
What are we good for? Absolutely nothing

White people.
Yes, white people. What the fuck is wrong with us? Half of America is on fire because of the death of a man who was being arrested, seemingly heavy handed, but as there is only footage of the arrest, and nothing of his behaviour before that, we are all in the dark as to why the cop thought it necessary to restrain the guy in the manner that he did. Perhaps it was racially motivated, in which case the cop is going down for murder, which is not going to be fun for him.
So, as it is another white cop killing a black suspect, it’s smash the place up time. And it’s not confined to America, as protesters have taken to cities around the world to protest, and have a little ruck with the police, regardless of what that particular country has any perceived culpability or not. The main reason for fomenting this unrest is probably the left, hoping to bring about political change by bringing down the incumbent governments by any means necessary, and by ramping up this hot potato it is bringing about real anarchy.
But, why should I, in a different country, who had nothing to do with the death of this man, get down on one knee in some virtue signalling show of solidarity! Isn’t it enough to condone the cops behaviour, and support his trial, which will hopefully find out the truth? Why should I go on social media and protest my support, sharing endless posts by people I don’t know about an issue I have nothing to do with? Why should I march shoulder to shoulder with hundreds of angry protesters, and trash the place? It’s like the original sin in the fucking bible, where you are all guilty, even if you didn’t know it happened.
So, why white people? Well, we are too gutless to be objective, and are buying into this hysteria of its the fault of all white people. And woe betide anyone who dares to ask ‘don’t all lives matter?’ as Lawrence Fox asked, and is probably not going to work again because of it.

Nominated by Gutstick Japseye

107 thoughts on “Whitey

  1. Whats happening in America is no accident its a colour revelution by the usual suspects. If this colour revelution is achieved which it will be by the looks of it, usa will no longer be a superpower and slowly wither away as a empire

    Trump could of stopped it in its tracks before the looting and “protesting” got out of hand but hes a globalhomo incompetent bitch who sucks heeb and black cock fuck him! Its open season hunting on whitey now thanks to phony conservatives who are actually neo liberal cuckolds

  2. Mass hysteria is now combining with forced inactivity and rabble-rousing bigotry: the conditions are close to those producing Hitler – remember the Nazis started on the Left. For Aryan supremacy now read black supremacy…

    Resistance is required.

  3. Good old dame Kweer, he was on with Nick Ferrari……

    ‘He doesn’t condone the pulling down of the statue in Bristol, but it shouldn’t have been there in the first place’

    What a fucking knob, lawyer speak at its best! It was there you cunt so pulling it down was wrong.


  4. The cravenness of the media in the US is also disgusting. The constant use by CNN of “peaceful protests” although many have been marked by looting and violence and the underlying political correctness that we are all assumed to share. The opinion page editor of the New York Times “resigned”, i.e. left before being fired, for publishing a piece by a Republican senator who called for the military to be used against violent protesters. For Christ´s sake, an opinion piece is precisely that – an opinion which others can agree or disagree with. In this case, the Senator would obviously express a conservative opinion. In another case of the media´s cowardliness, the editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer, resigned after a headline appeared saying “Buildings Matter Too” on an article about civil unrest. So much for the freedom of the press!

    • Animals destroy and attack whilst our knee bending “impartial” Police look the other way and apologise for being alive.
      Would they have acted the same way if Tommy Robinson (real name, yawn) had arranged a protest against muslim sex beasts? Well, the answer is before you – TR did just that recently, some dirty bastard spat in his face and HE got arrested! (Nice bit of balanced and impartial Policing there). This madness has gone too far, and what makes me particularly angry is the amount of little wet bitch white people “protesting”, had that been a demonstration about the illegal immigrants turning up on our shores every day you could guarantee the pigs would have been there mob handed kettling, gassing, tazering, water cannons and smashing the shit out of every person there before dragging them off to face Months and Years in prison as the MSM scream about racist whitey, said MSM making sure every person was identified and lost their jobs and were demonised in every way.
      Enoch Powell predicted this, Winston Churchill predicted this and we face the very real prospect of the Socialist and Antifa driven civil unrest tearing this Country apart – which is what they have wanted for a long time. We have become infested with the disease of so called liberalism which is anything but, and we need to cut this disease out from our society because we are a heartbeat away from race riots.
      I say again – anyone not happy with the values, culture, identity, history and right to rule by democracy instead of mob violence in the United Kingdom – fuck off, anywhere you want, stay there, and never come to MY Country again.
      I cannot sufficiently put into words my hatred for these traitor bastards, but hope I am around to demonstrate it – next riot, oh, sorry, “demonstration” I might nip round to some snow/blackflake properties (“Mum, we’re going pwotesting – give us twenty Pounds”), trash the place, steal everything and burn the place to the ground – see how those hateful little bastards like it – and just to totally destroy them film while their shrines to Owen Jones and Jeremy Corbyn are torn up and thrown into Mummy and Daddys water feature, yah.
      Fucking vermin, firm Fox hand needed with these animals.

  5. Finally, a politician calls this nonsense out; not one of ours but Irish.

    “I did oppose it, I am not a backward gombeen from Tipperary*. They’re a sovereign country, it’s in none of our interests. A debate about racism is all just a cover – we want to be seen to be this great liberal democracy.

    “Where is our liberty now? It’s in tatters, we can’t have a GAA match, we have autistic children who can’t get into schools. I’ll have all the liberati shouting down at me. I said a man has been charged and there is a court case, due process, so we’re going to lock him up and hang him and throw away the keys, summary justice by our great liberati again. We shouldn’t be doing anything to inflame the situation – it’s none of our business.”


    * cue backward gombeens from Tipperary taking to the street…

    • If the soyboys want to see real terrifying violence send them to a Gaelic football match!
      Great Britain ENDED slavery, paid 150 Years of reparations, set up and policed the free Country of Sierra Leone as a safe haven for slaves (now a well known bastion of black democracy ?).
      Thousands of British Soldiers and navy died protecting slaves, and every country evil racist whitey has left has immediately turned to corrupt murderous tribal brutality – the same as they were before whitey arrived.
      If the UK is so racist and awful fuck off to Africa – but don’t dare call the British Embassy when you find out the truth as you are being robbed/raped/murdered at gunpoint – because that would be racist!
      And who have been the biggest slavers in history (and STILL ARE)? The African continent and any Muslim Country you would care to mention, but no rioting about that.
      I wholly support demonstrating against that which is wrong – but this is opportunistic violence and hatred organised and perpetrated by socialist agitators – and needs to be stamped on HARD.
      Because history has repeatedly shown, when it gets dirty whitey is the only winner, and when payback comes kindness, safe spaces and mercy will be in very, very short supply.

  6. The idea of Original Sin is key to this mindset as wokeness is a religion.

    Still, at least Christianity has forgiveness (when practiced in the right spirit).

  7. And if Nigel Farage had organised a demonstration against the invasion by dinghy which goes on every day?
    Would the Police have “taken a knee” before that? Would they have allowed working class white Men to run riot, cause damage, arson, assaults? Would they hell, because our Country is being lost before our eyes, and if we do anything but agree with it we are demonised as racists, fascists, nazis etc, lose our jobs, reputation, get victimised, threatened with violence by the hate filled mummys boys of Antifa and the other peddlers of hate and unrest.
    We must act to turn the tide, because if we don’t we are lost.

  8. https://bit.ly/3778gGO Have a look at this URL-short. White guy died in the same manner as Floyd. How come he is NOT included in all the protest? How come he is NOT ever mentioned? I’ll tell you why – ONLY WHITE PEOPLE CAN BE RACIST!!

    • Less of that telling the truth nonsense now Mickey – the BBC won’t like it!
      And thought crime perception can very easily get you arrested if you are unfortunate enough to be born white, straight, working class and English.
      The madness currently going on – Politicians and Police looking the other way and appeasing when anarchy, destruction and violence is afoot – decent, normal people demonised and terrified and threatened into silence for having a different point of view reminds me exactly of what the Communists did in 1917 in Russia and what the National Socialists did in Germany in the 1930’s.
      But tell any “liberal” that and see their venomous rage surface.
      I believe in free speech and democracy – but in Britain 2020 engaging in your legal, moral and democratic right to free speech can get you arrested – how the hell can this be right?
      Are we really a democracy anymore? Will I be arrested for asking?

      • Free speech does not exist in U.K. Never really has. The right to say what you think without penalty is not enshrined in any of our laws. Unlike the USA, even the infamous Westboro Baptist Church has won many Court cases because the right to free speech is a right in the states not a privilege as here.
        In our unicorn country you get arrested for speaking your mind if anyone is offended or maybe offended or could be offended now and in the future forever, your rightly fucked. No job, social pariah, outcast the end.

  9. Let’s get some perspective here.
    If this guy was unlawfully killed by that cop then it’s up to a court of law to try him and if found guilty then apply the appropriate penalty.

    It’s not up to a lynch mob. It’s certainly not up to a bunch of mainly black under 30 year olds in a foreign country.

    As regards what happened in the States, what these idiots don’t seem to realize it’s that by behaving in this way, they are ensuring that the cop in question gets off because his lawyers will quite roughly argue that it’s impossible for him to get a fair trial.

    I personally am sick and tired of being the real second class citizen because I’m heterosexual, white, able bodies and several other categories that are positively discriminated in favor of and therefore by definition discriminate against me.

    I watched the news this evening where some young black kid was saying that he wanted the same rights and opportunities that white people have. Well, I’ve got news for him. In this country that is exactly what you have got.

    You want examples of racists? Try Robert Mugabe, Idi Amin, Pakistan, Serbia, David Lammy and many others I could mention who have nothing to do with white oppression of non whites.

    I’m a simple person. I judge people on their merits. I don’t care what race, religion, color or sexual potentiometer they are. If it’s a cunt it’s a cunt. Simples…

    • Agree with pretty much all of that.

      Thing is, I’m starting to think about something I heard a while back (and dismissed as nutty at the time). Now, the colour of somebody’s skin has never been an issue for me. I too have always judged people on their characters and actions.

      However, it might not matter that I don’t care about race. The sentence I heard was this:

      ‘You might not care about race, but race might care about you’ (or something like that lol)

      But I get the argument now. Even if I do continue not to get involved in identify politics, what if other groups (like if BLM becomes huge) come for me in a violent way, based purely on my skin colour? Can you imagine having a black supremacist PM? What would life be like for white people then?

      We’d have no choice but to fight if attacked and vilified with impunity. It’s a fucking tragedy that our ‘leaders’ can’t see where we’re heading. However, I do believe some of them know exactly what they’re doing (the race baiting MPs).

      We’re fucked unless the likes of the BBC stop causing divisions in society, sadly.

      Only thing is just to enjoy your life as much as possible while you can and just vote according.

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