Congresswoman Maxine Waters

A right on, clenched fist cunting for Congresswoman Maxine Waters of California, snowflake capital of the world.

Waters recently stopped her car and went to ‘assist’ a black man who had been pulled over by the police in LA. She stated ‘they stopped a brother so I went to see what they were doing’.

What they were doing? Heaven forbid, they may have been doing their jobs! I couldn’t say whether her actions might constitute interfering in police business, but they strike me as ill-judged to say the least. What would she have done if her ‘bro’ had pulled out a gun and started shooting?

And doesn’t her ‘stopped a brother’ rhetoric tell us all that we really need to know? Without any prior knowledge of the situation, it pretty much looks as though her immediate assumption was that the actions of the police were racially motivated. Moreover, I’d say that we can safely conclude that if it hadn’t been ‘a brother’ who’d been stopped, she’d have just carried straight on by without bothering to ‘assist’. Now to me, that seems to be, well, a little bit, you know, racist…

No doubt the congresswoman feels smug to have scored a few plus points with the woke BLM crowd, but in my view, she’s made herself look like a sanctimonious, busy-bodying humbug.

In short, a cunt.

Nominated by: Ron Knee

(Imagine a 3-way with her and Flabbott! Only the desperate need apply – admin)

72 thoughts on “Congresswoman Maxine Waters

    • Time of the mouth more like. I bet that she’s a real gobshite ready to give her opinion on anything, wherther it’s been asked for or not.

    • “You’re one UGLY MOTHERFUCKER!”. Man her Chevy would frighten kids 🙁

  1. NOW That’s What I Call Ugly!

    We await to see if Cunstable Cuntbubble has the horn for her! – admin

    • Ruff Tuff- name me one, genuinely gorgeous, full blood tea swigger?
      No, didn’t think so.
      Man she is one ugly bitch.

  2. Why are American wimmin politicians so big mouthed and ugly?. This one with her leatherette skin would make an ideal wrestling partner for Emily Thornberry.

  3. That is one ugly mother fucker, I hope the police arrested her for having an offensive face in public.

  4. Christ on a fucking crutch. OJ’s become a trånny. I reckon Bill Cosby would be the one to take the ruffies instead to tackle that.

    • That IS Bill Cosby in a wig.
      Bill famously liked pudding.

      Pudding his dick where it didnt belong.

  5. Fucking champagne socialist, money grabbing fucking bitch. Her hubbie is a banker and both he and other members of her family have made a shitload of money out of her connections over the years. She lives in Windsor Square, the posh part of LA, full of mansions and rich bastards……..that’s how much she loves “the brothers”.
    But the bitch keeps up the fake revolutionary image, having herself photographed with the likes of Farrakhan and Fidel fucking Castro. It’s not surprising she went to the aid of a “brother”………a great publicity stunt. The coppers would well know who she was and shit themselves. There was talk of her being Biden’s running mate but she is even older than him, if not senile like that cunt.
    A typical POC Democrat politician these days. She’s one of the oppressed and don’t you fucking forget it.

  6. I doubt she will be around too much longer. That nose belongs to an industrial sized vacuum cleaner and will soon hoover up a good dose of Covid.

  7. That’s the problem with blacks, they like to stick their fucking noses in, what the fuck is the point of interfering with police questioning someone, what input could she possibly have to the conversation.

    Police: the driver has been pulled over because the car has been reported stolen

    Ugly fucker: Oh.

  8. A black politician screaming about race? Whatever next.

    As MNC says, that is Bill Cosby, presumably he dresses like that in prison to stop the rapes being quite so severe.

  9. Saw a great video from the States the other day. Some wanky Antifa cunt was standing in the middle of the road holding up traffic. A bloke got out of his car, one punch, knocked him clean out of the road and spark out. All these blue haired lezzas were screaming “fascist” , “Nazi” , “fuck Trump”. He never said a word just got back in and drove off. Just a bloke trying to go somewhere and some cunt was fucking him about. ?

  10. It sounds like selective aid-giving, only stopping to help a fellow black in the same fashion that Mother Teresa only helped Catholics. Turning up your nose if it isn’t one of your own. What a hideous example that sets. Just like Mother Teresa, this old dragon sounds like a ghastly cunt.

    • What you say about Mother Teresa is wholly untrue and not funny either, the only justification for an outrageous lie.

      • She was a money-grubbing con-artist covering up nefarious behaviour in the Catholic cult and you know it, buttercup.

  11. The equivalent seems to be happening in London these days. I recently saw footage of a crowd questioning police as to why they were arresting three blick youths.”Is it because they is blick?”
    FFS Do coppers now, everywhere have to justify making arrests to crowds of strangers. Surely these cunts are wasting police time and obstructing the police who should be moving these people on rather than patiently explaining the situation.
    Policing by consent? pff.

  12. Take a look at the mayor of Chicago, evil looking bitch hates the police so much, prefers her citizens to kill each other
    Who the fuck is Wiley??

    • She may hate the old bill, until such time she finds herself at the shit end of the stick and in desperate need of some help…. from the old bill!

      • Lori Lightfoot makes Suckdick look like tub-thumping, MAGA right-winger. Chicago has some of the most stringent gun laws in the US, yet one the highest if not the highest murder rates in the country.

  13. What is this brother shit? Does she truly feel kinship with someone on the basis of their skin colour? When I see white people pulled over by the cops, I think ‘I wonder what that cunt did?’ or if I see cops putting a white person in handcuffs (like I did last Saturday) I think ‘what has that skummy cunt been up to?’ In the majority of these cases these cunts have brought themselves to the attention of the police, however petty the reason, and unless they actually were one of my brothers, or one of my close friends I consider to be practically brothers, the thought would never cross my head.
    That these cunts see persecution instead of a reaction to the person is the problem, as it doesn’t give any distance between the law abiding and the law breaking as it does with white cunts. We can wash our hands of our criminal cunts, they lionise theirs.

    • Bang on GJ, I cant remember who made the same point, maybe Candice Owens but black Americans and Brits too I suppose turn their criminals into oppressed heroes like St George of Floyd, while other races ostracize and stigmatize them.

      • Even when they do acknowledge the wrong doings of those cunts, they blame it on years of mistreatment and institutional racism for making the perp turn to drugs, crime and any other failings where we would consider a white cunt to be a ‘wrong ‘un’.
        You can’t reason with people who have this mindset, whatever colour.

  14. Like candice Owens said the black community uplift scum and make heroes out of the filth breaking the law because the share the same hue

  15. I had to look it up as I had never heard of this racist cunt until now. According to her Wiki page she is the 5th of 13 children. Apparently her doting ‘father’ left her mom when she was 2 years old, presumably when he was captured and taken back to the zoo. However, I think the cunt who wrote this must have a degree in advanced Mathematics from the University of Flabbot as how the fuck he managed to father 8 more chimps after that is a mystery unless he kept escaping from wherever he was incarcerated. Either that, or mom got around a bit – or perhaps it’s just bullshit. Anyway, this poor black girl managed to get a huge break in life when she was offered a job as an assistant teacher with the Head Start programme. The American Head Start programme is an initiative to help low-income families and was set up by in 1965 by Jule Sugarman, a middle aged white privileged male, you know the sort of person the darkies hate so much.

    • Sugerman? Sounds Jewish. Don’t the leftards hate the Jews and blame them for absolutely everything?

      Kind of sounds familiar, like I have heard it before from an insane, one bollocked Austrian with a silly moustache.

    • Sugarman was mis-quoted.
      He only asked some black hooker to start giving him head.

  16. Everyone should know by now that stopping, arresting or charging a bruvver is raaaciist as it’s a well known fact that they are all innocent of any and all crime.

  17. Another race baiting cunt. Probably does it for career reasons (see Lammy for our equivalent). If she keeps stirring that big pot of shit she and her ilk made, they can claim to be the saviours and keep getting elected (or keep cash flowing into their ‘charity’).

    Prats like this, if they had to actually do their jobs and help their constituents, would be found out within minutes and be sent back to sweeping the floor in Kfc.

    Sad thing is, there are loads of the cunts and plenty of idiot leftards on the media who fall for this shite.

    And even worse, if it ends up where you can’t even arrest somebody black, no matter what they do (unless to criticize the like of Waters!) then honkies will vote in an Adolf to sort it all out.

    I do not want such a thing, but if it ends up that way, the likes of Waters and Lammy will be to blame.

  18. I can see by taking one look at her that she must be a lady with impartial, balanced views. Not a screaming loony leftie at all!

    • Not exactly Halle Berry is she? But I’m sure she meant well.
      Scoring political points was the furthest thing from her mind.

  19. It’s easy to show support from the living room of your gated mansion.
    Sat on your money.

  20. Trump recently tryed to restore law and order in Oregan state. Sly news stated he was inflaming the situation. No this has been done by the anarchists setting flame to buildings. If Trump did not do anything , sly news would say he has no leadership and he is negligent in his job.p

  21. These thick lefty cunts are playing straight into the hands of Trump. There’s murmurs that Trump will get another term because the electorate realise that the alternative would be far far worse.

  22. Waters is just promoting the new black privilege where you can commit all the crimes you like and still end up as the victim.

    • That may be problematic.

      In the US, 13% of the Population are responsible for 75% of the murders.

      I’ll let you guess who that 13% is.

      At some point, they are going to wipe themselves out.

  23. Do we know the “color” of the officers who stopped the brother? Would the Congress person have got stuck in if the officers had “color” as well as the person stopped? Watching all these fuckwits is like an eternal car crash. This shite is getting boring.

  24. Might be a different story if the Far Right mounted up and went on the march through the streets of Chicago, Seattle and New York.

    Imagine, thousands of them shouting, rioting and looking for a fight – I wonder if cunts like her and the BLM mob would shit themselves, or demand the police get involved!?

    • “911 – what’s your emergency”?
      “Help, help – those awful Antifa thugs are outside the gates of my mansion Officer!”
      “Well you didn’t mind them last week when you were at the riots posing for photographs with them and encouraging them to behave like feral murderous savages”.
      “Yes, but that was different Officer – I had no idea they would come here, I pay good money to live in a gated mansion in a private area protected by security – and they have broken down the gates now – a dentist and a lawyer live here you know”!
      “I’m sorry Ms Waters – we have no units to respond as you defunded us – maybe you could hide under a broken statue?”.

  25. Waters has always been a useless twat. And she’s the usual hypocritical Democrat. Represents one of the black neighbourhoods of LA, yet lives outside her constituency, in a pretty big house. And like many other prominent, so called, Democrats, she’s been dementedly screeching hate towards Trump. I remember one public address from a couple of years ago where she was in the street, surrounded by her equally demented followers, shrieking “IMPEE VORVAR…IMPEE VORFAR”. She meant to say “impeach forty five (Trump is the forty fifth President), but her command of the English language is basic at best.

  26. You’re at the top of your game with this cunting, Ron. Shame the racist, ugly bitch wasn’t charged with interferring with police enquiries. But that’ll never happen. ‘Brother’my arse. Took an old black chap into ED. One of the cleaners black also, came up and said: ‘Ma brudder’. I asked if they were related and if not to clear off.

    • I think all white people should start talking about white ‘brothers’. People like Waters will go bonkers, which is great.

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