Jenny Durkan


Mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkan and ANTIFA/BLM are deserving of a nomination.

As we all know, about three weeks ago ANTIFA/BLM took over four blocks of the city of Seattle Washington, declared it independent of the United States and named it CHAZ or Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. Normal people referred to as Antifastan and the Soyviet Union. The Mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkan promptly made it clear that she had fuck all intention of shutting these retards down and referred to it as the start of a “summer of love”. Well, she is a Democrat.

Three weeks on, there have been allegations of at least one rape, numerous sexual assaults, violence, intimidation, theft and various other charming events that occur when communist scum stage a coup. It has also resulted in four shooting deaths, including a 16 year old who was tear arsing about in a car that had been stolen from its legal owner by the leaders of CHAZ and made into a ‘people’s’ car. He encountered a hail of bullets, fired by a group of far left dickheads known as the John Brown Gun Club, who had set themselves up as a de-facto police force (oh the irony). Oh yes, they also set up a “farm” for black people only, which consisted of a pile of earth on cardboard. Anyone care guess how well the farm worked?

Well, in a classic case of what happens when you bite the hand that feeds you, CHAZ is now being cleared out. I fucking love this. It seems that Mrs Summer of love had a hasty change of view, caused by a mob of ANTIFA/BLM turning up at her mansion and being the nasty pieces of shit that they usually are. Apparently, they didn’t think she was doing enough to defund the police. Anyway, she was appalled at their “lack of respect for her security”…fucking hypocrite, so the very next day (Monday 29th June) she sent the cities authorities in to clear out this entirely peaceful group of tyrannical fascists.
Isn’t it amazing how quickly a dose of reality can change an arrogant lefties mind?

Everything was all peace and love when it was just the residents of those four city blocks who had to suffer life under a bunch of mostly white, middle class communists. But the second it hit Durkan in the face like a sledgehammer, it became a huge problem. This whole situation could have been ended as soon as it began, simply by Durkan sending in the police and National Guard. But like I said, she’s a Democrat, so she was more concerned with trying to make Trump look bad in an election year. Durkan, and ANTIFA/BLM, you are cunts.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw

81 thoughts on “Jenny Durkan

      • She undoubtedly backs libtard shite like affirmative action and minority shortlists , so if she really cared, she would step aside and promote a BLM candidate for mayor.

  1. She probably wanted a Summer of Love as she hasn’t had a good boning for years.
    Black Cocks Matter.
    Ugly cunt.

  2. Yeah typical fucking libtard cunt……..what’s good enough for us isn’t good enough for them. She also spent $400,000 of taxpayers money on private security because she couldn’t have the coppers protecting her………that would have been siding with the enemy in the eyes of the woke.
    This woman is a fucking disgrace but there are Democratic mayors in cities all over the country doing the same thing, surrendering downtown to the mob and making enemies of the Police. They are total cunts, scared of their own shadows, completely out of their depth.

    • Do you think the four murders and the multiple sexual assaults keep her awake at night?

  3. Being of a left persuasion is a mental illness, and I’m not joking. Same as transbumderism or whatever the fuck it’s called this week. First signs of any of the above shit and cunts should be fucking sectioned, possibly even summarily fucking shot. Cunts!

  4. A white liberal is unquestionably an enemy of the people, even Martin Luther King said that, I wonder if she lives in an ivory tower like the rest of her ilk?, utter cunt!

    • Is that Ian Smith in your Avatar? Top bloke – knew what Africa and Africans were all about. It’s all our shame that we let Rhodesia down.

      • It is indeed LC, had the privilege of meeting him back in 1975, a very dry witted and intelligent man old Ian was, a true statesman who would answer any question in a straightforward way, yes or no, BoJo and Mugarbage wouldn’t be worthy to lick the shit off his shoes!

  5. What a total twat, allowing hooligans and Marxist take control was bound to end in tears. I have no idea if the residents or businesses in CHAZ had any say but I doubt it,
    ‘Farm for Black people only’ didn’t they call them plantations ?

    • They were probably growing cannabis.
      Send for Dirty Harry, give him some target practice.
      God, she’s ugly.

      • Totally irrelevant but yesterday I bought a pair of Ray-Ban Baloramas. Clint Eastwood’s wearing them in the original 1971 Dirty Harry that I watched again last week the cool cunt. Ha, I still look fuck all like him ?.

  6. A dodgy lezzer who skipped a cohabitation registration to hide her girlfriends assets ( what we call tax evasion and fraud ) and has been embroiled in the left of left activities of race, sex and equality. Wow, this is one bitch that needs turfed.

    • That explains why she’s such a grim sour faced old trout, like many lezbots. If she dyed her hair black she’d fit in nicely with the Chinese politbureau.

  7. If you’ve seen any of the film of Chaz it’s going to cost millions to clean that place up, especially the park, which looks like a public toilet.
    The funniest thing was when they appealed for people to send in supplies because “the homeless people have taken all our food.” ????
    Yeah that’s what homeless people do birdbrain. If there’s something going for free they’re having it away you stupid prick.
    Get Mummy to send you some vegan shit, special delivery, you hopeless wanker

    • The first thing the smelly layabouts did when setting up Veganzuela was put barriers up and armed guards checking who came in and out. They of course wont see the irony of their actions and mirroring Trumps war on the Mexican burrito bandits to the south.

    • Jenny seems nice.
      Don’t let the wizened little severe ginger face fool you, get a few pints down her she loosens up.
      She cant help being a fuckin idiot thatll cause a crime wave, shes A) yank
      B) woke
      When shes getting robbed at gunpoint and a big black nudger shoved in her gob itll dawn on her shes made a bad decision.

      • “Wizzened little severe ginger face” that’s Anne Robinson, Miserable, related maybe?

        “You are the wokest link, goodbye”.

      • I had the hots for Ms Robinson when she was hosting “Points of View” back in the early 90s.

        She was definitely the wankest link!

      • Evening LL, thats who she reminds me of!
        Was bugging me.
        Im on Holiday LL, in a little cottage in the sticks.
        Good for my anger issues,
        I can pretend im Fiddler for a week, obviously without spying on neighbours and shooting ramblers.☺

      • Bloody hell LL, “You are the wokest link, goodbye”.
        You’ve bought your own joke book!

  8. Something wrong in their heads. The strong will always be on top and unfortunately it is the scumbags who are charge of CHAZ, did that stupid cunt think otherwise? Its returning to bite her on the arse hoofuckingray.

  9. I wonder if this has been mentioned much on the BBC or Guardian?

    It is always a joy to see these holier-than-thou libtards reap what they sow when the shit they purport to support affects them personally!

    It would be quite fun if this kind of anarchy rumbled in the neighbourhoods of Hollywood, Beverley Hills, Islington and other woke/libtard areas. To see all those celeb cunts shit themselves when they see these rent-a-thugs trash their mansions, cars and threaten their kids! (not that I am condoning such things of course)

    • It is only a matter of time; I just hope that we will be able to watch it all unfold on tv.

  10. Crime went up by 525% within three weeks.
    Two black teenagers were shot and one died (Black lives matter?), while a bunch of trustafarians were playing at being adults in charge.

    The dozy cunts actually loosed off over 300 rounds at the kid’s car, so I don’t think we need to worry too much about lefty marksmanship, even with semi-automatic weapons.

    When the smoke had cleared and the dust had settled, guess who the marxist clowns called?

    Yup, 911.

    What a bunch of useless loser cunts.

    I urge you to watch the video of the police bringing in the water cannon to clear the vermin off the streets. One swampy piece of shit takes the full force in the chest and backflips about 10′ backwards.

    I’ve been watching that on a loop to cheer myself up. ?

  11. Imagine O’Shithead cowering behind his front door as the mob rampaged down that leafy avenue in Chiswick. Poor James weeping down the phone to the racist coppers to come and rescue his scrawny arse.
    I would pay a shitload of money to make that happen.

  12. Those cunts in the NW USA are out and out commutes. Unreal what they are saying, good thing Fox News reports on it. The problem is that Yanks have no idea of history, never heard of Lenin and Stalin. Some cunt even destroyed the fitemens 9-11 memorial. Time for another civil war, or let the army sort it out.

  13. It was always going to end in a hail of bullets.
    That mayor is a fucking disgrace.

    I have said this before and u still stand by it:
    Lesbians are evil.
    I’m not talking about the lipstick lesbo’s seen hamming up the moans and groans in porno’s, the real, damaged, man hating, generally unattractive dykes.
    They have the worst of male characteristics: anger, violence and none of the best of the female ones.
    I never trust em.

    • You’re right about lesbians, they are amongst the most miserable people I’ve ever met. Especially the ones that look like cliche dykes, flat top haircut, and either rockabilly jeans or Adidas trackies. This munter looks like someone made a poor sculpture of JK Rowling out of porridge. No wonder she’s miserable.

  14. The whole of the West Coast is Libtard Central, full of fucking hippies and weirdos. It also attracts a lot of criminals as the soft lefties are easy targets. I believe there’s a certain woke gingerbollocks British cunt out there spending a small fortune on security every day.

    • Yeah, for someone who wanted out of the limelight, it didn’t take long for him to get on the internet to express his “support” did it? FUCK OFF harry, you’re a nobody now. Time to do the dishes bitch and shut your mouth.

    • You only have to watch YouTube vids of the underbelly of San Francisco- full of druggies, hippies, wokes, soys, lezzers …. basically the detritus of humanity!

      • ‘Fleeing California’ is well worth a look , how the Democrats fucked up a whole state, the most populous with the biggest GDP in the country into the mess it is now. Ginger Pubes will fit right in, not that he himself will be stepping over the dogshit and passed out crazies when he picks up his morning soy lattes.

  15. Rug muncher, looks like a geezer, probably wants to be a geezer. Like Cressida wants a Dick, Jenny is another liberal that doesn’t understand that you can’t allow some rats to live because it appeals to your liberal tendencies, a few rats make a lot of rats and vermin attract vermin.

    If you want your town, city or country laid waste and handed over to vermin you elect people like Jenny.

    Progressives are blind to reality, they believe they are building an equal utopia but the reality is they degrade society to the point it’s bound to collapse.

    • The former leader of Singapore Lee was a tough bastard but he focused on education, hard work low taxes and social discipline with zero tolerance to the extent you could go to jail for dropping chewing gum on the floor, but guess what he took an impoverished Island city state and turned it in 30 years into one of the most successful metropolises on Earth with a GDP per head way above the UK. Deluded lefties always screw it up and then expect others to come in after them to fix it again. They should never be given a free ride the cunts.

      • Damn right. He also gave each tree its own individual number for proper care, so now this busy metropolis is also a garden city. Take that, greenie cunts!

  16. She looks like Eric Stoltz in the film Mask. You really have to be some kind of fuckwit to vote in people like her.

    • The similarity ends at looks, as Rocky brimmed with courage, humours and in his way, leadership.

  17. I fucking love owt like this.
    I hope they keep it up for months if not years.
    The tremendous savagery and murder this shithole creates will bring about a simply wonderful backlash.
    It won’t be confined to this single cesspit either.
    Sit back and watch them destroy one another.

  18. How can you look at that picture and not immediately fall in love? I have this overwhelming urge to suck her scrawny flat tits and bury my head between her legs. That would do me. B&W could finish her off.

  19. There’s a movement to elect more LBGT folk to positions of power. It seems to me that electing minorities is bad practice. Minorities are by their nature focused on the needs of their own kind at the expense of the majority. Some would say this brings balance to the system. From the evidence I see so far it’s undermining democracy due to a failure to address the wants and needs of the many to satisfy the agenda of the few.

    Just a thought.

  20. If anything will help The Donald get re-elected it is stories like this and BLM. Are you seriously going to let democracy be overthrown by the likes of ANY Democrat?

  21. This cunt looks like Hilary with even more attitude. Fuck all democrats

  22. Rod Liddle In his ST column a few weeks back posted a series of tweets from Libtard American journo’s who were fully behind the BLM movement.

    They were hilarious and I wish I could find them to share but alas I can’t so you’ll have to make do with my description.

    They start with nothing but praise, they then move to caution with comments like ‘I’m hearing fires and looting is happening on 25th Street which is only 3 blocks away’ to ‘help I’m in the cellar and I can here them banging down the door, please somebody help get the police’.

    Proper funny as fuck.

    And there you have it.

  23. Just heard that Seattle are going to cut their police budget by 50%. The money will be spent on “communidee projects” and “communidee liason officers” who will cut crime by talking nicely to people. Good luck with that one Mrs Lezza.
    If I lived there I would be packing up and getting my arse out of there ASAP.

    • Oh, I can’t wait. This whole fiasco is going to be so funny to watch.

      • I’m seeing plenty of white media liberals on both sides of the pond wanting to defund the police but they don’t seem to be asking minority communities if this is what they want.
        I mean real people with real jobs, not cunts like Bianca Williams or the next Mark Duggan, besides there are black officers too or are they just part of this white supremacy conspiracy as well?

    • My chance I have just been watching “Heat” with Al Pacino and Robert De Niro. All about cops and robbers, violent bank heists and lots of shooting and brutal murders – a brilliant film

      However, I can imagine a Hollywood reboot set in Seattle about misunderstood robbers and community liaison officers (social workers, more like).

      Social worker #1 “Excuse me mr bank robber, could you please drop your gun so we can have a nice chat over coffee and Guacamole?

      Misunderstood bank robber #1 “Yes, you are absolutely right. I have been very naughty and I need to stand on the naughty step without tea. I am sorry.”

      Social Worker #2 “I will tell you a nice bedtime story if you’re good”

      robber #1 “Oh goody goody gumdrops!”

      Coming to a cinema near you soon!

      • Social workers should be nowhere positions of power anyway. The fact they get bonuses for every child they put into care effectively incentivises the cunts to behave like paid child abductors.

    • That is what anyone with a brain (and commensurate income) will do. Seattle is prosperous; it will become Beirut in no time at all.
      PS police funding to be cut by 50%? Which half of the city will they be told to look after?

    • Cutting the police budget by 50%?
      That means jobs. Which means that whatever mayhem ensues there will be no stopping it inside any meaningful time frame.
      The only way out of the mass robbing, burning, killing, dealing, etc will be for the national guard to step in.
      In a minute it’s going to be like tianamen square.
      Deck chair.

  24. The dozy cow comes from a rich family; she doesn’t have a thousandth part of the cash required to meet the law suits coming her way.
    As ever, get the beer and popcorn in, sit back and enjoy the show.

  25. I’m reminded of the time Katy Perry gave some kind of press conference I guess in a star fuckers way to try to stop Trump where she was forcing herself into tears when saying……..’

    ‘We just need to live in a world without borders, booooo hooooo it’s so terrible’

    The ‘report’ was filmed at her $20m Hollywood mansion that boasted a 10ft high all round security wall and 24 hour security.

    Oh the irony…….

  26. Who needs a police force when you can have an untrained, probably stoned militia with automatic weapons….

    • I saw a documentary about Seattle about 10years ago, saying what a forward thinking, bohemian place it was to visit, loads of bands,
      Great seafood, lots of restaurants of all different types of cuisine,
      And people who were active in all sorts of activities from cycling to politics.
      Thought it sounded like hell on earth then.

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