White people.
Yes, white people. What the fuck is wrong with us? Half of America is on fire because of the death of a man who was being arrested, seemingly heavy handed, but as there is only footage of the arrest, and nothing of his behaviour before that, we are all in the dark as to why the cop thought it necessary to restrain the guy in the manner that he did. Perhaps it was racially motivated, in which case the cop is going down for murder, which is not going to be fun for him.
So, as it is another white cop killing a black suspect, it’s smash the place up time. And it’s not confined to America, as protesters have taken to cities around the world to protest, and have a little ruck with the police, regardless of what that particular country has any perceived culpability or not. The main reason for fomenting this unrest is probably the left, hoping to bring about political change by bringing down the incumbent governments by any means necessary, and by ramping up this hot potato it is bringing about real anarchy.
But, why should I, in a different country, who had nothing to do with the death of this man, get down on one knee in some virtue signalling show of solidarity! Isn’t it enough to condone the cops behaviour, and support his trial, which will hopefully find out the truth? Why should I go on social media and protest my support, sharing endless posts by people I don’t know about an issue I have nothing to do with? Why should I march shoulder to shoulder with hundreds of angry protesters, and trash the place? It’s like the original sin in the fucking bible, where you are all guilty, even if you didn’t know it happened.
So, why white people? Well, we are too gutless to be objective, and are buying into this hysteria of its the fault of all white people. And woe betide anyone who dares to ask ‘don’t all lives matter?’ as Lawrence Fox asked, and is probably not going to work again because of it.
Nominated by Gutstick Japseye
A) fuck #blacklivesmatter
B) fuck kneeling down like a subservient cunt
C) Fuck subservient white cunts who do
I agree
And fuck Boris for suggesting 3 million cunts from Hong Kong are able to get citizenship. Going to need more facemasks
Rome fell due to the apathy and decadence of the Romans, our future can be found in history.
And the Egyptian dynasties went the same way.
They were invaded by what is now Eritrea (we wuz kangz n”sheeit).
Once great empires fall once they let the chimpywogwogs get a foothold.
See a pattern emerging here?
Im white.
Proud to be white.
White power.
We must secure the existence of our people
And a future for white children.
Used to be a neo nazi statement.
Nowadays just common sense .
They pick a fight they can have one.
I remember you once saying you had a terrible ‘whitey’ one time in Amsterdam Miserable? You were a very whitey whitey that day.
A high as a kitey whitey whitey from Blighty. In Amsterdam.
Just have a look at the people in the forefront of yesterday’s demonstrations; the hair (whitey dreadlocks), the clothes and shoes. This is what 70 years of peace, overindulgent parents, gutless politicians and indoctrination rather than education have produced.
I am sure that that Roman writers were saying much the same. Bring on the Barbarians and let’s be done with it.
The barbarians are already here and their numbers being reinforced every calm day via the Channel.
Good cunting GJ, the west appears to be reaping the results of years and years of lefty libtard pc bollocks. Coming to a head now as the massive numbers of immigrants, crooks and general cunts gain ascendency over the old fucked up order.
The minds of many young easily turned after years of anything goes, everyone is a winner, your entitled, you can achieve anything, they believe this shit now!. SJW baying for change equates to someone else must sort out our problems wankers one and all. Two choices, stand back and let the shitfest carry on ( like every U.K. government since 1950s) or do something which may upset a fair few cunts but actually does something to protect what’s left. Fuck the knee ( not Ron of course)
The business in the US is about stopping Trump being re-elected. The business here is about reversing one election defeat after another plus, of course, the referendum. The libtards and their media pals don’t give a fuck about blacks or any other cunt. It’s all about power…..they can’t get it by legitimate means so any other trick will do. We may be in the majority numerically but if you can convince whitey that he shouldn’t be free in his own country our days are numbered. Thank fuck we don’t have guns in this country. If I were a Yank I would be getting well tooled up and turning my drum into Fort Apache.
I’m perplexed by it all. We had demo’s in Herefordshire and there aren’t any black folks no sir boss, yes sir!….. We had middle aged white women in BMW’s and Jags with their wanky beta males in tow and students angry at how we, they have treated black people in our community of which there fucking aint any. We have more Polish than owt else and they are generally ok.
My two lads 21 and 14 (shit names for kids I know but I was a bingo addict years ago) are both livid at the Churchill and other monument damage! CUNTS!
“Key of the Door – Get the kettle on!”
I think the vast majority of people are disgusted by the vandalism, but it won’t be reflected by the MSM, they all come out with, yes it’s wrong… BUT…
Sorry no buts allowed, it was wrong!!
That’s the point Daz, it’s not about reality it’s about emotion…….how you feel not what you do. I doubt if any of those white Yanks on their knees apologising have ever done or said anything racist in their lives. But the media brainwashing makes them feel guilty of crimes they didn’t commit…….or afraid. Not afraid of the blacks, who they probably don’t go near anyway, but afraid of disapproval and exclusion.
At work are you free to say what you like about Brexit, immigration, climate change etc?. Think about it.
I have absolutely no idea why these cunts are going on about the slave trade, no one living today has any direct connection to the slave triangle…. it’s complete bollocks, the blacks in the UK have no modern experience of slavery (in the context of the historical mass market).
There is nothing in this country which resembles in any way the policing in the USA, yes occasionally things go wrong and people die in custody but it is very rare.
So what do they want, do they want whitey to apologise for being white, maybe excuse the behaviour of gangs, because it’s all caused by whitey, or just take everything they want for free, why work when whitey can provide everything.
Every cunt on the TV says ‘things have to change’, what things exactly, explain yourselves you cunts.
Fuck BLM, you live in a democracy, you can use your vote not a fucking paint spray to vandalise the memory of the man who stood up to fascism.
Anyone ask the ‘Black‘ community about the drug trade, gangs, knife crime…. No didn’t think so.
Blackie: I like being black.
Cap’n Magnanimous: Cool.
Cap’n Magnanimous: I like being white.
Blackie: Racist, privileged, white supremacist cracker.
A lot of the white people on these rallies are the chronically bored and the losers looking for a cause.
Well all they’re doing is making more racists, the thick cunts. What choice do you have when your race is constantly blamed for the crimes of others and told ‘Don’t look back in anger’ when other races commit atrocities against them?
They’re giving people no choice. If these cunts want a race war (I don’t, but what choice might we have?), they’d better be fucking ready when it comes.
I am utterly sick of this shit now. I don’t want to hear it from these cunts that more BAMEs are catching the Rona after 10s of thousands of the cunts took to the streets to riot. I will not apologise for my skin colour. Certainly not while their skin colour commits more crimes in my country. Certainly not when countries with majority black populations are war-torn, poverty stricken violent shitholes with little or no economy. Black lives matter do they? Tell that to your corrupt leaders in Africa then, they seemed to have missed that meeting.
And why do only black lives matter if the killer is white? From now, I’m saying that blacks, Pakistanis or whatever should all get on their fucking knees and apologise next time one of theirs kills or rapes a whitey or ten.
White Lives Matter you cunts! And if you hate us so much, why not fuck off to Africa to be with more of your kind. Because we’ve had enough of you racist, criminal cunts already!
Now fuck off!
Blimey I didn’t know I had that in me. Rant factor 200 right there.
Blame the start of this video if you were offended (shit, now I’m not accepting responsibility for my actions too!). It put me in a right mood, I can tell you.
Un fucking believable.
All we can do is share as much of this to as many people we can.
That last video of the group of soys all on thier knees.
If asked they all would have handed over thier house keys I’m sure of it.
America is fucked
Can see conflict and they all have assault rifles.
Sit back and watch the fireworks it’s coming to a southern state near you.
Agree 100%
There is a reason why these cunts like to be portrayed as the victim it means the can continue to be victims and take no responsibility for anything.
I’m Black, I cant get a job
I’m Black, the police are racist
I’m Black, I cant get an education
I’m Black, I cant get a nice house.
As long as they are seen as the victim, they can’t lose.
That’s exactly right, a lot of black people love this as it allows them to get a leg up over others
White People
Purveyors of doom and misery, and out of rhythm dancing. We are the life and soul of the party! At least we provide entertainment.
Did you know that the UK abolished slavery in 1833 and bought (yes, bought with cash) the freedom of every slave. At the time, this cost the UK 40% of the national budget.
A sum of money so large that the debt wasn’t paid off until 2015 through our taxes.
The next time one of these Robinsons marmalade cunts starts mouthing off about reparations from whitey, just remind them that every tax payer in living memory paid for their freedom (apart from millenials, obviously).
The only reparations they are owed is a one way ticket back to bongawongaland if they don’t like it here.
Reparation through repatriation has a nice ring to it, don’t you think.
Now fuck off and you can take that uppity cunt Bonny Greer with you.
As we have said before, Great Britain banned the slave trade in 1807 and was prepared to devote significant naval resources to enforce the ban despite being in a life and death struggle with Napoleon. Are the current crop of cunts (of all colours) aware of this?! Are they fuck!
Just had a thought! We should start a campaign to erect statues to commemorate the sailors of the Royal Navy who died whilst suppressing the slave trade. The first statue to go up in Bristol.
Fuck that. After the way those cunts behaved they should erect a giant statue of Bernard Manning.
A statue of BErnard Manning would be a hefty structure; let’s see the cunts that one over!
Not only that: I purchased ain Cecil Court a item from a copy of the Iliustrated London News from either 1879 or 1889. On the reverse was an article as to a naval lieutenant in the Gulf who having spotted slavers had given chase. Some got away and he gave chase again. Some of our jack-tars died in the encounter and our lieutenant was injured but he got the lot and was duly promoted.
It was us that abolished and with our blood, slavery, allowed the people who would have become slaves to come here and then all they do is trash the place – them and the wiggers. and why is Boris so silent? Is he ill again? Tweeting late on Sunday that protesting is fine but you must keep six feet apart is both too larte and too stupid. How can you keep six feet apart if there are five thousand of you in Parliament Square? Why as well is it ok to go protesting but not to the pub, the church or anything else. The government seem to have really screwed up badly.
Well, we are seeing Boris in his true colours which are a collection of non offensive pastel shades. I shall refer to the cunt as Mr Magnolia in future.
I think Gutstick meant to say: “Isn’t it enough to ‘condemn’ the cops behaviour…?”
Lefties are the first to reject anything American if they find it in their media, food, culture, etc, and the first to accept it if they find it in their ideology.
Trust the BBC to stoke the fires. They are revisiting the Cecil Rhodes statue debate at Oxford University. The TV Tax is being spent so well.
There will be a minute’s silence tonight at nine, because we’ve certainly not had enough of that sort of stuff.
I shall use this minute to shout every racial slur I know,
Might need more than a minute.
I’ll be right there with you, GH.
Is that straight after Boo for Boris or before Whistle for Care Workers? I know it’s not Clap for Police or Yelp For Roadsweepers as that’s on Wednesdays after Kneel For Nègroes.
It’s all coming out in the wash now about St Floyd. Violent ex-con, druggie, pornstar, alcoholic and pissed and trying to discard drugs on his person when confronted by the Police about passing fake money. One of St Floyd’s prior misdemeanours which he was ‘working towards’ changing his lifestyle on? Threatening a pregnant woman with her gun during a home invasion whilst his ‘homies’ ransacked the place.
Given that both Floyd and the cop were both previously meathead bouncers together, it’s *possible* (ie ‘allegedly’) they were probably moving in the same shady circles and doings, and had beef with each other which dumb cop dumbly decided to resolve whilst on duty – and on camera.
HIS gun I meant
FFS I’m not even hungover (sadly given the current state of things)
“George was a good boy and he was turning his life around”.
No-one has quoted this (yet), but the number of times I have seen similar quoted, usually, by the deceased’s mother when some dindu nuffins acquires their set of wings.
It was prominently featured in the initial reports that he had come to Minneapolis to ‘turn his life around’.
Something that no-one seems to have emphasised, though is that his girlfriend, Courteney Ross, 44, is white. Well, how priivileged can you get?
Wings? Don’t you mean horns and trident?
Play ‘Don’t Look Back in Anger’ at full volume (wear earplugs though, it’s one of the worst songs of all-time).
‘Black is Black’, I want my country, sorry baby back.
Might be a more fitting choon.
In solidarity Dawn Butler will strip down to her Union Jack bloomers and chant “I am a n!gger nagger” while Lammy accompanies her on de bongos.
Repatriation and deportation of such ungrateful bastards were never on my mind as options until recently. Well done, you stupid cunts because I bet I’m not alone.
Gibraltar is part of the UK, I managed to get deported from Gibraltar once, defacto deported from my own county.
So if I can get deported from my own country why can we not return them to theirs? .
Just asking.
Getting deported from your own country does demand a great deal of talent one would imagine.
Come on, LB. What happened?
He didn’t kneel down.
I truly believe that if the various dindus and third world savages in this country keep defacing historical British monuments, keep demonising those who never bother them and keep attacking old bill that there will be race riots before long.
For the first time in a long while, I felt genuine rage seeing that fucking ape swinging over the cenotaph and trying to set fire to the British flag.
Do not follow Paul Joseph Watson’s Twitter feed right now if you value your sanity. It will show you the full extent of hatred towards this country by the very fucking cunts we have been good enough to take in and provide for.
Forget all hyperbole spouted on previous cuntings – when I see these fucking untamed gun triggers behaving in this way, I feel nothing but pure, unadulterated hatred towards them. The fucking shitcunts.
And they wonder why cunts like Nick Griffin are making a comeback.
They own this, the cunts.
I always said that eventually we will need to take sides and it will largely be on racial lines. Forget the white soy boys standing with the blacks. It will be white versus black and it will be the fight for our lives. However, I suspect that like the Rhodesians and white South Africans, we will be sold down the river. White kids – get out while you can. Go to South America and take your expertise there and NEVER let the blacks become the majority.
ECB, I concur ref race riots. I know they’re shit-scared of inflaming the situation, but the old bill are going to have to, because sure as eggs, these ‘protesters’ will get more & more outrageous in their law breaking & control will be lost – then they’ll see racism like they’ve never fucking known.
I just heard on Classic fm (Lady C is listening) that they are going to have a minute’s silence forever chimp man floyd (coincidentally the name of the orangutan in every which way but loose). For fuck’s sake – I thought the collective lunacy after Diana’s death was bad, but this is another level. Boris needs to stamp on it hard or it will be out of control and the left will have won.
By the way, can we have a minute’s silence for Kriss Donald and all the white farmers killed by blacks.
A moment silence for a gun trigger who once assaulted and robbed a pregnant woman. Fuck right off.
A one minute silence is now a cliche. What will happen when our beloved queen Philip Schoefield kicks the bucket?. I imagine a 24 hour blackout by ITV
The orangutan was called Clyde… but I get your drift.?
My solicitor says I’m not allowed to comment as I will be put in jail.
The cunts.
Wot, yet again?
The liberal mindset doesn’t function in any rational manner today.
I (with not some small element of shame) admit to being on Arsebook for hobby purposes not social and also a local town group. In the town page was a diatribe in favour of BLM and yada yada yada from a majority of thick,useless,unemployable millennials ,many of whom appeared to have cut and pasted their responses. for example,the word ‘systemic’ has replaced ‘constitutional’ when addressing raaaaaaycism was mentioned from several different posters.
Now I live in a prosperous,comfortable market town, at one time in the top 10 desirable places to live, overwhelmingly white population where the only cultural diversity encountered on a weekly basis is deciding what take away to have on Friday evenings.
The virtue signalling self-righteousness emanating from these over privileged,adversity absent cakeholes was both pitiful and contemptible but the irony of their plagiarised opinion was phenomenal.
Needless to say I gave the facts, the links,the videos all pertinent to this St George of Chiggun bollocks and needless to say, there then followed a veritable tidal wave of but but but’isms from these pampered lapdogs. however, not one single comment addressed my points never mind debate or refute them.
They are doing the cyber equivalent of putting their fingers in their ears and shouting lalala I can’t hear you along with random “go sister” and “yay diversity” soundbites for good,if predictable measure. And predictably,yes, most were wimminz* of the snowflake species and millennial age.
I ask you, WTF does someone from such a safe,comfortable and affluent environment know about the world events and politics yet seem to want to accelerate their own demise in according all the worlds ills to that R word? You want to convince yourself that tribalism is a one way street?
One particularly ignorant pillock accused me of xenophobia on two occasions because I had condemned the rioters, sorry,protesters. But when I mentioned that I suspected the rioters were UK citizens so it’s hardly xenophobia, the airwaves went quiet. furthermore, that particular wimminz was living in Bristol, 120 miles away. The clueless cunt. I hope the statue of Colston lodges in her sanctimonious ring-piece the fad chasing gesture politics deadbeat. Oh, and her name is ‘Candi’ apparently, a clear case of confectionery appropriation right there you appalling bigot.
I will bend a knee in hope that there is an epic and biblical spike in the virus among those porkhead handwringers with multiple deaths or at the very least, sterilisation.
* But yes, of course there were one or two soy boy beta cuck,manbag toting chumps giving it up in support of the sisterhood. They probably desire a good rimming from a dusky fellow too.
Don’t know how you put up with it. I had to get off Cuntbook for my health. It’s fine if you don’t mind high blood pressure. Fuck that shit. Place is madhouse.
Where else do you get the chance to show up the self-righteous,affirmation desiring,sanctimonious attention seekers if not soshal meedja?
They can’t handle fact based logic, it really pisses them off so they shut up and scurry away because they’ve thrown all their best punches and missed the mark every time.
Besides, it’s infested with millennials and I despise those gutless wonders with a passion.
In case you didn’t know. 😉
It’ll be funny when these stupid women start getting raped by gangs of marauding blacks who have nothing to fear from authority, because there won’t be any. Who do you think these cunts will turn to then? Yeah, us, the ones they’ve spent years slagging off. I, for one, won’t let off a smelly fart to help them.
Lee Rigby and Kriss Donald
How come no match , no kneeling
It’s a fucking disgrace and then we have
Dame Cressida Dick saying it was too hard to police and she was disappointed and depressed where the absolute fuck does she think she is ? A regency costume drama ( to quote MT)
Holy Fuck this is the head of the metropolitan police
Full horse charge , water cannon , tasers and TANKS ( ok a bit too Chinese)
Arrest as many as possible and jail them – criminal records
Revoke their furloughs the Kunts
Love to see a statue representing the estimated 2 million white Europeans forced into slavery by the black and Turkish barbary pirates from the 16th to 19th century. Forgotten slaves, forgotten history. But that would not fit the woke myth would it. Bunch of Cunts especially the whites amongst them.
These gutless unwashed motherfuckers are so “brave” they defaced a statue of Sir Winston Churchill on D-Day anniversary on Saturday – a white man who had nothing to do with the events in America in 2020 and – thanks to his leadership – means this scum is able in 2020 to behave in a way that would insult the intelligence of a gorilla.
Likewise in Bristol as they destroyed a statue and threw it into the harbour, one of the cunts is standing there in his safety mask gloating.
Round the bastards up and give them a good dose of prison. As for London that little arsewipe Sadiq Kunt sold off the water cannon for a pittance – not only would it have controlled the crowds but it might have cleaned the dicks and cunts of the mob, for whom it would probably have been the first time those parts had seen water all year.
Attacking Churchill’s statue is bad enough but they also attempted to attack Lincoln’s statue, presumably because he was a Yank. Have these dense cunts never heard the word “Abolitionist”, are they unfamiliar with The American Civil War? Do they not know that the cunt had his fucking brains blown out for the Abolitionist cause? Jesus fucking Christ, how fucking ignorant can you be?
I’m surprised they haven’t demanded Wilberforce be airbrushed from British history…
They wouldn’t know who he was.Nor would they care to know, it would interfere with their ‘suffering’.
It’s enough for them to think he had something to do with the slave trade and that he was educated at the racist Cambridge university which has admitted its guilt by wanting to pay reparations to the descendants of slaves…
Besides he was white and well-to-do, therefore to blame for the slave trade by default.
Well he was a “whitey”
You couldn’t make it up! The whole thing is like something from a Tom Sharpe novel but even stranger.
Apparently the statue of Ghandi got similar treatment. Mind you he had little to no time for Black Africans when he was there. Possibly could be argued as even random violence sometimes hits the right target (more likely the ignorant shower had no idea who he was).
For those surprised that Emma Thompson has not yet got on a jet to give her little opinion, she has come up with a special Shakesperian tribute to poor George, for added gravitas:
Dickhead sat in her office and ordered the execution of Jean Charles, poor cunt was only going to work. Dickhead sat in her office and allowed London to be trashed. Fucking cunt.
And they fucking lied about it, saying he ran. No, he strolled onto the train like any other day, was then pinned down, and shot several times in the head at point blank with hollow point bullets.
Overt assassination is what I’d call it personally.
Of course that was in the days of Anthony Blair and he couldn’t have her disciplined because she is a lezza just like himself.
I nearly forgot……Fuck the Fucking BBC!! May every traitor cunt who works for those bastards burn in hell!
Especially Linekunt.
One good thing has come out of this, I have chiselled off the 1 button on the tv remote as I was losing my voice from screaming “CUNT!” every time I strayed onto bbc news. The fuckers don’t ever question an assertion made by a person of colour no matter how false and ridiculous. The “mainly peaceful protests” should be renamed the pre-riot ànd looting protests. I suppose trying to debate a BLM activist would be like trying to discuss politics with a moderately retarded 8 year old having a tantrum, but they’re supposed to be fucking journalists. Once the chimpouts eventually settle down I propose we let them set up their own country where they can be free from oppression and white privilege. They can have the Isle of Man, I have never liked it. Look how well Liberia turned out when African-Americans gave it the benefit of their education and intelligence. Average iq in sub-Saharan Africans is 80, which explains the number of great civilizations the continent has produced.
“Mainly Peaceful” like the Hindenburg and Titanic had mainly successful voyages?
I should think ex-cunter Krav was on his knees this weekend but not showing solidarity with George Floyd.
If George Floyd had put a gun against my wife’s pregnant stomach, I would be thinking that it is a good job the police got him before me.
Fucking unbelievable hysteria about a fucking good for nothing piece of shit.
Don’t get me wrong, the cop was wrong, but to shed tears, rampage, loot, beat up innocents and kill….fuck off, just fuck off.
A massive shame on the law abiding citizens that don’t feel they are oppressed.
Piers Morgan is a fat 6-chinned cunt too.
The world is a better place without George Floyd.
As for the rioters, shoot the cunts, all of them .
As for the police, fucking useless.
Get To Fuck.
Our government is a fucking disgrace too, as is the opposition.
Cunts without exception.
Fuck Right Off.
JTC@ – well done Sir, you actually had the balls to say what I think the majority of people on this site were thinking – the only reason the libtards are kicking off is because he was killed by a white Man not a black one.
Kweer Charmer has been his usual pusillanimous self. Whilst saying that the naughty girls and boys shouldn’t have thrown the statue in the river, he feels the statue should have been “removed years ago” – the old poof really believes in having his cake and eating it too.
Good evening Vernon. I don’t condone his killing, but the circus around his death, which has virtually canonised him, makes me sick.
He was a habitual criminal, and a nasty piece of work. A worthless wretch who preyed on the weak and vulnerable. Yet to many, he seems to be a hero.
The world is full of cunts.
Spot JTC, the world is a better place without the wretched George Floyd. There is nothing else to say.
Piers Morgan is just a massive loudmouthed dickhead.
He must be on a diet as i counted 7 chins on the twot last week.
His death at the hands of the Minneapolis po-lees was wrong, but no matter that George Floyd was a violent dindu nuffins, the usual anti-Trump slebs are out in force making their oh-so-very-important demands and opinions known.
George Clooney (of questionable sexuality) has written ‘an essay’ on how change needs to come about. Cunt.
Adelephant – Silly fucking old whore – stick to bellowing out of your dungtrumpet like Brian Blessed.
J Lo – Stick to sucking cock.
J Aniston – Ditto.
Leonardo DiCaprio – Stick to fucking girls 20 years younger than you.
Michelle Obama – Stick to pretending to be female.
These cunts just cannot live without the oxygen of publicity.
Good job with Adeles ex husband he won that money from a 3 yr marriage and got 140 million divorce settlement not a bad slice for being temporarily married to ms piggy
Now she doesn’t have to lie to her husband anymore and can suck all the cocks she wants now without lying about her cuum moustache round her lips I don’t really care for adeles music but i really like chasing pavements for some reason its a good song
These cunts love publicity but surely they can afford Intelligent PR people to warn them when to shut up.
I am reminded of George C Scott in ‘Patton’ describing how Roman generals parading through Rome had a slave whispering in their ear ‘All this is fleeting’.