Dominic Cummings and the British Army

Dominic Cummings is a cunt, but not for his long distance travel. This nomination is for Cummings sticking his ignorant nose into matters military. Apparently, Cummings wants cuts made to the British Army’s Airborne division. Insiders say he doesn’t see why we should have so many Airborne soldiers, when nobody has done a combat jump in over 70 years. Cunt.

3 Para have already been merged into the Special Forces Support Group, which leaves 1 Para, 2 Para, my first outfit, 7 Para Royal Horse Artillery, Airborne engineers, signals, medical staff, military police, the SAS and a whole host of other Airborne units.

The UK Armed Forces have already been cut to the bone, we don’t need anymore cuts. And what the fuck has it got to do with Cummings anyway? He knows fuck all about the military, especially the Airborne. If he wants to do something useless, he keep telling Boris to abolish the TV licence tax.

Cummings, you’re a short sighted cunt.

Nominated by: Quick Draw McGraw 

36 thoughts on “Dominic Cummings and the British Army

  1. Old Dommie is merely a bald Alistair Campbell – a halfwit given far too much power without responsibility. Such men, as Shakespeare said, are dangerous.

  2. I am all in favour of more money to the armed services provided they are allowed to protect the country, starting with preventing the trash washing up on the beaches.
    The biggest threat (non nation state) is the leftovers from ISIS, fuck knows who many are here, there will be more attacks coming down the line, more police with real powers, and less of the pandering to sensitivities.

    Take all the overseas aid budget and put it into army, navy, airforce and police.

  3. I don’t suppose even Dominic would float this idea without clearing it with his boss.

    Boris probably said “Dom, you aren’t very popular anyway can you run this up the flagpole? ”

    The tories always cut the forces – look at Cameron and even Thatcher.

    • Tory cuts caused the Falklands War. In the 1950s my dad served on HMS Glasgow, a town class cruiser which was the Falklands Guardship albeit based in Bermuda. Each year a prolonged cruise to the area was embarked upon . Visit were made to Argentina’s ports where the locals were left in no doubt that Glasgow had plenty of mates who could turn up PDQ.

      • You’re not wrong with that mate. Galtieri was in trouble back in Buenos Ares and losing power. He saw that the Tories were cutting our military and it emboldened him to send his troops to the Falklands. Even the islands themselves were virtually defenceless, just a handful of marines, and who can forget that shameful day when they were pictured lying face down on the ground with their hands behind their heads. That one image enraged the British people, and that’s when Maggie decided to do something.

      • The military historian Mark Felton has some great videos about the Falklands conflict.

        We used to have the elite, the most respected armed forces, now we are happy to outsource our protection.

    • It has been their tradition going right to Baldwin’s first government.

  4. this is all part of the european defence plan – laving the eu in name only – boris for brino – total cunt

  5. What a bellend. The whole point of having these units is because you never know when they’ll be needed. When we declared war on Germany, we weren’t ready. When the pandemic hit, we weren’t ready.

    Being prepared for this sort of shit is actually essential. Let’s just do away with the armed forces entirely because we haven’t had to defend our homeland (not counting the Falklands, of course) since the 1940s, you muggy cunt. Or get rid of the nukes, seeing as we’ve never used them.

    If anything, we need more soldiers in all units. I’d suggest targeting lads and lasses who have some sense of pride in the country, instead of pandering to ‘groups’ who don’t give a toss, but what would I know?

    • We should make Ethelred the Unready the patron saint of the UK, and the Coastguard Taxi Service for cheap boat people should be renamed Canute.

  6. The armed forces have been chopped to bits for many years the naivety of successive uk govts that we don’t need a large standing armed force with a sizeable rapid reaction capability Para RM just shows what a bunch of cunts they’ve been putting the country at greater risk the same old shit pumped out that theres no need because the cold war’s over the world’s become more fucking dangerous since the end of the cold war diplomacy is bollocks without a proper fuck off armed response behind it start with live firing exercise in the channel

    • Yes , the cold-war is over.

      But now it’s open warfare , and nobody has the guts to do anything about it.

      Novichok , hacking Covid research computers , manipulating elections and Brexit.

      Seriously , it’s getting close to the time when a military coup in this country would be a fucking good idea.
      Run the UK under martial law for the next 10 years , and build the armed-forces to 20 times what it is now.

      Now fuck with us.

      Snipers on every street corner , taking out anything which seems out of place – which is basically Foreigners , Immigrants and Liberals.

      Or you can have a free boat ride to Calais and a boot up the arse.

      Edited – admin

  7. I can’t believe the man has got the temerity to suggest cuts to any part of our armed forces. Outrageous. The only people qualified to say whether a unit or division within the military could be reduced or dispensed with are the military top brass in my opinion. The defence of our country and what’s left of its colonies is a highly specialised field and that fact should be respected with the utmost reverence.

    This really is weapons grade cuntishness from a man that has already pushed his luck recently. I don’t wish Cummings harm or want him to lose his position, but I want him to butt out of military business where he is effectively a layman.

    Dominic-stop being cunty-Cummings.

    • That is the problem; far too many people commenting on areas that they know sweet fuck all about.

  8. Can I be first in line to push him out?Interfering git.Who am I?A nobody.Twat.

    • Our armed forces should be the best equipped in the world, the best kit, best food, they deserve nothing less.
      It shames me that the yank soldiers termed our lads ‘the borrowers’ because they had hardly any supplies and the yanks had plenty (nowt against yank troops they deserve to be looked after too)
      Not so long ago on here I said Dominic Cummings was a cunt for his ‘cannonball run’ from London to Durham,
      RTC an Fiddler said the same, but some thought he was being unfairly treated!!
      Dont let party loyalty get in the way of the truth,
      A cunt is a cunt.
      Dominic Cummings is a pisstaker a dodgy type and looks like a schoolgates malingerer.
      Fuck him
      Support our armed Forces??????

      • Morning Miserable, totally agree. I had no idea who Dominic Cummings was until after Brexit probably when Benedict Cumbercunt played him in the C4 TV film and he started sniffing Boris’s arse.

      • Morning LL,
        Id heard of him around the time of Brexit, this eccentric advisor, a political strategist, a wonder kid, a quirky genius, a super geek, blah blah, that film with Dustin Hoffman ‘Rainman’.
        Ive seen no prove of his genius, or his greatness,
        To be honest he seems a bit ‘ Blue peter appeal’
        A bit ‘sunshine variety bus’
        Hes definitely a lying cunt
        And Charles Hawtrey with alopicea looking cunt.

      • He’s not immune to an Unkle Terry slow roast or Fiddlers septic tank, whatever the political colours.

  9. Dominic Cummings shouldn’t be setting the agenda on anything…he is an “adviser”. Government Ministers should be setting out policies, not some unelected official will probably wait until he catches anthrax before driving the length of the Country shaking the hand of anyone he chances upon dressed in a uniform ( he won’t be able to tell the difference between a pavement Admiral parking-attendant and a medal-festooned Prince Charles due to the fact that the only Optician he can find open is at the other end of the Country).

  10. This onion-headed cunt will probably also advise Boris to sell off all gritting lorries and yards, along with stocks of rock salt because “it hasn’t snowed for years and years and the next time we get a good flurry, it will be on Labour’s watch”.

    The man is a clueless, myopic, career-bellend who has the audacity to think he knows better than the professionals who direct these units. I wouldn’t trust cummings to run a fucking whelk stall. The unelected cunt.

    • He has the look of bloke you expect to see outside the Old Bailey peeping out from under a blanket as the paparazzi go mad.

      • I thought this cunt had been quiet lately. But when you’ve got someone who can’t help sticking his nose into things he knows fuck all about, it’s only a matter of time. I wonder what other directives he’s got lined up for Boris.

  11. We have China and Russhia pushing for a fight. Yet this fool once to reduce are armed forces.

  12. Hmm, the errors of the 1920s and 30s spring to mind. If only there was a chance of resurrecting Churchill to fight it again.

  13. Little Moby – nasty yapping little bully and psychopath on a power trip.
    I did not vote for this Plastic Campbell cunt, and cutting our armed forces in any way is a massive NO!
    We face unprecedented threat and I for one am proud and grateful that some 19 Year old kid has the guts and patriotism to be prepared to die in a sandy shithole for 18 grand a Year and shit equipment – with respect to our battle of Britain heroes I call these lads “the few”. (I tend to lose my legendary cool when people insult our armed forces ???).
    My older Brother was in the Falklands and he said it was embarrassing us having to borrow ships and equipment because the British forces did not have enough – add to this some Rupert cunt in Whitehall who “forgot” to arrange R/T equipment that worked (Clansmen radios FFS!) and sufficient SLR rounds (a basic you would think) and because of this they were in the position of being under heavy fire and the risk of being surrounded and annihilated, it got hand to hand and very dirty, but our kid came home so fuck ’em! – he has medals he EARNED.
    Dom! Dom! Throw yourself in a bin and close the lid, cunt.

    • The only hand to hand our Dom knows is the passing of his scrawny fuckhole around whichever gay sauna he happens to be in.

  14. We, as a in the Uk can forget all traditional expectations as to what the forces actually mean. How can our men and women at arms serve anyone when the whole backbone, ie the police service can’t or won’t protect anyone here.
    It’s a fucking joke.

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