Police Dog Handlers

I would like a to cunt the police.

The police are cunts for lots of reasons but on the news today whilst driving to work i nearly spilt my whiskey when on the news police are examining ways to make it easier for ethnic groups especially mudslimes to be accepted as dog handlers.

So after i wiped the 18 year old Glenfiddich i sprayed over the inside of my windscreen so i could see, i thought well fuck me dead, don’t the muzzies hate dogs to the point where they cross the road to avoid them, and isnt/wasnt the police dog the most useful part of the police.

So as far as i can tell muzzie copper dog handler gets a pay rise while Ronnie and Reggie stay in the back of the van cuz fresh pesh from Bangladesh doesnt want to touch them for fear of having to wash his vessle for seven days whatever the fuck that means.

W,T,F are you doing, police, who,s fucking idea was that, so much for police intelligence. Its a contradiction in terms like fun run or happily married, fucking well done, even more ineffectual police is exactly what the UK needs….cunts

Nominated by: Fuglyucker 

70 thoughts on “Police Dog Handlers

  1. Dogs sniff arses so there’s two trains of thought here, dune koon shit and being an arse.
    It’s about time these clowns blew up.

    • Cheeky cunts.
      Wouldn’t want to offend them would we?
      I love my akita as much as any member of my family, if she goes in my van she ride shotgun upfront with me,
      Andvthe lad who works for me goes in the back.
      Her life is worth more than any curry rats,
      Shes clean, smart, and doesnt blow up little girls at Manchester arena.
      Shes as racist as me and clears a path for me, using intimidation,
      “Whos a good girl?”?

      • Nobody has asked the dogs if they want to work with the bacon dodging carpet kissers have they?

        At least they are not recruiting more tiddlywinks as their work dog would probably be their packed lunch the next day.

      • Rib Riq, you wanna tly a rittle bit of Sniffer Dog Soup? Ve-lly tasty.
        Clunchy craw cloutons.
        No pay for plawn clackers, but spoon one poun’.
        You wanna chopsticks?

      • Ah herro good Caprin, I do ten year in Raos shithole prison for fake DVD racket, rabrador on menu rong time, Commie Renin bastards too cheep forr even bat or rocust surprise.

      • I still think one of the best things on IsAC are the Chinese conversations between LL and the Captain!

      • That video looks great Harold. Must watch it in full when I’ve got time!

  2. Should swap the photo title around…..
    Sniffer dogs are trying to get mudslides banned because they offend everybody.


    • Sorry, but I’d be more than happy if they tried again and did it properly this time.

    • Today, literally the 7th of July 2020, the peacefuls:

      Killed over 30 farmers whilst attacking their villages in Bali.

      Killed a disabled man who was also a chairman for an organisation helping other disabled people in Somalia.

      Killed another Farmer in Nigeria after one of another numerous attacks by Boko Haram on innocent villagers.

      Shot at a grandfather and grandson from inside a mosque in India, killing the former in front of the latter.

      Courtesy of http://www.thereligionofpeace.com

      • That Nigerian farmer turned a white shade of pale when boko haram attacked him

  3. Rhodesian Ridgebacks would be my choice of sniffer dog, a rhodie knows a bad un straight away, there quick on their feet and would rip a peaceful to shreds in seconds, after a richly deserved sjamboking of course!, utter cunts

  4. What with all that’s gone on so far this year, first the slitty-eyed dog munchers, then the uppity fuzzy-wuzzies, I’d almost forgotten how much I hate pākís.

      • Like a coronavirus outbreak in a Leicester sweatshop, they never quite go away.

      • I’m in fucking lockdown in Leicester again because of ignorant cunts who can’t follow instructions. It’s because the fuckers either can’t speak English or think they are fucking immortal.

      • You can see where all this is heading Moggie.
        The Peacefuls must be given improved, less crowded living conditions.
        Don’t BAME me. I’m only white.

      • 200 cases so far but authorities think they can keep the outbreak from spreading next door…

      • Thanks Mr Angry, I am now covered in beer and its still dripping out of my nose……….. bastard!

  5. I don’t think we should ever entertain recruiting any BAME Coppers. Get rid of the whole lot. More trouble than they are worth. White! Thats what we want. White !

  6. Who would want to be copper let alone a dog handler. The dog handlers guide on its own is 382 pages long full of additional rules and regulations that they have to abide by.
    One interesting piece of the 2011 Police Dogs Manual of Guidance para 15.3.1 states the following regarding the use of dogs to search a property for illegal weapons (guns/knives etc), drugs and/or cash, explosives etc.
    “Where use of a dog is appropriate and the owner/tenant of the home belongs to a cultural/faith group, with strong objections to the use of dogs, the impact of a search may be lessened by:
    1. Explaing the need to use the dog and seeking voluntary surrender of items being searched for
    2. Asking which rooms, if any, are considered to be sensitive and considering the possibility of making alternative arrangements where possible”
    Para 15.3.2 goes on to advise that the dog handler should consult with the Force Diversity Advisor before any action is taken to “minimise any adverse community impact issues or cultural tension”.
    So if Abdul the Peaceful is up to no good and hides his stash of Semtex, drugs, kiddie pôrn or whatever in his upstairs shrine facing Mêccä (not the bingo hall) poor plod has to undertake a diversity assessment before going in? And yeah, right, Abdul is going to admit to knowing where any drugs, guns etc are.
    If I had my way the search dogs would be trained on command to do a whôôpsie on the büggers prayer mate and pîss on the Eastern wall. Stuff any religious considerations. If the bügger is up to no good they go out the window (preferably with the peaceful if its a high rise block of flats).

    • Prayer mat not mate although if there is more than 1 peaceful involved a dump on his mate could be allowed as well.

    • You do indulge in some strange bedtime reading Dick – “The 2011
      Police Dogs Manual of Guidance?”
      Why don’t you just read porn like everyone else?

    • That’s the problem that has been ‘dogging’ the force for years ‘religious and cultural sensitivity’
      They are in the UK under UK law, fuck the sensitivities, just trample all over the cunts, thats what the coppers would do if the suspects were white!

    • Fuck that.

      Kick the door in, release the land-sharks and wait for the screaming to stop.

      Repeat as required.

  7. 10x more Police dogs it is then.
    Plus make everyone in the Border Farce wear an Alsatian guard dog mask.
    Fuck em.

  8. This story has to be fake news! There is no way that this once great country could have descended so much ,so quickly.

    • It hasn’t. This has been going on for 20 years, it’s just taken this long for people to notice. Too late.

  9. I’m tired of arguing about this kind of shit anymore. Now, I simply resort to a one line phrase that pretty much covers all of the angles – “If you don’t like it, then get the fuck out”.

  10. I love dogs. I respect them more than the owners that are careless.

    Careful owners I tip my hat.

    Careless owners stand and shake my head.

  11. Don’t want to be pedantic … but if it was a Glenfiddich .. it would be ‘whisky’ .. it’s the ‘Septic Tanks’ that like an ‘ey’ .. ‘whiskey’ … for the paint stripper hooch they produce.
    I’ll get my coat ….

    • I stand corrected B,M,P, but when it shoots out of your nose its like fucking Napalm ,Jack Daniels or cellulose thinners and it makes it hard to see while you slow down to the speed limit, but on the up side im enjoying a nice 18 yo Jura tonite….

  12. I am surprised that the police dogs can sniff out anything in a peaceful household. Considering how a lot of them are smelly cunts that have an aversion to soap.

  13. I’m with Liberal Liquidator here. Don’t the dogs get a say in it? And as far as sniffer dogs are concerned, if one of them sniffs at a mud slime, which of them is likely to be more offended?

  14. I remember meeting a Police Dog and Handler, I asked
    “What’s it like working with dumb defenceless animals?”
    The Dog said “It’s tough but you get used to it”.

    I’ll get me coat (goat for ROP’ers)

  15. “science” expert, warlord, mass murderer mo said dogs saliva is dirty, harram, and against allah. In fact its an anti septic. what a fucking tool. fuck islam cunts.

  16. Police dog handling? The way things are going at the moment if they come upon criminal activity in a black neighborhood it won’t be ‘Heel Buddy’ but ‘Kneel Buddy’.

    • Dogs are pretty good judges of character, thats all.
      Why they hate pakis.
      The cultural differences are just that they never grew up with
      Scooby doo
      Littlest hobo
      Puppy love by the Osmonds
      John Noakes an Shep
      Thats why theyre dogphobic cunts.
      And why that pug did nazi salutes.☺

  17. Fuck the peaceful, I have 2 Belgian shepherd dogs, any rag head who starts any shit with me will have to deal with my dog’s first, a Belgian shepherd malinois took on bin laden and it didn’t end well for bin laden..mecca..Koran.. Mohammed..fuck off..tell my two dogs how great your peaceful way of life is..get to fuck…

    • Mate of mine showed me a picture of a Malinois with titanium teeth (think it was a police dog). Wish I could do links. Hard as fuck it looked.

  18. Fucking peacefuls hate dogs. they think they are the devil, even worse than the white Infidel but not quite as bad as Jews. There are plenty of cases of peaceful taxi drivers being fined for refusing to take a blind bloke with a guide dog.
    Not so fussy about pissed up teenage girls I notice.

  19. The way I see it, with regards to the relationship between Big Mo (the perfect human) the peaceful population and dogs (Western mans best friend)

    Big Mo (the most perfect human in history) has been caught sniffing around, noncing or just being a general sex offender once too often and one time in particular, at the wrong kuffar address.
    What Big Mo didn’t realise was that there was a loyal guard dog present which didn’t take kindly to perverts raping and enslaving vulnerable young girls.
    The angry dog then proceeded to peacefully tear chunks out of the dirty bastard as he ran away terrified, shouting “Alloa Snackbar”.

    I would imagine.

    • Dogs are everything your carpet kisser isn’t!
      Good company
      Nice to have around
      And welcome in this country.
      Just jealous.
      Both shit in peoples garden’s though.

      • And both should be monitored carefully when around young children.

      • Looking at that list, it does beg the question – what exactly if anything at all, do the peaceful communidee have in common with Western man.?

        They even have an irrational dislike of dogs for fucks sake.
        As well as just about everything single thing else we see as normal.

        Not going to work out really is it.

  20. Big fan of dog based movies….

    The Beagle Has Landed
    Pup Fiction
    The Man With The Golden Retriever
    Raging Bull Terrier
    First Bloodhound
    The Hound Of Music

  21. Everydays a school day in here
    I wasn’t aware of peacefuls not liking dogs
    Don’t really have any where I live nor any of the other colours
    Pakîś etc

    • I can only conclude you live on a different planet, otherwise the cunts are everywhere.

  22. I watched a film.one time called white dog about a dog that was trained to tear out spades throats. They need to train the dogs like that give them a bacon collar and let the run riot fuck their religious sensitivities either that or a trained truffle pig to sniff out the c4 and the underage girls hidden in the back plied with drink and kebabs. Even better just feed the cunts to the pigs harold they go through bone like butter

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