Ngozi Fulani and Sistah Space

A diversity is our strength cunting for Ngozi Fulani and Sistah Space.

This is a charity in (where else) Hackney who support ‘women of African heritage’ and they are not happy with Hackney Council. Having had the misfortune to listen to a report on the fucking cock sucking BBC, this is a description of why they are cunts.

They weren’t happy with safety aspects of the premises they were in so Hackney Council temporarily moved them out so they could refurbish their premises. Making it safer, warmer and generally better for the Sistahs at a cost of £35,000.
(to the tax payer – admin)

The work is now complete and the Council want them to move back. Not immediately because of cunt flu, but as soon as possible. The Sistahs lead by Ngozi don’t want to go back after agreeing the proposed work because it’s too small and has a ‘shop front window’ (the shop front window was already there, so wasn’t an issue). As with any window, there are easy solutions: frosted covering, blinds, etc. The council had put in partitioning inside to give privacy for people coming in to discuss issues. So this bunch of cunts now want different premises altogether after letting the council spend 35,000.  Well it’s not their charity money so they don’t give a fuck.

My suggestion to the Sistahs and Fulani is take your fucking charity back to Africa.


Nominated by: Sick of it

34 thoughts on “Ngozi Fulani and Sistah Space

  1. Well Hackney is full of corbyns goons,so i am not surprised. You might say, steptoe is no longer in charge. Yes but his cult of goons are still in operation.

  2. Anyone not agreeing to their demands is by default a raaasist.
    We have to learn to give them whatever they want, then take the knee, then we must just shut the fuck up.

  3. They know full well that if they don’t get what they want its straight onto social media with a good old whinge, and the hope it will go viral enough in order for the council to bow down and beg forgiveness.

    That’s how it works these days. You’re just not allowed to say “no” any more. But then again this all stems from bad parenting and letting kids do whatever they want because everyone’s a winner and never a fucking loser – unless you’re a taxpayer!

    • Yet the council will be entirely full of Ooga-Dooga compatriots ever-willing to spray tax-payers’ cash on charities where the folding stuff goes to funding a new swimming pool of some warlord in Nigeria.
      The odour of urine in Hackney is even stronger than Brixton (though not as bad as East Landun). The whole, wretched cesspit should be cemented over.

    • I like your creativity with the boat hook. Looking on the bright side, Hackney is now worth 35k now. They can fuck right off, women of cunting “colour”.

  4. Houses are cheap in Umtali now, considered fucking off there ladies?, as I’m obviously not allowed to live there myself now being a honkey, utter cunts!

  5. Niggrahs are always entitled. They may be stupid but they are always entitled. But they wouldn’t be entitled in their home paradise but they are in racist Britain.

  6. An occupational exercise in leg-lifting by these freeloading cunts of Hackney. Puts me in mind of the single women who shat out half a dozen brats by different fathers and then whinge their tits off that their council-funded flat is too small for their growing brood.

    Until society accepts the tenet of ultimate personal responsibility then expect to see more entitled shite likes this, defended by the “Dee right to suppot for dee commoonidee, innit.”

    What an utter fuckbungle.

  7. I think I see the problem here. These premises just aren’t big enough or up to the standard required for the important work the sistahs do in the communidee.
    However, I believe I have an answer to the problem. I notice that there are a lot of multi millionaire slebs and footballers who are very concerned about the plight of the effnicks in this raaaaaay-sist Police State. In fact they are in the media crying about it every day. May I suggest they have a whip round and donate some top notch premises to this wonderful humanitarian organisation? Just give them the title deeds and hand over the keys.
    Gary? Lily? Sir Elton? Dame Emma? Where are you going? Just a minute……..come back you CUNTS!!

    • Load of sisters all together like a big bag of cadburys fingers!!
      What I like to see, diversity in action,
      And I for one hopes nobody plants a nail bomb! ?

      • They are more likely to plant a nail bar MNC – along with a mosque, taxi company and a fried chiggun shop.
        What would evil whitey have done? Rolled up our sleeves, get some paint and a few grafters and it would have been done. (Provided the Council were not involved in any way).
        What do Guy Gibsons dogs do? Get everything and sit around on their idle whining enormous arses demanding more.
        AKA The African continent.

  8. Is it any wonder they’re victims of domestic and sexual abuse? Who wouldn’t kick there whining cunts in after a bit rough sodomy? Fucking ungrateful egg and spoons!

  9. Terry? Would you mind acting as mediator between the council and these parasites please? Thank you.

  10. Burn the fucking office to the ground and deport these moaning Dark Lives Shatter vermin at gunpoint to some shithole where the buildings are made of mud.

  11. And more vermin.
    These cunts make me want to oven Hackney.
    Shitty effnik freeloading vermin.

    • I think you have missed the point MNC, it is for Women of African Heritage, if you ain’t black as the ace of spades and had your fanny bits remodelled then you ain’t welcome.

      Take a knee for Black Hackney

      • Of course theyll welcome me Sickie!!
        Im a white man.
        Theyll see me as semi divine.
        Of course at first one or two might flap their lips,
        But having watched Tarzan as a boy I know to simply knee the biggest right in the gut,
        Snatch the wig of her head shouting “UNGOWWA!!”
        The rest of the troop will see me as the dominant male and offer me their puckered backsides.
        Then can relax and have some nice cake.

  12. I wonder what contribution – via tax – the Sistahs made. 4/5s of fuck all I’d say. I see also that Enfield council are aiming to be the first meat-free borough (with possible exceptions for Halal, of course). FFS.

    • Nice to know that everything I ever thought about Annie Lennox’s ‘Sisters are doing it for Themselves’ song , was right.
      I knew it was bullshit , and that the ‘sisters’ were actually not fucking doing anything much – apart from the constant whinge.
      What’s new?

  13. My 94, soon to be 95, year old mum got a medal for her her efforts in the war last week but had to fucking apply for it!! How come this talentless fucking racist Cunt was given a fucking OBE for nothing? Fuck my old brown boots it’s not even music. Aretha, Gladys, Steveland, Teddy Pendergrass, Bazza White, Stylistics, 4 tops, Marvin, total respect but this cunt FUCK THE FUCK OFF CUNT.

  14. Oops posted on the wrong cunting!
    Whatta cunt!

    Sorry Admin, could you add this to the whitey (or whatevver the cunts name is ) cunting please?
    Apologies for the error but my piss kettle was whistling loudly!

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