Being one sandwich short of a picnic seems to be a trait that Harry has made all his own, especially since he married that manipulative self important mulatto.
In full ‘cunt of the week’ mode, here’s the text of his latest piece of self indulgent orchestrated bullshit :
“When we look across the Commonwealth there is no way that we can move forward unless we acknowledge the past…..and trying to right those wrongs but I think we all acknowledge that there is so much more to do”
Well actually Hal, no, we don’t. Half the Commonwealth would still be fighting amongst themselves for the last stop of diseased water in their shitty mud hut village if it wasn’t for us.
And while we’re at it let’s remember that this is the Commonwealth that at one time you were third in line to be head of.
And please don’t apologise on my behalf because I find it highly offensive.
Here’s my suggestion for you to right the wrongs of your own past – grow a pair and ditch the bitch…
Nominated by: Dioclese
Well pretty much none of us honkies have ever had this mystical thing they call ‘white privilege’, but I can pretty much say that this ginger twat has been more privileged than the vast majority of us.
If you feel so bad about it Harry, just empty your accounts and give it to some fuzzywuzzies.
Nah, didn’t think so either. More henpecked than Lennon and McCartney put together.
The most annoying puppet since Cuddles the monkey.
Young Hewitt looked mightily uncomfortable during that interview-I reckon he has used up the goodwill that was shown him by the “commonwealth” for his past.
That boy needs a true friend to put him straight, the cuntdrunk fool.
She must have a magical tight cunt that sings operettas and fires out bacon sandwiches and beer at will.
She gives me the ‘orn too. But get a grip, Harry lad.
It’s the eyes and face. Guaranteed he’s slinging pearly batter at her face every evening after a game of politically correct charades.
Halfwit has nothing to say. That quote in the nom was obviously written for him by the Markle slag.
His mother sucks cocks in Hell.
Not peaceful cocks though. Even in the land of make believe she’d never pass as a virgin.
She was sucking on Dodi Fayed’s greasy knob when she copped it. Henri Paul couldn’t keep his eyes on the road, it was all her stupid fault, the dirty cow.
Hewitt needs to wake up to that fact instead of blaming the media.
Did she bite it off 2hen the car crashed?
Ruff, you are showing your Tuff side today instead of your more reasoned and gentler Creampuff side!
Just telling it like it is, as per usual, Bertie. ?
But.. but.. she was the PEOPLE’S PRINCESS!
Cuntdrunk? Too fucking true but why get drunk on that one when there are so many available for free. (for him I mean, not me. Well when i come to think about it I could……..no bollocks, forget it) I used to feel sorry for the thick, pussy whipped mong but i’ve just about had enough of his woke ginger bullshit. He’s like a stuck record spouting out the same shit over and over. Shut your stupid gingerbollocks mouth you boring cunt.
Didnt he used to be kind of famous?
So we’re supposed to acknowledge the mistakes of the past and put things right eh shitforbrains? Well how about untold centuries of the Royal fucking Family for a start. I want my money back cunt, you never earned a fucking penny of it!
That’s right….. reparations you fucking p*nce.
It’s quite easy to find pictures of the half chimp with her tits out. They’re nice tits too, credit where it’s due.
Her ankles are hilarious also. There’s a bigger diameter on the legs of a harvest spider.
Cheers fella, had a gander at her norks. Nice body. I can see why Harry has let his nob rule his head here, but he needs to get a grip. Plenty of quality minge about for him that won’t put his balls in a vice.
Also, looking at google images after googling ‘Megan Markle boobs’ also showed a picture with a cock in her mouth, but I’m guessing that wasn’t real lol (I think the ones of her in the white bikini bottoms are real though).
I definitely would, as long as she didn’t talk at any point apart from to say how fantastic a shag I was for the entire 12 seconds.
As a bit of a looker, she also qualifies for foreplay which is why she gets a full 12 seconds, the lucky tart.
Being a legman myself, the sight of her sparra’s ankles makes me feel sick.
The blambos always have rubbish calves and ankles,usually good chunky thighs though in fairness
The man is an utter Cunt.
He uses gas-guzzling cars and private flights while lecturing The Little People on how we must Save The Planet.He lectures us on White Privilege while possibly being one of the most privileged people on the Planet. He allegedly cheated his way through school and was undeservedly allowed on a helicopter-pilot course ( depriving someone more deserving). He takes taxpayer’s money while sitting on a personal fortune. He demands privacy while dribbling out his latest “podcast” composed by his wife. He constantly drones on about his dead Mother as if he was the only person to ever lose a parent at an early age. He disrespects his own family and the Queen who, had they had any sense, would have done what any sensible family would do if landed with a semi-Joey Deacon ginger bastard and handed him over to Social Services when born.
However what really angers me about Harry is the sheer front of the Cunt. He is too much of a dolt and a dullard to even understand why people have turned against him.
The only positive thing that I can say about him and his non-sweating Uncle Andy is that they are hastening the end of the Royal Soap Opera.
Morning Mr F, how goes it?
I was going to post that every time Harry the Half Wit Half blood prince opens his mouth it’s another nail in the coffin for the Royals but you got in there at the end of your erudite post!
When his grandmother pops her clogs the Prince of Whales must be truly worried. Longest time waiting to get the top job and then shortest time actually on the throne.
It’s going well thanks, Mr DiCunty.
Charles’ll be like his Mother and Grandmother (rancid old baggage) and live past 100…we all could if we had a life that involved nothing more arduous than waving out of a car at a bunch of Bert+ Doris Nutters on our way to the races or picking up the odd crustless cucumber sandwich while patronising some plebby Cunt at a garden party. Throw in a spot of pheasant shooting for amusement and that’s about all they ever do.
I’d have made an excellent Royal.
You are Oliver Cromwell (complete with New Model Army) and I claim my price of a pint of Guinness.
I shall be pleased buy you a pint at the annual ” ….is a Cunt” picnic which is being held in the grounds of my vast Estate this year….to avoid any unpleasant confusion please don’t arrive on a pushbike,march up to me and bellow in my face ” YOU ARE….”. I may react badly before you get the chance to add “Oliver Cromwell”
🙂 .
Morning Fiddler, I was saw your post about the forthcoming ‘Fifty Shades of Fiddler’ book, staple of Northumbrian society and country gentleman, and now a published author.
Banned in 32 US states and overseas territories, Canada and the EU apart from open-minded liberal Sweden is quite something. Once the hoo-ha over the Salman Rushdie style fatwa from the Mumsnet extremists dies down a bit, I’m sure it will be the success it deserves. Good luck.
It’s got some lovely glossy photos.ll…I expect it will be the “coffee-table book” of choice for all discerning Upper-Class families this year.
Unfortunately due to fucking Privacy Laws I’ve had to reenact some of the situations with myself and an old Bluefaced Leicester ewe standing in for the real perpetrators…the one of me doing the ewe from behind while she is tangled up in a barbed-wire fence is worthy of an early Annie Liebovitz and an eerily similar image to the genuine picture featuring Theresa May and Guy Verhofstadt.
I’ve already put a signed copy aside for Admin’s delectation…shall I reserve one for you too ?
Arrive on a bicycle?
More chance of me standing on top of Coulsons plinth with Diane Flabbott?
I will be the one in the Mercedes sans engine, being ably pulled by half a dozen chained mandingo’s, who will be receiving lashes from my companion for the day, a 6 foot stunning Aryan minx who will be performing “party favours” for fellow cunters.
DFF has written everything I had to say! The one thing I would add is that I’d like to rip those trinkets off his fucking chest, as he didn’t fucking earn them! Ginge, not only are you a dim cunt, your also a fucking Walt! Even old Mark ‘Foggy’ Philips had a better grasp of soldiering than you!
They say the redhead gene comes to us from the Neanderthals, and looking at this semi-shaved sasquatch I can well believe it.
Yes, but think on this:
That gene is lacking in sub-Saharan Africans. Perhaps it is more important than we think.
Is he still Prince, I thought he had been defrocked or whatever the royal equivalent is, surely his title must be Harry the Cunt.
Thick cunts like him (royals) have been reading scripts prepared by lackeys all their lives.
Thick counts don’t fully understand irony-Harry probably thinks irony was the material used to make slave chains.
Cunt with a capital C.
Numbnuts bangs on about the mistakes from the past, but then is rather selective in what those mistakes actually were!
Moreover, perhaps if he cares to look at the proper history books he will note how the monarchy over the last 2000 years have generally fucked over the plebs time and time again.
And this irony is clearly lost on him. Why should we be the “subjects” to the monarchy? Isn’t that term any more offensive than being called a slave? Why should I have to call this cunt his highness?
Moreover, all those military medals him, Charles, the Greek and one or two other cunts wear – how were they earned? On the frontline perhaps? Or are they just Mickey Mouse gongs for being good little boys?
And why should God save the fucking Queen anyway? What about the plebs?
Come on Numbnuts, answers please!
Nasty dimwitted cuckolded shit. The part of the Commonwealth I live in is closer to paradise than most other places on this planet, isn’t singular in this fact( Canada, Singapore, New Zealand) and I daresay far better than the Home Islands (evident from the amount of people going to great efforts to come here).
His great grandfather, a gracious quiet man who stood alone against barbarism would turn in his grave at this affront.
He and that gold digging harridan are a greater threat to our civilisation than a certain traitor, slave owning militia colonel and his disgruntled tea merchant cohorts.
Ginger cunt.
When Markle finds out he is a closet poofter, I can see him returning to Britain and a job at the BBC as their “social media correspondent” – either that or producing Wimmins Hour, arranging girly chats about periods or the menopause, and flower arranging.
In that same podcast, Megain started yapping away. Somebody called her speech ‘woke waffle’ because it was all vague, abstract guff. She was definitely moaning and I did catch her say that we must feel uncomfortable to confront the present. Load of unspecific bollox.
Admin – can we have Harry Marriage Pool? You have to give time left and the reason e.g. 3 years left and she runs off with Elon Musk.
In Spike Milligan’s Q they used to end the the programme with the cast shuffling up to the camera with -‘wad we gonna do now, wad we gonna do now, wad we gonna do now….’
That’s what Meghan thinks looking at Harry, Harry thinks looking at Meghan.
More likely looking at the $$$millions they’re raking in on the woke Hollyweird circuit.
Money isn’t everything RT. As Chesterton said about the lives of the rich-‘There is no adventure’
And probably why Elvis’s grandson put a gun in his mouth and blew his brains out.
Money isn’t everything.
But no money is absolutely fuck all… ?
He had probably just heard one of grandpa’s maudlin ballads on the wireless – “Love Me Tender” is a real pain in the arse.
When you’re as empty as the Hewitts are, money and fame is all there is. That and the sycophancy of their mindless woke followers.
An incredibly insightful observation.
It’s really amazing to see what a complete and utter fucking cunt Halfwit has turned into.
He’s fucked off to LA with his scheming bit of skirt, but unfortunately we can’t get the twat out of our lives even tho he’s half a world away.
The cunt’s so thick that he can’t see the irony of lecturing us plebs while being one of the most privileged people on earth. Fucking fat headed, hypocritical cunt.
A halfwit from a family of halfwits.
His jug eared stepfather is a homeopathic alternative remedy halfwit.
His step uncles and aunt are all short of a few million brain cells.
His mother was a fucking halfwit.
His father is a fucking hooray henry.
White privilege personified. Without to wit to realise his hypocrisy.
Too true, Cuntstable. His gold plated saint of a mater saw off more blokes than the First World War. A grasping attention craving Sloaney who married Chas for the publicity, the titles, and the houses and the cash. The now infamous tale of an ever so shy (The whole world fell for that shite) Ms Spencer crowing loudly to her Sloane Square mates, shouting ‘I’m marrying the Prince of Wales!’ over and over pretty much sums her up.
She was a proto-Markle, if you like. All sugar and shite on the surface. But nothing short of a manipulative self centered snake underneath. Like Meghan Markle Fucking Ono, everything was about her, and only a cunt would think otherwise.
Your right norman 2 filthy snakes with tits
Whenever you see them both together, he looks fucking miserable.
Whenever she opens her mouth to spout forth some woke Hollywierd bullshit, you can see the cogs turn over behind his eyes.
Like he is suppressing the desire to scream “Shut the fuck up you irritating cunt! You ruined my fucking life!”
Harry would never ditch her as he’s utterly reliant on the scheming cow.
But unfortunately for him, he’ll get dropped like a hot brick when he’s no longer socially helpful to her project.
Stupid twat gave up fags, booze, old mates, family and country for ‘love’.
She gave up erm, err, no can’t quite recall at the moment. Twat.
Ginger and his sly wife fucked of to America, because they wanted a more private life. Yet at every chance they cant wait to seek attention.
Its about time the queen told these two to fuck off.
How would she phrase it?
“One needs to fawk orff?”
Harry has not guts the guts to confront his sneaky agenda wife. The woman undermines his own gran about the commonwealth, and he says nothing. The woman complains the royals did not treat her right,yet charles escorted her during her lavish expensive wedding. Yet once again Harry says fuck all. I cant wait to see the back of these two, i hate them even more then sly sturgeon.
I swear that bitch looks more and more like Mrs Simpson every day. Like Wallis she tore him away from family, duty and country. And wheras Wallis convinced the cunt he could become King on the back of a Nazi revolution Sparkle Tits has her own Woke revolution. All hail King Harry, King of the Snowflakes. We need to learn the lessons of history, people always say………but they never do.
The parallels are there, in plain view.
I predicted every single thing that has happened in this dirty saga, as I am sure many on here did.
What next? Harry on Oprah apologising on behalf of nasty, whitey, slave trading, British and their horrible privilege.
Watch this space.
Any chance that Prince Illegitimate Cunt and Meghan Grenfell Fucking Ono will be in a speeding car in Paris any time soon?
One can but fucking hope,eh?
When Trump gets re-elected, middle America will rise up against this sheee-ite.
The Markle Anthem
It’s going to be well funny when we read our papers one morning and Harry Hewitt says openly that he hates her.
Because he will, When she has screwed him and had her way, Heather Mills style, he will. Guaranteed.
Pussy whipped witless rich kid. And those unearned medals should be cut off with a sabre.
Enjoy lying in the bed you made little Hewitt. And keep said bed on the other side of the Atlantic.
Smeghan wears the trousers in their relationship.Harry is a yes man.Yes dear no dear 3 bags full dear.America can keep them.Shites.
My knob has taken me in odd directions although not as far as marriage, but I really don’t care, he was never on my radar. None of them are. I’m not anti but I reckon the Royal Family should finish with the Queen’s passing.
Shes the Robin Givens to his Tyson another self obsessed fame hungry money grabbing horrible rotten cunt it will not be long before shes doing the rounds on the chat shows saying he knocks her about and then she fucks him off
He will then return to blighty tail between his legs self respect long destroyed no access to his brat
Good fuck him the fanta pubed wee fanny
If this is an example of his public speaking, then I can’t imagine the cunt is going to earn enough to keep his bitch happy.