The Privileged

Privilege is all the rage at the moment. But it’s a special kind of privilege. Apparently, privilege doesn’t come from membership of the Establishment, expensive private education, attendance at those finishing schools of the ruling class at Oxford and Cambridge or from immense wealth. No, privilege comes from the amount of melanin in your skin.

Harry Windsor is the latest in a long line of vacuous ‘celebrities’ to have jumped on the ‘white privilege’ bandwagon. Now here is a person who was born into immense (unearned) wealth, who attended one of the most exclusive private schools in the country, who (allegedly) cheated in his A-Levels and who was allowed into Sandhurst on the basis of those (allegedly) fixed grades. Can he not see that an American PR company offering him $400,000 a pop for ‘his’ ‘thoughts’ is a product of his own immense privilege? How else could a person who would otherwise struggle to hold down a job as an assistant till receipt changer at the local KFC command such fees?

It cannot have escaped anyone’s notice that many billionaires and rapacious international companies have jumped on the latest BLM bullshit. That is because racism is useful to our lords and masters – it divides people on the basis of an absurdity. A black working-class person has more in common with a white working-class person than a wealthy black person. And vice fucking versa.

I have been struggling in recent months to keep a leash on my inner Leninist. It makes me laugh when I hear know-nothings like Ash Sarkar call themselves Communists – doesn’t she know that both race and religion are false consciousness? When the ISAC revolution sweeps to power, there is going to be one Hell of a reckoning for the real privileged people.

Now my nice assistant has brought me that special corset my followers like me to wear and is escorting me to that lovely room with the rubber wallpaper. Wibble.

Nominated by: Cunt’s Mate Cunt 

66 thoughts on “The Privileged

  1. I was fucking pissed off when I wrote this nom. Utterly sick of rich cunts telling me I’m the privileged one.

    • Well if theres a expert on white privelege, the half blood prince is it.
      Waitered and spoonfed his whole life, the bastard of a posh army captain and a royal whore.
      They dont look like theyve got the hang of white privelege in the photo above do they?
      Because its a bullshit term by lefty cunts to try to make us guilty.
      I dont feel guilty.

      • Well said. The day I pay heed to anything said by Harry, who looks like a werewolf in a cheap Fifties B-movie, and hasn’t got the gumption of a goldfish, is the day put my bell-end in a blender.

    • Because the simple fact is that the vast majority of white people lived impoverished lives and died young, the libtards are now changing what white privilege means.

      It means to them that you get advantages over non whites based on colour. One of them bring that actually speaking English in England is now white privilege. Work that one out?

      No, they’ve been called out and are just looking for any old bollocks to justify their hatred of white people.

      White people are under attack. Make no mistake about that. I’d prefer it if you just stopped because they’ll probably feel a backlash against their hating on whitey one day.

      • This whole concept is fatally flawed what fucking privilege do I command? In the past 30 years I have found being of the paler variety a distinct handicap when dealing with many government/council departments.
        White privilege yeah for about 5% of the whitey population maybe.

  2. Excellent point CMC about false class consciousness. Obviously Marx, living in Germany and U.K. at the time couldn’t have had race in mind but you look at all the divisions involved in identity politics and the one that never gets mentioned is class…….income and wealth. Now I wonder why that is? While every cunt is pushing their identity agenda, and hating all the other cunts competing with them, nobody looks at the cunts pulling the strings and fucking us all up the arse. Yeah, i’m pretty sure old Karl would stroke his big , booze soaked beard and say “Jah, false class consciousness, now vare ist dat pretty little housemaid?”

  3. See that little girl, in the middle at the front, that’s my Mum.
    I fucking swear it is!

  4. These cunts haven’t learnt the truth about pointing the finger. Try it, point your finger at something and look! how many in your hand are pointing back at you. Shallow, I thought dumbing down was a bit harsh but it’s hard not to see it happen before our eyes. They are not keyboard warriors but keyboard cowards, call me ‘white privilege’ to my face and the would be played a tune of five bars of ‘you will remember me’.
    Key board Cowards are just Dung Beatles, rolling a ball of shit bigger and bigger so they can breed more of their kind. KBC’s the lot of them, confront me with a valid argument and I will listen, talk sit and I will play you a little tune. Fucking bottom feeders!

  5. I always fancied being an architect/rapper/footballer but couldn’t because all the damned Dark-Keys had taken the jobs…still.probably for the best,when I see just how hazardous those occupations appear to be, I’m probably best sticking to felling trees (and owning vast country Estates).

    White people whinging about white “privilege” is ridiculous. They should just be happy that they live a lifestyle which is possible because of white “privilege”….there’d be no cushy existence for anyone,black or white, if The Dark-Keys were running the show.

    • PS…I see there point about “whiteness” when it comes to Albinos….nasty,creepy bunch…a bit like D*arves.

      • Not much minority representation at Fiddler University, Dick. Are you going to get in trouble with the Department of Education?

        The manager had a right go at me about the mess you left in the union bar last night.

      • “Not much minority representation at Fiddler University,”….Rubbish…all the cleaners and Porters are Dark-Keys…as is the fat black cook ( I got her from the Tom and Jerry cartoons)

        Morning Mike.
        Morning All.

      • Could you find a job in your vast abode for that irritating gimmecunt Gina Miller?

        Bog cleaner, would seem an apt position for a dark key of her considerable talents

      • I find her strangely alluring,Techno.

        I could certainly put her gob to better use than that constant whinging…bet she bucks like a wild thing when you lean forward and whisper ” I voted for Brexit” in her ear.

      • I like a ginger…I’m just waiting for my turn on that Lindsay Lohan…filthy tart.

        Morning Shackledragger.

      • Morning Dick!
        Dont let that fat cook take liberties!
        Even as a kid I thought “bet shes stealing from the kitchen”.
        They only respect a whip, a cavalry sabre or a bangbang stick.
        Check her pockets.

      • I think she could have been stealing from my wine-cellar,MNC…my supply of vintage Frosty Jack is going down at an alarming rate.

        Having a good holiday ?

      • Yes thanks Dick.
        Nice to be out in middle of nowhere, not dealing with customers etc.
        Talking of guilt though,
        Woman was mucking out the donkeys, henhouse and had a barrow full of shit& straw, asked if she needed help, feel bit guilty watching others work while ive got my hands in my pockets!☺
        That fat cook, best just to plant something in her bag, and sack her,
        Doing her a favour really speeded up the whole process, she’ll definitely be helping herself to the fruitbowl.
        Count the bananas.?

      • Morning Mr F…I wouldn’t get too excited about having a go on Lindsay Lohan. If rumours are to be believed (and I choose to believe them purely for the sake of spiteful mischief), she’s spent the last few years as a “Dubai Portapotty”, with filthy royal camel herders doing unspeakable things on her formerly moderately attractive face…Hayden Panetierre too, apparently…

      • Morning Mr.Cunt-Engine.

        i hope you’re right about Lindsay…my own peccadildoes won’t seem too outrageous in comparison.

      • Plus you wouldn’t have to worry about a dwindling supply of toilet paper (if there’s a second lockdown) with Ms Logan to take care of your cleanliness requirements…

      • Good…it’ll save me getting paper cuts when I wipe my arse after a Guinness shit with a page out of Tatler ( I only get it to see which Deb. is “coming out” this season….and to run my ad ” Kind,well-mannered,vast Estate-owning,handsome Country Gentleman requires a gobble…any of you tarts up for it ?”

      • Lindsay Lohan was a regular in the wank bank after ‘Mean Girls’.

        Any footage of Arabs doing weird things to her would be appreciate, especially if filmed on the old Arab slave trading islands of Zanzibar that Youtube doesn’t want you talking about.

    • More made up bullshit from the Queen of attention seekers. Add that one to the never happened gang rape outside Whitechapel Station. Has she got round to the “I was sexually abused by a family member” one yet?
      This revolting slag just can’t stop lying.

      • Absolutely correct, unless she was dressed in a pair over overalls for the posh do she was attending.
        These cunts just can’t help themselves, lying is second nature and made up stories to fit with whichever narrative they are promoting.
        Ricardo Dos Santos, ‘I have been stopped 15 times’ , lying cunt just a number he has plucked out of the air.

        Black Privilege, make up any nonsense and get away with it because no one wants to challenge ‘a person of colour’

    • More likely she was mistaken for the large log of shit that was lying next to the pan.

    • A cleaner? Tragic.
      How about being a gardener at the Eden Dome and being confused for a Bonobo by my old nan?

  6. Funny how our myopic media never mention white poverty, as if it never existed!

    But of course should they care to check their history books (and not the revised ones), they will know that there was a white underclass that suffered some truly terrible conditions less than 100 years ago.

    Most of them exploited, abused, tortured and generally treated like shit. You only have to read Oliver Twist to learn about how tough life was like back in those times.

    But typically that’s all glossed over because White Poverty is still White Privilege – and not even that compares to the tough lives the BLMs had to go through during the same era. Boo hoo.

    • How many of those priveleged whiteys died building canals, bridges, railways etc during the industrial revolution?
      Quite a few ? Thousands.
      Pub I sometimes go near me has a plaque up about a worker who used to set the dynamite charges in the mine, hed run back 100ft and stand in a alcove, while rock blasted past his face, the priveleged white bastard was 8yr old.
      This priveleged shite doesnt hold water, its a tool that works on daft cunts.

    • Jesus wept-thee still IS a white underclass. Young, white males are the modern n.gger.

  7. “Hello dearies what you dodged for me today?”

    “Get young Twist some hot gin and water”.

  8. Some people have more than others, Jay Z is a billionaire, he’ll be surprised to learn he is white.

    Equality is a myth, like unicorns and successful socialist countries.

    At the moment I have fuck all, nada, zilch.

    Only I can change that.

  9. I never actually got a white privilege card. Does anyone know where I can buy one?

  10. In other news – some fucker has offed Pop Smoke (me neither) Obviously a great loss to music, the arts, architecture?. Probably.

    • Why is it that all these silly fůzzy-wůzzy rap-types have to have these ridiculous names?
      Us privileged white scum don’t do that.
      Except for Vanilla Ice.
      Oh, and Reg Dwight.

    • After looking him up on Youtube I see he was a purveyor of the worst sort of brain-dead, generic materialist, bling-bling shite full of twerking buttocks and brands. The track itself was even called Dior.

      Worthless cunt.

  11. Well I want to be white and privileged. And stinking rich.
    There’s not enough of anything to go around in this world so I want it for myself.
    When all this is over I think I shall demand reperations from the ethnic communities for helping to abolish my heritage of empire.
    It’s not right or proper.

  12. Funny, all those rich, white privileged people never seem to want to give up their privilege and live like most people have to, regardless of colour. Despite the cover it gets on BBC and the like, I think most people take it for the bollox it is.

    • Hopefully it won’t be long before people rise up against the rich.

      we’ve gone through the #metoo sexism stage, then the alphabet gang stage, and now its all about race and colour. But hopefully next year people will focus on the rich and poor regardless of colour or gender.

      Imagine if the poor of all colours rose up and started marching on Beverley Hills, Monte Carlo, Mayfair, Peckham! Oh how the rich would shit themselves.


      • That would be great. It could suddenly turn that way for the Rich. Then- (from Isaiah)

        ‘instead of sweet spices there shall be rottenness; and instead of a girdle, a rope; and instead of well set hair, baldness; and instead of a robe, a girding of sackcloth; branding instead of beauty’.

  13. Those rich cunts in Hollywood, always makes me laugh when a new film comes out and it stars a good looking actor/actress, and never some fat chav hag.

    Similarly with the TV news – always glamorous newsreaders and never some bulldyke lesbo.

    Typically, therefore, they say its all about white privilege and sexism etc, and yet I wonder how far the likes of Emma Watson, Natalie Portman and other loud-mouthed apologists would get in Hollywood had they all been ugly Flabbott-like cunts? My guess is probably no where!

    • Trying to think of black role models I like, theres Chalkie White, Jim Davidsons mate of course, and eh,, oh David Dickinson!!
      Hes successful, and despite the sterotype behaviour, lots of bling being a theiving cunt, going to prison etc
      Shows youngsters that it doesnt mean you have to be white or talented to acheive success.

  14. Oh no ffs can u imagine the flabbotamous in a film it on tv ????
    The “ one “ where she couldn’t count
    Yuk !!!!
    Or news at …… eh 9.30 on no wait might be 10 eh Mibby

  15. Ant & Dec ( cunts) white privileged and talentless
    Also a pair of Uber cunts

  16. The truly privileged in this country are the elite public school/oxbridge set for which ALL the top jobs are reserved. This group excludes ALL working class and lower middle ckass people regardless of colour. Harry Hewitt-Windsor is a prime example of this.

    • You dont even have to be bright.
      Just look at dregs within the Commons, Whitehall or Broadcasting House who get into Oxford to read PPE., the ultimate ‘Jack of all trades’ degree.

      Most are half-wits who stop reading anything beyond their Twitter feed and The Graun after being awarded their 2:2.

  17. Funnily enough none of the media-movie-cunt lecturers moaning about this alleged white privelege ever sell most of their possessions to help the oppressed Dark Key.
    How odd.
    They just seem to like telling other people what to do.
    Gas them.

  18. Yes, let’s completely ignore the fact that 99% of the white people who built up this nation over the past couple centuries toiled and bled for fuck all wages in shit conditions, lived in shit in many cases. The nerve of these pricks.

    • I watched Jeremy Paxman’s ‘who do you think you are?’. What a tale; the Workhouse, family simply split up, deaths at around 40 or so. Misery from start to finish. The slaves in the Deep South were probably better fed, housed.

  19. I remember my ‘White’ privilege from my childhood being born several years after the end of the Second World War, my parents were so rich we lived in a terrace house with flagged floors, outside bog, no bathroom and so fucking cold we had ice on the inside of the bedroom windows in winter….
    So forgive me if I am offended by some Islington champagne socialist telling me that I have something called white privilege.

    PS, Black a lives Matter can get to fuck!

  20. Indeed, privilege no longer has anything to do with class. Some subcontintental comedian (not Nish Kumar) said Terry Gilliam was a bitter old white oxbridge boy and should accept it was time peolle like Phoebe Waller Bridge had a turn.

    Phoebe Waller Bridge is from landed gentry with baronets in both maternal and paternal lines, went to ain independent school and was trained at RADA.

    You could be a direct descendant of Lord Curzon, Aristo and Viceroy of India, gone to good schools and Oxford, but if you’re a woman or mixed race it makes you ‘oppressed’.

    Fucking shite.

  21. Regarding Ash Sarkar, she believes educated, liberal, young people living in cities unable to get on the property are ‘working class’

    Get to fuck, you festering idiotic minge.

  22. The quickest way to infuriate the white privillege twats (usually ugly white women with some sort of mental disorder) is to tell them that on average yearly income, British Indians earn more than British whites, and Asian Americans earn more than white Americans.

    Then tell them they’re as stupid as they are ugly and they are product of cousins marrying.

    Ive no idea why i kept getting locked out of my Facebook account.

  23. Oh no the woke peasants are getting angry about something, i hope it’s not about me… oh, nothing a little propaganda can’t fix

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