I’m sick of hearing about him, every thing he says or does is analysed to death to find a negative spin. “Trumps left eyebrow makes racist gesture.” Sort of shit.
Give it a fucking break, listening to the media you’d think he was the most evil dictator in history’s death Obama was the second coming.
Just open your news slot with a we hate Donald Trump monologue and get it over with. I’m bored with it and I suspect most normal people are bored with it.
Nominated by: Sixdog Vomit
Undoubtedly a mega cunt but the Trump Derangement Syndrome is indeed tedious. We have a similar thing with Boris but not as extreme because Boris’s cuntitude pales into insignificance compared to Trumpy. Fact.
Obama was an ineffective cunt. Fact. 8 years of fokkall.
All part of the left’s agenda, Donald and or Boris largely interchangeable to the media toads.
Neither are perfect, but the alternative,no mater what side of the pond you are, is far worse.
That cunt Jon Sopel , BBCunts U.S.A. Editor, said that many people in the MSM were not giving Trump an even handed approach and there was some media bias against him. You’re dead right there Jon!
The chineese goverment have a million muslims in concentration camps, there is also Hong kong. Yet the left would rather slag of Trump.
Trump hasn’t done ” blackface” unlike Trudeau. Trump isn’t senile unlike Biden. He seems perfectly rational unlike the biased cunts at the MSM.
With the exception of Fox the entire Yank MSM are fanatical about getting shot of the Orange Man and have been since the day after the election. Think our own media after the referendum and you get the picture. There’s nothing they won’t pick on from the way he holds a glass to the way he walks down a ramp. The other day they were crying because he had an outside press conference where his podium was in the shade while they were out in the blazing sun. They reckoned he did it on purpose. I hope he fucking did…….good thinking.
It is so blatant that you imagine that even the most stupid cunt can see right through it but then you look around you and………
The irrational hatred of Trump defies explanation.
A much greater threat comes from China, Russia, North Korea, Pakistan, The Middle East, the entire continent of Africa, and the criminal drug cartels of South America. Not to mention the cunts in the EU who are all out to fuck us over as much as they can.
So who does the media have a go at? Our greatest ally of course.
I reckon Donald would be an asset to ISAC-forget Stone, we could be his policy advisors.
Up the Confederacy?♂️
I just like his Name, bit childish like that
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I love The Donald. Prefect, no. America first, yes, I wish we had someone who put our country first like him. I know jobs have been lost in America but if he gets in again I’m sure he’ll get the economy back even better than before. He’s not a warmonger and will try diplomacy till all else fails but he’s tough with countries if tested. What you see with The Donald is what you get, no bullshit. Speaks his mind, and is no lover of the woke, pc agenda. Criticism of him is like water off a ducks back and it is indeed getting tedious.
Exactly, a great leader is one that strives to empower their people, not the ones that are complicit in demonising and down-treading them.
But let the MSM carry on, short of a complete fraudulent count, Trump is set for another landslide victory and it’s in no short part thanks to their bullshit and propagandising. I still don’t know how they haven’t figured out yet that the more they try to force their shit down our threats while calling us all stupid and guilty of whatever “phobia” or “ism” is currently in vogue, the more those same people realise how full of that shit they are and rightfully resist.
Trump was right about China. Yet would the media give him credit?. Not in a million years.
With every moan, gripe and inflatable Trump in a nappy that is launched just convinces me more that he’s doing what the majority of Americans and British want him to do but are too afraid to admit.
5 more years please, and then Trump junior can start the campaign trail?
I seriously hope he wins again in November.
I’ll enjoy watching what must be approaching maximum TDS suddenly kick into overdrive, with all the leftards and snowflakes crying into their soy lattes and getting hysterical in public.
That always puts a grin on my face. ?
In the states, whenever there are riots or public unrest, the party of law and order tend to win the next election.
Trump 2020. MAGA!
The media hate Trump because he is not ashamed to be white. Trump wont play that game,because he has a mind of his own.
Leaving aside the politics the reason they hate him is because he is not a professional politician and upsets the apple cart by saying what he thinks and not giving a fuck. How many candidates for the Presidency have said their opponent should be in prison and encouraged crowds to chant “lock her up”? ? (that still makes me laugh)
Remember The Donald invented the phrase “fake news”. Now we’ve always known it’s all bollocks but you don’t expect it to come from the mouth of the POTUS! Basically he treats the political elite and their media arselickers like the cunts we all know they are. No wonder they fucking hate him.
That and he is already rich and staunch enough that he can’t be bought. I think that’s what really upsets them most.
This is the essence of it Fred. They want him to be defensive, apologetic for all they perceive to be his and America’s failings. But he won’t play the game, won’t be woke. If someone insults him, he won’t try to be diplomatic, he’ll bite right back.
I hope he wins again for no other reason than he drives lefty, woke cunts to the verge of apoplexy.
Trump is awesome. Each time he makes a woke leftie cry it makes my day.
The relentless TDS is a measure of how far he has got under their skin. Even if he vanished tomorrow they’d be reporting on him for the next twenty years, and twitching on their death beds with his memory.
God I hope I’ve annoyed just one person to that extent. Just one……
All he can do now is raise the bar. Go Trump!
Trump isn’t a politician and isn’t unique in the world of US business, I met a few in the time I was there and they are all pretty forthright, he reminds me of the guy who owned the company I worked for, it’s a different style to the experience in the UK.
I don’t have a problem with Trump, and neither do lots of Americans.
The first one I saw was feeding the fish in Japan.
The meeja took great delight in showing Trump turning over a whole bag of food into a coy carp tank. “What a vulgarian!” they cried, “what an embarrassment for us” whilst showing the pictures and video ad infinitum.
Alas, somebody had the whole footage and subsequently revealed it showing Donnie T asking the Nippon PM (next to him) whether they spooned the food out. The PM said no and tipped out his bag so Trump complied. Clever editing but a tad embarrassing the CNN cunts et al.
Remember Cap’n, CNN are the same company who tried to blackmail a Reddit user after he criticised them in a meme. Expecting honest reporting from then is like expecting to not get the clap from a prostitute.
Nah he’s a cunt. Inherited money from grand pappy, no business acumen, knew jefepstein, fucked God knows who or what.
An all round cunt
And yet he’s the sort of cunt I wish we had running this country, one that wants to protect it and see it flourish, rather than the cunt we have, who is more than happy to see the country go down the toilet as long as he’s alright. Sadly, most of our ‘top of the pile’ leaders are the same.
I like Tango Man – he at least doesn’t give a fuck
A cunt, yes. A major cunt, yes. But the sort of cunt America needs.
As I stated in a post in the Ghislaine Maxwell thread, Trump banned Epstein from Mar-A-Lago years ago after he tried to take home a guest’s underaged daughter (a claim which has been verified by the lawyer of one of Epstein’s victims).
Bad form to include the Donald in there Chief.
I like Donnie boy and I know he isn’t perfect and yes he can frustrate me to fuck.
Wish he had developed a thick skin, but hey ho you can’t have everything and be perfect.
From Day 1 that Trump won the Presidency, the media, slebs and Trump haters have been bawling like babies. Only because their favourite Killary wasn’t in office, the moaning never stops.
I don’t care if Trump is a cunt to some people, I like him and like the fact he puts his country and people first, I say Patriot…others say racist.
Fucking media are cunts but I still believe that Trump will win come November.
Go Trump #MAGA2020 and fuck BLM, Antifa and all the other cunts that want to cause anarchy across the world.
The trouble is, if you get a Democrat in office you won’t be allowed to criticise because that person will be on the Woke tickbox of diversity. Just like with Owanka- he was a shit president, but anyone dare criticise him and you were branded racist.
I really hope Trump gets a second term. Republicans – the silent majority – should come out and vote for him in huge numbers, and tell the woke Left to go fuck themselves.
As others have said he’s not a politician by any stretch and doesn’t give a fuck who he upsets. Fucking good! I think he’s fucking brilliant and I’m pretty sure 95% of the time he’s on the wind-up and the thick cunts in the MSN fall for it every fucking time can’t wait for him to be elected and watch the blue/pink/green hair brigade stage sit-ins complete with autistic screaming and rocking back and forth motions. Excellent!
I wish he was leading this country, as you say WCC I think most of the time he’s winding the soppy bollocks up.
If not he’s a brilliant troll, his comments about greta cuntberg were priceless “she’s a happy kid looking forward to a great future”
The Democrats and their media pals are coming up with excuses every day why Biden shouldn’t do the traditional three televised debates. They know if he gets up there Trump will destroy the Senile old fake. It will be interesting to see how they eventually wriggle out of it. No doubt the media will be very sympathetic no matter what piss poor excuse they come up with.
Trump is definitely a cunt, but compared to Killary and Biden he is a different beast, as he says what he thinks as opposed to Democrats who install “Perfidious Albion” to everything they meddle in, at least Trump tries to do the right thing, unlike most political cunts!
They just hate Americans. They speak like them, dress like them and listen to Crap music. Now Uncle Joe Biden is a good old euro style leftie. The MSM will not be so keen if he wins, police strikes rioting, collapse. Nobody to police the Putins or the Xis. As for Omar and Cotez, should be in North Korea. Fuck it we are all doomed. MORE ALE LANDĹORD!!
If he stood for election in the UK, I would be doorstepping on his behalf.
If the MSM could start their daily news with a two minute section, it would kill two birds with one stone. At the moment, pelosi is complaining about Trump pardoning, or commuting, sentences. Trump has done so in 27 cases, the obummasiah over 1700. Yet her complaint is that 27 is too many!
If Trump actually said “I hate muslims” I would like him even more than I do now.
The BBC report on him as though he’s got a toothbrush moustache, a floppy greasy fringe and a right arm that keeps flying into a Roman salute. They’re well over the top when reporting on him.
Even if Trump is a bit of a nob, the BBC’s hatred of him makes me think he must be doing something right.
I want the cunt to win the next election, just to see the lefty cunts get exactly what they deserve after the way they’ve been this year.
I hope to be licking their tears from the screen on election night.
I watched the BBC hatefest on Trump last night – a nasty little hatchet job with the hideous gurning craggy faced harridan Emily Makecash as the head inquisitor and chief of propaganda.
Breathtaking malice, distortions and lies, but the BBC need to be very careful around Trump – he is a petulant and vengeful Man – just imagine if he advises the sleepy traitor to defund the BBC – now that would be just terrible..
Even though I consider Trump a childish gobshite bully I am crossing everything that Tangoman gets re-elected – love him or hate him we need him, and I tend to be on the side of anyone the BBC hates.
On other news, I have ordered David De Gea to be beaten to death with the corpse of Frank Lampard! Get to Real Madrid blind dago Dave, bing back fatty Foulkes!
Good nom Six, we need Trump and could do with some of his balls this side of the pond.
Ever since the BBC and Sly news confidently informed us in early 2016 that Trump had absolutely no chance of getting the Republican nomination never mind the presidency they’ve had it in for him for not going to their script.
What makes me laugh is they don’t think we can see through their bitter irrational hatred of him.