Sir Edward Jonathan Davey

A ‘please sir! It was Farage, sir’ cunting for acting Lib Dem leader, rabid Remoaner and full time cunt Ed Davey.

On 4th July, Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage tweeted from a Kent pub, declaring ’12 o’clock, first in. Love it’. Sir Nige has recently returned from the States, prompting snivelling little snitch Davey to try and dob him in to the scuffers. Dickhead Davey rushed to contact Kent police, alleging his’concern’ that Farage had contravened the C-19 fourteen day quarantine rule with regard to international travel.

‘Concern’ my arse. I stand to be corrected, but I don’t recall Davey expressing much in the way of ‘concern’ while we’ve had thousands of protesters out on the streets wilfully ignoring lockdown regulations, often causing damage and attacking the police in the process. But sense a chance to score a pathetic political point against his nemesis Farage for having a pint, and he’s off like a rat up a drainpipe.

Irrepressible as ever, Sir Nige came back ‘to all those screaming and shouting about me going to the pub… I’ve been back from the USA for two weeks, and have tested negative. Cheers!’.

And here we all were, thinking that there was nothing the despicable Davey could do to make himself look an even bigger wanker than he already has. A word to the wise, you pathetic shitweasel; snitches tend to be extremely unpopular. Take care, or you might find that some of the bigger boys will ram your head down the school bog and flush it repeatedly.

Enjoy your pint Mr F, and get one in for Ed the Cunt. A pint of bitter would be appropriate, I think.

Nominated by: Ron Knee 

And seconded by…

A solid gold repeat cunting is due for limp wristed, limp-dump ducky Ed ‘Wavey’ Davey.

This piss-stained, shitstabbing school sneak has written to Kent Police asking them to investigate Nigel Farage to determine if he broke lockdown rules after returning from the USA. Farage was seen in a pub at 12pm on 4th July apparently after being in the States on 20th June. It is Mr Davey’s view that Farage did not quarantine for 14 days.

This is not about Farage (allegedly) not complying with a lockdown directive; this is all about Farage not holding dear those views that Wavey holds so dear. Clearly if Farage was a lefty, rainbow-flying, BLM, Muslim-supporting MP then Wavy certainly would have cut him slack. This is such a blatant opportunist attempt by Wavey to ‘stick one up far right, Brexiteer Farage’ that the cunt is blinded by his own pansy spite. From what I can see, Farage may be guilty of foreshortening his quarantine by a day, but really, Davey you cunt? I suspect the police have better things to do than to waste their time on this petty shite.

I am thinking hard to recall anything useful Ed Davey has ever accomplished as an MP. The fisting fannywipe has accomplished much in terms virtue signalling, but really fuck all else.

A weapons grade, spiteful cunt and I hope all you cunters join me in pushing Wavey closer to the wall of plenty.

Nominated by: Paul Maskinback 

55 thoughts on “Sir Edward Jonathan Davey

  1. Good afternoon

    I just think he is a cunt for not wearing a tie whilst in the House of Commons. There should be a certain amount of respect and dignity for the place. Bercow was the cunt who allowed MPs to be improperly dressed after representation from possibly the most obnoxious MP of all time, Jared O’Mara, the ginger cunt from Sheffield, on the basis that he had Cystic Fibrosis and therefore couldn’t wear a tie. It wasn’t for supposedly fit cunts like Davey.

  2. In addition to all his other cuntishness, Davey wants to get failed former Limp Dick MP and leader Swineson into the Lords; something to do with the country needing her ‘outstanding qualities’ or shit like that.
    This prick is an absolutely outstanding example of cuntitude; a skidmark on the underpants of British politics.
    Fuck off and die, you cunt.

    • I read this morning that Downing street (Read: Dominic Cummings) has decided that the HoL can move to York to promote bases of power throughout the country.

      Or, to put it another way. Dominic Cummings has decided that the piss smelling old people’s home that is the HoL can fuck off to somewhere that nobody is going to pay any attention to them.

      This will also save the taxpayer £315 per cunt, per day when they can’t be arsed to leave London and get on a train for three hours heading oop north.

      The man is a genius. ?

      • What makes you think anybody takes any notice of the grasping cunts where they are now?

      • Sadly Moggie, the MPs currently have to, due to proximity.

        A bit like Rene in ‘allo’ allo having to put up with the mother in law upstairs. There is more than just one comparison to be had there.

        Fuck them all off to the north of England and see how often they feel inclined to get some good old fashioned northern hospitality while they mince about in Ermine, while telling the locals they’re thick for wanting Brexit and raking in more than the average weekly wage per day of appearance.

        Their life expectancy will be measured in days, not even weeks.

      • Fucking love it if they moved the cunts to Barrow-in-Furness. That’d learn ’em!

      • I just want Doreen Lawrence to be allocated digs in Hartlepool and try to prove she isn’t a Napoleonic spy to the locals.

      • He looks loke he’s dressed up for Jerx sans Frontieres, or some such dross. Costume by Cecil Beaton ? I wonder.

      • Don’t mention the monkey ! I did, once or twice, but think I might’ve got away with it !

      • Barrow is just 30 miles south of where I live. Don’t want those grasping MP cunts infesting that dump, they’ll be eaten alive, stabbed, buggered and/or infected with the virus!

        Oh hang on…….

    • The only ‘outstanding qualities’ that twat Swinson has are the two puppies hanging halfway down to her fucking stinking fanny the rank fucking pig.

  3. I had a shit this morning, it had more integrity than Davey, more political acumen and it smelt better as well.

    I understand we have to allow the cunt a voice in a democracy but I’d happily flush the shit stain down the sewer with his entire party.

  4. There’s something a trifle creepy about Davey. It’s not that he resembles a chubby, bald version of Hugh Bonneville or that he’s a “Sir” (ha) or that he’s still banging on about Brexit. He just seems a bit odd; somebody you see hanging around men’s toilets with his flies undone.

    If you’re still whingeing about leaving the EU at this point you must be a bit mentally ill or stupid in a fanatical way. He is the vapour of the Remainacs’ defeat four years’ ago, the steam off the turd, the stink off the shit.

    • ‘Normal’ people have to do something worthwhile to get a gong but these utter bastards get them because they’re just about capable of dressing themselves. Although when you look at some of them, even this isn’t a given.

      • Well Moggie, during the Blair years, a peerage could be purchased under the counter for a paltry £500k donation to the Labour party.

        If you see where I’m coming from.

  5. Thousands of libtards and dindus on the streets during lockdown (only applies to Brexit voters) because honky man bad, but he’s more concerned about Farage going to the pub?

    What a fucking cunt. I bet he was popular at school, the little shit.

    • The Farage was also tested for covid, and found clear.
      How many people will get tested before they go to the pub ?

      • What I find so amusing about this episode is that Davey is so thick, he couldn’t anticipate that he’d come out of his attempted sneakery looking like a small, mean-minded fuckwit. He really is an absolute bellend.

      • He’s LibDem, they probably think the majority appreciate those traits, just like they want to Remain.

      • A pity schoolmarm Jo Swinson isn’t still in charge then he could have reported directly on Naughty Nigel to his boss.

  6. Whilst many of us do not have a high regard for most MPs there is something especially nasty about those who attempt to snitch on other MPs to make cheap points. Rest assured what goes round comes round.

  7. What a complete knob, ‘please mr plod, naughty Nigel hasn’t done his full 14 days, can you go round to his house and spank his bottom’

    I wonder why they got hammered in the general election.

  8. It’s hard to imagine a more politically irrelevant cunt from a More politically irrelevant party…
    The Lib dums got the news back in November when RENTAGOB SWINSON completely misjudged the Mood of the British electorate and went “ all in” with a promise to cancel Brexit , watching her lose her seat on election night was a real highlight
    I’m praying Layla MORON gets the nod as the country needs a good laugh after recent events .
    Anybody voting for these cunts needs sectioning under the MHA ………

  9. Sneaky, nasty, peaceful loving quisling traitor. What a revolting piece of shit this cunt is. In fact he gives shit a bad name.
    I see he is up for the leadership of the Lib Dumbs again. He got his arse kicked by that mad Swindler bitch last time now he’s going to get turned over by the even madder, self styled “pansexual” Layla Moron. Ever noticed that nobody likes you Wavey you nasty little creep?
    What a fuck up of a party. Who votes for these fucking freaks anyway?

  10. I heard just today on the wireless that the Liberal UnDemocrats start the fight for the new leader today.It is the choice of Davey or that ugly bitch Moron or Moran. A bit like choosing between hanging or lethal injection for your execution. The remining stragglers in this party just ought to go and become more of Dame Kweer’s arselickers.

    • The Glib-dems are now a party of 10, probably because EVERY one of the cunts is a billy-no-mates, and the Glibs were a last resort for people who couldn’t be trusted in the real world.

  11. I very much hope Moron wins. Not only will it put this arselicker’s nose out of joint but she is far more entertaining.
    Moron is as thick as a plank and as mad as a box of Chinamen.
    Totally representative of her rapidly dwindling membership now I come to think of it.

    • Moron should be a shoo-in for leader. Ticks all the right boxes:

      1. Female
      2. Carpet muncher
      3. Of Palestinian descent
      4. History of violence towards men
      4. Bisexual
      5. Pansexual

      Unlike Davey who is a male middle aged heterosexual, allegedly…

      Goes without saying both are fanatically pro EU.

  12. Lib dem = Cunt
    Knighthood = Cunt
    Pro EU = Cunt
    He be thrice a cunt!
    Bob Mugarbage had a knighthood that’s all I need say!

    • Mugarbage was better looking than any LimpDump wimmin, and I am straight.

  13. The fucking cunt wants his head stoved in. Listen up, shit Ed, nobody likes a fucking sneak you pathetic wanker. He’s the sort of cunt who would probably snitch on himself for not snitching. I would gladly kick the living fuck out of the twat.

  14. Don’t you think this creepy little nerd looks like Wayne Rooney in that photo? Of course Wayne is much richer than him and clearly outstrips him in terms of brainpower.

  15. When I was at school, cunts like this – or as we used to know them, SNITCHES – walked around with two black eyes for many days until they learnt the error of their ways. Some, of course, were too stupid, so had permanent panda faces. I imagine Davey was one of the latter – Cunt!

  16. Davey’s a grass – cut ‘im!
    Snitches can go far in life but will never be well liked, although I suppose the fortune this prissy little bag of wind has squeezed from the taxpayer will be some “compensation”.
    Didn’t notice Eddie contacting the Police to get the rioters/looters/vandals investigated.
    On other news Swinson still has a lovely pair! ?

  17. Despicable, sneaky, petty, two-faced, hypocritical, vindictive, virtue- signalling, hand-waving, cowardly little shite.

    Ideal material for the Lib Dems.

  18. Sneaky, petty, two-faced, hypocritical, vindictive, virtue- signalling, hand-waving, cowardly little shite.

    Ideal material for the Lib Dems.

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