I would like to nominate the number of multicultural adverts. Now i work with many decent black/asian people and they never bang on about this diversity propaganda. Yet television now apears to have this persistent agenda to shove it down are throats. Over and over again! . Now i am not suggesting that blacks/ asians should not be represented. However from my observation it apears about 40% of the these adverts are non white. So going on the basis that they are approximately 13% of the population, they are fucking over represented. Now of course moaning cunt mr Henry, will still whinge, there are to many honkies on tv. ITS NOT BLACK ENOUGH!!.
Yet is this realy about diversity?. Because if so, why are there no chineese people featured. Of course its all about who ever shouts and moans, gets the rewards.
I am now sick and tired of are nation. Are we living in Britania?, the land of Shakespeare, Newton, Churchhill and Dickens. Or are we living in Southern Botswana?
Nominated by: Tono
Globalism, pure and simple.
Give it another 10-20 years when the Boomer and Gen-X generations are dead, the country will be truly globalist.
No borders, not passports, no gender specifics, no ethnic specifics. That will be how this country will look when the Wokes finally become the dominant generation.
Identity politics will be the be-all and end-all to everything society does and says. And what we’ve been seeing over the last 2 or 3 years on our TV screens is just the beginning: the foundation stones to what will become a globalist country in the the not too distant future.
Country? You mean Airstrip One?
As a young gun of the 60,s , I recall I was full of this kind of shit. I would jump on any of the bandwagons, too thick to really understand, and too scared not to be “inclusive”. I was ( like many others ) a complete anarchist arsewipe.
But people grow up.
I despise and shudder at the thought of what I did then.
The cunts of today are all to happy to live in a world of “universal ownership”, all inclusive and tolerant
Just wait for the reality to set in. It will all change , and they ( like me ) will end up a 70 yr old ,immeegrants and the like.racist cunt who hates woofers . lifes a cunt.
Look at that lne-up. From the left you have a rich Hong Kongee, a Nigerian, a tranníe (not sure which way it’s going), a lesbo, a chippy mulätto, a Star Trek extra, a chav, a semi-looker two-Pinter, an Ethíop pirate, a Turkish bint, and an old Etonian.
They must be reviving Fame again.
‘Fame’? Christ noooooooooooooo…. one of the most sick-making series in the history of the goggle box.
Evening Ron.
Fame was toilet. I doubt it was what Idris Elba was referring to when he said today, “Don’t cancel those old TV programmes with blackaface. Leave dem up so we can see how racist dey was” or something, probably in a mid-Atlantic accent.
How kind of the cunt to allow us to still watch them.
Isnt that the line up of the next Marvel movie?
I see this happening quite a lot in Australia. It has become almost fashionable for businesses to somehow drop the words “indigenous people” or “First Nation people” etc. whether advertising or just virtue signalling anywhere in the media. I’ve met a few abos in my time. If I am going to categorise any group of cunce who I have met during my life I will say the same thing about any of them as I would about the abs: namely, some are okay, and others are arseholes. This has very little to do with their ethnicity and mostly everything to do with their cuntishness. Besides, it’s not exactly breaking news that many abs receive a shedload of extra gravy on their welfare payments. Okay, so this being the system I live in, contribute to, and could (possibly, but not bloody likely) avail myself of if needed, therefore if I object I have the opportunity to express my opinion by voting and free speech. But I am not so naive to actually believe that 3.3% or less of the population will or could ever provide the income stream they (the abos) have had for the last few decades.
I love the way the ads make them look so cool and dynamic. Truth be known they are mostly attention seeking useless cunts. This is the future of our country with lots of smoke blown up their arses. Imagine the tears when they have to do a normal job with horrible racist white folk. We are fucked!
The only way Id like the photo at the top is above the caption
” school shooting, no survivors!!”
‘Camping trip tragedy – several bears have a good meal’.
All aload of shite. Take a note of the brand and stop buying the product.
Gillette saw their profits slump after they launched the add basically slating straight white males.
My cash my choice.
According to adverts most families are mixed race. But even more preposterous is the black male isn’t ‘absent’ as is the norm.
Ahhh! Makes me feel good inside.
All fluffy clouds and blue skies and people of all colours and creeds. Reminds of the old I’d Like to Teach The World to Sing coke ad of the 70s.
And now we are all living in perfect harmony are we not? OK so we are not.
It’s all a fantasy dreamed up by those overpaid advertising cunts trying to portray a multicultural society at peace with itself in order to sell some fecking product or other.
A PR job. For commercial gain. Not for the betterment of mankind. Cynical cunts.
Actually, we do manage to get on fairly well in this land but no thanks to these wankers.
Not sure what the figures for advert representation of BAME people is but in kid’s programs it’s now over 30%.
Compared to the actual population of 13% BAME, this is giving children a skewed picture of who lives in their country. Might not be a problem in Hackney, Lewisham and Hounslow, but outside the M25 the world must look like Cornwall or the Hebridies to these poor little cunts.
In the language of the Empire i see Abyssinians, Manchurians, Ottomans, Berbers, a wallah, a Persian, and a couple of likely corn-fed convicts.
One on the end could be a Boer.
A Queer Boer at that.
It’s a disgrace, we all know the peacefuls and blacks don’t like ‘whitey’ so why the fuck do we shoehorn the cunts into every fucking thing in the media, it’s not just adverts it’s everything.
The was a mini feature on the news today, Kate (Mrs Cambridge) on promoting some bollocks about kids, she was in some large garden with Louise Minchin and three little families, we had one white couple and sprog, a dad (on his own, probably wife owns the bollocks and was working) with sprog and a pair of umbongo types with sprog, now this last little family were invited for one simple reason… diversity, if all three ‘families’ were white the libtards would have been crying Racist!!
Fuck the advertisers. Don’t buy their products (Grown a beard, fuckoff Gillette you cunts).
Unplugged the TV eons ago, but still see the bloody giant posters.
Come the revolution, BrownShirts are us
Have a nice day
Big Al
Who and when did we ever vote for all this diversity?
Surely in a democracy we should have been asked if we wanted our country changed beyond all recognition.
No? Well this pretence of being democratic and even more laughably, free, is obviously all bollox.
I reckon within 2 generations, yer average ‘British’ citizen will be a half-chat.
Nope s/he will be Muslim.
The woke advertising brigade always portray a family of the Dark Keys as living all happily together in a mint £600k mansion.
Naturally they prance about smiling like all the soppy cunts in every ad you will see.
Luckily everything about any advert is complete bullshit.
So they can all fuck off and die.
This is where The Left, the Woke, the Progressives get it all SO WRONG.
So we get multiculturalism let’s bring the underrepresented to the fore. Ok, but they’re so stupid, so clumsy with it. There is the most ridiculous advert at the moment with the black man (who looks like a Zulu) cooking in the semi detached kitchen with suppodedly his white mother-in-law! TFS I mean it is so crassly stupid.
On the other side (literally and as well as figuratively) I switched and there was one of those supercool superstylish perfume ads. With a young super- attractive white couple. Now to ‘lift’ black youth in a good way (I thought) why don’t they have a super attractive young black couple doing something like that.
That’s what needs to happen instead of yolking totally different people together.
There was a study done very recently and I’m trying to reference it but can’t at the moment but it looked into this very issue.
It found that BAME (god I hate that phrase) were 300 times over represented as a demographic.
And there you have it.
Can`t say I`ve ever noticed.
I do not take notice of any adverts papers, telly, radio. They can all fuck off and waste their money
If I want something I will source it and buy it. Annoying cunts.
Even if multiculturalism worked and we all got on great, all in the fuckin garden having a BBQ,
I’d still not want it.
Not because I hate other races and ethnicities,
Or different cultures and different faiths…lost my train of thought now!
What was my point?
Oh yeah!..send em back!!??
Have you noticed too that any white guy In an advert has a beard.
And they’re usually bungling idiots.
Quite common for the white middle aged man to be portrayed as the cunt in all media. Stupid really as in reality they are the people with the disposable income. Seems like backward marketing!
Oi! us bearded bungling idiots are a minority and under represented !!
You and Vernon are oppressed victims of ‘beardism’ Miserable, is there a 24h helpline and obscure weepy celebrities fighting your cause?
Having suffered because I have facial hair and have 35 years of oppression and hate due to being bearded. My full support is given to any group who will stand up for white heterosexual males with non silly facial hair. Oh well back to being one of the cursed.
Reminds me of an old joke. “Did you ever see a Puerto Rican in Startrek? No, and that just goes to prove that the cunts wont work in the future either”.
And this is the problem. Far too many of these immigrants just take (often at knifepoint) and don’t contribute. The exceptions stand out – precisely because they are exceptions.
Multiculturalism is just complete and utter bollocks and any fuckwit libtard who can’t understand this should be put against a wall and shot.
That’s all of Brighton dead then.
“However from my observation it apears about 40% of the these adverts are non white. So going on the basis that they are approximately 13% of the population, they are fucking over represented.”
Exactly, and there’s the undeniable proof that whitey is being gradually beaten into submission, and in the eyes of the wokesters, made to pay for perceived sins against colonials in years gone by. The more kneeling that is done before the ethnic minorities, and 13% IS a minority, the more that will be demanded. Lenny Henry is not fighting for fair representation of his kindred type, he is demanding superiority. It’s as simple as that. His and their (woke libtards) belief is, that only submitting to inferiority by the white person will demonstrate adequate reparation and heal the chips upon the shoulders of those that continue to nurture identity complexes.
Guess what folks, it’s going to end in a sea of tears. Advertisers think they’re being fairer now, and some like spectacularly unfunny Mr Henry will cry “not fair enough” but who is going to end up really under represented here? Who is going to feel demeaned and indignant and want some good ol fashioned reparation of their own? Answers on a postage stamp please!
Is that image above a FAIR representation of Britain today, OR is it an ideal portrayal of forced capitulation as the 60/40 split in favour of asian/black people would suggest?
I think the latter. Trouble on the horizon. Media and advertisers are foolish cunts.
I would say that all advertisers are based in London and that is what they think the whole country is like. They are likely to be disappointed with the results of the shit they peddle.
Up until 2008 I worked in the Outdoor Advertising industry (billboards, bus stops etc). Never had the bollocks we have now but 1 enduring story from the early 80s – I had run a campaign for Walls pork sausages, and because I’m a cunt, I booked the billboard on Whitechapel Mosque – just for a laugh. I got a call from the Iman or whatever he calls himself – not, as you might imagine, outraged but wanting to know who owned the billboard because he wasnt getting any rent from it. Oh, how we laughed.
Dai, the image above is a time-bomb of litigation waiting for the correct lawyer to ignite it. Etonian on the right is gratuitously stroking that ugly bird’s back while the tracky top & bottoms lesbo is having a cop of the front; the future BLM leader on the left and Eminem lesbo are restricting the movement of the mum-cut-my-hair mídget, and fuck knows where Leopard darkíe’s hands are but he’s passed on whatever disease he’s got.
Where there’s a tit, there’s a writ.
I fear you are correct Dai. Some wise observations of the future.
Media and advertising are industries populated by mostly millennial and entirely woke, narcissists, sociopaths and shitcunts. The smarter ones also have machiavellian tendencies to complete the classic ‘dark triad’ of personality traits.
The sooner the general public realise this the sooner they can cancel their licences, ignore these vile bastards and feel happier about the world.
Sometime last year or maybe even the year before there was some cooking show on C4 with that scouse cunt Simon Rimjob. Part of the show was devoted to showing your ordinary British family how to prepare takeaway style meals. Of the six episodes all six families were multicultural, dad was always black and yes, mum was white. What fucking cunts C4 are! They young (probably) millennial hipster fucking producers must have done that on purpose just to “rub the right’s nose in diversity”. It took all of my reserves of will power not to hoof the fucking telly out of the window. After show two I should have turned off I know but, I wanted to see if I was right and by fuck I was. Total cunts!
Anyone else see it?
Just how representative is this really? Ffs, I’m a Brummie, and I don’t know, or have indeed ever met, one of these black guy/white woman ‘diversity’ families. Where do they all live? Must down darn sarf, Landan tahn, C4’s natural habitat.
That’s only because the Brothers can’t find any white women in Birmingham.
‘The Compo Flabbott Phenomenon’ to give it its official title, it must have been like a pipe cleaner trying to penetrate a massive black pudding.
WCC you have a stout constitution indeed if you can tolerate coming back for a second episode. It takes me 1.3 seconds to recognise the genre and flick straight to the next channel. Any longer will burst my aortic aneurism
I didnt see that but i did see an episode of The Great British Menu where a black chef included a picture of his dead black mum with each serving.
No surprise that he won.
Going by the adverts, 75% of the UK are now mentally deficient multi-culti partnerships, living in wedded bliss.
Going by the people I speak to on a daily basis, if the daughter ever brought a sun tan home to meet (and stab to death) the parents, they would be immediately disowned and the inheritance would go to a Donkey santuary.
Reminds me how good the old South African tv ads were (used to pick up signals from Rhodesia), you’d have the same advert with either a white or black person depending on what channel they were on, don’t watch TV anymore not good for the old blood pressure!
That picture at the top is ageist (mind you, wouldn’t see me in tracksuit bottoms at my age), species-ist (where are the cats and lizard models to represent the likes of Moggie63 and Komodo?), disablist (no wheelchair user models?), wet lettuce ist (models kneeling for BLM, extinction rebellion etc bullocks).
I’m hiding in that 1st black girl’s hair, along with my hippopotamus friend.
You might find that each of those woke types pictured will possess one vertebra meaning as a group they have a whole spine.
A mirror of leftards, singly they’re ineffective,no-account sissypants, collectively full of pseudo piss and vinegar until mummy calls them to come in for tea.
It’s known that millennials and zoomers of a woke persuasion smell of piss, as their mummy will no longer wipe or shake for them after they turn 18.
In time it won’t just be adverts, everyone will be made to marry/cohabit with a person of different ethnicity so that eventually we’ll all become the same colour.
I once had an Indian girlfriend, actually a Ugandan Asian, I shagged a young lady from Venezuela and I’m sure I once wanked over a picure of a naked black girl.
So I’ve done my bit.
Allan can you remember the name of the mag?. I fancy a copy.
I don’t mind a mixed girl; Brazilian, Dominican, still that isnt good enough for the shrieking left as i’m obviously fetishising the hypersensual black female body.
Perhaps I am, and pretending i’m the Lincolnshire farmer from the 1700s who set up a plantation in the Caribbean and fucked over three thousand big titted, big arsed black Venuses while i’m at it.
What do those ghastly, blue haired shitcunts think about that?
How come the white bloke in the photo is on the far right?
How very prescient.
From his point of view he’s on the far left, letting all the others take centre stage and all the credit.
By the looks of it these multicultural wokeflakes are advertising Adidas. The same Adidas who supplied shoes for the Wehrmact and anti-tank weapons using forced labour in WW2. But if Lewis Hamilton get paid millions to look the other way, who gives a fuck?
Are we living in Eastern Europe?All I hear is douska douska.Integrate for the love of God.Speak English or slung your bloody hook.Boils my blood
Fuck these chess board colours , some uranium 235 would sort the skin pallor out of these fuckers
Fuck diversity.
How I yearn for the England of my youth, we were taught to be proud of our heritage, be proud of the sacrifice of our grandparents, be confident in our identity.
Fuck diversity.
Cuntfinder the woke generation have no pride in are nation. A nation that has given the world science, tech, inventions, sport, music, culture and language. Yet they are ashamed, god help is if there is another war.