Theresa ‘The Appeaser’ May (28)

A hunchbacked cunting for the most useless and traitorous PM in my lifetime, Theresa ‘The Appeaser’ May.

Apart from her shady dealings at Chequers and her catastrophic surrender deal (well documented here and on the Guido blog) I want to focus on her other not particularly conservative actions.

I was watching a video about trans activism undermining womens rights. It was May who wanted to push the Gender Recognition Act that would allow trannies to say they were men/women without medical backing, so if I told you I was a woman you’d have to accept it or face being charged with hate speech. Luckily the act was dropped by Boris a couple of weeks ago.

May is also the twat who set ridiculous CO2 targets that would’ve cost our economy hundreds of billions over the next decade, while gurning with St Greta. It was also her as Home Secretary and PM who would have introduced more hate speech statutes and wanted to limited access to porn, criminalising depiction of certain acts such as face sitting.

She was more authoritarian than Blair while trying to be more ‘woke’ as well. All while lying continuously about no deal being better than a bad deal and started throwing money around. She was about as conservative as Corbyn.

Worst PM in my lifetime.

Nominated by: Cuntamus Prime 


72 thoughts on “Theresa ‘The Appeaser’ May (28)

  1. I think that useless as she was as PM she will surrender the ‘Crown’ to Boris. I think that the Tory grandees are already plotting to remove him. His years of back stabbing whilst climbing the greasy pole will prove to be worthless.

    • We expected nothing May and got precisely that. Expectations from Boris were generally high (apart from a number of us miserable old fuckers on here, who have proved to be correct) but we’re getting precisely fuck all. The crown will be well-deserved.

  2. Worst PM in anybody’s lifetime. An abysmal, traitorous harridan of the highest cuntitude.

    • She’d scrub up.
      Get a miniskirt on it and some lippy.
      Never let a humped back put me off yet.

    • And when you consider her that her three immediate predecessors were David Cameron, Gordon Brown and Tony fucking Blair, that really _is_ saying something!!!

  3. It’s nice to see a picture of her without wearing those ridiculous balls necklaces.

    • Spoons, that necklace?
      Thats what she did to Ironman, what did she do to the Hulk?!-?

    • It’s never nice to see a picture of the traitorous, hunchbacked old crow. The only necklace I want to see her wearing is the Mandela type. Just let me at it with a box of matches.

  4. So she’s currently a backbencher, but don’t be surprised if this cunt ends up working for the EU in some advisory capacity, despite Brexit (on the subject of which, I don’t think will ever happen the way we wanted regardless of Boris and his bullshit intentions)

    If not the EU she’ll be on the lecture circuit gravy train; a bit like those other failed PM grandees, Blair and Major, all of them whinging from the sidelines while getting paid a small fortune.

  5. Afternoon all, long time no post but have been lurking for a while now, if only to get the latest news and views unfettered from cunters one and all without the filters and spin that the bbc and other MSM applies. And of course the latest deeds of dairing do from everyone’s favourite Northumbria gentleman…

    Theresa May. Not one redeeming feature. Not one.

      • Spoons, yes it going sir, just enjoying a day off but befuddled with a cocktail of prescribed meds for lower back issues. At least the sun is shining and I’ve a couple of Henry Westons Vintage chilling for later. Works a great for the sciatica!
        Hope your good self is well.

  6. In the picture on the left she looks a bit like Grayson Perry when he dresses as his alter ego ‘Claire’.

    Having watched his programme about Rites of Passage and art club I think he’s actually quite an affable chap. Eccentric as fuck, but he’s an artist.

    Whereas the Maybot is as much of a villain as Zelda from the terrahawks.

  7. She should of been president of her local W.I, that was her limit. Like most of the Parliamentary Conservative party she’s actually to the left of Blair.


  8. Yet another globalist socialist who infiltrated the Conservative Party.

    Sad thing is that the cunt made it to PM and was every bit as shite as I expected.

    She should’ve joined the Labour Party and been honest with herself, her party and the electorate.

    • This useless windbag of a complete failure is the perfect illustration of how out of touch our political class is.
      Who the fuck exactly would think it wise to elect this cunt leader of a party and PM?
      The Westminster bubble?
      Absolute cunts the entire self serving rabble.

  9. I must warn fellow cunters now, for those who don’t want their piss boiling that at 2000 hours this evening Wireless 4 is broadcasting a whole hour long programme about Greta Thunderpants. . Little Miss T was described, quite straight-facedly by a Wireless 4 continuity announcer this morning a “veteran of the enviromental movement”. A veteran – at 17 – I reckon the announcer just wants to get into her recyclable paper panties

      • It might have done both of them a power of good Cuntybollocks – Greta would have got her legs open for the first time and Jim would have signed the pledge – aversion therapy for both.

    • I knew it wouldn’t be long before that cunt reappeared on the scene.

      No doubt she’ll bang on about how she “survived” catching the virus, and the pandemic is good for the environment. No doubt she’ll say the BLMs are also good for the planet, and that she’s taken the knee.

      Good grief

    • You deserve a medal for even listening to it WC.

      I gave up long ago. Occasionally catch the world service service when the insomnia and sciatic is bad, but Christ on a bike what a woke pile of BAME infested pile of rat shite that station is also.

      • I just have the Shipping Forecast at 0533, and endure the lady vicar and whatever is on at 0545 to get to the bird sng at 0558, they did the trail just before the SF.

        Next week will be worse – the 1200 Monday-Friday misery memoir is (supposedly ) a story of a 14 year old girl speaking in de African accent innit. Illiterate title I have since forgotten.

        I certainly won’t listen to Thunderpants hagiography.

  10. She is no “Conservative” thank fuck she hasn’t bred, one of the biggest traitors to draw breath, this quisling is the 21st century Lord Haw Haw, the sight of this duplicitous cunt is enough to give one an aortic aneurysm!

  11. It turns out that her tenure in the Home Office was fuck up after fuck up. With useless civil servants getting away with their incompetence all the way to their knighthoods. She didn’t improve as PM.
    Worst PM? Not sure, it’s a crowded field.
    Blair did more damage to the country and the world in general.
    Gordon ‘light touch city regulation’ Brown had a fair share of the banking crash, as well as being all round fucking useless.
    Cameron wasn’t up to much.
    Major was and still is a fucking wanker, apart from boning Currie.
    Thatcher destroyed British industry replacing it with McDonalds. Although she wouldn’t have stood for this BLM and climate shit.

    Take your pick.

    • Blair by a short head for me, CC – he destroyed the very fabric of this country with his boyfriend Mandy going round the shitholes of the world inviting them to come here and breed.

      • Bliar!! Fuck me, you have ruined my day. Just the mere mention of that cunt and bite the necks off my Bengal Lancer bottles.

    • Blair by a million miles and then some. During his 10 years as PM this country basically became somewhere else.

    • Thatcher didn’t destroy British industry, the fucking stupid Marxist unions did.

  12. To call her Neville Chamberlain in a skirt would be an insult to Chamberlain. At least he had honourable intentions.

  13. Theresa May
    Ted Heath
    Gordon Brown

    Christ we’ve had some useless cunts running the country.

    I will admit now to having once had Treeza as a neighbour in Sonning and bumping into her at The French Horn, my favourite restaurant when I lived there. Excellent roast duck, but I digress.

    Treeza reminds me of that Claudia Winkleman ad for Head and Shoulders. Pleasant enough but “my God what an annoying personality vacuum”

    Uri Geller lives in Sonning too. You can see why I moved…

    • Ah yes, the annoyin personality vacuum. It was probably her parents that said that.

      As for roast duck, I DO hope that isn’t rhyming slang for any sort of intimacy with the Maybot.

      I can imagine her and Hemann van Rumpypumpy (him of the wet dishrag) tiptoeing naked through a tulip field; they’re to fucking dull to dance, or even skip.

      I wonder if Geller moved to E. Gristead; I cunted it a couple of years back for its Tom Cruise/Scientology connections.
      I should loike to point out that I am in no qay related to L Ron Hubbard.

  14. Also, thanks a lot to whichever admin put that picture up. Not like I was about to eat or anything. ??

    It was me. The other admins were down the boozer, while I was grafting. And you’re welcome – admin

    • Haha I should do more myself to be honest admin but with my disabled brother home from school right now helping the old folks with him is taking a lot of my time.

  15. In my opinion you are correct CP, her handling of Brexit should have resulted in criminal proceedings against her.
    Her whole demeanor of holier than thou made me wretch, she was awful.
    She is one of the few people who deserve to die of cancer, I don’t say that lightly I watched my Mum die from it. But such is my hatred of May I could offer her no sympathy or mercy under any circumstances.
    The way she was willing to lie and deceive 17.4 million people, and crush there dreams must be remembered when she croaks ( hopefully tomorrow)
    Her husband looks a right cunt too.
    Even worse than bliar and that is saying something.

  16. A ‘Conservative’ who wore a Frida Kahlo bracelet? And just how many gurning photographs of this crooked,unfuckable bitch are there, is she trying to give Herr Merkel competition? It’s enough to turn yer guts.
    Please, no more wimminz in Downing street, no more wimminz in politics.
    AOC,Pelosoi,Omar et al across the briny, give me strength.

  17. Let’s also not forget ‘losing’ the pervert dossier with the revelations about the rest of her coven slithering around Westminster clutching their genitals in one hand and a bag of sweeties in the other.
    Guy Fawkes was right. H-bomb the entire shitshow.In fact, take out Londonistan in it’s entirety.

    “dodgy” word fixed – admin

  18. A wimminz; ‘we need a wimmin runnin’ the country. Fings would be diffrent…’
    A sane person; ‘Erm, like Theresa May you mean…’

    Cuntitudiness of the highest order from Theresa ‘the EU Appeaser’ May.

  19. Can you imagine how it would have been with Theresa Iscariot in charge during the Covid crisis and the BLM lunacy?

    Three quarters of Britain – at least – would now be dead.

  20. I’d like to see the bitch slip off a mountain path on one of her walking holidays. Then I would stand on the path and see if I could piss on her prostrate body down below. Then I would climb down and kick her in the cunt over and over again. Before she died I would shit on her face.
    I’m feeling very inventive today. ?

    • I might be hedging my bets here, Freddie, but I get the distinct impression you don’t like her much!

      • Leaving aside her other crimes let’s not forget that the hunchback is entirely responsible for Strap-on’s presence in the big high chair at Scotland Yard. She should be whipped through the streets for that crime alone.

  21. She certainly loves civil servants. She was seething the other day at the removal of Sedwill. Never seen her so angry. She ‘relied heavily’ on ‘Ollie’ Robinson in the Brexit negotiations. She was extremely critical of Boris not standing up more for the British Ambassador to America whose emails were leaked.
    The word ‘governessy’ comes to mind with her. All about governing. Or rather Governnent working properly, smoothly.
    Whether the decisions made are in the interests of the people of course irrelevant.

  22. This hunchbacked (EU Trojan horse) of a former PM should stop piping up and fucking go on a long and extremely dangerous walk!!, between herself and EU toady Ollie robbins sellIng the UK straight into a lifetime of subservience to the fourth reich , BRINO was the name of the game and she was so utterly useless she couldn’t even sell it to the quisling EU loving arse wipes in Parliament!!
    Without question one of Worst Post war prime minsters the UK has ever had to endure……
    Proper cunt ……….

    • Ollie Plimsolls…”Put yourself into a child.”

      There’s a lot of it about. I wonder if Beat-rice and YouJaney played Hide the Sausage with Daddy ?

  23. I love the clip of her when she appeared on Question Time whilst Home Sec, and Peter Hitchen’s laid into all politicians being fucking useless cunts. The contorted miserable gurn on her face was priceless.

  24. “the most useless and traitorous PM”?

    The EU could not have wished for a more useful and loyal PM.

  25. Under the Gender Recognition Act, does self-identification mean that, hypothetically, a hairy-arsed docker could decide, out of the blue, that he now wants to become a woman and have it changed on his birth certificate without medical approval? Surely it’s not that simple?

    Btw, I’ve always been strangely attracted to May. She scrubs up not to badly in a formal black dress and high-heels. There is just this dominatrix vibe that emanates from her, like the strict headmistress type. I bet the old virago is filthy in bed!

    • May is about as attractive as Cilla Black on a bad night.

      Samantha Cameron in thigh length boots, saucy undies and with a whip?
      Now you’re talking.

  26. “No deal is better than a bad deal”. Almost on a par with “Read my lips, no more taxes”. Duplicitous, lying, conniving cunt.

  27. Gonna go out on a limb here, but I’d love a go on her fetid stenchpipe; a hate fuck kind of thing but I’d take one for the team. Total cunt though, obviously.

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