Washington Redskins & Dixie Chicks

Washington Redskins and the Dixie Chicks.

Well well well. The madness continues and I have no idea when this will end. As you have all heard the above cunts have decided to change their names due to the twitterati mob. Fuck you all with a cheese grater.

Washington Wokes and the Cunty Chicks.

Best I could come up with on short notice cunting.

My piss has evaporated.

Nominated by: Once a cunt always a cunt

76 thoughts on “Washington Redskins & Dixie Chicks

  1. How fucking stupid. They remove one word that alludes to slavery but keep the one that degrades wimminz innit.
    What a load of utter bollocks.

    Fuck them.

    When are white folks going to realise that this has moved beyond the stage where it meant anything and has now graduated to black folks laughing themselves breathless (between themselves of course) at our attempts to utterly debase ourselves? I bet they couldn’t fucking believe it when we actually got on our knees for the executioner’s axe.
    They must be laying bets on what they can get us to do next. For fucks’ sake.
    Perhaps we will all remove our eyeballs, because the pupil bit is black and er, yeah it represents our willingness to be blind to oppression. Maybe we can use rusty spoons to do it so we can feel their pain too. Maybe the “Chicks” will lead by example and perform this self surgery on stage.
    I for one would not be at all surprised.

  2. All the websites I looked at state that North American Indians do not find the term Redskins offensive at all.
    This is yet another example of the woke left being offended on someone else’s behalf. They defeat their own object by being racist enough to decide indigenous Americans points of view for them, without seeking their opinion.

  3. Madness.
    Give in to these fuckwits once and they’ll own you.
    They don’t like the term red injuns either, like the term ‘native americans’
    And asking about wigwams and an saying HOW to them is rude now.
    I quite like red injuns, they held their own in the Village People.

  4. Perhaps they should change their name to the Washington Foreskins. Then everyone would know what a bunch of fucking bellends they really are.

  5. Whatever next? Will Little Feat be withdrawing from sale their 1973 album ‘Dixie Chicken’?

    Anyway, ‘Chicks’ is also offensive. As is any reference to male or female.

    Suggest they further change their name to to ‘Gender Neutrals’

    • How!!✋
      This heap big trouble,
      Um white man speak fork tongue, drink firewater, he kill mighty buffalo,
      Um redskins of washington have land stolen, have name changed.
      This bad medicine we speak to big chief Donald Blondehair, he no listen,
      We dance for war this um happen.
      An that lone Ranger he a poofter, try it on with brother Tonto.
      Wwoooo woooo wooo,
      Aha haha aha haha
      Me dancing for war now put on war paint from Avon.

      • No danger of the Avon Laydee putting in an appearance; Max Factor (bet he was an eggand as well, crafty sod).

  6. Redskins is a bit dodgy.
    How about The Washington Gammon-Faces? The only superbowl in which they’d be interested is the one containing their pigeon head & turnip soup.

  7. If “Native Americans” don´t give a shit ,why change the name? It´s getting so absurd that ordinary words will start being changed because they “sound” racist to tin-eared wokes. I remember some black militant in Washington complaining about the use of the word “niggardly” which has no connection whatsover with the “N” word that is now so offensive we can´t even say it or write it down.

      • It’s a good article, and demonstrates the rather protracted timeframe involved in developing this lunacy. If the trend were to continue we would have to stop using words like digger or bigger. Followed eventually by any word ending in the letter r.

      • It’s all gone a bit Dr.Seuss.

        If the wígger at Christmas dinner
        Drank egg-noggin with big vigour
        Though had a stutter and a snígger,
        Would they cancel Christmas Dinner?

    • It’s their own fault, they adopted the word themselves, it’s ok for blacks to call each other N’ger but not whites, racist cunts!

  8. How about changing the name to the Washington Redcoats and let ’em burn the place down starting with Nasty Pelosi’s gingerbread house.

  9. I visited an Indian Pawnee reservation in Oklahoma about 10 years ago. I didn’t get off on the best foot, looking around the Chief’s house, I asked him “do you have running water?”
    I was absolutely gobsmacked when he turned round and said “You can fuck off and get your own wife.”

    • Evening Bertie, are you ready for the family get-together you mentioned? It will be pundamanium as the Bertie clan let rip their best toe curlers. Is Percy invited or still the black parrot of the family?

      • Evening LL. I’m afraid the clan don’t appreciate me as much as you do! Just to give you some idea of how much, they are all going on a picnic but I’ve not been invited!
        Interesting developments with Percy. He’s homesick and looking for ways for me to take him back!

  10. Where this ends is the West overthrown by communism, with the quislings orchestrating it thinking that the CCP will have their back, but then having a rude awakening. I think they’ve accelerated their plan because it finally got through their thick skulls that eye-slime was going to get there first, and the penny dropped that that lot want to kill anyone that isn’t them.

    Nasty Piglosi has just come out and announced that Trump is going one way or the other, ‘whether he knows it or not’, and that she is second in line for the presidency. Let that sink in.

    This is it, boys and girls – and every permutation inbetween. This is literally ‘them or us’, and the longer we sit around saying ‘oh someone will come and sort it out’ the closer we bring our doom. In reality, we here in the disarmed UK can’t do what needs to be done. But there’s a hell of a lot of Americans who can. Just saying.

  11. So much irony in Washington Redskins being forced to remove the Redskins name.
    This was pushed by their sponsors, namely FedEx.
    About 90% of Native Americans were not offended by the name.
    Walter “Blackie” Wetzel in 1971 had the idea to put a Native American chief on the helmet.
    Wetzel was Chairman of the Blackfoot Nation as well as President of the National Congress of American Indians.
    It didn’t look like Wetzel had a problem with the Redskins.
    For the first round of NFL games this season they will be playing 2 anthems, The Black Anthem and the one that some players kneel to, the same anthem that Patriots are proud of.
    Fucking sick to death of this lunacy and the media creaming their pants over the next story that fits their narrative…..

    #FUCKBLACKLIVESMATTERS and their fucking idiot followers.

  12. Me chief heap big cock say..them white women make good sqaw..chief heap big cock say make good little heaps with white women..brings fire to my loins, white man no good..yankee Confederate flag no good…man of dark skin no good..always on knee….burning, robbing, looting…big chief heap say white man good…tell white man to find tall tree, and get short rope..we get rid of spookery

  13. Black Lies Matter.Send them all to Unkle Terry’s oven gas mark 5 for a couple of hours.

  14. What about Dallas Cowboys, it’s offensive to Cattle Movement Facilitators, we all know that Cowboy is a reference to poor quality Workmen ?

    • Yep, and the cowboy in village people is a cunt too,the rancid shirt lifter

    • A lot of cowboys were black.
      True that.
      The term cowboy used to be a ugly term for someone who worked out on the range for months at a time, but now not seen as a dismissive term.

      • Ironically the leatherman biker in the Village People wasn’t a fumbucker.

        His name was Glenn Hughes, he died of lung cancer in 2001.

      • I thought glen Hughes was in the sex pistols, might be wrong..but he is not a poofda

  15. What about the racist cunts at:
    Even worse – Whitehaven R League. Supremacist cunts.

    I’ve changed the name of my Afrikaans folk group from the Kaffirkickers to the Trannymincers to get the Brighton audience.

    • And Saracens rugby club, I suppose ‘The Gunners’ will trigger (thank you) the anti gun lobby.

      • Ah but Saracens were the good guys not like those evil Crusaders (Christchurch, NZ)

  16. What will become of the UK’s Dixy Fried Chiggun chains? Wow, what a conundrum. Many of our tinted bretheren day love da chiggun, but purchasing their chiggun from a racist sounding outlet?

    This wankery will run and run. As someone above said, the fucking MSM will continue to squirty cream their Y fronts over similar shit.

  17. Never get that through, Cuntstable. The “mince” bit isn’t vegan enough for the meatless mob of Brighton. Tranny also suggests Transit van which isn’t eco friendly as far as the tree huggers are concerned.

  18. But Tonto rode with him some of the time. So he was only a ‘lone’ Ranger some of the time. Technical point.

    I suppose soon we will get a remake with Tonto in charge. The dialogue might run- ‘get to it Kimuzabe pronto’ ‘Yes Tonto’

  19. Was listening to Manic Mechanic by ZZ Top, which includes the line “I done put the coon tune on this one”. ?

    • “The man in the coon-skin cap in the big pen wants eleven dollar bills” – Dylan

      It doesn’t matter if he meant a raccoons, the blacks want all of Dylan’s music banned.

    • Got the lyrics slightly wrong:
      “Showdown? You bet, and I havent even saddled my pony yet.
      Have mercy Miss Percy, I done put the coon tune on this bet”. Wonder what Billy Gibbons would sing now, if they even play this song anymore.

  20. Will admit to being Not a big music fan but in the car today on M40 and listening to radio 2, it was Mrs cunt since choice. A band was introduced as six time Grammy award Winners, Three number one albums etc etc and they were called The Chicks. We both looked at each other and thought fuck mr how out of touch have we become that we had never even heard of this platinum selling female supergroup. Now I know why they have fucking changed their name just in case.

    When will this shit ever end, how much guilt must we hold. Seriously did anyone care about this band being the ‘Dixie Chicks’. When they came up with their name did they think let’s show them dark keys whose boss and give it the Dixie big one in Honour of the slave owners. You know the answer.

    I despair. BLM and Black power salutes have become 5e norm. I am a racist just because I am white. Fuck statistics fuck judging people only by their ability and worth. No let’s judge the whites on the colour of their skin and whatever their great great great great great great grandparents did, even if they worked tirelessly to abolish slavery.

  21. I think the Dixie Chicks should change their names to Dicks-in Chicks. I do like a Southern belle/Texan cowgirl Their accents give me the horn. Much nicer than than the Californian whine.

  22. Everyone is too genteel to say this, but I’m fucking not.

    The ONLY thing that is going to put an end to this BLM and Antifa shit is bullets through the cranium. They are so programmed and crazed that that is the only thing it can take.

    Yes, I’m advocating killing the cunts. And the only reason I do so is, because if we don’t, our lives won’t be worth living once they accomplish their goal.

  23. What the fuck will be next?
    Pixies singer to just be called Frank or Francis?
    Stone Roses frontman to simply known as Ian?
    Errol (can’t say his surname either) and his 70s funk outfit now labeled as ‘Hot’?
    And will a certain Shadows instrumental classic now be called ‘Untitled’?

    Yet every treeswinging hip hop and ‘R&B’ cunt can say ‘N!gg@r’ every other minute.
    They want fucking jam on it, but the cunts should get back on the jam jar.

  24. BLM and all those LGTBQAI+ are all cunts and dictating what we call ourselves. They are minority groups for fucks sake. Even Halle Berry recently apologise for accepting a role as a trans man. She even referred to herself as a sis woman which a tranny name for a Real Woman. Everybody needs to push back at all these cunts and grow a pair. Fuck em all!

    • Same thing happened to Scarlett Johansson. She backed out of a trans role fin case she offended the ‘trans community’. And the stupid libfuck bitch complied and crawled to these faceless nutters on Twatter and Facefook..

      Trans community? Don’t make me laugh. There is no such fucking thing. They don’t all live together and help each other out. Every cunt knows that most trannies are look at me narcissists who only want attention for themselves, that’s why a lot of them do it. There is no trans community, just like there is really no BLM on a widespread level. It’s just social media mongs and attention seeking nutjobs getting offended just for the sake of being offended and being a bunch of shit stirring cunts.

      • Well there’s definitely no solidarity between the seperate groups of the LGBT alphabet alliance.

        It’s a big lie of the multiculti PR industry. The gays and lesbos have nothing to do with each other, they’re both wary of the Bis and the trans contingent are at odds with the lesbians. The gays arent too keen on being lumped in with ‘Queer’ people, whoever they might be.

  25. I’m lost here but one thing I’ve noticed over the years is that when a bands latest release gets advertised on television its because its not doing very well. Judging by this bull dyke midget led offering It becomes clear from the content just why they’re struggling.
    As for the Redskins, it was only going to be a matter of time, will animal rights organisations attack Miami Dolphins next for perceived exploitation of marine mammals?
    Clown world ? honk honk ? ?

  26. Well said Cuntlestiltskin. Those sheep shagging LA Rams will be next!

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