… Is most definitely a cunt.
This statement is appearing more and more often on media sites when it comes to subjects that people may reasonably wish to comment upon.
Regardless of the subject matter, regardless of your opinion, political persuasion or cultural background it is reasonable to want to discuss something that you may wish to understand to a greater degree; or even simply disagree with.
In some cases the material may actually be wrong and a person may wish to point that out.
As has been argued previously many times, freedom of speech is the cornerstone of civilised society.
I can understand the fear of trolls when it comes to certain subjects, but surely moderation of the individual is the answer rather than censorship of the majority.
It should be worrying to all of us that the denial of comment applies not just to current affairs. Now that it has been done many, many times with no meaningful or authoritive reproach there will be no reason to not use it whenever it would appear advantageous.
This is the real beginning of the erosion of our freedom as human beings. Not by the legislation written by government and lawyers – but by the whim of a reporter who wishes to issue a soapbox edict. And later by a religious leader who wishes to do the same.
And then community leaders, and then local police etc etc etc.
Later, when there is nowhere to express your opinion a voice of dissent will stick out like a sore thumb. Much easier to deal with.
Now who’s going to complain?
Nominated by: Cuntflap
This has been steadily getting worse for years. First it was articles or media concerning parking stanleys, then dindu nuffins, now it seems to be anything that might get blowback from non-progressive or regressive people aka normal folk.
It won’t be long until comments sections disappear entirely due to internet copyright laws. It’s been in the works for years but could happen soon.
A reasonable Negative comment Is now considered unwelcome, BLM is a perfect example, why is the media only interested in one side of an argument, fuck them, they are all cunts, I am still waiting for the BBC to reply to my complaint, they have a slight problem with my escalation because the original reply assumed I mentioned race which I hadn’t so I have challenged them over the fact ‘did you actually read my complaint’
Fuck them, the CUNTS!
MSN took down comments some time ago because they didn’t like them so I stopped going to MSN. No idea if the’re reinstated them as there was a huge backlash.
This site did a “no comments allowed” this morning when it pulled the LGBBC Suicide thread.
Only joking Admin ?
‘Comments not allowed’ or turned off is the mark of cowardly liberals.
Mainly corporate youtube channels or ‘CiF’ on The Graun.
Try leaving any comment other than ‘Douglas Murray is bonkers/a racist/bigot/psychopath’ on CiF.
How do his accusers reconcile themselves with his gayness? In their world of perpetual victimhood that’s got to be homophobic surely?
Not that rational facts ever mattered to the demented Left.
Anyway, good luck banning the internet you MSM Trotskyites.
Boycott these simpletons, money talks.
His gayness is negated by being a cis white Etonian and neo-con, writer for speccie and a friend of the late Sir Roger Scruton. He also attacks Islam and the immigration of the middle east and Africa into Europe.
The crazed left simply deny he is gay, just as with black conservatives being told they aren’t black.
Never heard of CiF but to be fair to Al Groan they do tend to allow comments. All the more surprising given how most of them largely consist of mocking the cunts.
Who stole my fucking six form picture !!!!!
A slave owners manual and reparation discount cunting for Jen Reid. Who she?? She’s the subject of the new statue that appeared over night without permission in Bristol where the statue of Coulson was ripped down by the unemployed and dindu’s.
The piece by the BBC surprisingly did not vilify the act.
In a glorious Marxist show we had an interview with her and the artist.
NOT an interview with anyone that didn’t want it .
Defend the BBC and carpet bomb Bristol
I’d like to see a mob pull down that statue, if only to see what response there would be from the peaceful protestor crowd (cunts) and police.
The bbc would claim it had actually been taken away for repairs or something and then not allow comments at the bottom of their “news article”.
The statue is made out of resin – probably burn nicely.
As far as I can make ouite the so called artist chappie just stood the filly inside a battery orf 24 cameras, pressed a button and autonomously produced said “statue”.
Nice bit of hippocracy, allowing a statue of a racist Black Power activist instead. In its favour, statues are mostly of people who are dead and I look forward to her obliging in short order.
I’ll look forward to the Keith Vaz statue on Melton Road.
Try saying Melton Road without the park key accent,its not easy.
The statue is not officially sanctioned so anyfucker can pull it down. Made by some white London guilty cunt after consultation and sittings from one of the sub-human mob that destroyed the old one.
He should go and live in St Pauls to ease his conscience. And his possessions.
I think it may get defaced. It’s happened to a few murals for George Floyd and BLM so far, as well as a bust of a black poet in Bristol.
Nice to have a target especially if it is not officially sanctioned.
Where’s Jimmy gone? What have they done with Jimmy? It was good to see the old yellow shell suit again. Brought back all the old memories.
I was going to raise a nomination for this Jen Reid and Jug Ears Manchetty after catching the tail end of the interview on BBC Breakfast this morning.
Manchetty was not only fawning but almost swooning over her and this statue, and at the end of the interview she said something like, ‘this has really made me / us feel good’, to which Reid said, ‘it’s good for Bristol and for the whole world’, or some such bollocks.
So we can now expect the following:
1) Al Beebezeera will discipline or dismiss Manchetty for once again expressing her own opinions and not being impartial.
2) Manchetty will apologise live on air and admit that she should have called out Jen Reid for her act of criminal damage.
3) The statue will be removed by Bristol council as it was put up without permission
4) Jen Reid will be arrested and charged with criminal damage.
We can dream can’t we….
What helps these cunts when pushing this agenda is Brits inbuilt reluctance to complain. We’re fuckin’ hopeless at complaining compared with other nations.
Get a bad meal? – complain! Poor customer service? – complain!
Paying for something through the nose? – complain!
Now if you’ll excuse me, my next door neighbour has set fire to my shed with his BBQ again!
Got a pair orf pants from Primark. Had a fiendish fault in the gusset which bit into me crotch like a dose orf Delhi worms. Took the bastards back but the cunts refused to accept them for a refund until I washed them. Oitrage.
Good nomination Señor Cuntflap
I notice it’s on most News articles that contain the words, “previously known to the police” instead of a description of/colour of the individual.
Whenever they say that a “man” has been arrested in connection with enquiries I watch with baited breath just in case it turns out he’s white.
Ha, not a chance. Haven’t seen that since the Yewtree/Top Of The Pops/BBC staff purge years ago. By TOTP I mean staff, not Top Of The Pædós:
? Duh ner Nuh ner, neh! “In at number 10, Stuart Hall, slipping to number 9 this week it’s Dave Lee Travis, staying at 8 it’s Rolf Harris…”
There might be another war thanks to the MSM. Without freedom of speech, violence rears its head.
That’s what I’m thinking. And those kind of wars usually end up with massive human rights abuses by the virtuous.
Scary stuff.
Still not begging on my knees though.
Add to that the constant berating of the Anglo-saxon majority who pay the fees while wringing their hands over ‘muh systemic racism’.
Fucking cunts. Their p3do sculpture on the front of Broadcasting house is another huge ‘fuck you’ to the non- degenerate working people.
“Comments not allowed”.
A. Hitler, Berlin, 1939.
“Comments not allowed”.
The “free democracy” of Great Britain, 2020.
“sorry, did you say something..?”
– tank driver, tiananmen square 1989
BBC are the worst for this shite. Ss soon as the comments go against their narrative (one of the footy threads turned into everyone kicking off about the knee taking BLM shite) they close it.
Or they just don’t even open one (when Liverpool fans turned up in their thousands on winning the title).
The Daily Express do this on a regular basis. It wouldn’t be quite so annoying if they didn’t keep asking readers to support them whenever there’s talks about curbing the freedom of the press. Seems it’s ok for them to comment, but not for readers.
There are ways around it https://dissenter.com
Not run by advertisers admittedly but probably by Huawei or the Chinese government!
The MSM has attacked the company behind it (no links to the Chinese ‘government’ I know of) https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/may/11/ukip-european-election-candidates-join-gab-social-media-far-right
I like to upset the Daily Mail. If comments are not permitted on a subject, I move toanother story, one that is bland and free from controversey. There I lay my egg! I immediately post my disdain on the lack of comment on whatever the issue, and launch into my diatribe. I love the filters on that rag. I once got away with 5 references to ni99ers before being pulled.
Every single comment that I’ve posted on Plymmif Live, Cornhole Live and Debbn Live recently is mysteriously “awaiting moderation” and never sees the light of day.
Knowing just how woke these lefty shtirags are, I’ve deliberately goe out of my way to avoid anything “controversial”.
Well FUCK you ,you BLM-ass-kissing, Tranny-loving, Homo-rimming, G!pp0-loving , Tory-hating ,Leftie-loving , Boris and Trump-bashing excuse for toilet paper that you are!
By the way, you are so fucking stupid that I’m already posting under a new alias!
I am sorry but we I’m not accepting comments on this matter