I’m not sure if this should be two separate nominations.
I’d like to nominate people that say there is still much to be done about such and such but they are vague and don’t mention a goal or target to reach and how they will reach it.
If I was saving so I could afford something I’d know how much money to save for. Or if I had a sticker album I’d know how many stickers I’d need to complete the set.
“There’s still a long time to go until such and such is reached”
Yes. But what is the goal? Is it achievable?
Also, adverts that ask for money. “With your help we’ll one day beat/cure such and such illness/disease.” How? With what? When? Does that make sense? Answers on a postcard to:
Spooningtons Cutlery Emporium
Care of ISAC website
All respondents shall receive a free spoon (maybe).
Nominated by: Spoonington
Usually this is the default response from politicians, and so-called “experts” on the economy (or in the current context, the dink cold, and racism).
Anyone can say “There’s much to be done”, in quite the same way “lessons must be learnt”. However, the people who say this know full well it will never be achievable during their time in office, and thus dump it all on their eventual successors.
It’s pass the buck time, along with the responsibility. Lessons are never learnt, the economy will always be a fucking mess, and racism and pandemics will always be with us.
The only thing that has changed is that the people who made these remarks have fucked off to the private sector, earning shedloads and laughing their bollocks off. For them much has been done thank you very much,
The charidees that ask for our money have a vested interest in there never being an end to whatever 3rd world disaster the are punting. They are an industry. It is in their interests to scratch the surface. While Africa and the Islamic world are such corrupt shitholes that don’t give a fuck for their people there isn’t any danger of the charidee fat cats losing their well paid, ungainful employment. Or the celebs photo opportunities.
I would like a silver spoon with my name engraved in copperplate script.
Whats your sticker album Spoons?
Hope its not rude?
Anyway better get back to composting!
Theres mulch to be done…
No, no. Not erotic.
The sticker album is called Cutlery Throughout The Ages.
I think Cuntery through the ages might be more interesting!
The same for all the charities, if their cause was resolved overnight they’d be out of a job.
Get David Lammy involved. He really knows how to help a charity.
Lammy had a friend who worked for charity..
Nah – like that cunt has one friend! ?
They’re all talking out of their rear ends
The favourite one from the Labour wankers…..
The government have given an extra 500 trillion trillion pounds to NHS, have taken every homeless person off the streets and given every household in the country 100,000 pounds…. ‘but we need to do more’
This is the mantra of the fucking left, it doesn’t matter how much is spent on anything it’s alway ‘we need to do more’
PS, closely followed by the ‘its very welcome but it doesn’t go far enough’
Piss boiling as I write!
100% correct. The political CUNTZ!!!
I’m sick to the back teeth about hearing that the “current situation is a once in a lifetime opportunity to push a “green” agenda”. Something like the silly cunts riding electric scooters who are now a bigger menace than cyclists. I have been using the Triumph a lot during lock down and the cunts are going to have to try a bit harder to get me off the internal combustion engine.
ps – does this get me a spoon?
Of course, Lord C.
We live the the age of the unchallenged platitude.
‘Lessons will be learnt.’,’More Must be done.’, ‘Recommendations acted upon’.
Why not be honest and say ‘We fucked up big time, sorry.’
Too fucking right.
Every day I ring up the fella who is painting the Forth Road Bridge and when I ask him when how far on he is,all I ever hear is that there’s still “much to be done”….they should get some Polish fuckers to do it…they know how to work hard unlike those lazy, drunken Jocks.
PS…Can I have some of your sister Dolly’s rock- cakes instead of a spoon?
Of course you may, Dicky.
But don’t throw them at people even if they do say Jehovah.
“Still much to be done”. Dead right – get the uniforms from Hugo, the free labour from the Jews, drive all that way to Poland in the Mercs.. – oops, sorry, that was last time! ?
“Still much to be done” – exposing “charities” for the greedy corporate vampires they really are, waking up our Politicians with a good hard kick in the face while shouting “run the Country properly you witless spineless fuckers”, getting a MSM which is not an apologist for t*rrorists and p*edophiles, exposing BLM and Antifa for the plastic n*zis they really are – I could go on forever!
But not to worry – I’m sure “lessons have been learned”.
Please make my spoon 3 feet wide and ram it forcefully up Boris the narcoleptic traitors arse.
Uniforms from Hugo and Mercs to Poland – are we talking about St Lewis of Hamilton, the Black Madonna? Funny, the darkies hate the Jews – something to do with the Jews getting of their arses and making money, rather than whining on about their lot in society (like the blicks)
“Hey Lewis – taking a knee”?
“No – I’m just a fucking dw*rf”! ?
Yes. Name a notional target which can never quite be hit and you have a crusade which can be waged forever.
The BLM fraud is one example. What do the fuckers actually want and by when? They use terms such as equality but when we ask which of our current laws discriminate they can’t answer. What they really want are laws which discriminate in their favour but how is that equality? It’s fucking nonsense and this makes decent people angry. You get a situation where gays can marry OR be in a civil partnership whereas hetero folk have only one choice. In other words we have a situation where the target was exceeded to no good purpose.
Build build build Diet diet diet Boris says. You will get no discernable figures in either case. It’s like the typical tired political slogan of Change change change with no guarantee whether it’s for good or bad.
Put bulls hit. (target geddit?)
“What do we want?”
“We don’t know”
“When do we want it?”
“We don’t know that either”.
“What do we want”?
“Less pedantic people!”
“You said that six minutes and 42 seconds ago”!
Fewer not less
superb! For the manyier, not the fewer or less (copyright, Labour fukwits)
Boris is very good at vague – he knows he does not have the skills to do the specifics and will be exposed as the evil little cunt he is if he tries. A dangerous clown.
Bit of Latin, brrh,brrh, wave the hands about, lies,lies, lies.
A fat Corbyn, and wetter than Yorkshire in summer.
Lots of fluffy dreams,nice and infinitely vague.
Perfect for charities and politicians.
How about less tax less central and local government and nil overseas aid?
Fuck the nanny state in the arse.
I want my free spoon please Spoons ?
General, the spoon is free but you might have to pay an admin fee of £5.00 hehe.
actually the fee for this particular admin is £10 – admin
I know what I want. I want to get away from moaning cunts who want everything, and nothing is right. Fuck em that’s the way it is. They should think themselves lucky it’s not the middle ages.
Please send my spoon to the poor starving African kids. They are starving because of the spoon famine. You can’t eat NATO nutrient slop with a fork.
Spoons for africa. More needs to be done.
I am saddened by the comments above.
Have you no faith that Utopia can be achieved if we just fuck a few million normal people about a bit more?
It never ends until western civilization is destroyed and da honky man is in chains or a sex slave.
Don’t give the cunts a fucking inch.
Don’t fire until you see the red of their party membership!
I am also now barred from the “labour” party conference..