A quick AmsterGodDamned cunting for cunt English beer boys on tour.
Now that the corona bollocks is subsiding the tourists are returning to the city and I’m glad for that, but here’s how I noticed. Fucking pasty skinned, noisy, ugly tattooed English boys. You can spot ’em a mile off.. I usually venture closer to confirm my suspicions and tragically I’m always right.
They’re a fucking embarrassment. We Brits have a reputation for holding our drink but these lot make a mockery of that. Just because you can do 8 pints of Carling or whatever piss passes for lager in Wetherspoons doesn’t mean you can repeat the act with the Belgian beers. Smoke a bit of the local and round it off with some dried out Zovirax cut with amphetamine (that’s the recipe for fake coke) and you have the recipe for making a right fucking cunting CUNT of yourself and it’s nothing short of fucking shameful.
Several locals have remarked to me that it’s odd that these types can afford a sleasyjet ticket, a few nights in a hostel, booze, drugs and food but they can’t afford a proper pair of fucking trousers! Trackie wearing shitcunts.
Nominated by: Recuntable Cunt
Aw, come on now Recuntable, it’s not their fault we moved away from national service and a permanent state of war.
Apparently sliding them into a meat grinder is against their ewman rights.
Ive been a English beerboy in Amsterdam few times when younger.
Got to watch out for moroccan and algerian pickpockets.
Africans are mithering cunts there too.
Like the Dutch, nice people, tall goodlooking types, although bit to liberal, and those bikes everywhere are a pain in the arse.
Never saw Anne Frank but then shes the stay at home type.
Anne Frank wrote the most rubbish lauded book ever, it didn’t even have an ending!!
God bless Joan Rivers.
That’s because it was a diary
Got to love Joan Rivers she would rip the arse out of snowflakes if she was alive today.
Since the gyms have been open then closed then opened then closed again, and the brain-dead quotient who frequents them not being able to keep up, we’re going to be seeing an epidemic of bloated, tattooed, cirrhotic baboons going publicly crazy.
It will be amusing to see all the steroid flesh monkeys a bit withered except for their gynecomastia.
In defence of trakkies they are far more comfortable than jeans (which I’ve always found too clammy) or anything else. At least imo anyway.
I had an argument in a hotel bar with a group of Acupuncturists who were attending a seminar.
I said it was just bollocks and they had a fucking nerve attaching themselves to medical professionals. They didn’t like it.
I’d forgotten about it but when I left, half a dozen were waiting outside.
They gave me a right kicking and as they left a couple of them even fucking stabbed me.
Strangest thing of all was when I woke up the next morning, felt fucking great….
Someone please get this man his coat…..
I avoid holidays where these cunts might be and town drinking holes for the same reason. And I agree that some fucker who thinks he’s the bollocks because he can sink 8 pints of Carlingbergurine gets a rude lesson when drinking proper beer.
Have always found the Dutch ok. They don’t deserve these cunts.
Like the Dutch a lot. They certainly don’t deserve these fucking embarrassing cunts showing us up.
Morning all.
Occasionally, these stupid show offs come unstuck. I remember this story in 2015. I would have thought every drinker would know that whiskey is at least 40% vol. For fucks sake, why do they think it’s served in small measures? Darwin’s theory shown to be true to form I have to say. Stupid idiotic cunt.
At least they put their best jeans on for the funeral. Scruffy cunts.
Wonder why theyre ‘lager louts?’
Whats the deal with lager?
It was initially a womans drink, beer for men.
I hate lager, gassy, fizzy full of chemicals, its shite.
Dont see the attraction when theres loads of decent ales around nowadays.
TT MNC@ – try some Guinness, it’s a lot better than the gassy tasteless chemical filled p*ss they dare to call lager.
Naw, to heavy to drink much of Foxy!
I like a decent bitter or mild.
Guiness has brought out a tribute to George Floyd,
‘Thick, black , little bit irish!?
I enjoy German beers such as Becks that are brewed under strict laws with no chemicals and shit. No hangover the next day either.
Try German or Belgian lager and you’ll possibly change your mind unless you don’t care for fizz.
A decent Kolsch is a great drink.
Tim Taylor landlord is my first choice where available though.
Chavs are everywhere, I hope these bucket cheap flights stop, flying should be for work or expensive holidays, not a chavs global transport network.
Chavs=cunts, spend taxes on a level playing field education system and you’ll see these mouth breathers improve rapidly.
The elites don’t want an educated masses, it will threaten their status and position if everyone could see through the deception of class attitudes.
Welcome to the Tony Blair Legacy everyone. Generations of fuckwit retarded cunts who are now breeding more of the same. National service? The forces do not want or need these utter bellends.
had some time in Hollandia, nice people indeed.
Most of the Dutch are ok and seem bemused by British holiday idiots. Funnily enough I didn’t see any there. I went to Amsterdam twice in my younger days, firstly to investigate sex and the second time to investigate drugs. Which turned out to be a waste of time because no matter how much I smoked or how much space cake I ate, I remained sober as a judge. I’ve since found out that morphine has no effect on me so I wouldn’t make a good junkie.
Likewise voyaged across to dam as a teenager to consume silly amounts of magical cabbage. A bit pale and gormless, but harmless.
Shouty louts of whatever nationality ruin the ambience on holiday some people just turn into annoying pissed up cunts when they are in company of others who are drinking.
The ones who try to interact with you when you out with the wife for a meal are the worst just because you speak English and they try to latch on to you
It puts you off holidaying abroad as you dont want the locals to tar you with the same brush
Not sure about national service but (sorry to disappoint some of you) a good subset of these lads are squaddies or ex squaddies. I know a bunch of them who are about to descend on Ibiza. All good chaps individually but when they get together…
They desire sand, sea, sex and a deadly mixture of sangria and San Miguel plus a few mystery additives. Sensible they are not.
Maybe acceptable when you are 18-21 but these guys are 25+ with families. They should be entering the realm of solid citizenship.
I mean how many years can you spend getting out of your head and calling it having a good time?
One bad night cured me of all that when I was 19 in Spain. I never drank myself senseless again.
I know what you mean about drunken squaddies. I once caught an overnight ferry from Harwich to the Hook of Holland en route to Germany and a group of Geordie squaddies shared my cabin. They were also heading to Deutschland and what a mess they created. They got absolutely blitzed, falling all over the place, swearing and even fighting each other. Aren´t they supposed to fight the enemy? One of them ended up with a serious head injury and blood flowing all over his face. The Dutch police were waiting when we arrived and shepherded them onto to their train. Thank God we were heading off in different directions. Despite the nightmare trip, I really felt sorry for them. Civilians just take them for granted.
I spent a good chunk of the last 45 years if not totally pissed, at least over the limit for driving. In that time I got a degree, had a number of jobs (1 or 2 were quite well paid), had occasional sex, got married (the sex became almost non-existent then) and never once got into a fight that was my fault (I did break the arm of some twat who jumped me out of an alley one night when I was on the way home from, wait for it, a judo class). I simply wasn’t brought up that way.
Is the dozy looking cunt on the left James Corden, holding his gut in?
That odious, talentless, personality vacuum, fat cunt Corden would never be able to pull his flabulent obese gut in that far
There are places like Benidorm, Lanzarote, Ibiza, Mallorca, Aya Napa and the entirety of the Costas that I avoid like the plague, just to stay clear of fuckwits like the English beer boys.
There is nothing worse than being lumped in with a bunch of shouty, staggering neanderthals and their shrieking female companions when trying to relax abroad.
I believe it was a Greek waiter who hit the nail on the head when asked what the thought of the British on holiday.
‘Big red face like pig, shaved head, football shirt and bulldog tattoo on leg. Always ask for all day breakfast with beer.
Your women are alcoholic sluts’.
Sums it up nicely I think.
This is why I holiday in Madeira. Very civilised, with not an England shirt in sight.
When we used to go abroad we brought stuff back besides STD , such as sugar, spices nd Greek statues, and we were properly dressed.
They think they are hilarious but no one else does.
You can spot Brits of both sexes a mile off when you’re abroad.
Stupid fat cunts.
2 euro fry up and a San Miguel?
Just my own personal taste but the only place the Union or St Georges flag should be is, er, on a flag. None of this t-shirts, shorts or cushions bollocks and especially not worn by our cultural ambassadors pictured above. Our flag (whichever one you choose) shouldnt be something you sweat, shit or lie on. Just sayin’, like.
The women are even worse-an international embarrassment.
Fat, pendulous tits hanging out front and side; hairy legs; missing teeth; tattoos everywhere ; spouting gibberish and downing lagers from dawn till dawn.
In other words, Flabbott On Tour