PIA and their Fuckwit Pilots

It would appear that most European airport authorities have banned them (Pakistan International Airlines), from flying to and from the European union and in the uk too, it seems that the pilots they employ have dubious flying qualifications and it has been noticed in other countries.

The parking Stanley’s are not to be trusted flying in and out of airports around the world after a recent crash in Pakistan when the peaceful pilots forgot to lower the landing gear…ffs..what a bunch of cunts,

I wouldn’t trust these fuckers to drive a tuk tuk,

Nominated by: Sidthesexistsforeskin 

54 thoughts on “PIA and their Fuckwit Pilots

  1. Nerd Alert: I thought PIA stood for Peripheral Interface Adapter, so was intrigued by this cunting. Comes to find out it has to do with Stans for which I have no fucks to give.

    That said, I’d pay good money to see that plane fly a loop-de-loop.

  2. Shocking really, when you consider the level of engineering and design that goes into one of those machines, the hundreds of thousands of man hours by thousands of people to build it, not to mention the millions of dollars price tag to buy and then some fucker can’t even be arsed to put the wheels down.
    It’s not like, “oh I forgot my keys”. It’s “oh I’ve pointed the craft at the ground, which is now rushing towards me. Hmmm, what next…”
    That’s not even idiocy. That’s primitive early man swallowed by a giant sky god bird.

  3. Don’t planes have technology preventing such cluster fucks happening?
    Never mind, despite it being a slow process when it comes to vermin removal, every little helps and there’s always Uber to fall back on.

  4. I recommend TransAndean Airways. You get a great view of the ground below through the rusty holes in the floor and outer fuselage – and I’m not joking.

    Alternatively, Shanghai to Xian on Air China. They have a nice fleet of second hand copies of fucking old Tridents.

    Or for a laugh, Allegeney International Airways. Outside toilets on a DC3….

    • Flew into jungle in Venezuela once in a tail dragger. Sounded like a WW2 bomber – got off and saw that it was indeed a Dornier.

  5. Great cunting Sid, I wish the fucker had slid into a mosque full of the dirty cunts.
    That would be a result.

  6. The muslim way is to lie, deceive and self aggrandise – it is an integral part of islam. We need more of these P*edo Airlines aircraft crashing, but only in parking stanley land! ??

  7. It confounds me, what the fuck did we have against India and what fucking leverage did Jenna have against us to allow the abomination that is Pakistan come into existence. The gift that keeps shitting in our face. Cunters please educate me.

      • As it stands I won’t be racing out to book a flight with them, as pakistan isnt at the top of my holiday list at the moment.
        Im with mr T when it comes to air travel,
        And my idea of a pilot is a posh lad called Roger who exudes confidence,
        Not some paki eating with his hands and wearing one of those nighties/ long shirts they wear.

      • I don’t think any of us would have PIA on any list of preferred carriers, MNC.
        Are you not affected where you live by the current flight paths in/out of MAN?
        I wouldn’t fancy living under one knowing Abdul’s Airways is passing overhead at a few thousand feet with suspect pilots onboard.

      • Hello Mr Dribbler,
        No, but my sister lives near it in Wythenshawe and can wave to Ramjit and family as theyre touching down for a new life of benefits and bombings.
        Lovely when lockdown first hit, not a plane in the sky.
        Im already looking back atvearly April with nostalgia as one of the best times of my life.☺

    • It was the fucking yanks at the end of WW2. They couldn’t stand us having an empire, as they didn’t have one. So, we had to let India go. Without the British there to sort the cunts out, the Mudslimes and the Hindus would have been slaughtering each other. Hence, we had to partition the land – Pak1s to Pak1stan, Hindus and the rest to India.

      A bit simplistic, but that’s it in a nutshell.

    • We were just trying to keep the w*gs happy.
      Always a mistake and we’re still doing it.

  8. I used to work as an engineer in the oil and gas industry. The contracting companies have replaced us honkies with loads of pak1s and Indians, the majority of them with iffy degrees and experience. I caught more than one out with their bullshit CVs who said they had worked on jobs that I had run – and I’d never heard of the cunts. But, nobody cares – as long as they are cheap.

    • A friend of mine worked at Brush in Loughborough. He was involved in the design of a switchboard for a power station to be used in the Middle East. Whilst discussing the nomenclature for the emergency light he suggested labelling it ‘send for the white man’.

    • “As long as they are cheap…”
      Nailed it .
      Thats whats wrong with Everything Lord C.

  9. Marrying your first cousin for 40 generations makes you into an imbecile unable to contribute anything to humanity. Islamic fucktard cunts

  10. That’s a fucking ace picture at the top, Admin!
    Soon to be landing at Luton or Bradford, no doubt.

  11. I wouldn’t travel in anything that was was run and maintained by a Stanley, period. They spend so much time in Alan’s fucking Snackbar they can’t concentrate on little things like safety and development, hence why their countries look like scruffy shitholes. I was amazed to learn a while back that the last McDonnell Douglas DC10 flew on December 7th 2014, operated by Bangladesh Biman Airlines. The planes were first introduced in 1971, although I don’t know how old the last that flew was. All I know is, they were deathtraps and were grounded by a number of airlines long before almost 2015. Iran’s Saha Airlines flew Boeing 707’s until 2013, a model that was introduced in 1958! Talk about wringing out every last drop. Those cunts carried on making the Hillman Hunter until 2005! Ever heard of a the Hindustan Ambassador? This car, which was basically a 1954 model Morris Oxford was made until 2014 in India, a rich country by all accounts and still getting billions in handouts, the tight fisted cunts.

    • Iran stll flies F-14 Tomcats they bought from the US in 1979.
      The most air kills flying a jet was an Iranian pilot in a Tomcat.
      11 knockdowns, if I remember rightly.

  12. I’m amazed they’re actually allowed planes to be honest, given that they don’t show up as military or missile on a radar system. Very sneaky.

    • It’s become crystal clear that BLM is just a front for a radical bunch of Marxist cunts. I don’t know if they’re actually insane, but they’re sure fucking dangerous. We are at war, people.

    • This is the most stupid argument ever, some of the black areas are out of control so the only thing that would happen is there would be a mafia style system of justice, a minority would control the streets and the silent majority would be just as fucked as they ever were.
      Black lives don’t matter in Black neighbourhoods.

      What a cunt.

    • Yahne ngdo good old yank name that!!!
      The corpses would be 15 deep within a fortnight.

      • I think she’s actually a Nigerian immigrant, although why the Yanks are letting those cunts in is a mystery. I presume her father must be loaded.
        I’ve been to Philadelphia, years ago, and it was a fucking cunthole then. I would let this dumb commie bitch have her way and destroy it altogether.

      • They would if I was visiting! (I like to do my bit for international relations ??).

    • If she looked less like Minnie Mouse I could take her a bit more seriously.

  13. Fly them empty into a rural UK airport (just in case they fuck up the landing) Fill them up (P Stanleys) to maximum with as many again on the roof rack and send them back to Stanley land!

    Fuck them, as long as they crash somewhere in the land of P.

    • Anywhere east of Kiev would be fine. Not much civilisation between there and Kathmandu.

  14. I do enjoy a Bedsheets Darth Vader Oh Goodness Me! plane crash very much.

    It’s the perfect illustration of just how fucking thick the daft cunts are.

    Ban em and fuck em.

  15. Never mind about Pak1 pilots what about Pak1 doctors? There are loads of the cunts over here.
    Would you want one of those cunts poking about in your privates?

  16. Seemed like the right time to share in a thread about mudslims and flight.

    An old mate of mine was a Royal Marine fighting in Yemen back in the 60’s. He told me tales of taking local mudslime insurgents up a couple of thousand feet or so in a helicopter then chucking them out when they did or didn’t talk. This was after force feeding them Spam first. Cunts gave him PTSD some 30 years later; he’d wake up in the night and see them stood at the foot of his bed. I’ll leave that with you chaps.

  17. The plane in that picture is lurching to one side. Those cunts on the top are overbalancing it and need to sit more in the middle.

    • And there’s too many cunts at the back…..the front wheel is up in the air! Fucking dumb peacefuls.

  18. From the Indus Valley civilisation to this.
    Still, what does one expect after 6000 years of cousins marrying.

  19. One would have thought that with their skills and experiences of their magic carpets, they would indeed be very skilled pilots.

  20. Pak he’s, not to be trusted in any walk of life, in short they are sub human scum, even a dog wouldn’t fart in their general direction.!

  21. One of the Top 5 most evil countries on Earth. Never mind what they put in the air, they should be eradicated from the ground.

  22. Flew them once to Kazakhstan from Singapore via Islamabad. Curries were good and they sang a prayer for safe journey arrival after the safety briefing. Strangely no one running around with box cutters shouting Alan’s snack bar.

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