The Court of Appeal, what a bunch of cunts. Breaking news this morning, 10:56am 16/07/2020. The piece of scum that is shamima begum is to be allowed back to the UK to fight for her citizenship.
Why don’t we just be done with it and start handing machetes and explosives to all the scum arriving on dinghies, we give them everything else.
I’m sick of how weak this country has become. Between that and not dealing with the dinks, I’m not sure how much more I can take.
Nominated by: McCunterson
Added to by Duke of Cuntshire:
Tom Hickman and the British legal system
This motherfucker is Shamima Begum’s legal rep, and has successfully argued that the filthy Isis whore should be allowed back into Britain.
What the fuck is the point in voting in a government, that gives us the result we want, when some bunch of out of touch, left wing, unelected twats can overturn the decision?
These traitors’ ideology must come from the place where they all live – Cloud Cuckoo Land. I wonder if they foot the legal expenses themselves, or expect the sane part of the population to pay for it along with their undeserved bloated salaries.
What I hope happens to Begum should she arrive on our shores can’t be printed here, but I hope the same treatment befalls all those responsible for her return, and all their families too.
Added to by DryitchyCunt:
Emergency Cunting for The Court of Appeal
These wig wearing cunt knuckles have ruled that the beer garden umbrella resembling cunt of all cunts Shamima Begum can return to The UK to fight for a it’s right to have UK Citizenship reinstated.
Now call me Thick Jack Cunt, but if some cunt runs off to join a bunch of murdering cunts who hate The UK and want to kill all none cunt groupist, why in the name of sand grating in your fucking vagina, would we allow this cunt back.
Yes, allowed back if it met the same justice as those cunts she ran off to metered out……………but now the fun is over, it wants to come back and take it’s place in society.
I am lost for cunts at the moment, but feel sure those on here blessed in the skill of cunting will help out on this one.
Added to by The cunt man of Alcatraz:
Shamina Begum and the legal system are cunts.
I’ve just seen that horrible cunt begum has been given the right to come back to this country, to fight her case to be allowed back in. If she’s not already here, does anybody think if she were to lose the case ( which I think is unlikely ) we would manage to get her back out of the country ?
For me this is a defining moment for this government, the whole set up of Boris’s administration has looked out of its depth. If they don’t manage to win this case the small amount of credibility they have left, will completely evaporate. It hurts me to think of what we have become, other countries must be laughing their bollocks off at us. It’s easy to blame education and the media for dumbing down, and the indoctrination of school kids and gullible people. But where were the people who should have put a stop to it ?
Maybe I’m the gullible cunt, for thinking they would. I have a 12 year old son, and his future fills me with dread. That should not be. Cunts Cunts Cunts, I can’t remember feeling so helpless and angry about the present and the future, as I do now.
Added to by Fuglyucker:
Shami Shitter Begun and the court of appeal, this disposable cunt begum is going to be allowed back into the UK to fight her case WTF is going on, the court of appeal should be gassed, what’s wrong with these cunts, surely this cunt by now is going to be safer left where she is, and her solicited should be spit roasted by Romanian beggars…..this country really is fucked even by cunts on the inside…..
Added to by CuntyMort:
Shamina Begum and the legal system.
What the FUCK is going on with these bewigged cunts and Isis pin up girl? My piss has reached magma type temperatures upon hearing this SHITE.
The only thing this cunt needs is a 6 ft drop, wearing a manila necklace. While you’re at it do the judge who fucking well said let it back into the UK.
Oven material the lot of them. BASTARDS
Time for some due process. Before Ms Begum comes to the UK for what is essentially a civil matter, she should face criminal charges in Syria.
Perhaps we should assist the Yazidi people in setting up Nuremberg-style courts to prosecute crimes against humanity by Begum and her pals. I’m sure most cunters would agree that this would be a reasonable use of international development funds.
Agree. ! It is about time that the political class were made to account, sit up, and take notice. Your suggestion would acheive exactly that.
PS – I wonder how many people who feel sorry for Begum because she was ‘too young’ to make decisions also expect us to take heed of the dribblings of Greta the Ecospaz?
What are the SAS doing at the minute? Just a thought!
Hmmm interesting solution. Full jacket of course !
Busy trying to arrange a late night drive around paris
It’s long been clear that the judiciary are high on the list to be dealt with, along with the politicians. Personally, I wouldn’t spare any of them. None of them are fit to be involved in any way with a civilised legal system.
No doubt this terrorist will just be turned loose as soon as she arrives back in Britain. The Government has, after all abolished the legal difference between British citizens and illegal immigrants. All illegal immigrants are now de facto British citizens as soon as they set foot in Britain. That, of course, is an essential requirement for the Government’s population replacement programme.
If Patriots ever gain control in Britain, one of the highest priorities will be to set up a system of large offshore internment camps. All illegals and unwanted foreigners could then be rounded up and transported there. The camps may not need to be that large, as, once it became clear to the invaders that they were definitely going to be rounded up and interned, large numbers would self-deport before that happened. In either case, we would be rid of them.
As Darth Vaders youngest she was always going to be on the wrong side of history, but the ways of the jehadi are strong in this one.
Sure our PM young winston while see she doesn’t set foot on UK soil again?
What she on the way?
Business class?
Boris will just have to change the law then but I doubt he will. If he did some court will say that changing the law is illegal. FFS.
How about we bring her back and put her in a iron gibbet on the plinth where Colstons statue stood?
People get the chance to interact with Shemima and improve their aim!!
The Govt. happily enough allowed over 400 jihadists to return from Syria without revoking their citizenship….it’s a pretty fair bet that a few of them were more actively involved than some silly schoolgirl.
Although I have no sympathy for Begum,why should she be banned if 400 of her “fellow travellers” were not?
What a fuckin country.
Weak as piss run by poofters.?
Since WW2 its been a quick descent.
A quick descent and pretty much a terminal one,I reckon.
Morning MNC
Morning All.
Morning Dick.
Agree, be hard work to get this country ship shape.
And itd take a large pair of bollocks and a spine to get things rolling, so thats anyone in politics ruled out.
And I have just seen the RAF have erased the name of Dambusters hero Guy Gibson’s famous dog, N11ger, from his memorial at RAF Scampton. Yes Miserable, what a fucking country indeed.
Erasing history as we go.
People getting a puppy, name it Níggër!!
Fuck these kneebenders.
Erasing history is exactly what happened in 1984. I bet George Orwell is turning in his grave!
I agree, it was an unfair singling out.
As far as I know didn’t she just put decapitated heads in bins? I’m sure at least some of the 400 who returned must have done worse.
Ah penny just dropped. You can’t make a UK citizen stateless, especially if they were born here. This is international law, I think.
No doubt the 400 were born in the UK and their parents were naturalised here.
Yes it seems Our hands are tied.
Oh well, bring back hanging and try them all for treason instead. We have to show that we follow due process.
Agree with you totally Sir Dick, at the time of her “revoking” the thought “what’s the fucking point of that there are hundreds of the bastards back here already” crossed my mind. May be it’s a legal aid fiddle?
Just another example of the Govt. pretending that they give give a shit in much the same way as every Home Office Minister vows to clamp down on the inflatable-banana riding immigrants crossing the Channel every day.
Ineffectual liars.
Human rights lawyers, expensive QC’s paid for by us will be rubbing their hands together at a prolonged legal case and all that lovely money. Not forgetting the small army of mental health ‘experts’, social workers and other bleeding hearts lining up to fight her corner. Compo Corbyn hasn’t met a terrorist he doesn’t like yet, is next door up for sale, fancy a new neighbour Jezza?
Multi-millionaire Linekunt has already paid for her legal fees, her housing, her food and health bills, industrial vagina-scrubbing, university fees (B.A. in Chemical Warfare), and a new wardrobe of bin bags.
Naa, only kidding.
If that Boris fellow wanted to guarantee another victory for his party of clowns he should simply arrange for this vermin to be arrested upon arrival and immediately deported by the military to any random mud slime shithole.
Preferably one where mithering commie reporters will not find her.
This country does not need one more undesirable especially one as evil as this cunt.
I should add that I am amenable to a show trial and public hanging.
We’re going to have to begin building dozens of luxury hotels in which to house not only the dinghy immigrate trainee terrorísts but the baby-making cunts like this one who will have shat out half a dozen Mubareks before she’s 30.
Hotel near me is already full if the cunts. Funny enough, the council won’t answer my questions about it.
Keep your distance, Lord C. If their sundried blueberry eggs-benédict on buttered sourdough is slightly overcooked, there’ll be another stabathon by a “previously known to police” perpetrator.
Treason is the most vile of crimes. Why would a traitrix seek to return? It just seems to prove that fundamentalist or moderate secular Moslem shiteholes are even worse than a country that detests every fibre of her being. I wish a particularly painful, nasty and amusing end to this sand witch, perhaps being crushed by a lorry load of ham sandwiches.
Social housing is well shite in most peaceful countries, has a very long waiting list also. Health care and education expensive and sporadic.
Cradle to grave benefits almost non existent. Protest or complain at your peril. Treated like crap because of your sex a hairbrush has more rights in law. Why the fuck would a dyed in wool jihadist want to come to infidel England? Such are these eternal questions awaiting answers from higher wisdom
The British judicial system isnt set up for genocide or war crimes, hence Nuremberg. Evidence cannot be collected in Syria so she will not face charges. The far left cunts in the Judiciary know this perfectly well. The muslim population will treat her as a returning hero (quietly at first). Fuck I hate tony cunting Blair for his cunting human rights act and his abolishment of treason laws.
I had to read this paragraph a few times to make sure I wasn’t misinterpreting it cunters;
“Lord Justice Flaux – sitting with Lady Justice King and Lord Justice Singh – said: “Fairness and justice must, on the facts of this case, outweigh the national security concerns, so that the leave to enter appeals should be allowed.”
It’s the bit that says Fairness and justice must outweigh national security concerns that I simply can’t comprehend. This maggot in a shroud has stated explicitly in an interview that she was unfazed by beheadings that were conducted by her jihadi comrades and said she didn’t have any regrets about her association!
Did Alan Henning get fairness and justice at the hands of her mates that she feels so much affection for before having his head lobbed off?
It’s true that hundreds of jihadi so called ‘fighters’ have since returned from active cowardly service to their British homeland, but how much do we know about their particular individual ‘service’. This filthy bitch has gone on the record to demonstrate her indifference to abhorrent crimes against humanity and said she had “a good time” and was “okay with it”.
But the real humdinger for me here is when she told the BBC when asked about the Manchester Arena Bombing that “Killing women and children is a fair retaliation”
Retaliation for what? This woman that was once a mother herself is going to be able to avail herself of the fairest legal justice system in the world. The polar opposite to that employed by radical extremist Islam who’s failure to become a super power she no doubt sorely laments. Sadistic buck toothed cunt.
What makes me laugh (not really) is, had ISIS won, we’d never heard from her again. She says she made mistakes – too right love, you backed the wrong horse. Just hang the piece of shit. I saw also that her father in Bangladesh is delighted that she is being allowed to return to UK to face ‘justice’. Can obviously see a return for himself and fuck knows how many other relatives. Cunts all of em, the soppy judges as well who clearly have no link with the real world.
What’s one grain of sand in the desert?
There’s already millions of them running round and creating havoc so who cares?
Buy her an Audi or VW and then knock there houses into one while fitting big gold gates and she will feel right at home.
What is it about politicians that they are so fucking senseless?
Senseless and spineless.
All she needs is a wimple (eg
How do you solve a problem like Shamima?
A virus is essentially a robot. It has no need or wish to deviate from its programming. It invigilates itself into a host organism, and puts the pre-existing systems, meant for that organism’s own health and well-being, to work for itself, replicating itself and its own destructive agenda.
I am, of course, speaking about our current situation with Covid.
What else could I possibly be describing in this context?
So very predictable. Millions will be spunked up the wall on this case and even if the government win (which they won’t, no fucking chance) what happens then? The Kurds won’t take her back and no other cunts will take her. Once her murdering arse is through the door she’s here to stay, trust me. As for putting her through a trial…… for what? Where is the evidence? The only possible witnesses would be some goat shaggers who would have to be flown in (they won’t be going home either) and would be destroyed by any half way decent brief. It will be in Londonistan so the jury will be packed with libtards and immos.
It was all just a gesture to make the government look tough, now they are going to look like the soft wankers they always were.
We’re fucked.
She did admit on camera (several times) to being part of isis and was with one of the executioners.
Enough for a life sentence methinks.
But I wouldn’t be surprised to see some HR lawyer sleaze her a deal where she does no jail time, so I get you point.
I can only hope that pressure is put on Bangladesh – no Shamima, no foreign aid.
You would hope that something is going on behind the scenes but the fuckwits in power are spineless.
Once the cunt is here, she’s here to stay. If found guilty, where could thy deport her to? All these cunts should have been taken out by mercenaries as soon as they were found, to make they never got back and became a threat or a burden here.
I absolutely agree, When you find enemies of the country like this, they should be offed by special forces to save all this shite. Pretty easy to say it was some kind of ‘tribal revenge’.
Just execute every one of these cunts. There are several more. People can criticise the Israeli’s, but those cunts actively go after cunts like that and off them in their beds, so I’m told anyway.
It really is beyond reason that the cunts of appeal have the brass neck to do this they’re no better than the terrorist cunts like her on another point of our country’s nose dive into bame shite Guy Gibson VC’ DSO& Bar DFC&Bar,’s Dog Ni**er’s headstone has been replaced as the Raf feel waffle waffle waffle the cunts
You’ve got ex-soldiers with mental health issues living on the streets and at the same time, a shit load of cash being spent on this piece of excrement to ‘bring her home’.
Home? Let’s have it right. She hates Britain, as do many of her ilk. People like this have no place in Britain. They never have. I’m fine with anyone of any race coming to Blighty if they can contribute, stay out of trouble and not try to make their culture dominant over ours. This bitch has not only left to join a terrorist group, she was actively supporting the fight against our own troops. She saw severed heads in bins and didn’t give a fuck. Pretty much her own words, with a little artistic licence.
She said in her first interview that she was sad to see how it had gone for Isis. By that, she meant she was sad they lost! Do any of these cunts who support her (particularly the honky apologist libtards) think for one second that she would’ve come back if Isis had won?
Of course not! She’d be like a pig in mud if she could decapitate the Honky man, the Jew and the Yazidi at will. She’d love having her slaves and plundering the belongings of others. She’d love terrorising others. She would worship the executioners.
She only wants to return because Isis got their fucking arses kicked into oblivion. I say, tell her to fuck off.
I’m not sure of the legalities, but can the Home Secretary overrule a court in a case of National Security? If there is such a loophole, I’d be using it and telling these cut lawyers and judges that her return would be ‘over my dead fucking body you cunts.’
If she does return, I would like to see her scum family waiting for her at the airport in their medieval garb. Arms outstretched, as their hero returns, after bravely fighting against the west. Only to see her smashed face down into the airport tarmac by the anti – terrorist squad. Oh, that would be nice to watch! Then frogmarched off to Belmarsh awaiting trial, where, hopefully, she’ll stay until she dies of old age or getting offed by another inmate.
And look into the cunt’s family. Deport or jail them too when you find they think the same way as she does (I don’t doubt it for a second).
I can see her now , giving tv interviews at £5,000 a go.
And the rest. Daytime tv will be falling over themselves for the exclusive first interview. Open cheque.
And she will probably have advice from Lineker’s accountants on how to evade paying income tax on her fees.
During the interview when asked about seeing severed heads in bins her response was ‘I wasn’t fazed’ , that little statement says it all, how can any normal person not be disgusted and disturbed from seeing severed heads in bins.
She is ice cool, there is a real threat from her, if she is allowed back there is a good chance that we will regret it, but not to worry because lessons will be learned.
Her responses in those interviews point to her being a sociopath at the very least.
Desensitised to murder. These are the most dangerous people around.
She’ll learn to hide her psychopathy better as she gets older. All the more dangerous.
TT TRC@ – her responses showed she would be immediately offed if she strayed off script.
And as she has dual Bangladeshi nationality she was not made stateless and has no legal right to be in the UK.
Maybe the judges should have been made to show the pictures if kids with their faces and bodies ripped apart by ball bearings and pieces of steel before making a decision.
Deport the fucking judges, to Bangladesh.
Can’t help thinking one discreet shot would have solved this situation.
It’s the same as Patel stamping her feet (supposedly anyway) about the boat people from France.
It matters not who you vote for, the lefties won decades ago.
Once you make it to our shores you’re almost certainly here for good no matter what they tell about ‘getting tough’.
Just one question, has anyone here ever seen her alleged baby? All footage I saw was her holding a rolled up blanket, it could have been a jam roly poly for all I saw.
Peckish now.
Ramjam rholipholi funnily enough is the name of her other dead kid.
All of her sprogs died. Nothing sinister in any of that, of course. I’m not sure about the blanket though?
I’m with you on that. That ‘baby’ on he video never moved and all you could see was a blanket totally covering ‘it’.
If there really was a baby under there, no wonder they all died. Suffocated to death. She probably got off on it though, which would explain why so many of her sprogs died.
I think she claimed she couldn’t get food for them. She had no problem finding food for herself though did she, the fat murderous cow.
They are pathological liars, did she have a baby, who knows or even cares, it didn’t seem to bother her.
Perhaps the Begum whore could be “persuaded” ro save any mor trouble by doing a Jeffery Epstein in her cell.
The little cunt can’t lose – if she is found not guilty she is a free woman and if she is found guity, they can’t deport her because she is “stateless” and therefore a free woman.
Yesterday on Wireless 4 at one her former “family legal adviser” said she had “made a mistake”. No she didn’t – making a mistake is forgetting to put your bin out on collection day, this little whore committed treason. She cannot be rewarded.
Her legal advisors are nasty pieces of work too. Going through the motions but knowing that they have already won.
Maybe a collection could be started to put a price on her head.
Who is this girl. It Begum’s belief that this bin sack is causing so much shit.
As Dick has said, there are hundreds of the cunts back in the country without a bad word being said about them.
When are Sky going to hold their ‘Shamima, the return of a hero’ week? And then saying that the complainers need ‘educating’? The cunts.
My prediction?
She’ll be on Question Time soon (getting applauded for her views). Then, off on a book and speaking tour. She’ll lead some BS Quango on ‘de-radicalisation’ on about 100k a year until a few members go postal and kill a few do gooders (as happened not long ago, one recalls).
This will happen unless the Home Secretary gets tough on action, not just words (which is all she seems to have).
She will have to be Guest Of the Week on Wimmins Hour as a prelude to her midday misery memoir reading the following week about her struggles with mental health issues and cot death. Then of course her 8 records and a luxury on Desert Island Discs.
She will have more money spent on her goofy face by the government, than they have given my local care home in 20 years, full of life long tax payers and WW2 Veterans.
Like fucking hook man and the other twat who were eventually kicked out at a cost of £18 million in legal fees.
Give jemima bubblegum a laptop and internet connection, then she can fucking stay where she is and zoom call in to the court.
Surely cheaper and would allow us to do a bit of spying on her chums too.
Give her a 9mm aspirin.
How long till we’re berated by the msm for not showing ‘understanding’ to the poor misguided jihadis, including those refered to as the Beatles (cuddly name eh)?
We must be nothing more than waaayciists for objecting to a little innocent beheading and burning.
They are just as British as you and me we’ll be told.
The country is fucked. Full of cretins who have to be seen doing shit. Look at this, the fire chief is a total cunt and now it is in all the papers, I hope he realises he is a cunt.
A fire service has been criticised for banning a Black Country flag designed by 12-year-old schoolgirl because it features a chain with a “potential link to slavery”.
The red, black and white emblem was designed by Gracie Sheppard in 2013 to commemorate the industrial heritage of the West Midlands area.
Selected by public vote, it is proudly displayed on homes and buildings across the region on July 14, known as Black Country Day.
However, West Midlands Fire Service has now refused to display the flag at its stations, claiming the chains pictured on it may have historically been associated with the slave trade.
The service pledged its support to the Black Lives Matter movement and said it wants its staff to instead celebrate Black Country Day “in alternative ways” until they have established what the chains represent.
Is the term “black country day” acceptable? I’m asking for my slave who can’t type after I chopped his hands off for not taking a knee, the cunt.
You Bastard! I strained a tendon in my groin laughing at that, jolly good cunt.
A sprained bollock ? That is all you need for the weekend.
I would posit that the chief fire officer knows little or nothing of his areas history. Black Country was a centre for chain making for years.
Many households had a forge on their property and would earn their daily crust by making chains. That is why the young lady who designed the flag chose to include the representation of a chain. The chain symbolising an important part of the areas industrial heritage. Why the fuck the bunch of cunts support BLM I really don’t care. But for these public servants paid for by all of us to score lefty points by shamefully turning their back on their areas history is beyond me.
So the next step will be protests outside the girls home. West Midlands fire service your senior officers are cunts. Bloody pathetic.
When I see chains I think of Brunel, the great British engineer, but never mind because he’s white.
Anyway cunters, this will cheer you up
Found this on an American news feed-
‘Eco-friendly’ Meghan, Harry mocked over their gas-guzzling, luxury life, told to ‘cut the crap’.