A pull on your wellies for a not so eco-friendly cunting of this clueless silver-spooned twat. Ben Goldsmith is part of the famed Goldsmith banking dynasty but in recent years has been enthralled by eco-mentalists like the Green Party and recently launched a ‘rewilding’ programme from his country pile in Somerset.
Rewilding is a trendy conservation concept of restoring and protecting natural processes and letting the land return to its original state and returning apex predators to encourage biodiversity. All well and good in theory to chin stroking Islington wine circles but Ben got a bit excited and released 20-40 red deer – without putting in deer fencing – who promptly escaped from his land and started destroying crops and food stores on neighbouring farms and smallholdings as well as being a TB risk to cattle.
Furious farmers demanded he round them up and like a seasoned politician has been spinning them a line of Jackanory bollocks saying “Its being dealt with”, then later admitting he “bullshitted” them. He has also been accused of releasing wild boar which he denies but has admitted to feeding them.
I don’t claim to know the benefits of rewilding when managed responsibly but respect the countryside and the people who live there and make a living from it often in trying times. This hobby farming knob end has been taking the piss, acted irresponsibly and the cherry on top of the cowpat is that he sits on the board of the government department, DEFRA, no doubt thanks to daddies millions so thinks the rules and red tape don’t apply to people like him.
His one saving grace is that he didn’t do it in a certain part of Northumberland or the story might be one of a drive-by tractor shooting with the suspect escaping very slowly shouting “Fucking townies, tally-ho and FUCK OFF”.
Nominated by: Liberal Liquidator
Running the countryside from his Chelsea mansion. Anyone who has ever lived/worked in the Country knows it is a delicate ecosystem and artificial introduction is great for Jocasta and Toby to virtue signal about at their Mayfair dinner parties, but not so funny for the people who have to cope with the devastating consequences. (I think DF will give better insight on this one).
Right, off to release some mutated Mink..
Great nom LL!?
No one more than me would like to see a return to a England of old when a squirrel could travel from cornwall to scotland without touching the ground.
Our exstinct apex predators of lynx, wolf, bear, auroch sweeping through the woodland.
Problem is its unrealistic.
2000yrs too late.
This posh cunts putting the animals in danger.
I know theyve reintroduced beaver, and wild boar are flourishing, talk of reintroducing wolf and european bison, but its madness,
These roam and migrate where the fuck can they go?
Ferry to Calais?
Its one way traffic there.
Giving squirrels helicopters would present some health and safety issues surely MNC? ?
And Piggy Patel has not responded to my repeated Twitter demands for her to resign!
Set a fkin wolf on her!
Don’t see why squirrels couldnt get a pilots license Foxy,
Harrison Ford got one and he flew the millenium Falcon!
Why its all scraped down one side.
You never heard of flying squirrels?☺
I’m up for reintruducing Canis Lupus Lupus to the UK.
Specifically in areas like Bradford, Luton, Birmingham, Hoxton, Islington, Tottenham and Brixton.
All the cunts at the top are into this rewilding crap. The countryside will once again become a hunting ground and playground solely for them, whilst everyone else is confined to concrete barnyard urban centres. Basically the Inclosure Acts but in reverse
Feed them all to the boars and let their remains fertilise the soil. Fuck em.
Ben Goldsmith is a Sloane Cunt, that is for sure.
However, I must say that I would enter his attractive sister’s nipsy, completely dry, sans lube, and right up to the old hairy nutsack.
You mean Jemima, PM?
Brave man, putting your winkle into a space formerly occupied by a carpet riding camel-herder!
Yep, she’s been Khan-ed
Feed him to the wild boar
The country is already ‘wild’, blacks, peacefuls, gypsies and assorted flotsam washing up on the south coast.
It doesn’t come much wilder than that!
This guy looks a bit of a Ralf.
Can’t comment…too busy packing for my wild boar shooting holiday in Somerset….few red deer thrown in too,eh ?.excellent….might even get a pot-shot at young Goldsmith…been years since I had a shot at one of that tribe.
Rewilding is a grand idea if properly managed by experts…not some City financier type who thinks that Foxy-Locksy will play happily with Gemima Puddleduck before they all go to Peter Rabbit’s for tea. Boars are fucking dangerous and destructive animals…deer are destructive Fuckers too if not controlled.
Some of these rewilding types wanted to release Lynx in Keilder Forest..said that they’d survive by eating the wild deer….of course they would when sheep and lambs are available..fucking idiots.
I’m not against the rewilding of some species but it’s certainly not the job of some know-nowt yuppie to decide when and how. Hopefully one of his wild boars’ll scoff him up…are hogs allowed to eat Jews? Ah well,Kosher or not, I’m sure Bertram Boar won’t give a shit…and neither will I.
Fuck Off.
“been years since I had a shot at one of that tribe.”
What lies, Mr F.
We know you bumped off Krav within the last 6 months.
I miss that dreadful Cunt.
Miss him?
I thought you’d be a crack shot, Mr F?
Maybe you need one of those laser sights that rich dentists use when shooting a rhino from 10 feet away?!
Unless he’s still alive in your Josef Fritzl-esque cellar, offering bj’s for his freedom?
Already got one.
I suspect Krav is doing what he does best…falling out with Dark-Keys and propositioning young men in Starbucks…I hope so.
Head admin made the decision to ban Krav as far as I know. Apparently he said something that was over the line.
Dont know if you saw it on the news but not far from me is a vulture from the Alps flying about the pennines!
The local farmers have all been warned if this gets shot it’ll be classed a international incident, and we will royally fuck you.
What do you think of that?
Ive not seen it yet but loads of birdwatcher types (twitchers) out with cameras.
Let the Fucker be,I reckon MNC….at least it hasn’t claimed a free house and benefits yet.
Doesnt catch prey Dick, it picks carcasses and drops bones from a great height to crack them for the marrow.
Wouldnt it be ironic if mr Goldsmith got a brain injury from a free falling bone?!!☺
Imagine The Sun headline…” Big-beaked Banker brained by bigger-beaked, bone-bombing Buzzard”
Lord Fiddler, you’re in the wrong profession!
Correct. That has all the elements of a Ron Knee screenplay.
TT MNC@ – the vultures normally take dinghies.
And children.
And the piss.
Retribution will please me.
Dicky, what you said, ‘rewilding types wanted to release Lynx in Keilder Forest’.
Why would they want to release cans of deodorant? To have the smell of teenage desperation in the air?
Apparently they wanted the empty cans to throw at badgers.
Almost too much entertainment value for a single reply, MNC, and you certainly raised at titter here in Honolulu.
I especially enjoyed imagining squirrels ranging and swerving effortlessly through the thick swards of vasty, mysterious and magical l Forests and Wildernesses – and with amazing stamina too – from “Cornwall to Scotland without touching the ground”. Wow… but seriously, MNC: that’s quite some “nutsack” Tufty must have been toting there!
Your presumably pagan aurochs, lynx, bears and wolves predating Christ (and predating at the “apex” of your woodlands), presumably meanwhile on amicable terms with Tufty, also caused a sudden emission of my digestif. Many thanks for that, also!
I admit that I started to draw a line, and my credibility of your contributions became over-stretched when you touched on the re-introduction of beavers. I never knew they had died out. Certainly in these parts there’s still a glut of smelly old trouts with sharpened incisors down my local Wetherspoons (at least there were plenty before the Manchu dynasty took control).
Keep ’em ‘n’ Cůmmings, Les.
Afternoon CS. ?
Good morning, Ruffers!
Oops. The late David Bellamy again, apols. Good morning from me, Ruffers!
FYI, David Bellamy is pre-moderated whereas Mr ? is not. Just to obviate any misunderstandings. I hear it’s almost as muggy in Blighty right now as here?
Jet lag is a terrible affliction
I don’t know about Honolulu but it’s rarely got as muggy in the UK as it is today!
Glad you liked it CS?
True about the beaver.
And the aurochs?
The Nazis reverse enginered through breeding a herd of auroch in a forest in Poland!
Think im teasing?
Google it.
Naw, not pagan im too in love with myself to worship anything else☺
It wasn’t YOU that was (putatively) pagan in “Your presumably pagan aurochs…” bit the AUROCHS, which were putatively pagan, Les.
The difference between “Your presumably pagan aurochs…” and “You’re presumably pagan; aurochs…” is significant. In the first example “presumably pagan” is adjectival to the aurochs, whereas in the second example “presumably paganc is the compliment (a grammatical term) of” You’re”. The meaning is wholly dissimilar, the grammatical structure different. If in further doubt, I recommend putting down the WW2 historical glossy anthologies in favour of something like Lynne Truss’s “Eats, shoots, and leaves”.
Oxford commas aside, it is pretty informative. Talking of the NSDAP, did you know that Sarin (the nerve agent synthesised by the Nazis) was an acronym of the I initial letters of the surnames of the industrial chemists who “discovered” it? Schrader, Ambros, Rüdiger and van der Linde, iirc. Google that, and get your Truss on.
I think I may need some Zopiclone if this jet lag persists
Why where have you been?
Not been magaluf have you?
Do what I do holiday here!
Can get you a caravan in Towyn for a week in December?
I’m not on (fucking) holiday, Les. Thanks for the offer all the same
Goldsmith?, must have links to banking, he looks the type, better phone Monmentum to put a stop to this bollocks, but I’m sure he’ll get away with it, the beaked people are very powerful in this country!
He’s sure as hell got all of that Captain – and wildlife management is always best done from a mansion in Chelsea.
Read a lot about this cunt recently and he is a lying cunt. Everybody knows he let all those animals escape and he should be sacked.
These animals have been extinct for about 200 years or more and the landscape has changed enough to a make it unacceptable to reintroduce them. What next, fucking bears?
I fucking love bears. Bring them back and make chimpy work for his KFC fambly bucket I say.
Next? How about Prince George’s crocodile in the Babingley river near Sandringham. Uncle Andy could have an unfortunate mishap angling.
This bankster and his fellow parasites have done a superb job of rewilding London, wasn’t this sort of inevitable?
Looking at that pic. I didn’t know Cassandra had dumped Rodders.
I’d like to re-wild the UK with some white natives and cull the non-natives.
Carpet bomb his country estate with Agent Orange and let mutated animals flourish there.
Put his head in a Somerset beehive.
See how he likes the Eco Warrior bollocks then.
Simpering CUNT.
Saw a dead beaver today by the side of the road in mid-Devon. Fucking sad really because they just getting going again. And no ‘split beaver’ jokes you cunts. ??
There is plenty of vids on yt showing wild boar being shot. They cause so much damage to farmers, it runs in the millions. This being America they hunt the fuckers from helicopters. Remember the cunts who released the mink, the thick pricks. Decimated the natural wildlife. Goldsmith is a bit fucking loopy. Can you imagine if someone was attacked, the uproar. I think Ben should lie down in a darkened room and think about it.
of course, this is why the beeb have ‘cuntryfile’ – to show townies what it’s like in the cuntry – an anagram of Ben Goldsmith is fucking cunt
Lock the cunt in a room with four hungry Honey badgers, cure him of his twattish behaviour double quick. Let us hope the fuckwits get bored with all this rewinding shit things have moved on a fair way. The fauna we have left are having enough hassle as it is without some brain dead cunt with lots of wonga releasing Grizzly bears and crocodiles into Basingstoke or somewhere. If the animals were certified woke then maybe, blm bear?