Shamima Begum (4) and the Legal System.

The Court of Appeal, what a bunch of cunts. Breaking news this morning, 10:56am 16/07/2020. The piece of scum that is shamima begum is to be allowed back to the UK to fight for her citizenship.

Why don’t we just be done with it and start handing machetes and explosives to all the scum arriving on dinghies, we give them everything else.

I’m sick of how weak this country has become. Between that and not dealing with the dinks, I’m not sure how much more I can take.

Nominated by: McCunterson

Added to by Duke of Cuntshire:

Tom Hickman and the British legal system

This motherfucker is Shamima Begum’s legal rep, and has successfully argued that the filthy Isis whore should be allowed back into Britain.

What the fuck is the point in voting in a government, that gives us the result we want, when some bunch of out of touch, left wing, unelected twats can overturn the decision?

These traitors’ ideology must come from the place where they all live – Cloud Cuckoo Land. I wonder if they foot the legal expenses themselves, or expect the sane part of the population to pay for it along with their undeserved bloated salaries.

What I hope happens to Begum should she arrive on our shores can’t be printed here, but I hope the same treatment befalls all those responsible for her return, and all their families too.

Added to by DryitchyCunt:

Emergency Cunting for The Court of Appeal

These wig wearing cunt knuckles have ruled that the beer garden umbrella resembling cunt of all cunts Shamima Begum can return to The UK to fight for a it’s right to have UK Citizenship reinstated.

Now call me Thick Jack Cunt, but if some cunt runs off to join a bunch of murdering cunts who hate The UK and want to kill all none cunt groupist, why in the name of sand grating in your fucking vagina, would we allow this cunt back.

Yes, allowed back if it met the same justice as those cunts she ran off to metered out……………but now the fun is over, it wants to come back and take it’s place in society.

I am lost for cunts at the moment, but feel sure those on here blessed in the skill of cunting will help out on this one.

Added to by The cunt man of Alcatraz:

Shamina Begum and the legal system are cunts.

I’ve just seen that horrible cunt begum has been given the right to come back to this country, to fight her case to be allowed back in. If she’s not already here, does anybody think if she were to lose the case ( which I think is unlikely ) we would manage to get her back out of the country ?

For me this is a defining moment for this government, the whole set up of Boris’s administration has looked out of its depth. If they don’t manage to win this case the small amount of credibility they have left, will completely evaporate. It hurts me to think of what we have become, other countries must be laughing their bollocks off at us. It’s easy to blame education and the media for dumbing down, and the indoctrination of school kids and gullible people. But where were the people who should have put a stop to it ?

Maybe I’m the gullible cunt, for thinking they would. I have a 12 year old son, and his future fills me with dread. That should not be. Cunts Cunts Cunts, I can’t remember feeling so helpless and angry about the present and the future, as I do now.

Added to by Fuglyucker:

Shami Shitter Begun and the court of appeal, this disposable cunt begum is going to be allowed back into the UK to fight her case WTF is going on, the court of appeal should be gassed, what’s wrong with these cunts, surely this cunt by now is going to be safer left where she is, and her solicited should be spit roasted by Romanian beggars…..this country really is fucked even by cunts on the inside…..

Added to by CuntyMort:

Shamina Begum and the legal system.

What the FUCK is going on with these bewigged cunts and Isis pin up girl? My piss has reached magma type temperatures upon hearing this SHITE.

The only thing this cunt needs is a 6 ft drop, wearing a manila necklace. While you’re at it do the judge who fucking well said let it back into the UK.

Oven material the lot of them. BASTARDS





117 thoughts on “Shamima Begum (4) and the Legal System.

    • We could only hope RTC, I emailed my MP last night asking her to do all in her power to to try to reverse the decision.
      And back the government in their efforts to stop this piece of filth getting back in.
      Im expecting much hand wringing and mock outrage from this shower of shit.

    • That’s being posted on Facebook as well as MikesPlace one. Should get my lefty cousin to call me a white supremacist again.

  1. I said to the mrs ages ago she’ll be back here before the end of 2020. Given a new identity and house plus all the benefits.
    I cannot express how deeply frustrated I am.
    If there is a trial on her previous actions it will be a suspended Sentence or 2 years at best, out in a year.
    I wonder how much police protection will be spent on her family now.

  2. Let her rot in Bangladesh.Coming back to Britain and siphoning our benefits.Slag.

  3. A great day for the BBC, Suckdick Khunt and the woke middle classes of poor, broken England.

  4. The only tax payers’ money that should be spent on this cunt (and the many more like her that managed to get back into the UK) should be on the wages for an executioner for a day, a reliable gun and a few (thousand?) bullets.

    Fuck, it I’ll do it for free, Priti.

    With a big fucking smile on my face throughout.

    • My 98 year old father in law, wounded three times in WW2 has to pay £117 a week for two 20 minutes a day visits from careers . Just thought I’d mention that to keep our collective piss boiling.

      • It’s great to know that millions are being spunked on the likes of this cow while heroes like your father-in-law are bled dry.

        What a fucking country.

        I’ve said it before, but if we end up with an Adolf running the country because of the likes of this shite, it’s all the country will deserve, sadly.

      • Regrettably, we’ve reached the point where only an Adolf running the country would effect any change.

      • Can you all please vote me in to power? I promise that I am a proper cunt and would not hesitate to deal with “business”. Thanks in advance, Fuhrer Dozy Cunt.

      • No power for DC – you are far too nice, reasonable and pleasant!
        Vote Fox – the horror, oh, the horror! ??

      • @Guzzieguy:

        Those two visits a week won’t be necessary if the governments plans for Covid work-it’s killing all the right people apparently.

      • Boiling, Guzziguy? Your poor father-in-law’s story has my urine achieving temperatures the universe has not witnessed since the Big Bang!

  5. Dress it up however you want. This is a calculated “fuck you” to every decent, law abiding Briton.

    They knew exactly what they were doing and we all know why they did it.

    I’m sorry cunters, there just aren’t words.

  6. The court decided that because she is in a Syrian refugee camp she can’t get access to her legal team….. so whose fault is that!


  7. Shamee-ba-goom is exactly why we should have a death penalty, and be proud of it. Bill Gates is obsessed with reducing the planet’s population through his CoroNOvirus hoax and his RDF chipping and vaccinating, well here’s a thought bill, you could do the planet’s population a favour by just concentrating on 1.6 billion walking cancers in one fell swoop.

  8. She’ll be in clover soon!

    She’ll get her citizenship back
    will sue the government for millions
    become a social media influencer
    do the lecturer circuit, especially at universities, talking about diversity and racism
    earn a fortune doing interviews
    expect a book, tv drama and film.
    And if she does become a suicide bomber her apologists will blame Whitey or mental issues etc.
    Oh and she’ll be great mates with St Greta of Icebergs

  9. As far as I can see, once she’s back she’ll be here to stay whether she wins her battle or not. Where the fuck else would have the revolting cunt?

  10. Her OAP father lives in some other shit hole. Send her there. She should be shot by firing squad, the fucking ugly terrorist cunt. How safe would she be in this country? She’d have to be locked up for her own safety. No other country in the world would tolerate this.

    • There was a fives-up once on a Yank bitch studying here who wanted to paint over a picture of “old white men.” The painting had been done as a tribute to those who fought and died in the Great War who couldn’t complete their studies.

      • I remember that – Emily Dawes I believe her name was. Didn’t she get suspended from the university or something?

      • A few months after she pulled that stunt I met her pulling pints in the bar of a caravan park in the New Forest. The cunt.

  11. I now understand why Hitler hated judges and the media. You cant run a country when the media and judical system are soft.

  12. When she returns and brain washes some idiot to murder, the judges should be acountable. These judges have blood on there hands.

    • We have to hold those responsible for allowing Begum &Co. back in to Britain to account when decent people are harmed by the returners.

  13. It’s only a matter of time before the only people being sent to prison and/or deported will be ones that haven’t committed any crimes. Oh, apart from being English and voting Brexit. How can any sane person judge this cunt as eligible to return?

    • What’s the punishment these days for aiding and abetting mass murder? Being given a council house and benefits for her next three children? I know, it’s been said before – this country’s fucked.

  14. We can thank one Anthony Charles Lynton Blair for abolishing the death penalty for treason in his first few weeks in office. What a full weight traitorous cunt he really is.

  15. This shagnasty sandfilth will be on every benefit in the book soon enough. As will her kids, and their kids, and their kids, and their kids (until the end of time).

    Cultural enrichment, my arse. They always have been and never not will be pure subhuman parasitic murdering filth.

  16. Yet some lad from Burnley (shitheap) puts a few words on a plane banner and he’s victimised, cursed, sacked, hated, ruined. But it’s ‘OK’ to throw money and forgiveness at this piece of human filth?!!

    Madness! Madness! They call it Madness!

  17. Well chaps and chapesses, I am in fucking agony (20p more for the swearbox) and I am going to get some mary jane from a helpful local fellow – as a non smoker this should prove interesting but apparently you can swallow it as opposed to having it with the filthy tobacco.
    Fox the bear is growling with pain. (Old Man bad back thing, f*cking mountain bikes, massive bruise on left leg, a spectacular off, back tweaked, AGAIN, p*ssing blood out the leg – but kept all me teeth – winner! ????).
    Off indoors to sulk now – one day I will stop all this mental shit.
    When I’m dead.

  18. Such an ugly bitch. Looks like Cherie Blair, covered with tamarind paste and ready for Unkle Tel’s oven.

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