
You can call it street art, you can call it expression but I call it vandalism.

There are some very artful people who draw impressive pictures in public places but it’s still fucking vandalism. What really boils my piss is the cunts who go round tagging their initials on walls, usually it’s done with the writing ability of a five year old.

For instance the local hood rat gang has decided the brick shelter in our local park needed tagging. It didn’t, graffiti is like littering, it’s ignorant and it’s ugly. I live in a small town, the local hood rats think it’s the Bronx…..cunts.

Worse still the cunts on TV who claim graffiti is legitimate art, it’s not, is littering art? Is taking a shit in the street art? The addition of graffiti to an area is an ominous omen, add a couple of broken windows and before you know it crime follows and decent people find themselves living in a proto slum.

The cunts should caught and then there home should have an open day where anyone can walk in and spray what ever they want inside the offenders house.


Nominated by: Sixdog Vomit 

46 thoughts on “Graffiti

  1. Modern graffiti looks shit. Of course its vandalism!

    Never seen in The Cotswolds or Mayfair, always the shit places.

  2. Drawing or painting on a wall that doesn’t belong to you is a vandalism, I don’t care if you think you are a budding Wanksy!


  3. Modern graffiti is awful, I didn’t mind seeing graffiti where the irony was lost on the perpetrators.
    A long time ago when I was a lorry driver wrote on the headboard of a trailer it said ” Wally the man with no Brians ”
    Also graffiti brought me to this site, wrote on the side of a rail wagon in the steelworks was ” theresa may is a cunt ” can’t argue with that wherever it is.

  4. If it’s art why not paint all over the BBC studios and shit on their doorstep and call it art?

  5. Postmodernism has a lot to answer for.
    The fashionable thing to say now is ‘isnt pushing the boundaries of what is considered art itself ‘art’?
    No, but being made to swallow the books of Foucault, Derrida, and other French left bank bellends might be.

    • Camus will do but Sartre is smarter.

      Graffiti is shit and nothing to do with art. Worse than a sheep cut in half.

      • Camus’s ‘The Stranger’ is ace.

        I found Meursault to be a great role model.

      • Camus and Sartre were a bit before the left bank pomo gimps. I dont have an issue with them.

  6. When I was a tad younger and public toilets were popular places to meet, you would find all sorts of graffiti over the walls and doors. Some of it was funny, but why put your name and phone number up on the door for all to see, plus them spy holes on the side partition.
    The holes were a little to big for spying, they should be smaller if you didn’t want to get spotted.

    • Always wondered why gay people thought a public toilet was a great place to meet and get their rocks off. I don’t like going in the smelly fucking things for their intended purposes, let alone go there for a rub.

  7. It’s the graffiti that is just text that is shit. Some four letter word or word with added Y’s or Z’s (Stormzy..) at the end makes you a hairless scrote. Who the fuck cares who you are, you talentless cunts.

    Actual spray paint art can look nice. I still have one of these which I got off some street urchin when I was a teen:

  8. They can’t or won’t police this vandalism, so they put a new label on it. Art or children expressing themselves.
    I think it’s shit, and anyone caught should be put to clearing it up and litter picking throughout their spare time for at least five years.
    It’s the same with the Notting Hill carnival. Too much backlash from people who don’t belong here to police, so make it legal.
    Look where appeasement has got us. A country I barely recognise with its filth and filthy immigrants.

    • The Danes always impressed me with their approach.

      As it was always the 2nd generation Turks putting their monkeyscrawl everywhere, it didn’t take the local police too long to narrow it down to a handfull of fucking retards doing all the damage.

      They would photograph the damage, put all photos in a file and when the culprit was caught red handed, it was a simple matter of arresting them and then parading their welfare dependent scum family in front of the graffiti and inviting them to help young Mohhhhamed clean it off.

      Worked a charm.

      Alternatively, there was my mate’s solution.
      He lived next to a concrete railway underpass which was a favourite place for monkeyscrawlers to hang out and spray their crap all over the walls.
      A very large (and highly illegal, in the region of 160db) firecracker the size of a stick of dynamite was lit and launched down the tunnel.

      The distressed yowling and screaming could be heard in the next postcode.

      Yes, it hurt. Yes, it worked.

  9. I never understood the big deal with Picasso and some of his painting bollocks consisting of some tart’s face with her eyes all over the shop, her nose where her left ear is supposed to be, and a mouth somewhere over her shoulder! (slight exaggeration admittedly)

    But that doesn’t stop some desperate cunt buying it from an auction for £90m a for pissed up picture from a piss artist called Picasso who was taking the piss

    • It’s so the buyer can look down his nose at you and sneer that “you don’t understand it”
      Pretentious emperor’s-new-clothes cunts spunking money on overhyped crap.
      (See also Tracy Emin, Damian Hirst etc…)

    • Went to the Tate to see a Picasso exhibition in my younger days. Laughed out loud at his painting called ‘Woman Pissing’.

    • ?get the ovens ready Terry!
      ?stoking em up capitan miserable!
      ?? ? ?
      Modern urban art by MNC

  10. Graffiti is art for cunts. That includes Banksy with his stencils, the bellend.

    If you go house hunting and see graffiti everywhere, then I’m guessing most won’t be thinking, ‘How vibrant’ and be exchanging contracts any time soon.

    • The best way to treat a Bansky is with a scrubbing brush and some turps… ?

      • That happened the other day when he went on one of the tube trains and put a load of his trademark rats on the walls. The cleaners came along in the morning, and scrubbed them off. Good, because he is shit. However, TfL have said sorry and have invited him to do it again. Throw the cunt on the track they ought to.

  11. Who can forget that pile of bricks displayed at the Tate Modern (I think) 30 odd years ago?

    Or a painting of a white canvas painted white, which all the luvies pissed their pants over!

    Or another “painting “of a fullstop (yes, one of these . ) in the middle of a white canvas that sold for thousands! The artist said it represented the evolution of thought, or some bollocks.

    • Mrs C dragged me along to the Satchi Gallery in Chelsea. I new I was in for a load of cuntishness but not by how much. On entering there was an indescribable stink and on further investigation an “artwork” consisting of a model city made out of dog chews was on display.
      The other exhibits consisted of rooms clad in coal sacks.
      A never to be forgotten experience!

    • Yes and the submarine made of tyres. The cunt who set fire to it died of burns.

      • Ha! Ha!
        I remember that. Also a warehouse filled up with all that crap went up in smoke some years back.

    • In 2001, the Turner Prize of 20k was awarded to some cunt called Creed, who ‘exhibited’ a light going on and off in an empty room.
      The jury admired his ‘audacity’, the pretentious, vomit-inducing pseuds.

    • That pile of bricks in the tate was at least before 1978 as i left school that year and remember a school trip to see that pile of rubbish.

  12. At least there’s always the chance that one of the Cunts will get “tagged” by a passing train when they decide to artify some tunnel.

    Fuck them.

  13. Remember when those cunts got electrocuted or hit by a train whilst tagging the local depot at night- I actually laughed when I heard it on the radio news report. I remember people telling me how insensitive I was that these brave, aspiring artists had sacrificed their futures for their art.
    No-the cunts got what they deserved???

    • No doubt the families will sue on the grounds that Network Rail (or whomever is responsible for the tunnels), didn’t do enough to prevent their little darlings from doing what they did.

  14. Nothing makes a place look more of a shit hole than graffiti. Other than a McDonald’s, as their skummy clientele leave their rubbish everywhere without a second thought. Cunts.

  15. Taking a shit in the street would be considered art by Tracy Emin. But at least it could be cleared away or perhaps sold to an effete London cunt. Graffiti is a cunt.

  16. I spray ‘MUFC Doc’s Red Army’ on a school wall in 1976 and I got leathered.

    That Banksy turd gets his lackeys to do a chimp in a cozzer’s helmet with stencils (lazy arsed cunts) on someone else’s property and it’s a work of art worth thousands.

    Do fuck off!

    • As usual, Viz pretty much nailed the ‘graffiti is a contemporary artform’ cunts;

      I’m with you all the way on this Sixdog. Graffiti is nothing more than littering and vandalism. The worst is that done by cunts who just spray what appears to be a lazy pattern of squiddles on a wall.

  17. Excellent Nom, SDV.

    “Is taking a shit in the street art?”

    Given that faeces is a notoriously unforgiving media when painting, has the artist displayed a commendable level of deftness with the sphincter, tailing off each expulsion with an accurate taper, or simply spattering the “canvas” in an amateur fashion ? Has the artist taken the trouble to part the cheeks with any level of skill, or simply crop-sprayed ?

    Or has he just picked up the turd and used it as a fucking big brown crayon ?

  18. Yeah tagging is fucking lazy arse shite. Look at the guy ‘Tocs’ he got caught a few years ago having cost over a couple of ‘million’ quid on getting his fucking shit covered up.
    I’m glad they caught the little smug cunt as he went away not long after.
    Anyone why knew him him is a complete cunt as wel.

  19. My aunt use to work as a cleaner in the college of art in belfast she cleared away what she thought was rubbish turns out it was some cock heads project she said it looked like someone had tipped a bin over in the corner it consisted of rolled up balls of paper a couple of coat hangers and a condom lying beside a vacuum she even put the vacuum back in the cleaners store how we laughed

  20. Unless you have permission from the person who owns the ‘canvas’, then it’s vandalism and/or criminal damage. End of.

    You spray paint my property. I shoot you in the face. Seems a fair trade and would put an end to this particular brand of artsie yoof culture once and for all. Cunts.

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