Another sob story from the BBC today.
These 24 year old twins are being threatened with deportation to the West Indian islands of their parents. In care from the age of 13 when mother died and dad went back to Dominica, the twins have never applied for U.K. citizenship nor did the parents. The threat of deportation has arisen following convictions for GBH. One of them got 6 years at the age of 17 so it would suggest that the H was pretty serious.
The sister of these two jailbirds is ‘disgusted’ that they may be sent to islands of mum or dad. Their solicitor claims that they are British which I find surprising as he has no documentation to support this assertion.
Meanwhile,sister says that if this deportation goes ahead then any of the other 9 siblings could also be deported. Spend a year in jail and that is the option the Home Office has.
The U.K. national debt is over 100% of GDP, the citizens of the U.K. deserve to be protected. This pair have had 11 years of taxpayers’ money spent on them. What have they done to contribute to this country?
I hope that they are able to settle down in whichever island paradise they find themselves and find it in their hearts not to judge us too harshly.
Nominated by: Guzziguy
Send them back.Our country is too soft.They are not “British”.
Hope twix and the other 9 siblings have a nice time, dont bother writing,
Heard Haitis nice at this time of year, just after mosquito season an 2weeks before hurricane season!
Bon voyage!??
Twix? More like Drifter.
They will stay. They do not know anyone in Dominica. We need to put them on the straight and narrow.Remember when they were going to deport the Fijian who had spent years in the british army. He had no criminal record . Cunts.
I donated towards the Fijian guys cause, can’t see me donating to keep this pair of fuckers in the Country though…….unless a bucket of piss would help?
hopefully, they’ll get fucked right off out of it and never come back, not British
Toodle pip you pair of worthless cunts.
I can’t carry the bags of all of the family to help them on their way, so I’ll just say fuck off.
11 kids dumped on the British tax payer. Golly!!!
Diversity, it’s our strength folks???
Didn’t know you could get convicted for great big hooters.
Their lawyer’s argument is against the local authorities that found them foster homes.
Apparently, the local authorities should have applied for British citizenship for them. (eh?)
Obviously being over 18 and of limited intelligence, it didn’t occur to them once that they may actually be responsible for their own problems.
You know, like ensuring your passport, driving licence and other vital documents are all up to date. Adult stuff that requires an IQ over room temperature to stay on top of.
Now it is once again evil YT’s fault that this pair of violent thugs are being deported.
Admittedly to the wrong island, but hey! Who gives a fuck. They aren’t our problem any more.
Adios muhfuggers!!
Tommy has 5 cookies
Jamal steaks 3
What colour is Jamal?
Sorry Jamal Steals 3
Sorry: Jamal “stabs” 3.
Surprised they want to stay considering what a festering pit of racists we are here in blighty according to recent protesters…
Last time I saw a pair of kaffirs grin like that was in my rear view mirror after the stole my life’s work from me, but I wouldn’t deport them, I’d put them to work the land until their hands bled, after a damn good sjamboking of course, utter cunts!
There’s no chance whatsoever that this pair will ever leave the UK. They enrich our national life too much.
The problem with these cunts is nothing to do with whether they ‘iz black’ or not It’s more to do with the fact they appear to be violent, feral, cunts. I’m not a racist but I am certainly a cuntist. If you act like a cunt then expect to be treated like one.
Mummy spent a lot of time with her legs akimbo. Fuck them off, and all the other drains on society and the treasury.
We’ve already paid enough to have the cunts here, HMP’s aren’t cheap to run, if they don’t get they boot then its gonna cost us even more in Benefits because who is gonna employ the violent pair of cunts?
Did the BBC interview the victim of their crime? Did they seek out photos of their victims injuries after being attacked and beaten?
Nah. Of course not. I wonder if he was a honky too? If so, no fucking way they’d report it.
Imagine it was the other way around though? They’d be all over it. I heard one bloke on the internet recently who made a great point. He said white people are now the most persecuted race on earth and he can prove it.
He said that you aren’t allowed to say anything positive about white people while mentioning their race without a backlash, but that you can do such things with every other race on earth and any slight criticism would be met with a backlash against you!
Great point, I thought.
Emotional blackmail every time. We capitulate because are goverment is frightened of the R word.
Which “R” word Tono –
R eparations from us
Or r ape from them?
Get these evil feral rats out, at gunpoint if necessary – but that won’t happen – what will happen instead is there will be some “gang related violence” from one of these when they are inevitably allowed to stay, and a Human will end up robbed, r*ped or dead because of it, at which point “lessons will be learned”.
Imagine a crazy theoretical World where white English people had rights..
Very well put Vernon. Sorry i did not respond earlier. Yes Vernon i see your point about different R words. Of course i was refering to the good old racism word.
Good form Tono! ?
Yet they appear to have no fear of the phrase ‘we’re going to get hammered at the next general election because we’re fucking useless’.
Separately convicted and jailed for violence. Father did the usual BLM thing and fucked off and left them. Local council says it tried to get them to do the required registration but they didn’t bother. All lies by the council of course because they is black, innit.
Give the cunts a lilo and fuck them off.
I should hope that lilo has a few well concealed holes.
Leave the lilo intact and put the holes in their heads?
Parabellum cure.
Fantastic savings available.
Get fucked.
If we manage to banish this bastard pair of brothers then some fuckwit judge will let them back in just like Begum.
We have left the EU but are we really an independent state able to decide who its citizens should be?
We shall be an independent state etc. ; the problem is that currently judges make decisions that most ordinary people find bizarre.
The judges have to go.
They are detached from reality.
Dont remember the last time I saw a commonsense decision by one, theyre all ducky darling types.
That’s true to a degree Miserable but they only operate within the constraints of the law. The cunts who are largely responsible are the legislators i.e Parliament who make the weak, insipid laws that have plunged us into the nation of cowed cunts that we’ve become.
Most of these judges are out of touch old fucks who wont be affected by the decisions they make as the stabby fuckers and the efniks generally dont live in or near their cozy gated upper class areas it’s only the plebs that suffer
Back to ‘Nanny Town’. for these two.
These pair of cunts look right scallies and this is nothing to do with the colour of their skin.
Oh! Wait a minute, that could be my unconscious racism at work there.
You well Bertie?
Getting to see the grandkids or is it difficult with social distancing measures?
I’m enjoying being idle today before back to work tomorrow, although im learning loads!!
Did you know-
1) Henry Ford thought jazz music was a jewish conspiracy to undermine the US?(!!)
2) the banjo is originally a African instrument and is depicted on Egyptian hieroglyphs?
3) big George Foreman has 10 kids, and his 3 sons are all called George too!
I’m fine miserable. Due to have a family reunion next weekend with both grandchildren. This would involve more than 2 households but I couldn’t give a fuck!
Just tell the Police you are holding an illegal rave Bertie – you will be completely fine then.
Got a copper living over the road from me Vern but he’s worse than anyone at keeping to lockdown rules!
Good for you mate.
Enjoy it, they dont stay kids long eh?
Wheres Dick Dribbler?
And Daz Wud hasnt posted for ages, the ISAC serial killer got them?
I think Dick’s posts depend on how well his hands are standing up to all the typing required!
Or if you have violated the DP rules. Off-piste, I see Sudan has axed the death penalty and public flogging for gay sex but offenders still face life in prison, the wet liberal bastards.
Yeah wrap em in cotton wool dont they?
Did you and Mrs M enjoy your week away Miserable? Many people abaaaht or they all staying away?
Enjoyed it thanks mate.
It was a cottage on farmland (been cottaging ☺) so really quiet!
Out early letting the dog find hares and pheasants, pub lunches,
Ideal for old boring bastards!
Not really the Vegas type LL.☺
I replied to this thread early doors, went straight into moderation?
Thank you admin.
Post restored ?
Problem is the Law Lords are above the legislative.
That’s why Brexit was resisted for so long and almost reversed.
There is the feeling that whatever legislation is enacted, the courts can (will) overule it.
Might as well be Henry VIII presiding. Don’t think he would be so lenient though.
Nah! Big H would have had their ‘Is it cos I black?’ heads off.
Wonder if Anne Boleyn had nice knockers?
Dominica. Home of. Mr. Rochester´s crazy “creole” wife in “Jane Eyre”. He brought her back to England then locked her up in a tower where she rolled around on the floor, snarling and screaming throughout the night. Wonder if this is a cultural trait of Dominicans?
On the other hand, complacente schemer Jane Eyre – “reader, I married her”) comes over as such a frigid chastity-belter that I would have preferred a tumble with a frenzied Caribbean nympho (preferably not related to the Flabbott) to Ms. bone-dry knickers Eyre.
Yawn, predictably the obligatory race card has again been drawn and placed face up on the table.
The twins’ younger sister, Freya Valie Roberts, a student at Bristol university, said: “Darrell and Darren’s plight highlights the systemic racism built into our institutions in Britain …
So there we have it. Nothing to do with the fact this pair of shits are unable to keep their noses clean. No, it is down to Ol’ Wayciss Whitey. Time and time again, without a shred of doubt. Or is that evidence?
Knock it off and change the fucking record. Freya Roberts is a cunt from the same satanic spawn.
A Sistah “studying” at Bristol University? (Just like Oxbridge but with stabbings and fried food?).
First lecture – criminal behaviour by ethnics is all the fault of racist whitey.
Second lecture – why whitey is holding the ethnics back, quickly gloss over the fact that more ethnics are in further education than white people.
Third lecture – black lies matter, white lives don’t.
Fourth lecture – if you aren’t good enough it’s not you who is bone idle, self pitying and thick – it’s down to racism.
Repeat these lectures for a few Years and if you haven’t been deported for gang crimes (well let’s face it that’s rather unlikely) you will have a degree in statue smashing, dealing, effnik attitude and chicken eating.
Because every shiftless idle criminal effnik knows that whatever happens it’s all whiteys fault.
I would love to see someone (brave) with access to all the statistics regarding blacks and Muslims to calculate how much it costs to constantly indulge, defend, police and generally pay to keep them in this country.
The libtards always say immigrants contribute more than they take out, well I think that is bollocks, it’s a bit like the diversity is strength shite.
Kick the fucking lot out!
Your right sick fucking cunts are lazy fuckers they live 20 to a house and sub let council properties the are given over the indigenous people because they have more points in the system than some poor bastard that’s paid tax all their life
The land of milk and honey turn up on a floating door and get handed everything you never worked for
parasitic scum bastards !
More millstones around the necks of the hardworking british public
Fuck em all
Got big lips and big wide nostrils and short curly black hair…guilty as fuck..tall tree and a short rope, raise the Confederate flag, let’s end this spookery
Reckon we need Cuntstable Savage to arrest them for being in possession of curly black hair and thick lips and walking in a loud shirt in a built up area ?
If you looked at the photo at the top ( without any knowledge of this cunting ) , you
would just ‘really know’ within pico seconds that they are of no use to this Country
What about bayonet practice? ??
Horses for courses.
Hang on who is going to design our buildings and public spaces. Surely we are looking at not one but two aspiring architects
Architects of their own destruction.
Wasn’t that the unspoken point of the “joke” to begin with? Pleonasm??
When did the word ‘systemic’ replace the word ‘institutional’ anyway?
Because thick tea swiggers have difficulty pronouncing or spelling institutional ?
My wife is Irish and had to prove she can live here. I also have a friend with an Italian wife should has lived here for 50 years. She also had to prove her right to stay. These criminal cunts can fuck off and do One!