Kimberley Hawkins

Kimberley Hawkins, owner of the Foodbenders cafe in Toronto is an Ontario sized cunt.

This place is a favourite hang out for lefties, antifas, soy boys and cunts of all types.
She put a small blackboard on the pavement outside this shit hole cafe, featuring such intelligent comments as ‘ Fuck the CIA, Fuck the police, Fuck imperialism etc….’

This naturally drew a lot of negative attention, to the extent that the said cunt thought she and her family were in danger. So what did she do? You’ve guessed it, she called the police.

Apparently her general nastiness has resulted in several delivery companies terminating their contracts with her. Behave like a cunt, get treated like one.

Nominate by: Mystic Maven 

62 thoughts on “Kimberley Hawkins

  1. Foodbenders? Is that a euphemism for sausage jockey?
    She calls to abolish the police, then calls the same for help when held to account.
    Talking of accounts, I see an accountant in the local regularly, he claims to be a lefty but wants to see a reduction in world population all the while helping rich folks avoid contributing to society. Solid principles then.
    Leftists in a nutshell, napalm, a comfy chair and cigars and whisky, keep your eastenders..

  2. Hehehe.?
    Way to go Kim!
    Sticking it to”the man”
    But why phone the pigs?
    Bootboys for the establishment?
    Kinda heavy Kim!
    Maybe balance things out by abusing them when they turn up,throw fake blood over the police car?
    Bet theyll blame it on a innocent black man?!
    Fight the power!!✊
    Or some shite…

  3. There are so many of these people. They want to be seen as ‘good’ people by supporting all sorts of bollocks. But they live in gated communities – gated either literally or by money – far away from the people they claim to love and support.

    Here in Australia, there is an annoying advert with Oprah Winfrey talking about George Floyd. Had their paths crossed in real life, Winfrey would have been on the phone to the Old Bill quicker than you can say ‘the SNP are cunts.’

    Good video…

    • “gated either literally or by money – far away from the people they claim to love and support.”

      This is what really pisses me off by the likes of Blair, Mandy and now Dame Kweer, and the bleeding heart Conservatives They love “diversity” and preach it, knowing full well they are kept away from the worst aspects of it. I bet even old Sadiq doesn’t live in a tower block.

  4. A certifiable loon of a cunt who has single-handedly detonated her own business. Apparently she has made enemies with the Jewish community with her anti-Semetic signs and Instagram posts of hate.

    Clearly this fruit-loop has been consuming far too many nut roasts, which have curdled her brain. I would buy her business from her for 10p and re-open it as a coal griddle steak and fries house. All races welcome, but hateful cunts like Squawkins can go and do one.

    • Paul id reopen it as a themed grill, “Grenfell Grill”
      Try our flaming highrise burgers!!
      Or a Mississippi burning BBQ!?

  5. What a cunt. A member of the Jewish community is suing her for $750,000 and it looks as if there are more to follow. A go fund me page has been taken down along with her hate fuelled Instagram account. Looks as though she’s fucked.

  6. Well done to the delivery companies for terminating their contracts. Hopefully that will start the process of her going out of business.

    • I think that was the point of the nom, people not being able to afford to cover them.

    • Just googled her and read a few articles about her and Foodbenders.
      Shes a grade A nut.
      Getting sued and wholesalers refusing to work with her.
      Bet Jeremy Corbyn would love this place!

  7. Oh the irony of it, she wants to see the introduction of a system which would send her to the oven ( as in Unkle T) should it ever be established.

  8. The thing hanging in the window of the shop in nomination picture, ‘I heart Gaza’. Is she declaring her love for that footballer who cried when he was given a yellow card?

  9. Soft in the head fucked up tart. How can you run a business selling stuff to lefty, soyboy fuckwits? They want and expect everything for free. If she loves Palestinians so much we can send her a few of ours from the Edgware Road. They can blow up her poxy shop and she can claim the insurance the fucking idiot.

  10. So this cunt hates capitalism but charges for her shitty food?
    Feels threatened so calls the police that she obviously hates?
    What waste of resources this dungheap is.
    Full oven with bacon.

  11. Her cafe, her rules….. no quite the right message for a successful business ?

    ‘Breaking News‘ It’s coming home, it’s coming home, no, not football but …..

    Drum roll…….. Shitty Begum!!!

    A court has decided she has the right to come back to challenge the decision to strip her British citizenship…. oh what the fuck will it all cost, what’s wrong with a bullet (cheaper that Unkles oven).

    • Good, she and the rest of her fucking family can all go live with the judges that made the decision.


    The Court of Appeal has just ruled that Shamima Begum is to be allowed back in the UK…

    Quelle surprise.

    • Oh joy, street parties in Bethnal Green while her new hubbie and his extended family board the plane in Islamabad.
      The BBC will be creaming their pants and breaking out the champagne.

      • I wish we would deal with the little cunt the way the American courts treated the Maxwell whore – the thought of a few years in Belmarsh might make the little bitch think twice about coming back.

      • Yooman rights lawyers.

        Biggest cunts out there. She deserves the death penalty. Nothing less.

        At the very least, if this cunt is allowed back she’ll receive a life sentence for crimes against humanity/joining a terrorist organisation and helping the fight against our armed forces?

    • The libtards will be queuing up to pay for her ticket, the best lawyer, a nice pad in Mayfair…..
      if BLM has smashed a big hole in how the whitey thinks about the blacks, then her return will do the same for the peacefuls.

      Round them up and ship them out!!

    • Awful decision. Then again this country does have form for appeasing terrorists.

      • And if she loses her case what are the chances that she will be shown the door- zero.
        I just hope that she is held in prison until her case is heard and any appeals . Also, if (when) she is released she is not granted anonymity and moved to a relocation place at tax payers’ expense.
        However, I don’t think that this will end well or cheaply.

      • You would’ve thought that our establishment would’ve learnt by now that appeasement doesn’t work would you?

      • I dare say that she was “in a dark place” and was and is suffering from “mental health issues”.

        I wonder we don’t advertise Britain as the shithouse of the world for every bit of scum who wants to come here and can afford a rubber boat.

  13. Just another vacuous stupid cow who shouts from a soapbox about which she shows her ignorance.

  14. That’s the thing about pretend protesters like this silly moo – if there is no law and order and the police is defunded as they so heartily campaign for – who is going to protect THEM from the real anarchists and extremists? The people who like smashing everything up and looting.

    They are pathetic hypocrites.

    C4 did a {sympathetic} feature on the black BLM woman who was the model for the statue which {briefly} replaced Edward Colston on the plinth in Bristol. She has very nice elderly parents who don’t approve – don’t bite the hand that feeds they say – and a whitey mong husband who does approve of her antics. C4 were there to film it being erected. But hey, this morning it is down, removed the council and is being stored in the same museum as Colston.

    Ha ha ha.

    Just shows how moronic these cunts are.

    • I heard someone the other day hit the nail right on the head, they said something to the effect of:

      If the entire mainstream media, every major corporation and every political leader in the world is already pushing the same message you are supposedly protesting for and, literally kneeling and prostrating themselves before you, then how radical are your views really?

      Like you say, moronic pretend protesters. Don’t give a fuck about the real injustices taking place right under their noses, they just want to feel self-important and like their voice is the one that should be listened to most in all the cacophony of screaming SJW’s with hurt feelies.

  15. She sounds a right harridan. When I become supreme leader the likes of her will be in padded cells.

    Just noticed the double standards at the BBC again.

    On their cricket pages it says ‘Denly dropped for test’. And then right above it ‘Archer dropped for breaking Covid protocols.’

    Denly is a honky and Archer isn’t. You can probably guess which article has comments opened!

  16. Made me laugh that somebody drew a Star of David on her window. She must have been fuming although it sounds like she is so thick she wouldn’t know what it means.

    • I’d have hired a full Jewish orthodox outfit and wig and marched in and said, “Have you got any champagne? I feel like celebrating. Yes, you see I’ve just found out that back in Gaza they’re bulldozing a load of peaceful invaders out of their huts so I can now have the land to make myself a nice swimming pool.’

  17. The cunt needs a tungsten shiruken shaped like the star of David in her neck.

    Anyone seen Krav?

  18. Just googled her. Bloated old pig.
    No Zionists? What about Ultra Zionists?
    Send in the Merkava!

  19. Anyone that states ‘Fuck the Police’ on soshul meeja should have the following response on dialling 999 for the Police:

    ‘Sorry, but you consistently post ‘Fuck the Police’ on social media, so we’re abiding by your wishes. Good luck’

    And then have their fucking number barred.

    • As far as I’m concerned any individual that puts up a sign saying “Fuck the police”, in a window, hand held placard or otherwise should receive a criminal record. Period. Those words can only be interpreted one way and that is to attempt to incite civil insurrection. This woman, when she called on the law enforcers that she wants people to disobey, for help, should have been in receipt of a massive backfire and got handcuffed and charged while the individual that was threatening her was let off with a caution IMO.

      I wonder if you can encourage hate for the police in Gaza and get away with it. Stupid silly cow.

  20. Running hosepipe through the letterbox overnight.
    Or rotting fish heads.
    Or liquid shit.

    Peacefuls Out!
    Death To Antifa!

  21. With regards to Shemima Bigarse, the woke cunts of this world shit on hard working brits heads whilst we say thanks for the hat. What about a bit of fucking spine by our fucking Government for a change, or is this asking too much?

  22. The Palastinians are all cunts. Inbred, thick cunts who have nothing to offer humanity. Watch “Fauda ” on netfflix for more info.

  23. Good nom, hadn’t heard this story until now. Oh the irony of ‘fuck the police’ one minute and then calling them in a time of need.

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