” crimes ( as defined by ” The Woke” and Twitterat)i have become the new “blasphemy”

      • Whereas in the past people used to scream “blasphemer!” at anyone who didn’t agree with them in order to shut down debate,now it’s “Racist!” or “Sexist”

  4. Blasphemy is a cunt. But it’s ok to blaspheme Judaeo-Christian beliefs these days. They have no legal protection and are in fact regarded as inherently racist, sexist, offensive, etc, etc. It’s blaspheming against Islam or the New Woke Faith that gets you banged up by Inspector Knacker.

    Fuck off.

    • Blasphemy??
      Its great!!
      Raging against the creator of the universe and telling him to get fucked? Simply lovely.
      These ethnics take it all a bit serious, theyre pyjamas must be itchy or sandals to tight,
      Come on sinbad tell allah to eat shit!!

  5. “But it’s ok to blaspheme Judaeo(1)-Christian(2) beliefs…”
    True for the second half of that. Try suggesting that the first half wasn’t handed the Middle East in perpetuity by its sky fairy, and see where that gets you with BICOM and its many friends in government.

    • The chances are BICOM would agree with you, assuming they could be arsed to respond to such a childish taunt in the first place. There is no evidence I’m aware of to suggest otherwise.

      • Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
        However if you examine the claim made by the religion to the country, I think you’ll find that it rests on the sky-fairy’s promise. I concede that in the Judaic mindset, blasphemy is less of a thing than antisemitism, but as with BLM, any tag will do when dealing with people you disagree with, and it’s all about belief.

        I see Pollard is still in post at the newly-refunded JC, and I’m sure he would agree with me.

  6. An entirely victimless crime.

    As I’ve said repeatedly elsewhere religious people know, at some level, that their beliefs are shite. That’s why they get so pissed off when others mock them. Arseholes. Remember, the road to Damascus runs in both directions.

    Perhaps ISAC should rebrand itself as a religion. If nothing else, we could get lots of tax breaks. I’ll be the prophet and help myself to my followers’ wives. Nice.

    Most of you cunts would be itching to sell me for a lot less than thirty pieces of silver.

  7. Blasphemy is for backward cunts, speaking of which, expect a surge in Chinky Bat Flu, amongst the Pak1’s in Rusholme, after their mass celebration of Pakistan’s independence day.
    Not one arrest, despite police attending.
    Anti British cunts, fuck off back to the shithole your kind originated from.
    You can have fun times, shooting blasphemers.

  8. I’ve always maintained that if Jesus or Ragmohed appeared today and proclaimed he was the son of god he’d be locked in a loony bin until better. It’s all bollocks. Religion helped keep the scummy masses under control by threat for 2000 years and it’s still fucking working. Fuck organised religion, I hate the shit.

    • Indeed it’s organised crime at its best. Scare the fucking minions with eternal damnation if they don’t pay £10 towards the new roof every week. Yes I’m looking at you Catholicism. My parents had to sub my Nan back in the 80’s £10 a week cos the padre at the local Catholic Church refused to hear the sound of coins in the collection bag. Poor old dear never got any special treatment from her deity. One day fit as a fiddle at 82 dead a month later riddled with the big C.
      I hate all religion with only a passion a religious person might have. Oh the irony

      • Cancer is a complete cunt that robs us our loved ones way too soon.

        Back on topic.

        If there is a god, why does he let small children suffer horribly and die in agony from Leukemia?

        Either he is a sick cunt who enjoys watching little kids suffer, or he simply doesn’t exist.

      • You hit the nail on the head.
        Religion is all about pride and how you think others see you.
        Utter shite. Narcissist bullshit.

      • Reminds me of George Carlin’s definition of God: all-seeing, all-knowing, all-wise, all-powerful, but needs money.

  9. It isnt just religious mumbo jumbo that is sacred. Any argument against trannies or BLM is also treated as blasphemy. Facts are irrelevant.

  10. There is only one religion-nature and like it or not, we are all members of the congregation.

    Back to the nom: I despise all organised religions equally-the hypocrisy on open display is sickening.
    Tools for control through fear. Nothing more.
    To think that someone can be prosecuted (or worse) in a modern day inquisition is medieval-for it to still happen in Parts of the UK in 2020 preposterous.
    Blasphemy-get fucked.

      • Evidence shows that marginally more people are accused of blasphemy in Catholicism than Islam.
        That’s OK with the Catholic Church as they don’t mind coming in a little behind.

      • This phrase that is constantly used on here-‘organised religion’. But all religion has to be organised to be a religion surely.. You can’t have disorganised or unorganized religion.

        Or maybe you can. So a Catholic group decide to go to Lourdes. But half of the party end up wandering around Lyon or somewhere.

        Or it is time to make the ‘Hajj’ once again a majority go to Medina not Mecca.

        It is in the very nature of religion that it be organised. Even the Puritans with their emphasis on their ‘personal relationship with God’ would meet up at the ‘meeting house’.

        No, I don’t understand why people use term ‘organised religion’.

      • A person can be religious and have religious beliefs without having to belong to any particular “off the peg” religious organisation. I’m surprised you can’t see that.

        Or am I….?

      • You’d have disorganised religion RT?

        One part of the congregation on page 25 day another on 2 the others on 30.

        All NOT singing from the same hym sheet.

        Like ‘Onward Christian Abide with I vow to…’

        A real cacophony.

        It’s such a silly idea. Maybe private spiritual beliefs. But religion is by definition corporate.

      • I’m sorry Miles but your view of religion is so compartmentalised. Does it not give you the freedom to think for yourself?

    • You are generally speaking of the Abrahamic religions, Miles.

      Speaking as a pagan, there are no rules as such. Each individual has to follow their own path and honour their chosen deities in the way they see fit.

  11. If your God is so great they should be able stand a bit of criticism.

    Belief in god is pointless, apparently bad things that happen are mankinds free will, so what’s point praying to it.

    You can shove religion up your arse.

  12. Because mystical religious beliefs cannot be backed up with hard evidence, manmade blasphemy laws had to be put in place to protect the mysticism from ridicule and question.
    So great is the need in many humans to defer responsibility of their lives to a ‘higher power’ and therefore be subject to it, removal of this imaginary comfort zone by logical challenge etc leaves believers feeling destitute and alone having only themselves to answer to for their circumstances and eventual fate.

    As is so easy to see, the alternative is so abhorrent, the former absolutely has to be protected, with violence and death if necessary to prevent the belief being exposed.

    No religious faith that can be proven beyond doubt needs the protection of blasphemy law. Blasphemy is a supreme cunt of a thousand cunts that keeps faith leaders such as Ayatollahs ans Bishops etc in a secure position of false and undeserved power. This power is used largely to propagate fear to keep people (believers) in line and subjecated. Fucking unadulterated Cunts.

  13. Apparently there has been a renewed interest in the belief that the non-physical essence of a living being starts a new life in a different physical form or body after biological death.
    Nice to see reincarnation making a comeback….

    • I actually run a reincarnation society – membership is a tad pricey at 3 grand but it does last a Thousand Years!
      Eternal life? We have children, they have children, they have children – eternal life through DNA. We are all our own gods and heaven and hell are right here on earth. Just my opinion, and if religion floats your boat and doesn’t hurt anyone else then crack on – but if your “religion” tells you to kill someone – START WITH YOURSELF!

  14. I remember when the Dutch magazine or newspaper did a cartoon of Mohamed with a bomb in his turban, one fucking Imam who was always on Sunday morning TV came out with…. ‘You may insult my religion but don’t insult our prophet‘.

    Fuck off you cunt, not allowed to insult a murdering child molester, get back to Stanley land where you belong.

    Blasphemy doesn’t exist in the UK, it’s gone, dead, buried, anyone not happy with that…. the answer is simple.

    • Blasphemy against islam sure as hell does – try it and end up arrested or dead.
      Because that’s democracy for you.
      Getting veeery bored waiting for the war.
      On other news I have fixed my drill.

      • “Blasphemy doesn’t exist in the UK”

        Not true, Sicky. Bizarrely, it is still on the statute books in Scotland.

  15. Back in the 1990s when all my friends were falling over Rolf Harris saying what a great bloke he was and how he was a childhood icon, I stood my ground and repeated the following phrase. ” Rolf is a false prophet only Bernard Cribbins is the true messiah ” How right I was…

    • Refresh my memory – was St Cribbins part of the peoples front of judea or part of the judeans peoples front? – it’s important as I don’t want to insult Judy..

      • Vernon, that reminded me of Judy Finnigan, which then reminded me of that fella who grew whiskers on his chin again.

        There was an old man named Michael Finnegan
        He had whiskers on his chin again
        Along came the wind and blew them in again
        Poor old Michael Finnegan….Begin again.
        There was an old man named Michael Finnegan
        He kicked up an awful dinnegann
        Because they said he must not sing again
        Poor old Michael Finnegan….Begin again.

        There was an old man named Michael Finnegan
        He went fishing with a pin again
        Caught a fish and dropped it in again
        Poor old Michael Finnegan….Begin again.

      • You should nominate this Finnegan fella,Spoons…he sounds a right Cunt.

        🙂 .

      • Dicky, I’m not sure I should.
        I feel bad for him because the wind blew his whiskers in, people didn’t like his singing, and he lost a fish which might have been his dinner.
        Dog bless him.

        p.s. as soon as I saw the title of this nomination, I knew the nomination picture would be Monty Python.

        Blessed are the cheese makers. 🙂

      • This Finnegan bloke, a irish type, a fisherman,
        He should stay true to character and fall overboard, bet hes involved in helping the french or people smuggling?
        Cant grow a proper beard either,..bumboy.

      • Well nominate Judy Finnegan… bet the wind couldn’t blow the whiskers on her chin in again.

      • Finnegans Wake Mr Fiddler. No apostrophe notice. That means they live again.
        Supposed to be a dream.
        Waugh called it gobbledygook.
        ‘A way a lone a last a loved a long the riverrun, past Eve and Adam’s, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.” “Let us leave theories there and return to here’s hear.” “Lord, heap miseries upon us yet entwine our arts with laughters low.”

        Sounds a bit bit like our own Caught Spedding.

      • Finnigans Wake has become unreadable and is thus Woke.

        “Ay say aye. I affirmly swear to it that it rooly and cooly boolyhooly was with my holyhagionous lips continuously poised upon the rubricated annuals of saint ulstar.”
        ― James Joyce, Finnegans Wake

      • Afternoon,Miles.
        Do you think that anyone has actually read all of Finnegans Wake ?….and if they have…why ?

        What pleasure can anyone get from wading through such a load of bollocks ?

      • Do you think the *Cunt was on drugs or possibly suffering from some kind of brain injury when he wrote such shite,Bertie ?

        *Joyce not C.S….just to clear up any doubts…I think I already know the answer in C.S’s case.

        🙂 .

      • Afternoon Dick. I think Joyce was smashed out of his head.
        He’s got a similar writing style to other reprobates on this site.

      • The Professors enjoy it Mr F. Or rather make a living deciphering it. It has a profound meaning. But in the words of his brother Stanislaus ‘oh but it so wearisome’.

  16. Funny Mrs Plastic the avowed atheist who gets regular Humanist Society posts on her Facebook page is appalled when I say ‘Oh God’ or ‘Jesus’ or ‘Christ’ when I am heated.
    I think there is a residual fear of not taking the Lord’s name in vein in the phrase you hear nowadays ‘Oh my gosh’. It was ‘oh my God’ but people change it to ‘Oh my gosh’.

  17. The blasphemy I have witnessed on here is a total disgrace…most of you should be ashamed of yourselves.
    No wonder Britain which in the middle ages boasted the finest military might of all Christian nation’s will soon be a Muslim majority nation (religion wise).
    Well not me…I will continue to defend the faith and believe.
    Without belief there is nothing, you cannot prove or see love but I bet most of you rotten souls love somebody.
    Do you believe in love? Can you prove love exists?
    How many of you lot will want a ceremony in a church when you die?
    May God bless my rotten soul and bless is-a-cunt.
    Go fuck yourselves.

    • Evening black and white.
      In the interests of serious reflection may I ask you one question?
      How do you square your religious conviction with your hedonistic lifestyle?
      You seem to get out of jail with your ‘religious Card.’
      Did Jesus rim young women?

      • Evening Bertie…
        It’s abaaaaaht balance and trying to offset the debauchery with high morals and strong belief.
        I am rotten…but not to the core, I also have a well behaved side. ?

      • You want the best of both worlds!
        Give me an example of your well behaved side!
        However, you will be able to achieve redemption within the L.F.C community!

      • An example of my good behaviour was paying towards some cunts shopping in a supermarket Bertie.
        He was there faffing abaaaaaht not having the money so I paid his shortfall. (It was only a couple of paaahnd though.) ?

      • He wasn’t some scruffy and confused bearded elderly gentleman was he B&WC? Probably mumbling “I nearly ran the country you know”.

      • I believe it may have been Cuntbyn LL…he was mumbling something like that and said he was buying the fried chicken for the Flabbot and they were going to drown their sorrows.

    • Assuming you’re serious B&WC and not ‘muckin abhaaaaat’, when you say without belief and faith we have nothing, what are you saying we should have belief and faith IN? I have belief in the natural law of reaping what you sow. Don’t need religion for that. I believe if I am in a position to be able to help somebody, I am duty bound to help. Don’t need religion for that. I have faith that if I am good spirited and produce value for others that same value will be returned to me in many ways, not least the sheer satisfaction of creating value for others. A reward in itself. Don’t need fucking religion for that.

      If I’m being told to have faith in the big man in the sky that looks like Father Christmas’s twin brother or ‘miricles’ such as walking on water etc. then I’m being asked to have BLIND faith in the unproven. No way! I don’t do blind faith. If I can see it, if I can touch it then it’s real, otherwise it’s imaginary. What I don’t imagine by the way, is that I’m in any way a saint. I’m not, because when I’m on ISAC, I’m a right cunt.?

      • ‘If I can see it, if I can touch it then it’s real, otherwise it’s imaginary.’
        You could say this about love…you can’t touch it or see it really (I know someone could give a loving glance to their Mrs) but you cannot actually see love as it’s a powerful emotion and feeling.
        We will have to agree to disagree FF.

      • Once again, religion doesn’t have exclusive dominion over good emotions such as love no more than the ‘devil’ which is another religious mystical creation have anything to do with bad or unpleasant emotions. These things are purely natural and can be divided into positive, negative and neutral. All are governed by cause and effect and the outcome can be Influenced by man himself by applying what he/she has learned from his own actions and that of others. Nothing remotely mystical about that
        The description of Religion is:
        ‘The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods’.

        ‘God helps those that help themselves”… so what do I fucking well need God for? Give the cunt the sack!?

  18. God is a cunt
    Jesus is a cunt
    Allah is a cunt
    Jehova is a cunt
    Budda is a cunt
    Mohammed is a cunt
    David Icke is a cunt

    Most of those cunts didn’t exist, and those that did are lying cunts.
    Hope I didn’t leave any cunt out, but I couldn’t be bothered to look up any other fairy tales.

  19. There is only one answer to this problem of religion and that is humanism. Human needs and values are more important than religious beliefs, or the needs and desires of humans. An example of humanism is the belief that the person creates their own set of ethics.

  20. Yasur the one true living God sees all.Yasur knows all.
    For the most part Yasur couldn’t give a fuck.
    If you gain his ire, he shall destroy you (often in an amusing way), the proof is there. That’s just how he rolls.
    All praise unto Yasur, and he doesn’t care if you call him a cunt.#dealwithitfuckersandwhere’smyginfizz.

  21. Well, from what I can see, it appears only our peaceful and black friends are sacred cows these days. Britain is now C of E in name only.

  22. I believe in God and I believe the New Testament to be literally true. Every word of it. That’s my view and nobody’s going to change it.

    If people want to slag Christianity off or disrespect God fine, you get on with it, it’s nothing to do with me. Will you find though that when the time comes and you are literally struggling for your last breaths that what appeared so “cool” as a posting on internet when you were younger isn’t really quite as “funny” when you’re looking at Eternity as the darkness closes in? Maybe you will. Maybe you won’t.

    I believe we are all in the situation of what I think is called Occam’s Razor. If I’m wrong I’ve lost nothing. If you’re wrong you’re f****d.

    So fine, go ahead, blaspheme all you like. Use terms like “Sky fairy”, God botherer”, “imaginary friend”, all the rest of it. Knock yourselves out. If anybody has even the slightest iota of Faith mocking’s not going to change their view, you’re really just talking to yourself. It’s in the same way that having an Evangelical Christian knocking on your door almost certainly isn’t going to change your view either.

    For your sake you’d best be right though. If He exists, as I believe he does, I think I’m correct in saying that God takes a dim view of being mocked. It’s just an observation, it’s your soul, your choice. You’re responsible for it, not me. Curse and belittle God a million times if you want. It’s not me that has to face Him if you’re wrong, it’s you. I’ll have enough explaining to do about all the things I’ve done wrong in my life.

    As an aside a few years ago using Bayesian mathematical formulas and theories that I don’t even begin to understand a top British professor working in America calculated the existence of God. He came out with a probability of 67% in favour.

  23. (Quote) ”For your sake you’d best be right though. If He exists, as I believe he does, I think I’m correct in saying that God takes a dim view of being mocked.”

    (Quote) ”Curse and belittle God a million times if you want. It’s not me that has to face Him if you’re wrong.”

    (Quote) ”I believe we are all in the situation of what I think is called Occam’s Razor. If I’m wrong I’ve lost nothing. If you’re wrong you’re f****d.”

    Many Thanks Alan for that superb example of why I detest, and why everybody should judge religion for what it is. Frankly, you couldn’t have provided a better contribution in this regard.

    You will see that all three quotes from your post above contain one common denominator. THREATS. Threats of eternal damnation I would assume.
    If I’m wrong I’m fucked? In what way? Will I burn for a thousand years?…

    I don’t need to go on. Your beliefs are based on FEAR. Mine are based on cold hard logic and are vastly more humane as well. Eternal damnation is a very large price to pay for 70-80 years with the odd transgression. I feel desperately sorry for the children of people that have beliefs such as this, and it has to end.

      • Yes, well responded FF.
        Alan, you’ve veered off-piste with your defence of religion. This nomination is suggesting that ‘Blasphemy’ is a cunt. The notion that the stories in which a person believes aren’t able to be lampooned or to have jokes made about them. The idea that religion is untouchable and above any measure of criticism.

        Moreover, your ‘deathbed’ warning might be correct. Who knows what we’ll feel and who could possibly be sans regrets examining one’s life in retrospect A human’s strongest urge is to survive therefore promises of ‘further life’ during your final few gasps sounds persuasive. Ultimately though your deathbed cliché is as hackneyed as the ‘no atheists in a fox-hole’ cliché which is, in my opinion, not an argument against Faith but an argument against fox-holes.

  24. No, don’t I think I did go off-topic because mocking and belittling God is certainly blasphemy.

    I don’t really see religion as threats either. Nobody is compelling you to believe. There are no consequences whatsoever for atheism, at least in this country and the rest of the civilised West.

    All I’m saying is that there may well be consequences for atheism and for blasphemy which I accept are not the same thing. The two often go hand in hand but it’s possible to have one without the other.

    Nature abhors a vacuum and if we continually undermine Christianity there is another religion waiting to step into its place. Try mocking that and see how far you get.

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