Robin DiAngelo

Right, I’m nominating Robin DiAngelo and her book ‘White Fragility’ for a hardcore cunting.

Firstly, if nobody knows who Robin DiAngelo is, join the club. I hadn’t a scooby doo who this curly-haired harridan was either until a few days ago where I kept seeing this book front and centre in my Amazon suggestions and in my youtube recommended playlists. It turns out, after some digging that this book is an Amazon top-selling, ground-breaking tome centred around ‘white people’s’ inability to talk about race without lapsing into overly defensive uses of logical counterarguments, total self-denial of their own unconscious racism and emotional clinging to outdated ideas such as ‘individualism’.

So, if you’re one of those people who still think Martin Luther King was onto something when he said “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”, then she’s got news for you: get used to it. You’re still a racist. You evil son of a slave owner scumbag.

To be clear, this is the basic premise of the book:

White people are by default racist. If they deny it, this proves they are blind to their own racism. Even if they don’t act racist, they are still white, which makes them a racist anyway. If you do confess to being a racist, well done…you’re a racist.

Classic witch trial logic.

This circularly reasoned, Kafka trap is the most racist idea one could possibly imagine and is tantamount to evoking ‘whiteness’ as some unavoidable original sin. Deny you’re a racist: you’re a racist. Confess: you’re a racist. To borrow a Christopher Hitchens quote, we are ‘born sick and ordered to be well’ despite our own inability to see that we are indeed sick. So, there is no absolution or forgiveness on offer here in this religious writ. It’s just platefuls of group guilt and shame.

Of course, the author herself is so woke/holy she gets to avoid this moral catch 22 altogether. After all, her being a High Priest in the Ecclesiastical Order of Wokenes (read: Sociologist at a liberal arts college) she has been able to see the light through years of consciousness-raising, self-flagellation and virtue-signalling. After all, she’s an ‘educator’ and ‘diversity trainer’ for FTSE companies. None more pious than that.

She’s also the biggest overtly racist piece dog manure going. And, one that is unanimously endorsed by the mainstream media and entertainment industry right now, as if her mere presence is a shield against accusations from the woke mob. She’s basically a white guilt insurance policy for famous celebrities, middle-class undergrads and anyone with a blue checkmark on Twatter.

And, no I haven’t read it. I don’t need to. When you understand the one guiding axiom of ‘progressive theory’ is that white = evil and that all their conclusions can be reached through this most basic chain of faulty logic imaginable, you kind of get a feel for how this shite goes.

Nominated by: Flappy Cuntlips

110 thoughts on “Robin DiAngelo

  1. ‘A white guilt insurance policy’. Nail on the head.

    She is certainly a cunt beyond reproach. However to inveigle herself into this burgeoning market with a widely promoted book is extrordinarly deft.

    A cunt, but a cunt I will begrudgingly take my hat off to. She will enjoy years of fortune with very little actual fucking graft, say on comparison with someone who has a real job.

  2. I used to go to rock against racism. I was definitely not a racist. Today I most definitely am thanks to cunts like this. Way to go.What an improvement.How progressive. What a race baiting cunt.

    • Robin, Robin, Robin, tut tut.
      Im not fragile or afraid to talk about race.
      Not at all! Not shy me!
      Thing is Robin,for someone youd see as a ultra far right type, I hate you and your type much more than I could ever hate black people.
      Your my problem
      And possibly theirs too!
      A good race relations exercise would be me and similar types and some black equivalents seeing who could hit you hardest!
      Winner gets a pint.
      One love!✊

      • Very true Miserable, aside from a few usual suspects (Afua Hirsh, Kehinde Andrews, Flabbott et al) a lot of the recent bullshit has been white leftists and an orgy of self-loathing. This cunt and her array of Micky Mouse degrees in multicultural studies should be let nowhere near any educational environment.

      • But that is precisely the intent of the Flabbots, the Behinde Andrews, the Lammy-Pies, the Afuckoff Hirsches of the world – they do not want racial harmony – they crave discord.

        It gives them well paid jobs and a purpose. What useful other purposes could most of these race-baiting arseholes serve? Lammy would struggle to bend down to sweep the batter flakes and dropped fries from a KFC floor.

        Instead these wankers are being paid well to shit stir and grow racism. Aided and abetted by useful middle class, white fucking idiots with the IQ of a fucking radish.

      • Course you can Moggie!
        Its a community event!
        All welcome, bring the family,
        Kids below 9yrs and OAPs get a stick to hit her with.
        Whoever guesses the number of hits till she flakes out, wins the raffle!

      • Sorry meant Smug!
        But your welcome too.
        Got a hot dog van and a bouncy castle booked.

      • Racism by omission is better than racism by commission but either way I don’t care.

      • How many times have you seen that sanctimonious smile of smug disapproval that says “I pity you, I really do” glowing at you from some middle aged woman that writes books and appears on early evening TV to promote it. Look at the way she sits there in that photo. She’s got us all sussed out eh. There’s no way we can hide from Robin.

        I’m guessing that she talks with that overly familiar squeaky high pitch like her voice has migrated 10 inches north to her nasal vestibules. I bet she’s got more rabbit than Walmart and is fully immersed as a full fledged member of the movement for The Great Replacement. She’s white, she’s ashamed, and she want’s you too to confess to the disease that exclusively affects honky people and it’s about time things were evened up right?

        Well once she’s straightened us load of degenerate pasty faced cunts out that have no right to feel superior even though we’ve produced some of the greatest economies on the planet, perhaps she could turn her attention to a minor problem of 1billion non- honkies that think it’s ok to lock everyone into a social hierarchy from cradle to grave that you can’t move out of. I refer to of course, the Indian Caste System.

  3. Slightly off topic, but similar piss-boiling abilities, just watched a fucking Hoseseasons advert. Every fucking couple was mixed race.

      • In the name of diversity they should show a gay black couple!
        Or a black man with a chinky boyfriend?
        Theyd go fuckin apeshit in the ghettoes!?

      • Never mind all that DCI – MNC has a “punchathon” on the go – can I nut people? – I have a bad back after yet more childish alpha male mountain biking!
        Luckily I am not cwwwying or anything! ?

      • Take two paracetamol and call me in the morning if it’s not any better. You know the number. I’m off duty so I don’t give a fuck????

      • Evening Foxy/DCI.
        Course you can nut her!
        Shed consider it penance.
        DCIs moonlighting as st Johns ambulance,
        So insurance is covered.
        This’ll be bigger than Woodstock by time im finished!!
        Might be able to get Owen Jones as special guest punchbag at this rate.?

  4. I think that lady needs a nice sit down, cup of tea, and a cream cake.

    “Cor! What the fork was I thinking?!”

    *She sits and leisurely browses a home shopping catalogue whilst sipping a cup of hot, milky, sweet tea.*
    And all was well and right with the world.

  5. Is it a pop up book where a big finger jumps up and wags at you? Shove your book up your arse, stand on a cliff top overlooking the horizon and have a good hard think about your life you twat.

  6. There are probably better leftists i should read before entertaining such circular drivel.

    Slavoj Zizek?
    Noam Chomsky?
    The Boy Jones?

  7. If anyone is worried by the glowing reviews on Amazon, just remember that Love, Lipstick and Lies by Katie Price is around the same 4/5 star average and that’s with nearly 500 reviews.

    • Cuntamus Prime, Katie Price’s book and Robin DiAngelo’s book were probably written by ghost writers.
      Probably Headless Bethan or the deaded Derek Akora.

      • Eh,,eh la, calm down like,
        Great up here in ghosty paradise!
        Gorra chippy like!

  8. To be honest Flappy, I’ve given up caring about what ‘woke’ cunts like her think. She can shove her book up her arse, sideways, the stupid bint.

  9. Bet she’s got a fucking shitload bigger bank balance than me…
    Fair do’s though, I AM an unforgiveably racist cunt and should immediately apologise for the colour of my skin, my inherent bigotry and ideally, take my own life, without delay, cunt that I am.

    Stupid fucking bitch.

    Excellent Nom

    • Don’t forget to leave everything you own to some black criminal who’s never done anything remotely deserving. And apologise for your slave-trading ancestors, even if they never existed because we all know white history is 100% lies.

  10. Excellent nom – i once wrote a review about Gordon Brown’s book on amazon a decade ago – hadn’t read it either – it may still be there

  11. Question. Why are there so many weird white people, mainly female, saying white people are evil racists? WTF!!!Havrnt they got a mirror?? They are white!! Thick pathetic racist cunts
    Never had any issues with our coloured bro in the past, but getting really fucked off with these cunts

    • I’ve said it before Harry traitors to their own fucking race I hate this filth as much as the monkey business of the blm spades

      • Why should being Jewish preclude her from being white?

        There are white Jews, black Jews, and those of a funny tinge in between: Jesus, for example.

  12. I think I am getting the hang of this racism stuff now, admitting that being white I am by default racist, so no choice.
    However if as a white man denying I am racist means I am racist by choice, I think I will go with that one!

    I am not racist!!!

      • Moggie, you’re a little bit white, grey, little black stripes, and a cute little pink nose. 🙂

      • Robin DiWankelo’s logic puts me in mind of the piece in the Life of Brian where one of the followers says to Brian that the one who denies he is the Messiah really is the Messiah. So Brian asks what fucked up logic that is, and says “OK, then, in that case I am the Messiah”.

        The crowd then falls to their knees – “He is the Messiah – hail Messiah”

    • Im running racism classes at the moment Sicky.
      People have lost the knack in the last few decades.
      Sign up if you fancy it?
      Lesson 2 on Monday “but would you let your daughter date one?”☺

  13. I’m only a selective racist I think. Few friends of colour over the years from mild brown to Dark mahogany ( his description I might add)
    I will also add that the mahogany mate apart from us honkey’s hates any other colour especially the a-rabs. No idea why.
    Anyway I digress from the above cunting
    I have noticed these types of books being pushed on my page at Amazon. I know what I am and don’t need a book to guilt me into anything that I’m not.
    Fucks me off that she probably earns more than me in a year that I can in 10. Cunt!!

  14. I don’t know why she thinks that white people find it hard to talk about racism…I’m only too happy to air my views.

    • I will have that copy of your new book Dick, a rea page turner is it? Lots of Fiddler wisdom espoused. It will be critiqued at the next soiree after the brandy, with smelling salts and more brandy for the ladies should the need arise.

  15. A cracking, well written, deserved nom Flappy!

    Racists don’t come much more shit-stirring than this crooked thinking, colour obsessed harridan.

    I’m with Martin Luther King on this issue. Always have been, always will be.

    I wonder what the bitch’s position is regarding albino négroes?

    • RTC.
      Saw a documentary about albino negròes in Africa, they go “missing” quite often, and are treated badly by other africans.
      They are killed for body parts to be used in black magic!!
      (The sorcery not the chocolates).

      • Pygmies….it’s fucking pygmies that worry me. Thousands of sooty Warwick Davis types creeping about with their oversized heads in the undergrowth, just waiting a chance to steal eggs from the chicken coop with their nasty grabby little hands before running off on their horrible stumpy, bandy legs to hide in the trees and plot their next mischief.

        It’s a great concern to me.

      • None of that surprises me Miserable. But it can’t be happening because the albinos are white, because black people can’t be racist, can they? Only people with white skin can be racist, it’s an irrefutable fact.

        Must be those albinos were being punished for being racist by default or summat.

        What delightful cultures the Africunts embrace.

      • Ah! I think I know what your problem is Dick!
        Those pygmiês are from the Hell-a-wi tribe, a race of 2 feet tall folk that live in 3 feet grasslands. They’re always running around shouting where the hell are we?
        Jeez, how fuckin’ crap can these jokes get?

      • No, that’s ol’ man Miserable, the noble art of flashing and making a hasty exit avoiding all CCTV.

      • Im not as worried as you Dick, pygmies are thin on the ground these parts,
        Myxymotosis got most of em, last one I seen was on Different strokes on Tv.

  16. So let me get this straight. Even though my maternal grandfather is a black Jamaican, and I’m married to a woman of Nigerian descent, the mere that I’m white makes me racist in her opinion? I fucking despise people like this. DiAngelo is one of the growing number of people who should be wearing a jacket that fastens at the back. Instead, for some unfathomable reason, they’re gaining increasing prominence.

    “Denial of their own unconscious racism”? That’s bullshit. If it’s unconscious, then you’re unaware of it, and you cannot deny something that you’re unaware of. I can imagine the sort of dipshit who would pay this utter shite. The sort who believe that gender is a construct rather than an immutable fact. The sort who are bigoted, intolerant, totalitarian shit weasels.

  17. “I kept seeing this book front and centre in my Amazon suggestions and in my youtube recommended playlists”. Perhaps, Flappy Cuntlips, the bigger question is what media have you been consuming to to warrant such targeted advertising? Hmm.

  18. Oh, she has just met the unwokeable.

    I am a racist. It was preprogrammed when I was born. Just like everyone else on the planet.

    Some ‘people’ are just inferior to me, just like every other person from every other race feels that someone, somewhere is inferior to them.

    Stupid überwoke bints like Robin DiAngelo need to understand that you can’t pick up a turd from the clean end and then grow the fuck up and embrace her inner racist.

  19. I wonder if Miz D´Angelo has read “The Fortunes of Africa” by Martin Meredith which contains this paragraph.

    “On many occasions, the Portuguese encountered local African rulers only too willing to act as business partners in the slave trade. Slavery formed an integral part of African societies on the west coast..In the absence of land, they represented a major source of wealth. They were also a principal commodity in trade, regularly exchanged for gold, ivory or copper as an essential medium of conversion. They served in effect as a form of convertible currency, preferred to any other. ..rulers of an expanding state regarded enslavement of the conquered population as a useful means of increasing their wealth and status and building armies”.

    This was in the 1440s when the number of whites in Africa was miniscule and the slave trade was dominated by Africans and Arabs. However, Europeans are singled out as the bad guys and are supposed to feel guilty even today.

    I´m reminded of a comment by an Israeli officer after Lebanese phalange militia massacred Palestinians at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camp in 1982 and Israel was criticized for not preventing it. “Christians kill Moslems yet the Jews get the blame.”

  20. The Left are mentally ill. I never thought I’d say this, but I think this year has moved them into pole position over eye-slam as the greatest threat to the survival of humanity.

    • Ive thought that for a while. ISIS are not a threat to our civilisation, and neither is Islamisation of Europe (yet), even if the cultural rot has set in in places like Rotherham and Leicester.

      It’s the white left who facilitate this stuff, who teach children to hate their families, their nation and history. It’s the white left telling black Christians they are self-loathing. It’s the left who teach our children that boys and girls aren’t real and have them medicated for being boisterous.

      Jihadists calling for war against the west is pretty old and we’ve dealt with the outside threat for decades. What the Left are doing within our own institutions is far more rapid and dangerous.

  21. Here’s the irony of whitey being the big bad racist – black South Africans are not just racist but murderous to other black Africans. Chinese not over keen on kaffirs nor are Indians and Parking Stanleys. The Arabs don’t like them either.
    I cant speak for Eskimos, American Indians or Abos but blacks seem to be detested more by other races than whitey who has actually tried to assimilate the fuckers.

  22. As a grandchild of a holocaust survivor, I happy to talk about racism. Alas todays racism seems to mean Whites tread on the face of poor Mr/ Mrs Black. In fact my favourite topics over the past 5 years are slavery, black history and the general history of racism. ( Its my actual job as a museum, heritage worker and freelance writer on all matters historical and has been for 32 years. Why these subjects you may ask. Well so I can destroy BLM, liberal feckwits and the uneducated. I wipe the floor with the cunts and make them cry. I met a white girl from Brighton who gave it the big ” I’m so into recognising black culture and history”. I spoke my mind about gang killings,single parent black families and the toxic culture of many blacks. When she tried to call me racist, I pointed out I’ve had published articles on the Black soldiers of WW1, early black cricket players and blacks in roman Britain. What had she done to forward her argument ‘ Fuck all ‘ That’s right she had done nothing other than suck black dick I’m sure. I then proceeded to ask her who William Wilberforce was . She did not even know. Liberals and BLM are the real uneducated racists Cunts.

    • Yeah it’s just a bandwagon that these uneducated cunts like to jump on because they think it’s trendy. They haven’t actually got a fucking clue about it.

      • Agree wholeheartedly, some of the crap I had to listen to my piss turned to plasma. Very easy to fool a badly educated person. Arse the lot of them

    • A white girl from from Brighton not knowing what the fuck she is on about?

  23. It has occurred to me that if it wasn’t for fucking lefties then the pages of this fine website would be virtually empty. All cunts to a man ( and woman )

  24. I am increasingly less interested in the shit that comes out of a woman’s mouth. Whether it be this stupid bitch, or Krankie McMerkel, Cressida thick, Holly Willoby or Naga whatserface. They can all fuck up.

    • I’m interested in what goes in Holly Willoughby’s mouth, arse and fanny.

  25. A dear client and friend of mine is of Indian descent – he is a Sikh. He describes himself as a good Sikh man who never touches alcohol…

    Anyway, we were out at a pub a couple of Christmases back, knocking back the Scotch and brandy together. He confessed to me that he was racist – he wasn’t too keen on black Africans and hated working with them. As a white man, albeit a dark one, I am slightly different and take people as they come. I have a good friend whose young son is mixed race (with dreads!) and looks out for my autistic son at school. He is from Zimbabwe, hard-working, polite and intelligent and good company.

    This hateful shit that cunts like D’Handshandyelo spouts puts race relations back decades.

    • Yep. I know Ghana folk who hate Nigerians. Turks who hate blacks. I personally hate the French in less they are fit and female and up for some English sausage and onion gravy.

    • Paul@
      India is a huge Market for whisky!
      And indian weddings hit the bar in a function room.
      A indian dentist gave me 2 bottles of quite expensive whisky as a tip last year.?

    • @Paul. What do you attribute your swarthy looks to?
      Do you have an update to your boundary/hedge dispute?

      • Hi Bertie,

        Definitely a blood line mixture. Spanish definitely and likely some Egyptian or possibly Indian. My grandad was a fergal sharkey but we never knew what part of the globe he originated from.

        My new fence is up and the hedge has been cut back hard and reduced to 7ft high. A fledgling oak tree that they proudly left to grow in the hedge, currently at 10ft high, was given a generous glug of Roundup under cover of darkness earlier this week!

      • Paul- no doubt the neighbours from hell will find something else to dispute! I shall watch this space!

    • I’m easily confused by race. A friend of mine who has a white dad and a tanned French mum went on holiday for a couple of weeks and came back darker than a mixed race lad and a Polynesian lad in our college class. They started calling him ‘N*gga’.
      I was told to ‘go home, there’s no more houses’ by a mixed race rep from Jewsons after i’d been working over the very hot summer in 2006. I couldve been mistaken for a Punjabi I was so dark.

  26. Racism is a social norm. The books used to teach that. Used to. Not now.

  27. If I were to prostrate myself In front of her and agree that I am racist, what the fuck does she actually want from me?

    Fuck off tiresome bitch and let normal folk carry on, as they generally do without a problem. Yes racism exists but there are worse problems in society:

    rape, murder and all other violent crime
    the high number of missing children in the UK each year
    children being encouraged to change their gender and take hormones
    poor housing
    poor educational standards
    poor public transport and the extortionate price of commuting by train
    poor criminal sentencing
    illegal immigration
    bias in the media and lies

    The list goes on and on, yet racism is the number one issue at the moment. Bog off.

  28. She’s only blithering on about racism because she secretly loathes blacks herself. How she treated them in Gorillas In The Mist was deplorable and blatantly racist.

    She was shit in Alien 3 too.

      • She was really hot in ‘Galaxy Quest’. Didn’t realise that she had such a great pair of bangers.

      • Evening chaps

        Sigourney Weaver sounds like a soup-maker.
        Didn’t she flash half a funbag in Ghostbusters?

      • For vintage tit, I think Jamie Lee Curtis in ‘Trading Places’ takes a bit of beating.

      • A fine pair and a fine film, Liquors.

        “Well, you won. You took a perfectly useless níggër and turned him into a top Wall Street trader. Here’s your dollar.”

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