Kanye West for President! (4)

Rapp pygmie Kanye West is days away from either the nuthouse or doing himself a mischief.

Hes considering running for US president (?)

Has a kid called North West, beleives all kinds of madcap shite and is a all round puddled cunt.

He recently called his mother in law, Kim un jong for conspiring with his worried missus to have him admitted to hospital, the barmpot little ryming blingrat sees no issue with his paranoid megalomania,

And resents the accusation that the future president should be carted off to the funny farm.

The whole family out freak the fuckin Munsters, and Kanye is unravelling fast.

A dead cert for Deadpool.

Nominated by: Miserable Northern Cunt

41 thoughts on “Kanye West for President! (4)

  1. Given how right-on and woke America has become it is not beyond the realms of possibility this idiot could be successful. I wonder who his VP would be? – perhaps the sainted Oprah.

  2. Well it seems the logical next step to me. We are already becoming a celebrity-led culture who hang off the Words of Wisdom dispensed by various pop-singers,actors,sportsmen,reality-tv stars. They are “woke” whereas we are ignorant and need our Betters to lead and educate us.

    Personally I’d like to see a coalition of Gary Lineker, Dame Emma Thompson, Stormzy and Lily Allen take over the running of this Country….if only so that I could read reports of a mysterious new plague which caused multiple cases of “head exploded due to boiling piss venting through the ears”…unfortunately I probably won’t be able to come on to “…isaC” to discuss the phenomenon because there’ll be no contributors left available for comment.

    • Morning Mr F…considering we’re supposed to be “being nice and inoffensive” to the blacks on this here site, there sure have been a lot of blood-pressure raising noms over the past couple of days that might maybe tempt a fellow to take the piss out of horrid j1gaboos, I must say!

      (Based on what’s coming down the pipe over the next few days, you ain’t seen nothing yet! – admin)

      • Thats why I’m steering well clear of such subjects.

        Kanye is completely hatstand and should seek professional help.

        Morning all. ?

  3. I don’t think so. Kanye’s run for Prez, his very public twitter meltdown and reconciliation with his Kardashian slag wife was all timed to coincide with the release of his new album last Friday. Unfortunately some bloke called Taylor Swift, who has a long standing beef with Mr Looney decided, at the last minute, to release his album. Kenny was well pissed off and had to postpone the release of his musical masterpiece until his agent thinks up some other publicity grabbing bollocks.
    How does Freddie, the dumb working class boy from Sarf Londonistan, know about all this trendy shit I hear you ask?
    Well, i’ve been listening to a lot of Yank radio recently and you soon pick this bullshit up.
    Ok, I may have got a few details wrong and I wouldn’t know any of these cunts if they walked past me in the street but it’s all about fucking money, trust me.
    I hope they all die the fucking fakes.

  4. I would fucking LOVE to see this cunt get voted in as Prez.
    Fuck it would be funny.

  5. Kanye West is the ‘wrong’ sort of black for the Democunts, Cunts News Network and the rest of the liberal America, being a fan of The Donald and not toeing the line about slavery. That said, West and the extended family of the Kardashians freak show would take the most powerful and important job in the world to the lowest common denominator, to something the retards at MTV could relate to.

    • He seemed fine when he was in Different strokes.

      ‘Whatchoo talkin bout Willis?”

  6. Yes, Kenny has a daughter called North but, thanks to the insularity of the average Yank, he could have ended up calling her Rose.
    Let’s just hope that they don’t go into the usual sleb gender neutral, non binary raising of children and the poor little bitch ends up as Fred. Not that there’s anything wrong with Fred, you understand, it’s the surname that’s the problem.

    • His daughter should bring out a autobiography
      ‘North by North west’?

  7. Being as fucking woke and sleb self -important as they come, I would guess the next bag of soot he creates will be called Go. It sends out the right message to the world, then the slant-eyed, or curry-stinking, or unwashed begging and raping, or black as the ace of spades free-loader cunts will be under no illusions, that their country of birth is a backwards flee infested shit-hole and the UK or US is the best place to come and help overpopulate.

  8. Rarely for me, I’m with Kanye on this one. He’s called out his pedo Satan-worshiping elite chums for what they are, and has got no end of shit for it. Mentally ill, conspiratorial, blah blah. No, you’re all up to it bare-nakedly in your necks you cunts, and the world is realising it and you’re running scared. The Kar-Krashians and their misandrist agenda are very near to the centre of it all.

  9. Can’t stand the cunt or his drag act looking wife and her pathetic grasping family. They epitomise most of what’s wrong with western civilisation.

  10. The 46th gäy fish of the United States of America.

    Has a nice ring to it I reckon.

  11. The guy sounds like an evangelist. “Jesus is King” , “If I win in 2020 its God’s appointment” , “Coronavirus is not the Chinese peoples fault, the Chinese are God’s people” , “I’m following the word of the bible” etc, etc. Lordy Lordy, he’s seen the Light!

    Clearly he’s after the black vote, talking about giving everyone some land and a mule, a reference to a 19th Century plan to give freed slaves 40 acres of land after the US Civil War.
    I don’t think he’ll get anywhere. He hasn’t got a foreign policy of any sort and when asked says he hasn’t done the research yet. What? There again, why does he need a foreign policy, because you just gotta send the love man, let’s all hold hands and sing.

    With such a poorly co-ordinated campaign so far and no campaign manager to speak of it would only take some old republican farmer with only 3 months left to live to end his publicity stunt with a loaded Smith and Wesson.

    Pop-pop-pop-pop……Kayne’s about to really see the LIGHT. Self centred cunt.

  12. Just had my morning dump and I managed to produce a great big steaming cable of a turd, brought tears to my eyes I can tell you. You know what? It looked just like this cunt. In fact it was a shitting image of him. Kanye for president!!

    • Did you flush it? If you’d been in the states, you could have saved it and seen it become a presidential nominee. It wouldn’t have much quality opposition to worry about.

  13. It really matters not who is voted in as President in the states or Prime Minister over here.
    Wokism is all that matters and leftys control all aspects of our everyday lives.
    End of.

  14. I have heard of this chap but have no idea what he does. However , I must confess to being moderately interested in how the society in which we live has arrived at a situation where the untalented are feted as reincarnations of Leonardo da Vinci and Co. If I were younger and gave a fuck I just might use my magnificent powers of research to investigate the phenomenon.

    • Possibly in direct relation to the amount of Yank crap that we have imported.
      When I was growing up , ugly and fat people stayed at home – if they went out at night – drunk people would take the piss.
      Nowadays , they are told it’s their right.
      No it’s not.
      Fucking shut up and fucking stay home you fat useless fucks.
      You don’t get a medal for ‘trying’ either – unless it’s trying a diet.

  15. His wife has got a ridiculous arse.
    Boil them all up, for dog food.
    Or spray them with dum dum bullets.
    I care not.
    Morning, cunters.

    • News Flash!!!***
      Kanye’s presidential nomination ballot is being investigated for electoral fraud!!?
      600 signatures are under question as they all have similarities on the letter ‘I’ meaning ‘someone’ signed all 600.??
      What a fuckin loony.

  16. Ideally he would be run over by a hillbilly driving a monster truck.
    The dozy cunt.

  17. He’s a grade A1 nut job.Seriously deranged.The lunatics have taken over the asylum

    • The west wing is already named for him.
      Hed of been good in star Trek too!
      Scotty-“kanye can ye noe see we’re in trouble im givin her all we’ve got!”

  18. I can only imagine what this loon macaroon would be like in a meeting with Putin or that fat North Korean Cunty Kim. That would be the scariest goon show ever. He would make Trump look like an intellectual for fucks sake.

  19. Professor Fox has seen this medical condition before.
    It is cured by repeated punches to the frontal area of the face whilst shouting “shut up you daft bleeder”! ?

  20. I read about this a couple of weeks ago and initially thought it was a satire piece (nearly everything that pops up on my newsfeed these days, I initially think is a spoof article). I was totally incredulous when I finished reading about it, which is saying something given how entrenched slebdom and wokeness is in our society presently. It’s, alas, yet another damning indictment of how standards in the western world have eroded by pandering to these liberal cunts. Send this Walter Mitty pavement ape off to the nearest puzzle factory where he belongs — he’s fucking bananas!

    Ps: If a black guy and a Mexican fall off a multi-storey car park at the same time, who will hit the ground first?

    The Mexican will, because the black guy will stop in mid-air to spray-paint the word ‘muthafucka’ on the wall!

  21. I read about this a couple of weeks ago and initially thought it was a satire piece (nearly everything that pops up on my newsfeed these days, I initially think is a spoof article). I was totally incredulous when I finished reading about it, which is saying something given how entrenched slebdom and wokeness is in our society presently. It’s, alas, yet another damning indictment of how standards in the western world have eroded by pandering to these liberal cunts. Send this Walter Mitty pavement ape off to the nearest puzzle factory where he belongs — he’s fucking bananas!

    Ps: If an African Yank and a Mexican fall off a multi-storey car park at the same time, who will hit the ground first?

    The Mexican will, because the African Yank will stop in mid-air to spray-paint the word ‘mutha-phuqqa’ on the wall!

  22. Part of me hopes this arrogant ‘john rambo’ cunt doesn’t make the dead pool.
    The last thing we need is another saint/martyr/sacred cow/BLM God to go with the sickening acclaim and servile arselicking given to Saint Chiggun George Of The Blessed Floyd. Patron Saint of BLM and armed robbers.

    On the other hand, part of me wishes the Kanye cunt would snuff it, fucking rapid.

  23. Slack jawed knuckle dragger, only fit for backshoting his Baboon arsed beast of a bitch, I am willing to bet that this thick cunt can’t even count up to ten without the use of its Paws.!

  24. If this cunt should ever actually become the President of the United States then I’m checking myself into the nearest funny farm. The World will have gone totally insane and the only safe place left will be on the inside of a rubber room.
    Each day that passes since those Arab fella’s crashed those planes into the Twin Towers this World has gotten a little bit crazier, culminating in Kanye fucking West running for President!
    I am seriously considering the theory that we are living inside a computer simulation and the programmer has either lost his mind or he is winding up the program with the craziest, most ludicrous scenario’s that he can come up with just to see how long it takes the system to implode.
    Or I could be talking bollocks!

  25. Had a good laugh at this silly lump of Coal, cappering around on the stage at Glastonbury doing his munkey moves, someone should have bounced an old style pint mug of his head.!

  26. A tall tree and a short rope for this spook..and his fat arsed wife

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