A note from the Eastern Antipodes. I scarcely know where to start.
At the very start of the restrictions in March, the very first thing the (Aussie) Victorian State Labour did was ban the sale of firearms, then commenced to Crush Victoria under a succession of interminable, disproportionate controls.
2/5 through this plandemic, State Labour decreed to intern international arrivals, and they arranged security not from police or military, but from cheap union mates’ firms including quick-recruits from Gumtree, most if not all of these are subcuntinental.
They in turn did a crap job, let internees out, exposed themselves to the disease, including FUCKING some of the internees, then went back home and spread it through their communidees, mostly western and northern poorer suburbs, these have become highly enriched and peaceful over the past 25 years.
When the diagnoses inevitably increased the State Labour Junta shat themselves, obfuscated about their culpability but were quick to impose on the entire metropolis a CURFEW, limited to a 5 km radius from home without papers,
ALL shops except food closed, tampon muzzles of course, and police with fuck all to do except monitor the population. Today I saw far more police cars than normal, including one sneaking up a walking track to a remote area to try to catch out walkers without their oral sanitary tampon muzzles.
Why such an overreaction? It’s the Aussie bullshit like “we’re more enlightened/important”, ”we punch above our weight”, “Yay we’re in the world cup” (yes by beating Tuvalu and East Timor), and that’s mixed with uncontrolled runaway nanny-statism morphing naturally to totalitarianism, aided and abetted by a butt-fucked woke clueless chatting class of right-on connected karens, millennials, public servants, and academics.
And how to protest? Any single standout is caught, fined, and hung out to ridicule in the media. Try to organize a protest you will need social media or electronic communication, and they are right on top of that. They have atomised society to stifle communication among citizens, now every communication is a command and threat from the government directly to each citizen.
I never fucking signed up for this.
Nominated by: Three Strokes
… and seconded by: Mick Johnson
Dan Andrews the Premier of Victoria Australia
Locked down an entire State because his Security Guards were fucking the women in Quarantine Hotels spreading the China Virus and STDs.
Lockdown measures include everyone indoors before 8pm no exercise unless your a Security Guard or Cop, $200 fines for not wearing a silly Chinese made mask on your face that does nothing as its not a respirator. No travel over 5km, no work unless you’re deemed essential.
Dictator Dan also called in the Australian Army to enforce his lockdown ie House Arrest.
Dictator Dan extended the hours of the Heroin Injecting Rooms, crashed the economy of Victoria cost the State Billions and caused a recession thats now heading for a depression.
Dictator Dan signed secret Chinese deals including the Belt and Road Initiative and yet rejected Federal Government funding for a Highway when elected.
Dictator Dans Police have used excessive force particularly on women who were choked around the throat and thrown onto the pavement and jumped on as if they were armed or dangerous without questioning for not wearing face masks
I have never seen such an over reaction in my whole life to something which is basically flu.
I saw a news conference in Australia where they gave a list of about 4 people who died with it (not of it ). One was a 75 year old man and another 95 years old.
FFS Nations are willing to destroy entire economies and people’s lives for a Virus that has killed less than 1% of the population.
Sweden didn’t opt for this insane lockdown policy and their doing fine unless you believe the Daily Mail and Express.
Spot on Fenton, I really am past caring now.
To watch that fat useless cunt in No10 flounder and wobble in the face of problems he made worse, have provided me with some welcome entertainment.
Roll on death.
The pandemic has been a godsend for the British Government and their impending failure to implement the Brexit people voted for. And they need to keep exaggerating the virus and its effects so that when the resulting BRINO shit hits the fan they can blame the economic consequences and failure to “bring back control” on the pandemic, not our fault guv, we did everything we could, sorry…
Perhaps Australia would be better off if the Government stopped selling it to the yellow locusts and infesting it with peacefuls.
Just a thought.
Fully fucking Agree. Two bedroom coops with garage in eastern Melbourne now selling around AUD800 grand, whole suburbs Chinafied etc
My suburb in Sydders is also becoming an outpost of mainland China. The women stink of cabbage breath, have no dress sense and are very unfeminine. The blokes, mostly from Honkers, dress as though they’re 25yo, the cunce. Older type Fed houses in my street go for about $3.8mil. If one is auctioned the chinks hover like flies around a smelly shit.
New Zealand has passed a law within 24 hours without public consultation to enter anyone’s home without a warrant who they “SUSPECT “ of having Covid and holding them in a quarantine centre.
Apparently that was a fib made up by an opposition candidate as elections loom.
More people will die from suicide, missed cancer treatments and other non diagnosed ailments than from Covid 19. All totally avoidable if the Swedish herd immunity model had been followed. I now know of four suicides in my area alone from lost jobs and businesses, all were in their 20’s and 30’s. As long as a 102 year old with dementia gets saved. Well done Boris, Rushi, Nick and the rest of you incompetent bumbling fuckwits.
Absolutely Bob.
The Daily Mail has criticised the Swedish health minister because he allegedly said letting some of the very sick and old die is price worth paying for herd immunity.
All the Cunts, kiwis included, could bang on about first time around was “ohh we flattened the curve” without giving a true study to the fact that was the entree to the main course.
They then let nagger rally of 30000 go ahead in the streets of Melbourne and the restb is history. No plan Dan did a magic job of that one. And how is magic jacintas plan going in NZ. Can’t hide for ever. Cunts the lot of them.
I presume the political leaders will be the first to try the vaccine then?
Nz, the biggest dump in the first world. Expensive, ugly and now they all pretend to be Maori and wear green stones ugh!
Just to let you know I had the Russian Covid19 vaccination yesterday and I can honestly tell you there are absolutely no negative sideffski efectovski secundariosvki Кто может это прочитать Обожаю Владимира Путина
FF that is smart!!
Sadly, this vaccine came too late for my uncle, Ivor Chestikov who passed away last week.
And my 3 testicled Russian Cousin – Ujanik Urnackerof.
Ouch! Whose putting bricks in those coats? ?
????? Nice one Fenton!!!
Yes, the Convicts completely balls’d this one up. The sly bastard managed to set the start of the curfew just after his birthday so he could celebrate before the KGB curfew.
I’ve spent a lot of time in Melbourne and have lived all over (except the Western suburbs, naturally). One block of flats close to Abbotsford (near the marvellous Lentil As Anything) was instantly recognisable as it’s full of immos who didn’t help by spreading the ChínkFlu, ignoring social distancing and partying. They’d be better off pulling those eyesores down and distributing the contents in Tazzy or some other arse of beyond. Luckily it’s the winter or else the police wouldn’t have been able to control the Lebbos, Immos, and Yahoos.
Realising that the west is a weak, ineffectual , destroyed from within, post free society if I was a CCP cunt id release a man made virus to check this out for certain. An experiment as it were. Turns out were fucked.
Used to visit Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula.
All very nice.
I’m to believe Frankston is now full of blek cunts.
Nice to know pretty much every rich country is committing cultural suicide.
So no surprise the politicos are running about like digital Stalins.
Fuck Off.
To be fair it always has been full of Blek Cunts. I went to school there in the 70s and the only thing thats changed is the intro of meth. So nothing has changed its just more obvious
Mornington Crescent is still alright. It’s Frankston at night you don’t want to visit. Boguns, Irish, and Sudanese cunts.
Years ago Me and a chum were changing a flat tyre in Frankston when a drunk yob offered help, no thanks we got it. He returned with four pissed up mates looking for a fight . Ahh the old days, now it’s all Somalians subcuntinentals and peaceful.
Frankghanistan isn’t too bad, I’ve been here for nearly 30 years. We have our share of Sudanese vermin, but it’s minimal especially compared to places like Melton. Its the junkies that have always been the biggest problem here, and the drunks on a friday/Saturday night.
No matter how bad it gets here it will never be as bad as Dandenong, now that place is a shithole like no other.
Due to the handling of this scamdemic I’ve had no work, have no money, am now seriously overdrawn, and was completely pissed off with fuck all going on in my life, but then a friend suggested that I try meditation as it could get me in a better place, mentally.
Normally I’d give this type of stuff a swerve but this time I thought fuck it, why not, I’ll give it a go. It’s gotta be better than sitting around doing nothing….
We could do with Dictator Dan policing the channel, keep out them damn boat people.
Wearing masks outdoors …… why?
But the silly cunt wouldn’t keep them out, he wants to swell his cuntstituency.
Apart from having to use newspaper to wipe my arse for a couple of weeks during the initial unnecessary panic life goes on as per normal here in West Oz. I and it seems the rest of us are enjoying hard borders, no Poms or easterners whinging about how much better it is back home, no rude quacking and spitting Chinese tourists and no new fucking refo’s (they’re all stinking up Indonesia and Malaya for now).
We’re all rather content cut of from the rest of Oz and the world and although it’s crass to bring up the old bugbear of independence while Melbourne has become a Stalinist plague ghetto that banana bending cunt Clive Palmer is making it more popular.
Let them all get it the fucking Cockney crime rejects
In Melbourne there are hardly any Cockney/Oirish convict cunts left. It’s mostly Greeks, I-ties, Lebanese then a few joos, Indian taxi-drivers, and Chínky 2-dorrar shops.
I’m not surprised it’s going tits up Down Under. Mrs Hunt insists on watching all the Aussie soaps but to my amazement they’ve all – without exception- caught the Western Disease of wall to wall gayness (both genders). Even the rather good The Heights (lunchtimes on BBC1) is plagued by this 5% of population at most being passed off as highly commonplace.
I suppose my impressions of Oz were formed by the ‘men are men‘ hard nuts like Hogan, Lillee and Chappell, Alan Bond, Muriels Wedding types but fuck it’s disappointing to see you’re just as fucked as the rest of us.
I was intending to hove up to The Gabba in 16 months time. Fuck that now.
does anybody still think this is about a fucking virus – honestly??
190/95 counties signed up for Agenda 2021 and this is happening NOW – in front of your very eyes – and most people couldn’t care less – what is the fucking point???????????
It has never been about a virus Lana.
100 percent hoax from the outset.
Swallowed hook line and sinker by the gullible masses.
I run a business and 95 percent of customers gratefully remove the pointless fucking muzzles when i tell them they can if they wish.
Depressing to see just how easily cunts can be herded like cattle because the lying bastard government and media scare them with bullshit.
If someone had told me fifty years ago that in 2020, people would enter this country illegally and be rewarded for it, I would have told them to go and get their bumps felt….
The more I read people tentatively saying ‘maybe this isn’t all it was cracked up to be, after all’, the more I despair.
From DAY ONE this pile of shit has been a pile of shit. Anyone with a brain should have been able to compute that.
Now, NOW you’re asking ‘do we really need to wear a mask after 6 months’?
You zombified fuck-faces have brought this enslavement on your own heads, and the blood of your children’s erased consciousnesses are the bounty you’ve willingly, fawningly paid for it.
If you’ve masked up, even once, I despise you and wish gleefully the worst for you.
And yes I know, this is going to be divisive and attract calumny. We’re in a war, so anything’s fair game, bring it on.
Silly woke cunt of a cunts cunt