Exceptionally thick some might say. Not me. In fact the the thick redneck to me represents the ‘American genius’.
Just dislike that term ‘American Exceptionalism’. As though America is unique. As though the people are somehow unique. But crucially (to my argument) that it has a unique place in the world with a unique ROLE.
Reagan liked to quote Jefferson I think ‘we can make the world over again’. That is the dangerous idea behind American Exceptionalism. That America’s role is to make the whole world anew. As though by Providence the ‘new world’ is to make the old world anew.
You got that when Rumsfeld talked of ‘old Europe’.
The ‘neo-cons’ were/are all American Exceptionalists.
Going back to the Rednecks. What if the Confederacy had won? I think we would have had a more civilised, self contained America. Still largely rural, small town, free of all this ‘dynamic’ Capitalism. A quiet America. Not the one that swaggers in the ‘World Stage’.
The Quiet American comes to mind. Haldan Pyle the innocent that goes into foreign countries with the best of intentions and fuck things up.
Pause here.
Yes ‘Aunty Nan’ comes to mind. Married to the Mob in New York we now suspect. Fuck me it was like Liz Taylor coming over! Such glamour! In her slacks and fur coat (my mother looking faintly embarrassed in hers), loads and loads of shopping bags, boxes of presents, trips to London, money to burn it seemed. ‘Only in America’, ‘Everything’s big in America’.
But people die of Covid in America, millions on welfare, soup kitchens. Exceptional?
I am disillusioned with America. ‘The American Dream’ is a delusion as well. But that’s for another cunting.
Nominated by: Miles Plastic
If I was forced to live in the US but had a choice where, it would probably be small town New England. I always get the impression that it’s more like a past old England. Can’t say much else as the US has no real bearing on my life except on TV programmes.
Good nom Miles!?
Although if im honest ive not a fuckin clue what your on about!?
If the confederacy had won, well we would have a different world wouldnt we?
Id drive the general Lee to work.
But slavery would of carried on a lot longer,
Im not a fan of slavery more a ambivalent bystander, but yes id probably have one or two working for me,
Commerce that isnt it?
The labour market.
Masser Miserable would be a kind. Master though, saturdays a non whipping day.
And allow them to talk in the fields.
Theyd probably erect a statue of me!!?
Afternoon Miserable
I forgot to say that I believe slavery woukd have evolved out of existence if the confederacy had won.
Over time.
Yeah we all grew up with American music, films etc.. but in my home it was intensified by this glamorous aunt coming over.
It’s only in recent years that I’ve come to question it.
The gist if what I am saying is the old charge but true its too big, too brash, too involved with ‘policing’ the whole world. Too much effort in trying to be ‘exceptionsl’.
Instead of being exceptional they should concentrate on being normal living in a normal country.
Yes they are big heads and show offs but do like a few yank things.
I like gum, hot dogs, and those tshirts with a pocket on the chest (good idea must be english)
Bar that im unimpressed.
I remember going on holiday in america in the beginning of twenty first century. For two weeks with family.
The locals were friendly.
I did notice that the cars are huge.
The food portions were huge. Especially in fast food places and supermarkets.
I think Britain has been slowly catching up with america food sizes lately mind you.
P.s “Yoo Ess Say, Yoo Ess Say!”
You are not wrong about the portion sizes here, Spoons. Take out (doggie bag) boxes are very common here and it’s very typical to eat what you can, then take the rest home with you.
I tried the same thing in a pub in Cambridgeshire a few years ago and the poor server lass was dumbfounded. I had to listen to a ‘health and safety’ speech as to why they don’t allow you to take your left overs. No joke!
We were in Orlando and ordered a couple of large pizzas between the four of us, we only finished off one as they were like a couple of car tyres.
Blimey IY! Double blimey as well, LL.
That’s crazy.
Madness. I tell thee.
Real pretty mouth ain’ee!
Since you can’t stop the Gimmegrants from crossing the Channel, maybe you can get the Froggies to send some cheese with them to go along with you whine.
I can see how the notion of American Exceptionalism offends piss ant little countries and shitholes around the world. I mean it’s kind of like we strutted around the world claiming the Sun never sat on Old Glory or were wringing our snowflake hands over the White Man’s Burden.
Actually, America (and perhaps by extension our failure to live up to our own ideals) needs a good, solid cunting these days…but not for the idiotic reasons you outlined.
PS It’s early morning here in the states and I’ll be out for a while so by all means…have at it.
PPS I have now retired to the deep south…the very heart of the Old Confederacy…where us rednecks like to get drunk and roar:
You drunk already?
Hope that wasnt a dig at England?
General! Is that really you back on the hallowed pages of ISAC?
Hello my Counterfeit Confederate! It is indeed me. Back from the dead (You might notice however, that I am now…and indeed still…deceased).
Are you exceptional General?
I am an exceptional cunt.
Evening General, predictably the US has gone even more crazy since you were last on here, BLM, CHAZ/CHOP, Portland, Lori Lightfoot and of course ‘The Donald’ to name but a few, is a regular soap opera. Just been catching up on the Goodyear fallout.
Very happy to see your fine self back at it. Last time you were here I was working towards buying my first hand gun. I was due to report back how easy or otherwise it was to acquire in the great state of Texas.
I now have 2 guns (S&W M&P 22 Compact semi-auto, S&W Model 586 revolver) and can confirm it’s TOO EASY! Even for a non-citizen like myself. I was actually disappointed and alarmed how easy it was. Since then I’ve got my LTC, so can pack heat wherever I go – but I don’t – I just wanted the training and education.
I got my eye on the Springfield Armory EMP 1911. Drool.
Ah, the land of the free and the home of the armed!
Glad you bought quality. S & W is good stuff. I have 2! (I gave 1 to my sister.) Both are internal hammer revolvers.
I’ve got one! A Springfield Armory 1911 A-1…custom carry.
Glad you got a LTC too. I believe Texas is an open carry state but I hate open carry. Anyone who open carries is really advertising that they have a tiny little dick.
I carry (concealed) everywhere…and I mean everywhere. Especially in today’s crazy climate of Antifa, BLM, BAM and other “peaceful” protesters.
Well said general. Every empire has its day and one most sincerely hope America’s isn’t over yet. There are a lot of people here from “old Europe” and other dead or aspiring empires who wail about what uncultured, avaricious meanies the US are, they’re just fucking jealous that they’re time is over or that the shithole they’re from doesn’t cut the mustard.
It was America that ensured the Axis was completely obliterated not entreated with, the Soviets bankrupted and are the only power capable of standing up to the CCP.
I like rednecks. I meant it when I said they represent the ‘American Genius’. Maybe that not clear.
America saved our arses in WWII and for that I will be forever grateful.
Think they fought it alone too,
Which was nice of them.
Hey Ruff,
You plucky little Islanders did more than your share in that war. In fact if you hadn’t stood you ground during the Blitz there might not have been a world…let alone an “arse” to save.
Together we did show those kraut munching, goose stepping cunts a thing or two. And (mostly) we (Americans) beat those slanty eyed, slope headed, rice eating little cunts too!
Those greasy little, Chianti swilling, pasta munching Dagos* don’t really count.
(*A Dago in America is not a Spaniard but rather an Italian.)
I was going to say “saved our asses” but that would have got me into trouble with the Americanisms Police.
“America saved our arses in WWII and for that I will be forever grateful. ”
I’ve said this before but it bears repetition… Bollocks, did they fuck!!
Fer fuck’s sake where to start… guys, stop reading those coffee table history books from The Works and start on those small thick boring fuckers in close set type and no exciting double page colour pics of explodey things. So the U.S. “saved our arses” did they?
Roosevelt – cabinet meeting May 1942 – as recorded by the Vice President Henry Wallace in his private diary…
“…my great dream and ambition is the DESTRUCTION OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE beginning with India.”
Read that again and let it really sink in… the bastard knew that embroiling Britain in war with Germany would bleed us into bankruptcy, collapse the Empire and leave world commerce open for the U.S. to milk. Roosevelt and Churchill (by now being totally bankrolled by Chiam Weismann’s slush funding City bankers who comprised ‘The Focus’) engineered the circumstances leading to our being suckered into WW2. You need to understand the actions and double dealing of the U.S. French envoy W.C. Bullit with regard to promises made to Poland, the leverage applied to Britain to issue the strategically pointless ‘War Guarantee’ (31 March, 1939) which fuelled Poland’s consequent arrogant incalcitrance towards Germany over the Danzig corridor issue for a start.
You have to know of the direct SECRET comms line between the two of them which effectively bypassed the Cabinet, the Chiefs of Staff, Parliament, the press and the public over which the two of them conspired. Churchill didn’t give a third of a flying fuck about the possible consequences so long as the backhanders kept coming and he could keep Chartwell out of the estate agents window and a bottle of champers on his breakfast table every morning. The Cunt. And even with all that cash now flowing it still wasn’t enough and Chartwell was indeed put on the market when Vickers Da Costa informed him his US stock was now worthless and he now owed them £19,600!
You need to know who Sir Bernard Waley-Cohen was and why he passed the hat round at the first meeting of The Focus at a dinner party at Cohen’s flat in Hampstead () on the night of July 29th 1936. You need to understand that from that moment he became Weissmann’s paid bitch. You need to understand who the fuck Sir Henry Strakosh was and why out of nowhere Brendan Bracken lured him from the sewers of the City of London banking cabal and ‘bought up’ Churchill’s massive Da Costa debt, (?) took over the portfolio without fee (??), returned any profit on it to Churchill (???) and then willed £20k to Churchill in his will to write off that debt. (????)
But it STILL wasn’t enough so then the Czech govt, (next on Hitler’s bucket list) stepped in and via Jan Masaryk (diplomat and Czechoslovakia’s ‘man in London’ and later “Epsteined”) deposited £2,000,000 in a private Midland Bank account (not the Embassy’s account!) from which he continued the effort to bring down the Chamberlain govt and install Churchill in his place and distributed massive bungs to the like of General Edward Spears; two grand p/a in the case of Spears’ (Cons MP for Carlisle funnily enough) according to his wife, Lady Mary Looselips’ diary which to put into perspective was about 4x his fucking parliamentary salary! Now forgive me if I got this wrong but that constituted Treason within the Realm and rightly carried a capital sentence.
All this to bring the British into war with Germany against all our best interests and eventually when the chickens came home to roost, against America’s best interests. One that ‘we’ would start and that America could proudly boast that it had ‘finished’. Of course it hasn’t finished has it; the deadly reverberations of that massive concussion are still ringing out to this day. We lost our Empire and holdings, put ourselves in permanent hock, allied ourselves to and thereby legitimised that psychopathic Georgian gangster Stalin and thereby facilitated the spread of a far more murderous doctrine across the world namely Communism which has murdered, imprisoned, tortured, assasinated and crippled the lives, minds and souls of more people than any other political regime by a whole fucking order of magnitude.
There is a linking factor here, see if you can pick it out – if you really want to talk about the phenomomenon of state/national exceptionalism fine… let’s start with Israel. At the risk of getting ‘ovened’ I’ll kick off with a simple one – why do the Israeli border patrols think they can take competetive head/groin shots at Palestinian children playing in open fields and then fucking film it through the scope as they laugh there heads off at “the little son of a whore” and applaud their marksmanship as his/her brains soak into the soil knowing there will be no comeback let alone investigation????
Obviously you got the point. In fact you may have said it better than I did (sans the sarcasm).
You said it good, General. ?
Btw, where have your emojis gone? They used to piss Dick off no end! ?
Dammit Ruff they have frickin’ vanished and for the life of me I can’t retrieve them.
Still trying though.
You can copy & paste them from here:
Miles. Please enjoy Mufti’s fleeting glimpse of Eternity as a fitting obbligato as you absorb this transcendental fine piece of Sturm und Drang. Fitting too, as it is exquisitely timed at 3’12” to see you through the entire poem:
F. ‘M. Einheit / J W von Goethe
You say tomato, and I say potato. ☘️
Dunno what that poems about CS but im rigid in my jackboots!!??
If that wasn’t quite your bag, Les, try this (also by Mufti):
Talking of bags, there are Rancheros aplenty here. Bit expensive at nearly €3 for a large bag in Tesco, though. Have you tried ASDA cheese balls? Very good and tremendously good value in comparison.
Haha wow, I DID like that actually!
Princess Crocodile?
No its Rancheros for me.
Although theyve changed the bags, not for the better in my opinion.
Used to have a silhouette of a posse of desperados on horseback.
Them and. Smiths’Horror bags’ are what I miss most in my diet.?
Looking at the situation in the US there are many similarities to the situation here at home. On the one hand you have (for the sake of the argument and to keep it simple, let us call it) the Right, Republicans Christians, Rednecks Trumpites whatever, and directly polar the Left, Democrats, Liberals, Marxists BLM etc etc.
As is the case here in the UK it is the left who largely control the media both social and mainstream, so the picture is distorted one way. What the twatering classes constantly fail to grasp is the steadily rising anger of the vast majority of the ordinary people on both sides of the Atlantic who wish nothing more than the right to live their lives as the much as they have done since the last victory over fascism.
Where the difference between the US and the UK is most apparent, is I believe down to the American’s steadfast adherence to the 2nd amendment. A succession of governments in this country having succeeded in effectively disarming its own citizens anything approaching serious reversal of the trip to hell in a hand cart is now impossible.
Not the case in the good ole US of A, while this time it will not be in strictly geographical terms, I believe that soon “The South will Rise Again”
Spot on! You put a whole lot of insight and relevance into one post. Well done and indeed well said.
Thank you for your kind words sir. I’ve always tried in my life to adhere to the best qualities of both our nations.The sense of fair play of us British and the self reliance/determination of our American cousins, not always easy in the modern world but as a model it works for me.
PS. Afrikaners are fucking ok too!
I think the term American Exceptionalism is rooted in the relatively short history of the (settled) country and what it has achieved in that time. Super power status, largest economy in the world, biggest military, etc. There’s no doubt that America has achieved a great deal. Far more than other countries which have existed for hundreds of years longer than the US has.
However, not everything in the US garden is rosy. From afar or on a 2 week holiday in Florida, it might seem that the US is a universally rich, prosperous, glitzy and glamorous place that’s the envy of the world in almost every respect. Fact is, America is a great place to live IF you have at least 2 and preferably 3 of these characteristics – you’re rich, you’re beautiful, you’re healthy. If you have none of these, America isn’t so great.
America is all about extremes. There are insanely wealthy people at one end of the spectrum and people with absolutely nothing at the other end. Due to its size and population, most things here are of an exaggerated magnitude (good or bad) irrespective of what it is. Healthcare, natural disasters, political fall out, poverty. You name it.
There are many cool things about the US along with some things which are hard to accept or live with. It’s easy to criticize, but I’d rather live here than the UK. I would say that it’s not for everyone though. As a Brit, you do give up an awful lot to live in the US. But once you embrace the culture and enjoy things like whatever fantasy, dream or ideal you have, there’s someone catering for it; you can buy almost anything, any time, any place; it costs about £15 to fill up your car; amazingly different climates and geographies; incredible food choices; etc. etc. Contrast that with Blighty with its culture of ‘gotcha’ (e.g. speed cameras), surly or non-existent service, trying to get hot food in a pub after 9 PM and there’s always someone or something telling you why you can’t do something or can’t go somewhere or can’t get something, etc. etc. You soon realise how repressed and restricted life is in the UK.
Whenever I visit my home country, my heart dances when I see the South Downs, sip on a pint of proper beer and enjoy talking to people who sound like me for a change. It is truly blissful – for a while. Takes about 3 days before the UK becomes incredibly annoying and I cannot wait to go back ‘home’, even if it’s not that exceptional.
The notion of only 1 or 2 weeks annual leave a year in the US.. I’d have topped myself or left if I grew up there. Fuck that arrangement!
Merica isn’t as free as it thinks. You won the battle against ol’England, but we got you back economically – yer still our colony.
The 1 or 2 week PTO thing you mention is outdated. In my experience over the last 20 years, it’s more typical to be 15 days (3 weeks) minimum. If you’re changing jobs and had 20 days at your last place, you negotiate 20+ at your new job. You wouldn’t just accept the loss of a whole week of vaca.
Low grade/low paid jobs might still adhere to the 1 or 2 week deal, but I have no insight into those.
What is still relevant and completely weird (and wrong) to me, is ‘sick days’. Some companies allocate you a certain number for doctor/dentist/being ill. Other companies lump them into your PTO (Paid Time Off). Some don’t. It’s very common in the US to have to be ill in your own time. If you’re off for a week with flu and don’t have ‘sick days’, then you take those days as either PTO or unpaid.
It’s like it’s not bad enough you’re actually ill, you get financially penalized for being so. Lovely. This policy encourages people to go to the office when they’re ill and contagious. Thus making other people ill resulting in greater productivity loss for the company. I’ve never understood why companies do this, other than Yank companies work you hard, hard, hard. That’s the way it works here.
You yanks definitely get the shit end of the stick! European countries get a solid amount of sick days, plus 25 annual leave, plus public holidays. I can buy 5 days extra too if need be, which is always the case!
It’s what you get for trying to leave our empire ?
Never heard the term, dont know what it means.
I do know that America, like the UK, is eating itself with bullshit woke identity bollocks which can only lead backwards. We are now at the stage where any debate or doubt about BLM or transgender nonsense is howled down.- No, make that anyfucker who doesnt actively support this denial of humanity and science is marginalised. And out of work. The cunts are now calling for JK Rowling not to be published because she said only women menstruate. What sort of nuthouse do we live in?
Dont like Trump but who else will stand against it? Not the useless parliamentary cunts over here, that’s for certain.
Yes, American Exceptionalism is commonly used in political discourse.
Another thing that irritates me is their use of the word ‘doctrine’ (so revealing). There was ‘The Truman Doctrine’. And I heard an American commentator say the other day ‘we need a new American doctrine for the middle east’. Not we need a new American policy for the ME.
To me that is revealing for what is a doctrine? An unchangeable teaching given down from on high.
Just googled it-
Presidential doctrines
Monroe Doctrine.
Truman Doctrine.
Eisenhower Doctrine.
Kennedy Doctrine.
Johnson Doctrine.
Nixon Doctrine.
Carter Doctrine.
Should have written-
An infallibly unchangeable teaching given down from on high
My mate’s got a cat that wants doctoring!
I’ll go now!
American exceptionalism was internal, America was inward facing and wanted nothing to do with the world outside much before getting dragged into two world wars to save Europe’s arse.
The American constitution as written is the most citizen protective constitution in the world.
Is America always right? Of course not. Is America always the devil left wing wankers and mad mullahs make it out to be, no it’s not. One of the founding fathers stated after the Declaration of Independence and passing the constitution into law that he believed the people would piss it up the wall, so they have.
Is America worse than the USSR, the EU or countless banana republics or failed socialist states?
Insightful post.
With regard to pissing up a wall…
It is said that when Ben Franklin left the Constitutional Convention Hall in Philadelphia he was stopped by a citizen who asked him:
“Well what kind of government have you given us?”
Franklin is said to have responded:
“A Republic…if you can keep it.”
Have a listen to Gil Scott-Heron’s “Winter in America” & “Whitey’s on the Moon”.
You are on the right track U.C. But the quintessential and (perhaps) more timely and relevant track is to be found here:
(In case this link doesn’t work, the song by the aforementioned artist is “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised” and can obviously be found on YouTube.)
‘the last, best hope of Earth’.
Very shocking that half a million people have fled New York and the prestige shops are boarded up. Portland has turned into a battle ground, police have been defunded, there’s Bubonic Plague in LA, tent cities, and loads of prisoners were let out, free to cause carnage. Looks like the left have gotten a grip and are trying to take the country down. Don’t like the look of doddering Biden and his loony running mate either.
(Yikes! That sounded worse than it was meant.)
Your observations are spot on. But don’t count “us” down and out yet. The election…no matter what the outcome…will not be the end of the matter. However, it might be the beginning of the fight,
God speed brother.
Well weve got problems of our own, leave them to it, after all its their business and theyre never in a rush to help us.
Without the United States we would be at the mercy of Prince Vlad or The Yellow Peril.
At least they have the guts to knock fuck out of anyone taking the piss.
Have a nice day!
Where did that header picture come from, the momentum website? Worst gender equality? What a load of bollocks, I bet gender equality isn’t even a subject in Iran or the Sudan, or loads of other places where mighty Mo is the man to be copied.
There’s plenty wrong with America, but no more than the rest of the civilised (western) world.
Ah… I think I see where you’re coming from now Miles:
“In Northern England during the 19th and 20th centuries, Roman Catholics were known as rednecks.”
After which they all migrated to America. ?
Friggin’ Mackrel Snappers!
Hey! That gives me an idea for a film (movie)…Carlisle on the Hudson.
Catholic rednecks. Not many of them.
There was a chance in the 19th century it would become a predominantly Catholic country.
Shame it didn’t.
What, like Mexico? Yep, no murder or crime of any sort.
Great nomination.
@General Cunster:
If the Conferderacy had won, I would now be sitting on the porch of my grande antebellum mansion, throwing bones to my hounds, sipping mash whiskey and gazing wistfully at the latest young Southern Belle arrived to comfort me.
An American version of our own Sir Dick Fidler.
You see fellow Cunters, my matriarchal lineage is directly descended from General Alonzo C. Jackson Mason, whose Daughter Married John Thomson Mason of CSS Shenandoah-and fired the last shot of the American Civil war.
So get on with it over there, raise the Confederate flag over the White House, then I can come home???
@Cuntfinder General
Great Nomination?
Despite your exalted lineage you’re no gentleman sir! Your cowardly ancestors turned tail and ran back to the land of oppression. They chose England over America! (And more particularly over the South.) They chose the Union Jack over the Stars and Stripes! Tea instead of coffee! Roast beef and horseradish instead of fried chicken and gravy! CRICKET instead of baseball!
The very idea!
By God Sir you are a cad! I challenge you to a duel on the field of honor. Choose your weapon…pen and paper or keyboards and screen. We’ll square off at 4000 miles turn and…WRITE. (And may the best cunt win.)
It only remains for us to choose our seconds.
(As a matter of record my ancestors fought on both sides of the war. My mother’s family for the Confederacy and my father’s for the Union. In point of fact, I am distantly related to the real General Custer through my father’s mother.)
Of course if you prefer we could sit down, share a bottle of sour mash, smoke a couple of cigars and discuss the matter like grown ups.
I choose Miserable Northern Cunt as my second.
Even if you choose Sasquatch as yours, your fooked-MNC is fucking rock-shaves with broken bottles (or did) and everything. Even his fucking dog “glowers” at folk.
Prefer the sour mash option though???
Ps: for the record-only 1 descendant chose the Stars and Stripes.?
Done! Sour Mash it is!
Bourbon is in vogue right now and truth be told there are many fine options in that style. Or we could opt for Tennessee Whiskey. George Dickel has some excellent offerings and is in fact a much better whiskey than Jack Daniels…which is (with the exception of Gentleman Jack)…pure fire water.
With regard to cigars…Cuban cigars are now legal to possess and smoke here but there are some better options in my view. Padron 1964 Anniversario (in Maduro) is a world class smoke. Auturo Fuente Opus X is highly regarded and much sought after (although I think their sungrown’s are better and Don Pepin Garcia’s My Father series are exceptional.
But for a peace making sit down like this might I suggest one of Pete Johnson’s Tatuaje (Brown Band) premium cigars. It’s full bodied and will stand up to any full flavored whiskey we choose.
I’ve always said what the world needs is more understanding. And if a couple of cunts like us can come together their might be hope for mankind.
PS Leave MNC and his mutt at home. There’s no need for seconds now and that leaves more booze for us.
PPS Have you ever shot an AR15?
General Cunster, Brother,
I have shot practically everything that is legal to shoot in the Good ol’ U of K, Hunted everything that it’s legal to Hunt in Uk, Ireland and many parts of mainland Europe, have many friends in the milliatary with whom i have spent many happy hours blitzing targets on MOD land.
Ar15-nice tool-on my antebellum porch, within easy reach!
By the way I have plenty of paper targets with the likenesses of Barry and Moochie Obama, Hillary, Nancy Pelosi and even AOC. But you might want to bring your own as Jeremy Corbyn and Diane Abbot targets are not readily available here in the states.
Exceptional means the exception to the rule in history. No other nation set common men free like the US. The problem is that while it has a system of government that works better than any before, it is governed by people. People eventually forget what CUNTS they were freed from and put the same type CUNTS in power to put them right back under tyranny. Freedom isn’t easy to get or keep. As lazy CUNTS we now want security instead of freedom. So we welcome tyranny with open arms and spit in God’s face. I call Texas home. Plenty of CUNTS but not yet overrun.
Do you live anywhere near a grassy knoll perchance-maybe a book depository?
I have “kin” (as they say) in Texas near Dallas (Mesquite), and around Houston.
Texas’ problem is not the illegal immigrants crossing the border…it’s the Goddamned California refugees! (Joe Fucking Rogan!) These fucking cunts flee the liberal Democrat lunacy that fucked up the California Dream only to arrive in Texas and vote for liberal Democrats.
They are too fucking stupid to understand that by voting for the misery they are fleeing in the once proud Golden State, they are bringing that same misery to the Great and Sovereign State of Texas!
Liberalism is a fucking disease!
agreed G.C.(dec)
Libelaism is moral syphillis.
fucking dead keyboard… Liberalism
the american dream is only real when they’re asleep – fuck the usa and all the cunts who live in it
And pray tell, what 3rd word shithole or piss ant utopia did you slither out of?
As a 1/8th Yankee, lemme tell ya, most of us see our futures in the Uk just as dependant on the upcoming US Election, as you do.
By the way, I have never been stateside but have got Pet Sounds, Tom Petty and Buddy Holly in the cd multi changer in my gas guzzling 4×4, so qualify as a honorary, leteer sweater wearing, Ritchie Cunningham
Under your bed asleep am I…with a fucking sword, you dumb, slave cunt. You fucking loser victim, you. Take back your freedom, will you? No! you’ll be sucking immigrant cock whilst taking it in the ass by the politicians who serve you – indeed they do, don’t they…Now, get your freedom back, get a gun, and fuck off!
Should of stay with us British. Like Australia, Canada and Gibraltar. But alas they are the wayward son of the English . The Nick Cotton of the Empire if you will.