A nomination for Trans-activism.
This is not an attack on transgender people, but the activists who have appropriated their suffering to undermine western society. Gender dysphoria is not a common occurrence, the NHS figures say it affects 0.0087% of the UK population (1 in 11,500). A fringe health issue being used to push a dementedly mainstream but completely disingenuous civil rights’ campaign.
These people were better off seeking counsel in private with professionals, rather than having their problems politicised and used by cultural marxists to destroy the idea of biological sex, femininity and masculinity, thus undermining the idea of the nuclear family (a goal shared by BLM and a number of straight white LGBT activists). Because transgenders exist, the left have decided to invent their own genders, or play games by being non-binary. It’s all about power and controlling language. Call me they, Xe/Xir or you’re a bigot and transphobe. Jump through these hoops, and keep jumping until I say stop’. (They’ll never say stop, just as the Soviets , Maoists and Khmer Rouge never stopped killing to reach their workers’ utopia)
Gender Reassignment Surgery, or as wokelets call it, ‘gender confirmation’, is not a desirable process to have to undergo, and should not be promoted on a fashionable whim by feral soy-sucking cunts and trans role-players (more transvestites looking for attention) who don’t know what it involves or won’t have to suffer it themselves. They wont give you the grisly negatives of the male-to-female op, so I will.
(Stop eating your bacon/sausage sandwich right now..)
Seriously, the next 2 paragraphs are stomach churning – viewer discretion advised – admin.
The vaginal lining made of scrotal skin so there’s no lubrication and pubic hair will grow inside the vag’ unless electrolysis is performed thoroughly and regularly. If it’s not made of the scrotum it uses part of the small bowel which secrets enzymes constantly and a pad has to be worn. The ‘vag’ is also vulnerable to ailments of the bowels such as polyps and gut infections. Discharge is a problem in either case, with sebum and skin being shed by the scrotal skin plaps, and novel ‘microflora’ developing because of the lack of natural lubricants and PH found in the female vagina.
The clitoris is made from the bellend but often suffers necrosis , the labia majora are often too far apart and require skin to be taken from the thigh to create the labia minora and the clitoral hood. Worse still is the frequent appearance of a rectovaginal fistula, where fart gas may escape into the vag’ or, if large enough, stool. If this wasn’t bad enough the whole lining of the pseudovag can become detached and slough out. This is pretty much the end of the road for the attempt at sex reassignment and the patient has to wait a year before it can be attempted again.
All of these complications and procedures mean the overall mental stability of the post op transsexual is no better than the pre-op trans, which stands at 45% of trans folk having considered suicide. This is clearly a mental health problem amongst a tiny minority of unfortunates, probably more in the realm of the intersex population with genital deformities rather than gays and lesbians.
It shouldn’t be celebrated as the healthy natural lifestyle the media (and the activists who lie to them) want us to think it is.
Nominated by: Cuntamus Prime
Are you actively trying to make me throw up my eggs, chips and beans CP?
After throwing up, I am stable enough to comment…..
What the….., these people are fucking sick and should be locked away in a padded cell…. forever!!
Activists, send the cunts to China for a bit of re-education
Can someone dab some lavender behind my ears im feeling queasy!!
Oh im going again…..
There are two genders. Full stop.
Male. Female.
Possibly grant you a side branch called neutral.
Anything else is mental disorder.
You cannot argue with chromosomes.
Idiot mentalists and their reckless propoganda for the easily confused.
What was once a joke is now a reality.
Dick – male
Cunt – female
Rocket science it ain’t.
What about Cressida?
The name Dick gives it away?
These cunts who are quite willing to fuck about with human bodies will probably be the same ones who object to genetic engineering which would benefit all mankind by eradicating hereditary diseases.
I have a little nephew who will go blind in the next few years because of such a disease and it fuckin’ annoys me that these cunts would most likely be given equal funding into research.
A grotesque, yet informative cunting!
I skipped the details; I am in no mood for nightmares.
I didn’t, and now I need counseling.
Counselling? You’re on the right site! I suggest Dr . Fiddler, not cheap but will get the job done plus remove any traces of gayness from you at no extra charge.
They can go fuck themselves,,i think
After reading that I have to ask, why would they want to?
Sistas, let’s begin to chant!
What do we want?
– No scrotum or dangly bits at all but hair sprouting from inside our gash that we can plait right down to our gooch and also equal rights to use wimminz loos and chat about how awful men are while applying lippy to our grizzled five o’clock shadows!
When do we want it?
– erm…not right away. Soonish.
Doesn’t trip off the tongue very easily does it.
I would think that any surgeon who carries out this grotesque maiming, to correct a mental health issue, should be struck off.
In 1969 a man said the now immortal line “what is obscene today in 50 years will become normal”, I personally still think this depravity is obscene, what useful stupid cunts the people are!
I read that tranny ‘cunt’ stinks of shit too.
Lovely lol
The truth will hit the cunts when they need a kidney transplant.
Even if they have a fake cunt and demand to be called a woman, I bet they wouldn’t take a female kidney over a male one!
Tip for today.
Sniff it before you fuck it, cunters.
Sniff it before you fuck it.
Smell like shit ?
Run like fuck.
The thing is we are going to see a lot more of this because so many woke parents are raising their privileged little brats as “gender neutral” and filling their confused little heads with all this bollocks. The result will be untold mincing faggot types with no idea if they are Arthur or Martha. And all to get extra likes on Facecunt for their enlightened wokeness. The good side is, if you’re taking cock up your arse or fake fanny, then you won’t be having children and keeping the cycle of debauchery and fuckwittery going.
You have to feel sorry for the Inland Revenue, because how the fuck are they going to work out someone’s tax and pension contributions if these woke cunts flip-flop between male and female over the next 30 or 40 years?
Feel sorry for the Inland Revenue? Well that’s a new one.
I’ll have some of what you’re smoking if you don’t mind!
Lesser of two evils in this context.
Surely too fragile to work like the rest of us benefit suppliers! Probably demand some sort of enhanced pension though. I seem to have been oblivious to this, perhaps it`s because I have been too busy earning a living and paying for all these strange cunts.
But the diseased cunts get to adopt
What a bunch of knobless.
That graphic detail was intriguing and very specific. Do you have a hairy shitty vagcrack yourself, Mr Prime?
The idea someone has got a few turds seeping out of their poorly constructed scrotal snatch is pretty hilarious though I must confess. Surely there needs to be a new word coined for a trans-fanny fart/shart?
Good nom on a difficult subject.
Anyone can believe what they want, who am I do argue, as long as they aren’t forcing it on me and mine.
What I won’t do is call a dog a cat or a bird a fish. So if you are trans, best of luck to you but you’ll never be a woman if you were born a man or a man if you were born a woman to me. I’ll not have anyone else’s beliefs forced on me, political, religious or anything else.
In a freedom loving society we all have to accept others rights to live their own way, that same freedom also allows me to say what I believe.
Some cunt who believes he can jump off a building and fly with super powers doesn’t become superman by donning a superman outfit and I’m afraid you don’t become a woman by mutilation.
I understand these people suffer a lot of mental anguish and I don’t wish that on anyone.
Right on Sixdog a man is a man and a women is a women. A women who is a man is a women who looks like a man. A man who is a women is a man who looks like a women. Both suffer the results of hideous operations to their genital region, all I can say is they must be fucking hardcore to go through what’s left of their lives with a hairy, shitty vag that may rot out or a manufactured dick which is erected by a pump fitted into their false ball bag that could burst at an in opportune moment.
Donkeys years ago now, after a few refreshments down the pub, my dear old grandad said to me on this (then) very esoteric subject ‘son, you can dye a lemon green and call it a lime, but cut it open, and it’s a fucking lemon’. He was a bit of a street philosopher his day was grandad.
Have said it before on here, what anyone else chooses to do with their lives is up to them. If Joe wants to wear a dress, take hormones, have silicon implants and be called Joanna, that’s his business, and good luck. But if he insists that I indulge his delusion and recognise him as a woman, he can fuck off.
Donkeys years ago now, after a few refreshments down the pub, my dear old grandad said to me on this (then) very esoteric subject ‘son, you can dye a lemon green and call it a lime, but cut it open, and it’s a fucking lemon’. He was a bit of a street philosopher his day was grandad.
Have said it before on here, what anyone else chooses to do with their lives is up to them. If Joe wants to wear a dress, take hormones, have silicon implants and be called Joanna, that’s his business, and good luck. But if he insists that I indulge his delusion and recognise him as a woman, he can fuck off.
*in his day
I never thought just reading something would make me want to heave yesterdays food back up let alone todays, dear god is there no depth to these mentally challegened window lickers depravity.
I am genuinely convinced that I was Adolf Hitler in a previous life. I mean it, I’m not fucking around. Therefore I now want everyone to address me as Mein Führer.
Consider the above; if I tried this shit on I’d rightly be fucking sectioned post haste. Why the fuck is transwankerism acceptable, what’s the fucking difference? Das is alles.
Come over here drinking our sider and driving our traktors, it’s the wheat silo for them.
There will be people who will land at your comment throughout internet history lol.
Adolf was a cunt btw, in case anyone was wondering.
Heard on Yank radio yesterday about one of these trannie groups who have brought out a lexicon of the correct terms to use. Seriously i’m not making this up.
The generic term for a normal person’s genitals (they didn’t use the word normal obviously) is “Dick.” So both you and your wife have dicks. Only a post op trannie has a “vagina”. Normal women have a “front hole” not a vagina. Pre op trannies have a “strapless.” Confused? You will be.
So the next trannie you meet make sure you get the words right or you’ll never get your end away.
Looking on the bright side, they tend to top themselves within a few years post op.
Just to be clear, there are only two genders. Male and female.
They are addressed as He, or She.
I will never, even if you stick a gun to my head address anyone as They.
I prefer the term ‘That fucking freak’ .
Hope that clarifies my position on these fucking weirdos.
These cunts should be shot and of.
End of for fucks sake.
I dont give a fuck what an Adult does to their bodies. Knock yourself out. Do it to kids then its into prison for thirty years with all the other paedophiles.
None of those cunts in the photo look much like trannies to me. Professional wokies. Next week they’ll be back at the same location, with different placards, crying about fucking climate change.
Naturally they’ll leave their placards behind for some other cunt to clear up while they fuck off to some vegan restaurant.
Bunch of wankers.
Freddie, I reckon they’re just doing it for the ‘likes’ on facefook.
Well it doesn’t exactly sound like a dream date.
I do not like this type of fuckery.
Full oven.
Painted pink.
Like a cunt.A real one.
Cannot figure out what the fuckwits are protesting about. The Human Rights Act covers every thing to do with deviancy and if that act no good then the Equality Act fills in the blanks. What more fucking rights do these half baked fuckwits want. All they have to do is whinge loudly and a plethora of government sponsored legal cunts will be swarming around them like flies on dogs hit hoovering up all that government charadeeee wonga. Useless fucking arsewipes should be built into sea defences.
Thanks a bunch! Just went out for a Vindaloo, came home and read this. Result, curry in the toilet (Not unusual, but definitely the first time without being totally pissed). The whole thing is so unnatural, that I don’t know why people persist in pretending it is normal!
Heard the latest?
Headline on the cover of The Times today:
“BBC advises all staff to use trans-friendly pronouns”
Whatever the fuck that means.
It goes on… “more than 400 employees, 2% of the total, identify as transgender according to internal surveys”.
That in itself explains a lot but given that maybe 200 of them have deliberately pissed about with the survey (or are too thick to understand the question!) that still leaves maybe 99% of the workforce now bent to the will of an insignificant minority.
This should really be yet another Cunting directed at the BBC but, hey, what the fuck is the point of doing that any more. Nobody there understands commonsense as it is!
Thankfully The Times Leader page pointed out the fact that the English language can’t readily accommodate this preposterous notion.
The BBC can go down whichever road they choose just so long as they don’t expect me and my money to follow them.
Bang on there, Cuntamus Prime, it’s not the transgender people themselves that fork me off but it’s the so-called activists.
I’m sure they just want to get on, but the activists want to make a song a dance about it.
I notice when I saw people with black lives matter, there were hardly any black people there. Just white people making noise on their behalf, perhaps?
The problem with trans people is when it comes to prison and sport and toilets.
If only Harold Shipman was performing the gender reassignment surgery
And the “clinical waste” going into Unkle Tel’s ovens…
It’s 110% a mental illness and as such should be treated like one.
I wish I could be 6ft 5″, with a chiseled jaw, thick black hair with blue eyes and the body of a fitness model. I could in reality make some changes to my body by way of surgery but at the end of the day the reality is I am just an average man and I’ve learnt to accept it.
I’ve no doubt that some people are simply “attached” to the wrong body, but you know that’s just part of life. They shouldn’t be encouraged to have physical sex changes, it’s complete madness and totally unethical. I guess at the end of the day it’s making these cunt plastic surgeons loads of money and they get a willing guinea pig to carry out their freak experiments on.
I genuinely feel sad for transgender individuals, it’s a misfortune to be born that way at the end of the day. It’s nothing more than a case of nature gone wrong. Period.
“Period” hehe.
Don’t forget only real women can have them.
Been trying to find it, I think it was a Yank NPR radio half hour – about actual intersex/hermaphrodites, whatever. I’m not sure what the percentage is, 1 in 45,000 maybe? anyway they have a society of sorts where they can exchange information and have a meeting once a year for any of the membership who wish to attend. Mostly they don’t and they said they just dress however they feel like and generally don’t think about surgery. After all, it’s just who they are and no-one else needs to know, they felt. By the time they realised they were different it didn’t matter – but if it did there was the society. They agreed to do the programme (actually suggested it I think) because they disagreed with all the trans- publicity and simply wanted to point out that there have always been intersex people. Even at 1:45,000 that’s still quite a few in a population of tens of millions, but their point was that they didn’t feel like they were born in the wrong body and weren’t looking for sympathy. It was simply their normal.