Akilah Hughes deserves a nomination, purely on the grounds of being an arrogant moron. I’m sure most of you haven’t a clue who the fuck she is, so allow me to enlighten you.
Akilah Hughes is a YouTuber who goes by the handle “Akilah Obviously”. Obviously. Back in 2016, prior to the US election, Akilah released a video in which she laid out her reasons for believing that Hillary Clinton would win.
Shortly after that, Carl Benjamin, AKA Sargon of Akkad used an edited clip of her video in one of his own and I’ve forgotten the title of it. He didn’t say anything in the video, he showed the clip.
Obviously, this prompted Akilah Obviously to hit him with a copyright strike, which Sargon appealed under fair use rules. Akilah then decided that she was going to sue Sargon, and this is where shit gets real. And in case anyone is interested, a Montreal based lawyer and YouTuber called Viva Frei has been following the case. He explains it better than me.
From early on in the case, it was pretty evident that Sargon was, in fact, in the right. In fact, at a meeting attended by his lawyers, the Judge in the case and Akilah and her lawyers, both the Judge and her legal team advised her that Sargon HAD acted under entirely appropriately under fair use laws, and that she was highly unlikely to win. She ignored the advice, prompting her legal team to quit, because nobody likes to lose. With her second legal team, she offered to let Sargon settle the case for $46,000 US. He said no.
Fast forward to earlier this year, and Akilah did indeed lose the case. Sargon subsequently sued her for legal fees, and he has recently won. From the very start of this story, Akilah has been on YouTube and Twitter, bragging that she was going to bankrupt Sargon, take him for $100,000, that she didn’t care if his kids ended up living in the street, she was getting a big Christmas present, she even called him a white supremacist. She also tried to claim that because he had crowdfunded over $100,000 to pay his legal fees, she shouldn’t have to pay the $36,000 he was claiming. Sargon won. He doesn’t expect to get the money, it was intended purely to teach her a lesson.
Apparently, she hasn’t learned that lesson, because she’s been tweeting like a motherfucker, including encouraging her followers to vote for more left leaning judges, because the judge involved in her case clearly wasn’t.
It’s almost a certainty that the judge was fully aware of the tweets and videos she put out over the last four years, and they have not looked good. That’s the lesson. If you sue a fellow YouTuber, don’t make public statements bragging about how you’re going to bankrupt someone. Especially while the case is ongoing, and you have little to no chance of winning.
Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw
I have never heard of this creature but she does appear to be amazingly stupid.
Hanging. Sorted.
Had enough of this fucking shit now.
So the case is over just in time for Akilah to obviously have another screaming fit when Slow Joe loses, then it will be time for Sargon to make another video about Akilah obviously having another meltdown! It’s going to be glorious!!
Another dumb Bubba who needs to listen to Lieutenant Dan’s advice on pulling in her lip?
I followed this case with interest.
Continuing with the Forrest Gump theme: “Stupid is, as stupid does”.
Why are cunts like her allowed screen time? She epitomises everything thats wrong with modern society. Needs tasering and introducing to Unkle Terrys oven, or given to some large Zoo animal as a play thing. Either way deletion from the human race should be swift.
“Obviously” thick as a fucking castle wall.
Cunts with IQs below 60, such as Akilah here, should be placed in a cage for their own safety.
Daft cunt.
Tarred and feathered in an iron cage?
Left to swing for a month overlooking Trafalgar Square?
Lord Nelson would approve.
As do I.
Mithering shitskin cunt.
‘Thick as a castle wall’! Brilliant! Can I borrow that and add it to the DKC lexicon?
You’re welcome, old chap.
Go for it.
Whatever she’s wearing on her head doesn’t come down far enough.
So obviously stupid ignoring the legal professionals who told her the result before she started.
I wonder if she thought her skin colour would make her opinion right, no matter what. It would have in the UK I reckon, the way blacks are moaning about the law recently, and complaining about racial profiling.
It didn’t work with this idiot though. Obviously, anyone would be better off ignoring this silly fuckwit from now on.
Where there’s a BAME, there’s a claim.
Such a shame the claim was – as usual – total and utter bollocks
I hope Sargon takes this dozy bitch to court for non payment. I have found Sargon’s channel well thought out and insightful.
Camels Harris will overturn the verdict and award the young lady substantial damages…………obviously…
So a dar quay who probably loves communism and hates law and order, but at the same time believes in property/copyright infringement, isn’t all property theft to you types?, or is it just whites with property is theft?, actually claiming copyright for something so embarrassing is a sign of severe stupidity, I’d change my name and identity if I was this cuntish, she needs a good sjamboking for being so uppity too, the utter cunt!
I had to look her up….
YouTuber = cunt
Comedian, definitely
Up her own arse, on her website she says “to influencers, if you are not talking about BLM your not an influencer you are a sales person”
I would say Influencer = cunt
I think she is black, but let’s face it, who isn’t these days ?
?“Where did you get, that, blank expression on your face?”?
The Specials 1979
Funnily enough Was going to cunt the word “obviously” or more to the point the yoof of today saying it in nearly every sentence.
“…obviously I walked to the shops to get the Macdees”
No not obvious at all you fuckwit I don’t know what modes of transport you have at your disposal.
“… obviously I woke up at 7am”
What the fuck.
This is something that drives me fucking spare at work.
“How long have you had this symptom?”
“Well obviously it was just after Aunty Maud’s funeral”
“You stupid fucking cunt if it was obvious I wouldn’t have asked and secondly how the FUCK am I supposed to know when aunty Maud snuffed it you fucking cretin!?”.
Careful you guys; she might sue…
If you have never lived or appreciated living in a country where the rule of law applies ( it no longer does here unfortunately, cunt lady Hale and the other 11 to 0 fucks prove the point) then you have no idea what freedom looks or feels like. Id love to be in a position with the lot v a MG42
What she wants is a good 3-way plugging!
Having looked at her nom photo again, she does indeed look, in the words of Glen Matlock- “pretty vacant”.
Without the pretty bit.
Do not know or care who these cunts are. Anyone who uses twatter is a total and utter cunt. Fuck em all.
Obviously a big lipped fat arsed cunt obviously dna did that for her obviously
Fuck her ugly cunt.
There is one equation and one only that’s going to lead to world peace.
EXECUTE all BLM, Antifa, Planned Parenthood, Soros, Gates, Fauci, Trudeau, Macron, Merkel, Johnson, whoever the Antipodean twats are. EXECUTE the Clintons, Bushes and Obamas. EXECUTE the Head of Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Note my omissions. I do believe they can be worked with. Yes, even Chy-na.
Spoiler alert, have a bucket handy (mental image from hell coming)
If Lammy and abbot the hut were to breed I imagine the result would be something like this.
Even those gods of sheer cosmic stupidity might be embarrassed by such a creature.
Gott und himmel, even for a khun that is one bowel shatteringly dumb, dense, stupid motherfucker!
But not as stupid as the legion of supernaturally dense motherfuckers who are no doubt lining up to cuntfund rounds 2 to n.