Amber Heard(4)

(The softer side of Amber. Would you kick her out of bed? – admin)

Now, I have no sympathy whatsoever for that cunt Depp. More fanny than he can cope with, yet he hooks up with a fucking psycho like that.

However, I am sick to death of seeing this self pitying manipulative demented nutjob’s ‘feel sorry for me’ face all over the web and the papers. There’s a plague and riots going on, yet they are more interested in this dribbling claws out fruitcake. She is just another Hollyweird psycho. Seen one, seen ’em all.

Nominated by: Norman 

53 thoughts on “Amber Heard(4)

  1. Fucking hell! Just spat out my coffee all over the bleedin’ keyboard and monitor!

    Is that really the Depp Bunny Boiler from hell!??

  2. Never heard of the fucker until all this shit. A gold digger perhaps? Another talented thespian in the Markle mould?

  3. I’m not buying what she’s selling…although I most definitely would ruin it and then run like fuck before she begged for my phone number.

    Depp is a bit of a bellend anyway, but he found a right wrong’ un there. What an horrible cunt to be (allegedly) trying to get a bloke sent down because you think it will better your ‘career’. His exes are saying that the way Heard describes him is utter bollocks. There is also a phone call of her getting caught out about chucking stuff at Depp and generally behaving like a fucking psycho (she says it was all ‘out of context’ of course).

    Next guy to shag her will get accused of rape if Depp gets away with it. Be careful if she pops into your local looking for a bit of action fellas.

    • The dirty cow, bit dim too, if she had any imagination, she’d have waited until he was asleep, and then opened the sluice gates on him, it’s no more than the daft cunt deserves. Thank Dog my Ethel does normal stuff, like trying to stab me.
      Good old fashioned family values, you can’t whack ’em.
      Get To Fuck.

  4. I suspect with Depp and Heard it is genuinely a case of six of one and half a dozen of another. A pair of attention seeking ego-maniacs. I would detest having to sit in court on hot summer days listening to the rantings and imaginings of the pair of them. Good job I am not the judge.

    • Let’s be honest – all ‘film stars’ (if that’s what they are) are over-paid spoiled brats who people fawn over, and haven’t been told ‘NO’ enough in their pathetic lives.

      Greta Garbo – now that was a movie star. Made 28 films, and when the public showed little interest in the last 2 films she made, she retired, aged 35. Lived the rest of her life quietly & was never heard from publicly again.

      These days, they can’t stay of the screens for 2 minutes for fear of being forgotten.

      Stop buying newspapers, magazines, reading on-line stories & boycot movies of this demented hag & she’ll dry up & blow away, hopefully

  5. He should have known better really.
    At what point do you look at a woman who has made fucking millions pretending all day and tell yourself you could “settle down with this one”?
    What a plonker, a real schoolboy error there.
    After filling her up (at her place) he should have fucked off home and laughed about it with the boys.

    • I can see what attracted wet Johnny, shes fit!!
      But shitting on your bed and slicing off the tip of your finger isnt lady like.
      Shes proper fuckin warner brothers,
      And no one could of blamed Depp if hes punched fuck out of her.

      • Well hopefully the silly boy will ask for someone’s opinion next time. Birds get plenty more mental than that – knives, poisonings, life insurance rackets, fucking your mates, boiling rabbits, christ the list goes on. Oh and don’t forget the metoo lot.
        You have to be careful!

      • There was a menta bird hanging outside the Old Bailey yesterday. Like Tweety pie.

  6. I would definitely give her three and a half minutes of the most disappointing sex she’s ever had, then after I’d busted both nuts, and her face was dripping with boy gloy, I’d throw her the fuck out. Fuck the pair of them.

    • The first three minutes of which would be removing her straitjacket & Hannibal Lecter gimp mask.

  7. She is a big hairy fishy gaping CUNT no doubt about it and she has played Depp like a fiddle. Taking a SHIT in your marital bed is fucking wild. Depp is a bit of a knob but he is not a CUNT in my humble opinion he gets a pass from me.

  8. Ps Amber should ask for trial by combat.
    Be a ratings booster watching her beat the shite out of cap’n Jack Sparrow!!?

  9. There is nothing the public like more than seeing celebs fuck up their lIves. All that money all the fame all those opportunities but they still can’t hack it.

    Look at poor old Katie Price. Unable to keep up with her bankruptcy payments despite earning a minimum 45K a month.

    As for the Depp, this is probably what passes for normality in Hollywood. They are both cupid stunts but I can’t see her proving that he is madder than her.

    • And yet typically/ironically it is these very same Hollyweird woke cunts that are telling the rest of the world what to do in terms of climate change, Brexit, Trump, BLM, and all the other right-on trendy shite they love ejaculating about, but have very little interest when it affects them personally.

      How can any right-minded person take these idiots seriously?

      • They dont. Only thick cunts adore these bastards.
        Twittsr and Instagram has killed stardom.

    • Talking of 45k that was supposedly the amount Depp was spending on wine every month at some point. Paid £40 million for an island and wonders what happened to his money

      • He blew half a billion quid apparently.

        His yatch was really nice though. Beutifully decked out. Ended up selling it to JK Rowling.

        He comes across as quite a decent bloke, dressing up as Jack Sparrow to visit sick kids in hospital etc.

        She comes across as an absolute fruitcake.

        He should have stuck with Vanessa Paradise. She seemed sweet and normal.

  10. She’s definitely a mental case, which will probably work in her favour, because as we know with the mudslimes and their “terrorist” offences, they can be watered down to “Oh he had mental issues when he slaughtered 30 people”

    No doubt the Wimminz groups will side with her story of events primarily because Depp is a white man, and therefore misogynist, sexist and abuser of wimminz just by looking at them, allegedly.

  11. Amber Heard – on the top-rght of the Crazy/Hot graph..

    I’d have to kick her put of bed if she shat in it.

    • Dunno why but the image of her shitting on Johnny’s bed has given me a hard on im struggling to get rid of.

  12. I would give her a right Royal stuffing but I would fear falling asleep after incase she shits all over my nice new sheets from Asda.

  13. Has she disclosed if she is into post or precoital defecation ?
    At a push if she insisted I might consider laying under a glass coffee table while she does the business but definitely no human contact, you never know what you might catch these days.

  14. Two attention seeking narcissists whining about each other.
    Couldn’t be less bothered, but having recently got rid of a psycho bitch all I can say is “snakes with tits”. Not all, but far too many.

  15. He’s 58 and didn’t spot that she was a full on paid up bunny boiler before tying the knot.
    He won’t be the first bloke to make a mistake due to being blinded by lust but she actually looks a nutter to me.
    A bit like Meghan does actually.
    Run Harry for fucks sake run while you can!

    • Like most blokes Steaming, The little head was telling the big head what to do.

  16. Expect another Jack Sparrow sequel:-

    Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Heard Turd!

    • A Month of servitude at Sir Fiddlers vast estate would soon sort this uppity mare out! (Put her in a nappy though DF – can’t be too careful!).

  17. So far, to me Depp comes out this case looking like a proper sad cunt. She comes out looking like a fucking nutcase, a walking, talking advert for MGTOW. She’ll probably go on to have a great career in Hollywoodland.

    • She certainly comes off a a squirt short of a bucketful. She must’ve been reading ‘How To Publicise Yourself And Steal The Public’s Sympathy Whilst Complaining About Lack Of Privacy’ by M.Markel.

      However I think it’s Depp’s best work for years. Better even than Rango.

  18. Fucking hopeless drug addled cunts.
    If you are that loaded why air your shitty laundry in a court in an attempt to defend your character when your character will be forever ruined by the whole panto?
    That lass needs a few trips to Greggs as well.
    Cunts of California.
    Fuck off.

  19. This court case has become , if I’m going to look a cunt and loose everything then you are to.
    Talk about hanging your dirty washing out in public ( excuse the pun )

  20. Oh just one more point to ADMINs question “would you kick her out of bed?” Well not for many reasons but if she took a massive steamy BRAD PITT in my bed I would. After all, I’m not German 🙂 Also it seems Amber takes way too much iron in her diet because her RICHARD THE THIRD is fucking black from the pics in the press.

  21. Tasty piece when she wants to be, admittedly, But I still wouldn’t go near it. For fear of a knife in my back, numerous demented rages, poisoned tea, or a tabloid stitch up. You can put a ribbon around a psycho. But, at the end of the day, it’s still a psycho.

  22. Amber Heard?Amber Turd.She was hot some years back but my God she is pyscho

  23. She’s deranged for sure, but gorgeous looking. Be careful what you wish for. An old mate once gave me some advice in my pursuit of a drop dead gorgeous girl I was infatuated with years ago:

    For every gorgeous/beautiful girl, there’s at least one guy desperately trying to get away from her. There’s a reason for that.

    I wish I’d been given better advice and guidance in my formative years. It might have spared me some terrible times and expensive mistakes as an adult. I don’t and never will have kids, so I won’t get to pass on this gem when it comes to the ladies. So I’ll share it here to see if it resonates with ISAC patrons:

    There are 3 types of women whose numbers are like a triangle.
    Type #1 – Girls you could shag. They’re the base of the triangle. Loads of them.
    Type #2 – Girls you could date. They’re half way up the triangle. Fewer in number.
    Type #3 – Girls you could marry. They’re the top of the triangle. Very few in number.

    Type #3 takes a while to figure out. Types #1 & #2 don’t. Pay attention and don’t confuse one for the other.

    Wish I’d know this earlier in my life.

    • Sadly type 3 often gets confused with the other 2 types cos most blokes think with a certain part of their anatomy which isn’t their brain. “The little man is driving the bus” as my mate would say. Sadly we’ve all done it ( well I know I have anyway ) I think I’ve just about got it sussed these days and, as Depp is older than me, you’d think he would too. Schoolboy error there Johnny.

      • Yep, I hear you Cupid. My own personal screening process during my eligible bachelor days was rubbish. I made the same mistakes over and over again. What a dumbass. I finally realised it’s not something that I’m very good at.

        Fortunately I eventually met a sure fire Type #2 who got promoted to a Type #3 after a long courtship and engagement. Mrs Yank is awesome. Mainly because she’s so like me. Hahaha.

  24. Given half the chance, She could shit in my bed before the act.

    Id burn her in it if it was after though.

    • What if she wanted you to shag her in the same bed and in the same shit covered sheets?

      Only zee Germans would be up for that, I would’ve thought.

  25. She’s just another attention seeking loon who thinks any publicity is good publicity like Me gain Sparkle or Katie Price, these fuckers will do anything or say anything for a bit of limelight and they are so up their own arses they aren’t even aware most of the world thinks they are just cunts.
    If it wasnt for the media they pretend to hate they would be cleaning toilets in Burger King or scraping pigeon shit off statues which is what these cunts will be doing one day when it all finally implodes…..
    But crazy women are best avoided, it should be taught at school…..

  26. She reckons it wasn’t her who left a turd in the bed, it was the dog. That’s bollocks, what kind of dog shits on the bed? Don’t believe that for a minute. Depp should have sent it for a DNA test to prove it was human waste. Goes to show what a thoughtless slut she is, she should at least have had the decency to piss all over him first.

    • Long ago she might have had a nice vag but it’ll be like a steak sandwich now.

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