Virtue Signalling Mask Wearers

Virtue signaling mask wearers.

Yes. Those holier than thou self important Cunts that walk and drive around on there own wearing a fucking muzzle. These fucks get right up my nose ( no pun intended ).

They berate others in supermarkets for coming within a 3 metres of them. Some muzzle wearer last week was directing people the correct way in Tescos , that did it, I went right up to his face and asked him if he’s the fucking corridor Police and told him to fuck off and leave it to the staff to deal with.

As I said before these useful idiots have been so scared by the BBC and SLY that they will be wearing them long after it’s gone and continue to wash their hands a hundred times a day. It’s usually middle class lefties where I live in Hove that do this. What also gets me is these same cunts didn’t believe a word the Government said about Brexit last year now they believe everything they’re told. Muzzles are symbol of obedience. I get it when your tightly squeezed together on Public transport but not in wide open spaces.

Nominated by: Fenton Fistula

…. and this from Paul McCuntley

Boris Johnson is making it mandatory to wear pointless, useless masks in public.

Many of you think it’s a great idea and he should have done it ages ago. You are also cunts. Stupid cunts who for some reason trust the media and the govt, even though they have proved time and time again that they lie, cheat and steal and kill.

The mandatory mask will lead to other mandatory things, like vaccinations and microchipping. And you foolish cunts will be cheering it on. Cunts.

My mask will have a message on it. I haven’t decided on the wording yet. It has to be short and snappy. “Happy now, Cunt?” maybe.

149 thoughts on “Virtue Signalling Mask Wearers

  1. I have the perfect wording for you PM – write Sieg Heil on there and see how people react. May as well take full advantage of the trolling opportunity.

  2. This has annoyed me out of all proportion. It isn’t a massive thing to wear a mask when you’re popping to a shop but can I be arsed? No. I think it’s just another drip, drip, do as you’re told, no sense, no argument. I also see that you don’t have to wear them in offices because you’re not at risk sitting with someone for hours on end. I give up. I really do. Fucking Boris.

  3. Those cheap dentist cloth masks that I see everyone wearing isn’t gonna do much for protection your nose for the most part is still mostly exposed to particles eyes are still exposed too, You need a ffp1 or better. Went to the chemist the other day and the pharmacist was not only wearing a hi spec mask but he had this massive face shield on I thought thats a bit fucking much but I mean if your gonna do it do it right don’t go half arse

    I’m going break out my hazmat suit if this wuflu gets any worse but I refuse to wear a mask constantly like some stunned cunt will only wear one if a store requires it. Mask enforcers are cunts and Tom hanks can get fucked hasn’t done anything decent since Big, dragnet, and the burbs forest gump green mile and castaway was fucking shit

    • There’s a simple solution for that exposure TS – wear a Klan hood ?

      • I’m not doing that general chigguns, putting a bulleyes target on me for easily aggravated poc. I have it bad enough that I’m part of a troupe of blackface Morris dancers

        No I fucking hated it, it was hollywoods magic neg-row tearjerker 3 hour boring long film. I liked his voice work in toy story movies tho

    • Not a fan of the Green Mile? I thought it was a decent film. I quite liked Captain Phillips.

  4. Ive been wearing an industrial grade mask with filters since before lockdown when in the shops.
    I see it as common sense rather than virtue signalling, independently of government say-so, especially as i’m shielding. I know peolle have used the madk wearing and distancing as a cover to be utter cunts (plenty of videos of Karens out there), but i just do what I have get done (shopping, collecting prescriptions, GP, bloodtest) and go and hide like a morlock.

    It was actually surprising when Professor van Tam decided masks were not effective. I suspect that was to allow the NHS workers to have the few that were available at the time.

    Since then masks have been made more available and now the advice has changed. Was Professor van Tam wrong, especially as the CDC had already decided masks were a good idea?

    Again, it’s not encouraging to see this flip-flopping from ‘official sources’, or social media banning people from discussing the ‘rona. I dont care how mental David Icke’s links between 5G and Covid are, banning it creates a Streisand effect.

    It’s just made everyone more cynical.

  5. Can’t see the big fucking deal. Dear one eve if they might help stopping the spread. Funnily enough, other countries that do wear them have had far less cases and deaths.

    Pure fucking coincidence and it’s all a conspiracy though, eh? Thinking masks could help in public places doesn’t make you a ‘virtue signaller’ ffs. I really don’t see what the big fuss is all about. I’m beyond caring really, the country has gone to shit anyway so if a million extra die because nobody wore them, fuck it. Just fucking die for all I care cunt.

    Obviously got your knickers in a twist. CUNTley because I don’t think the Rona is a fucking conspiracy theory.

    • CUNTley? Are you speaking to me, sir?

      I’ve never said it was a conspiracy theory. Is your mask over your eyes? Someone else, maybe you, said the same thing to me on here but I don’t think there’s a conspiracy. Just idiocy.

      I think it’s a massive, incredible, unbelievable over-reaction based on extremely dodgy figures which have since been revised down and down.

      I think that we’ve got a LONG way to go before this virus catches up with other, worse, flu seasons.

      I think these things because I don’t rely on the MSM to do my thinking for me, and have gone off investigating.

      You don’t see the big deal? Why don’t you investigate then? Take on some different ideas?

      • I don’t trust the MSM either, but I do believe the virus is real and that it has killed a fucking stupid amount of people.

        I do investigate. I have spent considerable time in East Asia in my time. Those cunts have hardly felt it due to wearing the things.

        I simply do not believe that to be a coincidence. I’m pretty right wing but I don’t follow the herd. Most righties think either the figures are being exaggerated, or it’s a hoax (to control us) or that masks are an infringement on their freedom and don’t help anyway. I think for myself. Always. No matter how unpopular my opinion may be, I couldn’t give a fuck.

        So yeah, my ‘investigating’ involves looking at numbers.

        You seem to think governments are making the numbers up. I’m not sure about that. I know a few who got the thing. It’s out there and it is very contagious.

        Mad concept, I know…

        Anyway, I’m done with it. You don’t think they help. I do.

        The end.

        And finally. I believe everyone needs to go back to work apart from those who at high risk.

        The fact you said people who think masks help are ‘virtue signallers’ and were ‘cunts’ provoked my response.

      • Next week legislation will be out that we have to wear pit boots and stand on one leg.
        Boris, you are a cunt.

      • “The fact you said people who think masks help are ‘virtue signallers’ and were ‘cunts’ provoked my response.”

        Ah, I see.

        I didn’t say that. That was the other nomination above mine.

        Everything I said in my reply to you above is checkable by the way.

      • Fair enough on the ‘virtue signalling’.


        “The mandatory mask will lead to other mandatory things, like vaccinations and microchipping. And you foolish cunts will be cheering it on. Cunts.”

        You’re making huge leaps here. David Icke style leaps. Vaccinations are not going to be designed to kill us.

        I hope they find a vaccine, like the polio one. And then those that think it might make them infertile, gay or whatever can just take their chances.

        I believe governments in the west can be cunts, but I do not believe they’re trying to kill us all with a virus or vaccine. Fuck me. That’s mental talk. They’re fucking idiots (literally) who are scared of being called unwoke or racist, but that’s about it (apart from racists like Lammy or Abbott).

        Don’t take it if you don’t want it, if it (vaccine) becomes available.

        I have nothing further to add apart from I need a big shite.

      • Bertie @ 7:05pm

        Nothing as far as I know. All my previous comments are in different threads.

        I do have one that’s been “awaiting moderation” for the past 2 hours plus though….

      • I can’t see how to reply to CB, so I don’t know where this will end up. :/

        I don’t think it is a huge leap. Once you’ve got used to “social distancing” and now masks, there will be something else and then something else. Just a little something here and there.

        Even if you don’t think it’s likely, it IS possible. So I don’t want to tolerate the apparently small stuff because we don’t know where they’re going with this.

        If they do manage to come up with a vaccine in the next year, we should be very wary of it because it won’t have had very long to be tested and long term effects will be completely unknown.

        I will resist it as long as I can, but it won’t be long before people start saying exactly the same things they say about masks now. Get the vaccine, or you’re killing people’s Grannys. Get it, or are you stupid? Right up until it’s mandatory.

        Hope you had a good shite, and a goodnight too.

        And RTC – If the cap fits. Strange how on a site where cunters cunt cunts you take such exception to the word cunt. Whatever, have a good night.

      • We cunt cunts, not fellow cunters, that is verboten. Check out the rules.

        Good night.

      • The virus is real. I have dealt with it. My colleagues have had it. One nearly died. A mask will NOT affect your ability to breathe. I could put an FFP3 on you, stick a SATS probe on you and the reading would be the same with or without the mask. You will look a cunt, in my opinion, but the mask will HELP prevent the spread. I know about these things. I am a NHS ambulance driver, not a conspiracy theorist.

        (I’m sort of corroborating your post, CB, before I get my head bitten off!)

  6. I’m with Cunty bollocks on this-the masks are to catch your cough and sneeze droplets or at least reduce the trajectory. They will protect others and if they wear a mask, it protects you.
    The economy needs reinvigorating-making the middle aged feel safer will draw them back in.
    Suck it up, put on your mask and if it is exposed as a total con, at least you can be a smug cunt later on.
    That’s it.
    Said in my best Kenneth Williams voice:
    “Carry on counting!!!”

  7. Imagine if the people of Britain had whinged like this when being told ‘lights out’ during air raids.

    ‘Muh freedom!’

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