

Some on this site are good – Fistula, Fiddler, Jack the Cunter, Shackledragger and Routledge – but in general avatars are as forgettable as an advert on a bush shelter. They´re either a snap of the person smiling, alone or with his ugly wife, fat girlfriend, spoiled brat or scabby dog. Sometimes a fuzzy landscape from a Holiday trip. As the avatars are miniscule, they give no idea of the extent of the Grand Canyon or view from the top of the Eiffel Tower. Waste of time you idiot!

What I particularly hate are the atavars used professionally. Some prick has fucked up a job, not replied to you phone calls or e-mails and when he finally contacts you through WhatsApp, we find him grinning ecstatically while his Siamese cat licks his horrible face. Meanwhile, the leak he allegedly fixed in your crapper has returned and you are ankle deep in sewage. Fuck you and your cat! Just get down here now and do the job properly you pussy-loving piece of keech! .

BTW, my own WhatsApp avatar shows a family crest that allows me to claim ancestry from some Gaelic clan chief. If I met him now I´d kick him up the arse for the road he subsequently led our Family of mad hatters up.

Nominated by: Mr Polly

45 thoughts on “Avatars

  1. I like my avatar – some nosy blonde bint pointing in awestruck bewilderment at my huge manhood!

  2. My Avatar is Bartholomew Roberts pirate Flag.
    He was a Welsh pirate and some the most successful of all time.
    Quite fitting for me as I am successful and sometimes a dodgy cunt, I am also a pirate…born in the wrong century…I should have been born in Port Royal, Jamaica around 1706 during the golden age of piracy…and set my legend amongst those greats like Jack Rackham, Sir Henry Morgan and Black Caesar and Blackbeard, I would have been the greatest. Perhaps I was there back then and this is a new life.
    One can only think abaaaaaht it.

    • Morning B&WC, are you of an age to recognise my avatar?!
      Every kid from back in 1980 (I’m 48 now) will know the mighty Deacon!

      • Blue Peter tried their best to highlight disability, but gave the whole of Britain’s school kids a new and exciting form of abuse. You fucking Joey!

      • Morning TTCE, I was born in 1978 (41), I remember Grotbags and Pat Sharp but not the bloke in your avatar.
        He looks like some people I used to see after an all night rave who had taken abaaaaaht 7 pills. ?

      • You are certainly the most fucking depraved. Some feat amongst the degenerates and weirdos on here.

        (Says the man who gets the horn whenever a sweaty, bloated, drunken Flabbott or Swanson is mentioned here! – Day Admin)

      • I think General Tso’s Chiggun maybe as he has mentioned being at university, the poor sod.

      • Admin. You left out the fragrant Anne Widdecombe.

        (Good grief, you need help if its come to that! – Admin)

      • There’s a load of websites dedicated to the great Joey Deacon. I still use the ‘nnnn-hhhhh-mmmmm’ insult my with tongue shoved firmly behind my bottom lip against myself and people who are in the know.
        Ernie Robert’s was Joey’s translator and he was just as unintelligible.
        Lesley Judd: So then Joey what do you think of that?
        Joey Deacon: Mmmmm nnnnnnn hhhhhh
        Lesley Judd: Thank you Joey. So then Ernie what did Joey just say?
        Ernie Roberts: nnnnnneeeeŕrrrrrrr!

      • Tongue against the bottom lip.
        Excellent description. I remember Joey when I was a kid watching black, sorry. Blue Peter.

    • B&WC, it is just as well that you were not around in the eighteenth century; I am certain that you would have been hanged before you twentieth birthday.

    • And singularly stylish outfits B&WC – where else could a Man get away with lace cuffs? Why, when he’s swinging a cutlass and pillaging! ??
      I tried to get an avatar of Hannibal Lecter in the mask as mine, something went wrong, highly disappointing – it captures my personality (borderline homicidal psychopath) perfectly!

  3. AVATAR.


    a manifestation of a deity or released soul in bodily form on earth; an incarnate divine teacher.

      • I’ll finish off B&WC personally if he gets any silly ideas in that direction. Luckily this is vanishingly unlikely unless he’s perhaps a “red man”, which seems unlikely.

        Piss awful weather I return to, though better than the sultry spell, so I’m told. Good afternoon to you, Ruffers. Did you ascertain the causation of the Carolingian hiatus on V-J btw?

  4. … got me thinking …. maybe I should have one … trouble is …. there’s so much to chose from …. erm ………..

  5. I wonder if there’s an avatar of a black snowflake soyboy hipster trannie with rug-munching tendancies?

    if not, then clearly its a case of (fill in the blank)isms!

    • Just checking out an avatar of white clouds above me – someone must have checked them on their white privilege and waycism – the fkrs are turning dark!

  6. It didn’t take me long to choose my avatar but I’ve stuck with it all these years and I’m still quite happy with it….

  7. Harold Steptoe has a good avatar, as does Jack with Sir Oliver Reed. And the iconic Sir Limply Stoke with the v-sign.

  8. I am indebted to my good friend Ruff Tuff for my avatar which he suggested one day. He never told me about the fuckin’ baggage that came with it, however, in the form of a psychopathic parrot.

  9. Seems I forgot my manners, too. Robert Winley/Pantelli’s voice puts me in mind of the late Richard Kiel / Jaws, curiously enough:


    I’ve still not read of the mysterious 8 Minutes’ delay yet, Ruffers. Is it a D(SMA) notice do you think… or perhaps just tinnitus? I missed it altogether due to insomnia and grass skirts, so think yourself lucky.

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