This is genuinely a more in sorrow than in anger cunting for our beloved Prime Minister.
I genuinely like Boris. Prior to his recent illness,he never took himself too seriously. A bit of a rogue, perhaps, but a loveable one. He wasn’t Steptoe-Corbyn, with his hypocritical amateur Marxism, nor was he meddling incompetent old woman Keir Starmer – Starmer the charmer, who is about as charming as a floating turd in a lavatory pan.
Alas, those days have gone, now his bumbling incompetence has turned into bustling self-importance, and – I hate to say it, dictatorial. He has also become cowed because Starmer and some of his backbench arselickers have been agitating like the old wimmin they are for face masks to be “compulsory” in shops, it seems Boris has caved into them – just like he did over public transport “compulsory” masks agitated for by the whacky London mayor.
Boris needs to remember that the fucking Labour party will be out of power for at least another 4 years (probably 8) and that he has a majority of 80. He should tell the Starmer chums to go and fuck themselves.
I think Boris is not only cowardly for giving into the red scum, but confused. A lot of his actions seem to have one eye on commerce, You still can’t get your teeth fixed, if you are an NHS Patient, but you can go and get your nails varnished. You can go to the pub, but not to many walk-in medical facilities. If the country has become so suddenly safe, why all this dreadful compulsion.
I never thought, throughout my decades on this planet, that I would end up living in a police state, certainly not under a tory government – it would have been a cert under Corbyn of course, but he was given a fucking good thrashing, just a few months ago.
You can cover mouths, and noses, but infections can be acquired through the eyes – perhaps Saddick Khan and some of his ilk in Parliament will provide free hijabs and burqus?
Either we are “safe” to go out or we are not. Even during the fucking war, though you had to carry your gas mask, you didn’t have to wear the bleeding thing everywhere.
Confusion everywhere – on the day Priti Patel announces “strict” immigration rules, we have the largest contingent of illegal immigrants being taxied in, on one day – and this year has been a record figure of thousands – and they are only the ones that got in undetected. You can at the very least double that figure.
Fuck the government – they are ignorant arsehole crawlers who know fuck all about anything. Self important self righteous eunochs – they know how it is done, they see it done evry day, but they can’t do it themselves. This is even more true of Starmer and his bunch. I even start to wonder if Boris will cave in to the Remainer cunts of Labour and cancel Brexit. Hilary Benn has been on manouvres again
I can’t be arsed to vote anymore – fuck the lot of them
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
If you can’t be arsed to vote then at least spoil your ballot paper. Scrawl something across it that leaves the bastards in no doubt about how you feel. Something like:
Cafes and takeaways without waiter service you have to wear a mask and not allowed to sit to eat. If there is waiter service, you can sit down and do not need a mask. WTF!!! As the waiter got some mystical power that keeps bugs away?? Give up, dont give a fuck now. It’s all total bollocks…..
The other day I ‘saw it all’. A caked-up, dessicated tart of about 70 – you know the type, spent half their life on a sun-lounger in Marbella – sat on a bench outside the Tesco entrance, mask down under her chin, because… she was having a fag.
That just about sums up the mentality of the vast majority of this Covidiotic population.
And don’t get me started on the whole ‘queue to go in a shop to prevent the flu’, whilst standing in line you are freely subjected to hefty doses of free lung cancer from the smokers stood waiting in front of and behind you. Exactly the type who are likely to moan that non-mask wearers are ‘selfish’.
You know, even if we did get rid of Piss-Slam, BLM & Antifa etc, trannies, Education Marxists, commies in all forms in all countries… the world would still be quite shit to have to share with the remaining humans, as 99% would not necessarily be dangerous, but still tediously thick as pigshit.
Fucking good morning.
As the late, great, Frank Zappa once said: “Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that IT is the basic building block of the universe”.
A quick update – according to Wireless 4 PM last evening 22/7/20, another 200 boat fuckers were picked up off the Kent Coast on Tuesday and Wednesday and there have been 3000 such landings in the last six months – that they know off. Some of the oily bleeders apparently phone 999 in the Channel and say they need rescuing, and the coastguard cunts go out and pick them up. There are of course many others who get to the shore leave their tacky little boats and leg it, and still last night they had the daft tart from “Care For Calais” wittering on in ther 12 year old voice about how we are obliged to help them, They also mentiioned that of the 200 picked up in those 2 days they claimed to come from 14 different countries, and as a lot were unaccompanied kids, Kent Council has a duty to retain them in the UK. I bert none of the cunts were wearing masks, and it’s good to know they didn’t have to sell their phones to buy their illegal entry.
Remove the coast guard and replace with gun boats…
Seek and Destroy!
The fucking French are to blame, they allow these cunts to sit, stay, buy rubber boats, and then just set sail under the watchful eye of the French Navy.
The cunts are on French soil and the fucking frogs need to either process them or ship them out, just dump the cunts in Libya, all the other fucking dregs are there.
It really brought home to me how many fuckers have crossed the Channel when I saw the photo of all these dinghies that were used, stored in Dover.
“So let me get this right Abdul, when we land at Kent, we get money, free house, free health care, free education for kids, free meals for kids, money for wife being pregnant, and they store my boat for free….what a country”….
Here’s Katie with the details….
Send them back
Last time we were threatened with imminent invasion we were prepared to use mustard gas to repel the cunts.
80 years later I hope we can dig some out of storage.
Ive a jar of Colmans you can have Terry if that helps?
I heard that on the drive home and I was so angry I almost ripped the steering wheel off. Gunboat diplomacy. Nothing less is acceptable.
Perhaps some of this is required WC.
You need a Masters Degree in “WhatTheFuck?” to understand what you can and can’t do with this gradual lifting of the lockdown bollocks!
Far too many inconsistencies and conflicting information. Is it any wonder most people just don’t give a fuck any more!
Boris has made a fresh appeal to people today.
Nailed it.
Mr ot quite today, Bertrand; the YouTube link to the clip of Mr Lucas’s excellently obsevered and executed satirical clip was uploaded on 11th May.
I seem to recall seeing it rather earlier than that. Around the Internet In Eighty Days, Bertie?
For “Mr ot” please read: “Not” & apologies for the semicolon. It should’ve been a colon (because the first clause contains no verb).
1000 pardons from Prue, also: Gboard in high dudgeon!
You’ve surfaced again CS!
???. You’re so verbose!
You’ve nailed him Bertie! He left a brief, impenetrably cryptic reply to one of my comments a few noms back but I failed to recognise him. Damn shame, I could have done with that £5 in Iceland this afternoon…
Ruff –
His style never changes. He’s hardly a master of disguise!
I exercise my right o vote by drawing 2 lines through the list of names, and writing underneath
“None of the above
They are all arseholes”
If everyone did that instead of abstaining the message might get through
Politicians are cunts, the lot of them
Good day
Big Al
Agree. The returning officer is obliged by law to announce the number of spoilt ballots cast along with votes cast. The more spoilt ballots there are, the more voter dissatisfaction will be registered.
I always spoil my ballot paper as voting for a particular person is affirming trust in them to make the right decision on you behalf. Look around the House of Commons . How many of the 650 do you trust?
I spoilt my ballot paper at the last election safe in the knowledge that the Labour candidate didn’t stand a rat’s chance in hell of winning the seat.
Had it been a 50/50 possibility I would have reluctantly voted Tory.
I think most people knew in their heart of hearts that Boris would be a disaster. Just not as disastrous as Corbyn.
It pisses me off when you vote for your candidate as MP for your area, takes his seat in Westminster, and then decides to Walk the Floor to join another party because he doesn’t agree with the PM!
We had a bunch of cunts who did that over the previous two years, even forming their own independent party, which lasted all of 5 minutes. Plus most, if not all of them lost their seats in the last election – but do they care? Of course not, because they’re probably in the private sector earning shitloads for being complete and utter disloyal backstabbing cunts!
Sadly, while I agree with yours and RTC’s statements even if the vast majority burnt their paper outside the voting office, the government would still get in.
Our democracy is a sham, if ‘they’ don’t like it, ‘they’ won’t do it, it’s really that straightforward.
Boris isn’t a coward, a snake oil salesman more like with his buffoon act. He knows exactly what he’s doing because they’re all in cahoots with each other on board the gravy train express.
Civil war would be effective but only until the next shower of shite step in. Get those guillotines out (they were invented in Halifax,Yorkshire,not by bloody Frogs)
We need to downsize from central to more local government and consume less, buy less, be more self sufficient and supportive of our own.
Let’s face it most people, we can only guess at the percentage, vote for the least cuntish of the cunts availabie. It’s the fucking dullards who always vote red or blue who fuck it up for the rest of us. What we need is a PR system but those bastards will never allow that, especially after we shoved their EU up their arses in 2016.
Has this wobbling blithering twat actually DONE anything since being elected, or is he just too shit scared of the crusties and hippies shouting “fascist” or “racist” at him?
Claims Winston Churchill as his hero yet lets Plod (useless cunts) stand by while his and other statues and monuments are vandalised and trashed by spineless activists who would run like frightened rabbits from a real scrap.
Or are you secretly one of them?
You lot must me bored stiff of me pointing out that Boris have achieved sweet fuck all in two plus decades of ‘public service ‘.
He’s spent a lot of money, really a lot.
The lack of a spine from Boris is certainly disappointing – he’s letting Labour and social media Karens dictate government policy. What we have right now is pretty much a government of the Karens, by the Karens, for the Karens.
When 20 year old footballers are able to force U turns on HMG you know that we are terminally fucked.
Tbf I don’t begrudge Rashford for that because he wasn’t partisan and did be acting with the best of intentions. He should, though, have thought about whether the vouchers would actually be used for food and proposed an alternative way of making sure children in such situations get fed.
Rashford got snowflake virtue points.
Feckless cunts got more fag money.
Fuck all cost to Rashford. Result.
Hasn’t he also recently received an honorary doctorate for something or other?
Expect him to be knighted next week for services to all things woke
By order of the boss….
Wear a ‘face covering’ on the bus or train, from tomorrow also in all shops.
Where two metre distancing cannot be maintained other measures should be used to reduce the risk, for example Perspex screens.
Seems fairly straightforward, except….
Large public gatherings aren’t allowed unless it’s for BLM, Leeds United or Liverpool, and Bournemouth beach.
Moreover you don’t have to wear masks in pubs or offices where the risks are about the same as a shop!
Is anyone else looking forward (as from tomorrow) to telling middle-aged, self-important wimmin to “fuck right off” when they point out that you’re not wearing a mask in a shop?
No masks in pubs but masks in shops might just be the most inconsistently preposterous thing I’ve ever heard of, in a literal sea of preposterousness.
I’ve got my inhaler ready to make the old cow feel guilty about “wishing I have an asthma attack.”
Please report back to us with the results TTCE
We old buggers are going to have so much fun!
I can simply vent my colostomy bag – and clear a shop in 5 seconds!
Breathing difficulties? Have some of this.
Film it. Please!!
He’s a cunt for not including nurses, ambulance staff and porters etc in the payrise but giving one to senior civil servants. Frontline my arse. Thanks for clapping, you utter, utter cunt.
And didn’t Rishi Sunak give teachers something like a 3.1% pay rise, even though most of them have stayed at home over the last 4 months, supposedly working online, but still receiving full pay?
The lunatics (or whatever the nicey nicey term is today), really have taken over the asylum that is Westminster and Downing Street!
He did. Clapping and sycophantsy my arse.
We’re being told this virus kills but you have to get tested to see if you have it.
Does anyone still believe this massive lie ????
As much as I love you Fenton, I’m still more inclined to listen to the health professionals on this one.
Not that I’ll be wearing a mask or anything tomorrow unless I have to.
Got a dental check-up tomorrow. That’ll be a palaver, you can wank on it.
Haven’t believed it from the beginning – they are either incompetent OR there’s another agenda – it is very sinister – we are no longer a democracy, even in name only, we have no voice and are being taken over by something else – boris is a cunt and twatty hancock needs removing, maybe to mars r somewhere far away – otherwise i might just k*** the bastard
There was a glimmer of hope when Magic G got obliterated at the GE.
However it has since transpired that Boris and chums are just as spineless as the troupe of clowns we have had to put up with for decades.
Too many examples to list here so I can sum up by saying they are complete bullshitters who will help sink the country further into the mire.
Fuck them all.
I’d rather have fucking Idi Amin running the shitshow.
Oven.Full oven.
Id vote Idi too!
Funny,mans man, cannibal the whole package!
He had backbone.
Anyone says different is a racist.
Boris is going to visit Wee Krankie today to discuss the building of a bridge between Scotland and Northern Ireland. He reckons it will only cost £20 billion (e.g. £100 billion minimum), the majority of which will be paid for by the English taxpayer as usual.
Such a bridge will come in very handy for the EU and Scotland after Scotland votes to leave the UK.
You only have to look at the rising costs for Crossrail and HS2 to realise the proposed bridge will cost 5 or 6 times the original budget, but no one will give a fuck because it will be taxpayer burdened with yet another white elephant (shouldn’t that be “elephant of colour” now?)
Elephant of colour = good.
White elephant = bad!
Had enough of English subjects whining about independence.
Scottish independence
Welsh independence
Cornish independence
United ireland
Metropolitan peoples state of Londonistan
Be nowt left soon!
We need to invade a soft target say, Belgium and those little cunts in Luxembourg put them to the torch!
Start expanding, rebuild our empire.
Those cunts in the carribean?
Shave their nut, put them in a uniform and give them a rifle and make them work for us,
Any colonies should be whipped into line.
What was we talking about?
Belgium is a good idea, start by toppling statues of the racist Tin Tin and burning down the Stella Artois brewery and waffle factories.
Dont want to bite off more than we can chew at first LL.
We’re out of practice.
Start with the gay countries like Belgium and Luxembourg then maybe Austria Switzerland before taking our time with France, we should savour that!!
New rule ! anyone surrending is a armed combatant and shot.
Tres bon!
We could beat the French with Dunkirk in reverse Miserable, with the peaceful dinghy invades leading the charge. In fact we could probably beat the French army with massed ranks of cardboard cut out British squaddies.
Trouble is, who do you vote for?
Conservatives – certainly not the tories of old. Wishy-washy duplicitous, gutless bastards, more like
Labour – certainly not the Labour of old. Wish washy, duplicitous, gutless, woke-driven bastards more like.
Lib Dems – Have always been cunts ever since the days of Steel/Owen/Williams/Rogers. Wishy-wash, clueless, gormless, brainless, woke-driven SJW shitstains more like.
The Greens – May as well call themselves the Commie party.
Any any party remotely right of centre is of course demonised as being nothing more than far right.
Waste of fucking time!
I could see myself voting for the SDP.
In fact I did once in the early ’80s.
When Macron was voted in 4m froggies actually went out to spoil their ballot papers.
4m FFS!
That’s some serious discord.
Apparently they’re still kicking off at the weekends in Paris but of course none of the MSM want to report that.
I too am disappointed with the government so far, I had expected a raft of new legislation undoing the damage done by previous useless administrations (Tory and Labour). OK, the chinese AIDS has somewhat dominated things, and probably wasn’t handled as well as it could have been (although I’m not sure any country has handled it brilliantly, despite what the fucking bbc say), maybe once that diminishes they’ll start delivering. Either way, I’d rather have the shittest Tory government than the best Labour one. My hatred for the modern Labour party knows no bounds.
Anyway, enough seriousness. I hate Lily FUCKING Allen as well. And Radio FUCKING Four. And Sandi FUCKING Toksvig.
I don’t see the appeal of Boris.
Albino dementia sufferer,
Compulsive liar, liberal.
Hes a waste of fuckin skin.
And ive always said so.
I never trusted him.
Hes a snake, a snidey little cunt and hes no different to all the other parasites sucking on the teat of this country.
Its a mystery how he has bumble cunted so many women into bed and sired other mini Boris’s. He could have an entire series of ‘Long Lost Family’ to himself, tracking down all his offspring and jolly japes flagpole trouser antics in late night office encounters over the years. Yowzers!
Yeah his reproductive glands are the only working part on him.
Why do woman fall for someone whos borderline translucent?!!
He takes his shirt off you can see his internal organs.
He makes me feel sick.
I think it is because women love “powerful” men, and usually they are very well off (that’s how I got caught by Mrs. Boggs) – seriously what did women see in the late Cecil Parkinson or the late Robin Cook?
That said, Starmer should be able to attract crumpet – millionaire lawyer and party leader, mind you the women will have to be patient while he removes his make-up, moisturiser, his suspender belt, frilly knickers and stockings to reveal his 2 inch dick.
the thought makes me very sick
Boris is a useless prick, but then we knew that before. The tories knew it but still voted him in as leader. His biggest achievement is managing to keep Dominic Cummings quiet for a few weeks.
Basically – like father , like son.
If you saw Stanley on the Fugitive series , and his total ignorance – you would be even more afraid,
He’s not as bad as that treasonous cunt who came before him, but he is in the “Charles Lynton” area of cuntishness at the moment, but last election was pretty much vote for the one you despise least!, this country needs a leader like the late great Ian Smith, as he said “A politician worries about the next election but a statesman worries about the next generation” but being honest and having principals didn’t do him much good did it, Johnson is an utter cunt and make no mistake a duplicitous one at that
Know what you mean captain Q, but like choosing between having napalm or agent orange dropped on you.
I want neither!!?
Barnier’s on the telly right now, insulting our intelligence and telling us we have to agree to all his demands or we’ll be sentenced to The Comfy Chair.
I didn’t expect The Comfy Chair
Come tomorrow and the country will be loaded with finger-waving maskholes telling everyone “you must wear a mask because….” even though they themselves feel the same rules don’t apply to them!
Maskholes is an insult I’m going to have to steal. Ever noticed that the cunts think it gives them an aura of invincibility regarding all the other Covid protocols? Saw two of those rinky dink blue disposable masks on the floor whilst out on my morning run yesterday – that’s hardly going to prevent infection is it?
“Herd stupidity” May come in handy too
Boris is out of his depth.Utterly incompetent.Clueless.Him and his clown Government are headless chickens.Confucious say Boris is finished.
Boris? Cunt.
Get rid, need someone with a pair because we are in a fight to retain our history and safeguard our future – and Johnson ain’t that Man.
I could pen a weighty tome highlighting my dislike of this reptile and a sequel detailing his failures and behaviour, then fill up a boat with copies of them and sail down the Thames on the blood of the people he has stabbed in the back to get to a position he did not deserve and cannot do.
But I will simply end with “Cunt”.
Covers it I think! ??
Boris was supposed to be the charismatic hatchet man to deliver Brexit. Get Brexit done, the revolving door at number 10 will spin again.
I’ve got a ‘Trump keep America Great 2020 Cap’ arriving tomorrow, gonna wear it instead of a mask, that should clear Aldi while I’m in there.
Bo jo has really let me down it was the big white hype with him coming to power I thought that’s them fucking labour scum fucked now but alas fuck all had happened
The first thing he needs to do is reinstate the treason laws that cocksucker Blair got rid of then secure the borders and bring back the death penalty for child killers and kiddy fiddlers if he done these 3 things the torys would be in power for the next 20 years
Retrospectively strip any citizenship from immigrants – back-dated 300 years. Ship out anything without a British passport – unless they are working full-time in a health-care or research environment.
Make homosexuality illegal again.
That would go a long way