Virtue signaling mask wearers.
Yes. Those holier than thou self important Cunts that walk and drive around on there own wearing a fucking muzzle. These fucks get right up my nose ( no pun intended ).
They berate others in supermarkets for coming within a 3 metres of them. Some muzzle wearer last week was directing people the correct way in Tescos , that did it, I went right up to his face and asked him if he’s the fucking corridor Police and told him to fuck off and leave it to the staff to deal with.
As I said before these useful idiots have been so scared by the BBC and SLY that they will be wearing them long after it’s gone and continue to wash their hands a hundred times a day. It’s usually middle class lefties where I live in Hove that do this. What also gets me is these same cunts didn’t believe a word the Government said about Brexit last year now they believe everything they’re told. Muzzles are symbol of obedience. I get it when your tightly squeezed together on Public transport but not in wide open spaces.
Nominated by: Fenton Fistula
…. and this from Paul McCuntley
Boris Johnson is making it mandatory to wear pointless, useless masks in public.
Many of you think it’s a great idea and he should have done it ages ago. You are also cunts. Stupid cunts who for some reason trust the media and the govt, even though they have proved time and time again that they lie, cheat and steal and kill.
The mandatory mask will lead to other mandatory things, like vaccinations and microchipping. And you foolish cunts will be cheering it on. Cunts.
My mask will have a message on it. I haven’t decided on the wording yet. It has to be short and snappy. “Happy now, Cunt?” maybe.
What the hell happened to the Alphabet Suicide nom, it disappeared when I tried to refresh the page!
Hi Moggie, I suspect it might have been due to the fact that me (and perhaps others) made some rather colourful suggestions as to what several well-loved and respected public figures could do, in a practical sense.
If it makes it more tolerable, perhaps I could suggest all those I named served a term of penal servitude – as I am delighted to see Ghislaine Maxwell, the pimp, must cool her heels in an American prison for at least a year. I wish we were as strict with the “great and good” as they are Stateside.
Contacted iac via their contact page on this site. Quick reply received. “Unacceptable homophobic tone”. There you go my fellow travellers.
It really pisses me off when these cunts get off buses or stop to answer their phones and drop their filthy masks on the pavement – even if there is a litter bin right beside them. If they really believe all the bollocks about the germs, you would think that they would show consideration for others – but no – off they come with all their putrid germs ready for others to clean up or trip over. Bastards ought to be prosecuted in the same why fly tippers are. Really good nom.
If I do have to wear one, it will be the same one till it falls apart. Stupid pointless things.
And then I’ll put it in the bin, or post it to Boris. Same difference.
Same here. Must be the Gay Police. Fuck it, they’re on to us!
bet they take the knee
Bet they take both knees!
I must wear a mask to enter the sub post office, robbers charter. Must wear a mask to stop the second wave?? And if it never comes?? Useless cunts.
Hahaha, “robbers charter”,that’s a very good point, now just WTF do the authorities propose to do about that?
Paul McCuntley, spot on.
I need to try to stop posting like a tin foiler but all roads seem to lead back to that ‘control’ thing.
BTW, now that BAME hating racist virus issues have died (ha!) down it’s time once again, to move the goalposts. This virus is now homophobic. Coming soon, a new threat!
Full on agreement.The sheeple are now happy.All our democracy is fading.Baa baa baa.
Mask not what your country can do for you,
Mask what you can do for your country.
What a load of shite.
Whilst Chinky Flu has been a problem not seen in nearly a century ,the handling of it by HMG has been an object lesson in how not to do things.
BTW Admin, how about a competition along the lines of Deadpool to guess the next peaceful area to enjoy extra Lockdown after Leicester.
I nominate Oldham Guzzi. Full of peacefuls.
Going by the news reports his is looking very likely to be Blackburn.
I think this is a result of the testing.
I don’t think they are waiting for people to actually become ill, they’re doing loads of tests, finding positives, calling them cases and using the “increase” to terrify the population into subservience.
Are the hospitals & undertakers in these places unusually busy? Surely that would be all over the news.
My missus is making me a mask with a swastika emblazoned on it. The swastika is a good luck symbol in India.
Something tells me that it was not the idea of your delightful consort.
Being of Indian descent herself, she thought it was an uncharacteristically nice gesture on my behalf. ?
It’s the Swastika in reverse, Ruff. You see it everywhere in India, on houses, restaurants, shops, and it generates a disconcerting feeling although it means ‘peace’ apparently.
You missed out boats Cap.
Mixed messages i’m afraid.
Please go to the pub/coffee shop etc to get the economy moving again as it’s safe to do so.
But in the same breath, it’s wear a mask to save lives.
It’s a dream come true for lefty do gooders.
Dame Kweer was upset because Boris did not do what he told him to do earlier. With a majority of 80 Boris should have the balls to tell Granny Starmer to shut the fuck up. Mrs T would’nt have taken Foot or Kinock’s old buck.
From where is Boris going to get a pair of balls?
I’m told that masks aren’t required in pubs and restaurants.
Good, you know where to find me.
“I’m told that masks aren’t required in pubs and restaurants”
No doubt Matt Hancock has signed a social contract with the virus to keep away from such places. This just proves how specious the mask lovers argument really is.
Sadly Boris’ troop is just as amateur as Ed Miliband and Theresa’s were
No bloody point if everyone hangs their nose over the top of them.
I think I shall wear my full face military gas mask to help swirl up the fear.
They should put up a statue with Edward Colston wearing a mask. It can then be ripped down and replaced by a statue of somebody doing a Black Panther salute.
Long live democracy.
Just seen that on the news!
Piss now at Fahrenheit 212deg. What next? replace the cenotaph with a statue of a baboon trying to set fire to a flag. FFS.
Our history is slowly being eroded and airbrushed, Credence. Churchill will be replaced by Lenny Henry, Wellington by Idris Elba, and Gina’s Column will stand in Trafalgar Square.
Morning Captain. On a lighter note I believe the morons have left the statue of Gordon of Khartoum outside Brompton Barracks un-touched because no body knew who the bloke was on Gordon’s back!!
I’m all for a a statue of Ayatollah Khomeni in drag. It will appease both peacefuls and the alphabet soup.
Just pull it down and throw it in the canal… the police will turn a blind eye, won’t they?
I liked the Jimmy Savile one that was put up there! Fucking belter! I’ll bet Dick Fiddler could hear the hands wringing from his country estate up t’north
They’re the dull cunts that stand in the middle of the cunting aisle, too despite instructions to keep to one side to allow punters to overtake. We piss ourselves when we see the cunts wearing one when they’re on their own in a car. Clueless cunts.
Good morning.
Passing means breaking the 2 metre barrier, and has any cunter here visited a supermarket whose aisles are 2 metres apart? Not here in Dingley Dell they aint.
Panic stations…..why none of these precautions 3 months ago? FFS.
Our Tesco and Sainsbury’s have taken away all floor markings so as such back to normal shopping. Good for then I thought. Now uncle Boris says wear masks.
Bog off Boris.
Where’s that? I’m hating all the BS in shops, just to keep the idiots feeling “safe”.
I wear mine on my head like a form of Malaysian or Afghan hat. I’m hoping a social worker will spot me and offer me a free flat.
there will be no cunting of cunters on this site. Other sites exist where you can do that. Well done both of you, now I shall be watching you. Love admin.
Aww, Admin, Sir!! If punters are going to row, leave the posts up here so those of us that missed them can enjoy them! Pleeeease!
You missed nowt, Gene. Childish stuff.
I never saw it Dick but whatever it was I’m on your side. This is the first time I can recall a cunter cunting cunters within the body of the nom., something that made me lose interest straight away.
What happened is that Dick took offence to the nom and and PM didn’t like the way his comment was phrased. In his defence Dick you could’ve been a bit more tactful – it was phrased pretty aggressively.
@ Gene and Bertie.
Knowing the thread was likely to be deleted I kept a copy of it.
You’ll be able to read it when I publish my Bumper Fun Book Of ISAC Cuntings & Comments For Boys & Girls, But Not Gender Neutrals.
Watch this space around Christmas.
Can’t wait, RTCP, ISAC archivist!
Afternoon Ruff one. Will your book come with a free mask and Jim Carey DVD?
These things happen. Seen it happen before on here. Storms in teacups and all that. We all have bad days.
I’ve emailed Admin earlier to apologise for my behaviour.
Lessons learnt – don’t post in the immediate aftermath of family rows, take time out to calm down, change out of the fighting trousers and don’t pee off Admin.
RTC – my literary agent will be in touch shortly to discuss my share of any royalties (gross figures of course).
Just seen it’s gone. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Made me larf.
Let’s do it again!
I think I’ve just seen what this disagreement was all about. Your talk about supermarkets and me not keeping my distance, which I took as being completely out of order because you don’t know me etc etc.
There are 2 Noms in this cunting. The first one talks about supermarkets, not mine!
Admin! It’s YOUR fault! 😀
Good night all.
I’ve got my old Lone Ranger mask out of storage.
A Govt. totally out of it’s depth. Masks weren’t needed when there wasn’t a sufficient supply but needed now apparently. Throw the vulnerable to the wolves while bankrupting the economy to pay people who would take little harm to sit at home. End “lockdown” because some adviser was caught out. Tell people to get back to work while thousands of civil-servants are sat at home on full wages. Order people to stay at home while turning a blind eye to planeloads of people flying in from God-Knows-Where.
But what really pisses me off is being ordered to do something by a by a group of fools.
PS….Have they investigated The Gays role in all of this ?
Bunch of clueless fools led by a blithering idiot.
As if to mollify those of us who gave up being told things were “compulsory” as soon as we left school, Boris informs us we don’t have to wear the medical type masks but a “simple” one made out of cotton – in other words a cheap sensless gesture that will cost the government fuck all. I might make a dozen out of one of Mrs Boggs voluminous stockings – you couldn’t get much more simple than her. As to Matt Hancock I’d say to him cheer up – you’re a long time dead – by the look of him.
Morning Dick.
Spot on analysis in every respect, except the bit about the Gays. For your benefit I have investigated the Gays next door and they said “we know nuffink abaaaaht it!”
Now Adolf Hand On My Cock admits he has no idea how long us plebs have to wear these shite masks.TWWWAAAAATTTTT
It’s forever now.
They can never relax this BS because someone might die afterwards and then they would be liable.
The Govt have stolen our right to be responsible for our own health and well being.
I never thought I would hate a Conservative government as much as a Labour one – with all the money pissed against the wall, and these headmisstresy “orders” we couldn’t have done much worse under Corbyn – Granny Starmer I am sure would be as bad as Boris – a pair of panicky old maids.
Totally agree,Mr. Boggs.
A “Conservative” govt. bankrupting the Country and acting like a bunch of headless chickens. I genuinely struggle to imagine how even Corbyn and his Magic Money Tree could have caused more short and long term damage to this Country.
It’s like they’ve made us their property, to order about as they please.
They seem to have given up on the idea that they work for US. Not even a thin pretense.
Corbyn would have spent double what the Tories have, plus another £500 billion on top of that.
Besides, anyone who believed Boris was anything other than a self serving liberal needs to have their head examined.
Sorry to highjack the new thread, but black lives matter innit?:
I wonder if they would give me one for taking all the lemonade bottles back to the shops when I was a kid?. After all I was acting for the greater good at the time.
So fucking what, its meaningless.
In a Covid world it’s like Alice in Fucking Wonderland ?
This should really kick the economy down the shitter.
Dusted off the old service gas mask – should do the trick – it’ll get the local wankers well and truly wound up.
I am thinking of buying a Boris face mask – the Tony Blair one worked with the speeding cameras (who was the driver? – Tony Blair)
Utter cunts the lot of them.
‘That’s it, fall in line and obey for the greater good. Don’t ask questions, just obey. The state is right so do as they say for your own protection. Nothing to see here…’
This Coronavirus episode is stark proof of how easy it is to scare people and keep them scared. Wealthy virtue signalling actors want us, the great unwashed to validate them as exemplary humans as it makes them feel and look good. That will ensure that they stay in their ivory towers free of guilt for being overpaid for pretending to be somebody they’re not. Similarly, if a government can keep a population in perpetual fear, that population can be manipulated and ultimately controlled. Governments of all persuasions are deft at doing this. The idea is to never let the public build up enough confidence and feelings of wellbeing because those attributes EMPOWER people. Empowerment will lead to more self determination so therefore the government would lose it’s grip, and those at the top, together with their nepotistic networks, such as the Masons and old school tie affiliations would erode and fall apart.
This face mask wearing bollocks is now the latest way to keep up us all in line with the threat of enforcement and fines to add an extra layer of fear. The average Joe will comply, as he has much to lose living from week to week doing a J.O.B. (just over broke) and won’t want to risk a criminal record which is just how HM government likes it, although in reality, getting arrested for not wearing a useless mask is extremely unlikely given it takes 4 days in some cases for the overstretched police to respond to a burglary.
Oh, that’s unless you’re Madonna in Kensington of course. Talk about ‘all in it together’. Cunts.
3 words:
Divide and conquer.
This is going to be disastrous for disabled people. Many of them will have spent years trying to integrate into society and not stand out or draw attention to themselves because of their disability, yet now this mask thing is mandatory they’ll stick out like a sore thumb by virtue of having the exemptions. The government didn’t bloody think of that did they?
The met police federation (wankers) were on the news yesterday whining that this would be impossible for them to enforce.
So, just like every other fucking law then. Apart from hate crime stuff.
To be fair, I am sure the ordinary police officer will tend to turn a blind eye to any transgressions – except if some fucking nosy Karen makes an issue out of it, and I am sure they will be embarrassed by it. They didn’t join the police to become playground monitors or to bend their knees. The higher rank officers who got where they are by a degree in Sociology and licking the arse of the those above him will be the ones who relish doing what their masters tell them, but the ordinary PC will I think be reluctant to act in this case. If I were a PC, I’d resign, and let Cressida Strap-On and her toadies do the work.
Cressida Strap-On – brilliant!
The problem I foresee is that despite our knee benders not being able to enforce this new turn events or apply a fixed penalty, I see Joe Public doing the far worse and marching angrily down the road of public shaming. It’s going to leave people in hospital for a far different reason.
Dont forget fellow cunters, we need to wear face coverings to stop the second wave. What happened if it never comes? Hancock is worse than a cunt.
The second wave is all about cases now. There aren’t enough deaths to keep the media scare stories going, so it’s all cases from now with no indication of how severe those cases are.
As of today worldwide 570,000 dead and 13M confirmed with 7.7M recovered.
Pfffft fuck all.
Even if all the dead were BECAUSE of the bat plague that’s only 0.0004% of the population of the planet. I think. My maths is shite.
But, it isn’t, especially here in not so good old Blighty. Over 98% were WITH Covid not BECAUSE of it.
Up here in normal for Norfolk out of the 160 that died. Yes that’s right only 160 over the whole of Norfolk, I think 1 was solely down to the virus and that has been contested by the way. which means the rest had at least 1 underlying health condition.
Don’t get me wrong it’s sad but jeez Louise people die every day of other stuff and people survive horrible shit and accidents too. They don’t get fucking clapped out of hospital though do they.
When my ex wife’s dad survived a heart attack and then a stroke while recovering in Adenbrookes Hospital he wasn’t clapped when he left. We thanked the staff with all our heartfelt gratitude and they replied basically saying it’s what we do.
I’m having a rant now and I may seem callous but if you are that scared of this bollocks then stay at home order online, wreck the high street economy and don’t lecture me for my health. The cotton mask will not stop a virus. Bacteria yes. Not a virus.
This little link is a useful guide on size
Unless you have the FCC3 ( again I could be wrong but can’t be arsed to look it up) mask or similar you might as well wear a pair of fishnet stockings.
I certainly won’t be shopping with a mask on which means I’m going to wreck the economy and high street as well.
Where’s interstellar travel when you need it.
I’m with you.
The namby-pamby scaredy-cat cunts should curl up in a ball and hide in the wardrobe and stop wrecking our country! I’m holding THEM responsible. And the media. For cheerleading the whole farce.
Worldwide that is a total death rate of 2.28% according to my maths – not great but certainly nothing to be overly alarmed about. And given the medical facilities we have and the relatively low population density outside of the handful of major urban areas that is likely far lower here.
Is it that much? I thought the world population was around 7.5 billion which would mean at 2.8% over 200million dead.
I’m confused now. Which isn’t difficult as still haven’t had my third coffee yet today
I’m going off the 13 million cases plus the 570k who have died.
Divided by the 570k who have died rather
Incidentally, that’s also right in the Goldilocks zone of the 291,000-646,000 deaths around the world that are caused by seasonal flu each year.
Why the f would I be visiting you in A&E?
Apologies to other posters btw who must be sick of this by now.
Sorry, reply to PM above. Wrong place for some reason.
What are you going on about now, you old cunt? Is it time for your meds?
YOU were supposed to be reporting back from A&E after you thumped that mystery shopper, remember?
Is this your Alzheimers kicking in? Is your carer out shopping?
Re-read your post @ 09.45. It reads as if you ,the stanger [sic] (now apparently a mystery shopper), mistakenly believed you’d be capable of putting me in A&E when the reverse would be the reality.
Anyway, I’m bored with you now as I’m sure Admin and everyone else are of the pair of us. Go back to your mummy. I’m sure she’ll have expressed enough milk by now for your din-dins.
Whoever you thump in a supermarket will definitely be putting you in there. That’s why I asked you to report back *from* A&E.
But now you’re so rough & tough AND terrified of catching the flu.
I am done with you too. Tell it to your home help.
You appear to be absolutely intolerant of other people’s views. You’re not out on one of your Antifa marches this afternoon are you?
Who are you talking to? Me? Could be either me or DD.
If someones opinion is exactly the same as the govt & media, I have very little respect for it. Such people should try thinking and coming up with their own opinions.
And the last couple of days I have been extra intolerant because of the threat and now the reality that I’m going to be *forced* to wear an item of PPE that I know doesn’t work and may in fact cause other health problems, all to appease the kind of people I mentioned above.
There is no point trying to convince frightened old people that they are being scammed.
Oh I know… you poor man.
He’s right RTC. It isn’t natural to wear a piece of fabric over your airways.
No, it’s not, but surgeons manage and so do I when we’re in level 2 PPE with a patient.
I never suggested it was natural.
I’ll continue to resist wearing one too, until they’re made mandatory.
What I won’t do is bleat about it as if if it’s some sort of massive infringement of my human rights.
And I won’t cunt other cunters just because they hold a different opinion on the matter.
I think the issue PM has with it is more the government taking away the personal responsibility of people in regards to how they live their lives. That is something which can and will be abused.
“And I won’t cunt other cunters just because they hold a different opinion on the matter.”
That’s not what that was about at all.
He went after me first. You think I should just put up with shit like that?
Not going to happen.
I have consistently argued that the wearing of face masks in shops should not be made compulsory by government decree. It should be up to individuals and the owners of premises to decide what their policies are.
The entire thrust of your nom is cunting the cunters who hold a different opinion to yours. Can you not see that?
PM “And I won’t cunt other cunters just because they hold a different opinion on the matter.”
Then I suggest you choose your words more carefully because that’s what it came across as. I’ve never seen a nom where someone has cunted cunters so much..
“The entire thrust of your nom is cunting the cunters who hold a different opinion to yours. Can you not see that?”
No RTC, I don’t see that at all.
The ENTIRE thrust of my nom was cunting the cunts who want to force their paranoia onto the rest of us.
It’s not just a different opinion at all, IMO.
This might appear twice
Bertie Blunt Tory Cunt
on July 15, 2020 at 10:19 pm said:
PM “And I won’t cunt other cunters just because they hold a different opinion on the matter.”
Then I suggest you choose your words more carefully because that’s what it came across as. I’ve never seen a nom where someone has cunted cunters so much..
What you quoted from me is not something that I said. It’s something I quoted from RTC in reply to him. I’ve included your whole post because this thread is getting a bit convoluted.
Actually Bertie and RTC, he’s right – Dick instigated it. I saw the entire argument before it was deleted and his initial response certainly went into cunting the cunter territory. PM was bang out of order too but let’s not pretend that Dick was an innocent victim in all this, as he most certainly wasn’t.
Masks? Useful for sexual deviancy and burglary – in public the only acceptable masks are Tony the Tiger and The Lone Ranger! (But watch out for that fkin Tonto geezer – looks a bit foreign to me!)
Stand by for tomorrows unenforceable and ridiculous guidelines from a Government already completely out of ideas.
On other news – fuck Huawei! ???????
I can get two more naked Tesco trips in before the ‘Mask Law’ kicks in…..
I have been successfully navigating Tesco, mask free from the start when the infection was 1 in 400, now it’s less than 1 in 2000, so why the fuck do I suddenly need a mask…. I just can get it, risk reduced but protection requirements increased.
Goes against all logic, maybe when it’s down to 1 in 20000 we will need full BA sets ?
Sorry I already posted this in Coronaviral Shit but here it is for any of you that don’t read that section, I might buy this mask:
There’s a couple in my basket. Thanks for the link. They are going to make a fucking fortune.
I liked this one:
Or you can make one out of net curtain or Tule fabric which is see through, completely breathable and a big fuck off to this muzzling nonsense. Nobody is going to say ‘ You’re not wearing the right type of fabric’, actually some might!
Tulle fabric, can’t spell
We could do the sort of veils that Arab girls use in the Dance of the Seven Veils.
More appropriate for ISAC?
I bought a mask last week, it’s in trendy black. Cost me £4.99 and I told her to keep the change. Didn’t want to catch anything, did I?
Cracking. ?
Don’t need masks, just less P*ki cunts, another P*ki town, Blackburn into lockdown!!
How the fuck can I drink my pint wearing a fucking mask?
At this rate I’ll die of thirst.
The thoughtless cunts.
Mask up, drink pint, mask down ?
I think pubs and restaurants are exempt.
I may be going completely bonkers but..
In shops, staff don’t need masks but customers do.
In pubs, staff need masks but customers don’t.
It’s all a bit fucking monty python!
They’re taking the piss!