Tim Matthews


PLease prepare to put on your rubber knickers as you piss yourself laughing at the “joke” that is balding bespectacled Mr. Matthews.

Who is he? well he is the motherfucker who reported a second sighting of Dominic C* mmings last week, but it was a “joke”


I hope the cunt gets to laugh some more and the police arrest him for wasting their time, and for a really side-splitting routine he could receive a custodial sentence since this must fall under the “attempting to pervert the course of justice” law.

As ever Guardian readers and up-their-own-arse Remainers are continuing to stir the shit. Perhaps Unkle Terry should be encouraged to do his worst.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

70 thoughts on “Tim Matthews

  1. A joke? If he said he’d seen Boris it would of been an obvious joke, this cunt the was stirring the pot.

  2. Fuck me, I thought the media’s obsessive pursuit of Baldybollocks was completely sickening at the time but bring it back for fucks sake! Anything is better than this canonisation of a dead Yank criminal, the hero worship of a bunch of libtard bastards and the demonisation of the police, the “far right” and “white privilege”, which, ironically only exists among the cunts who are throwing the term about like confetti at a gay wedding. Oh for the simple days of just having one fucking bald cunt to pick on. As for this Tim bloke just another lying commie bastard. Have you seen the BBC today??

  3. Fuck me, the left really are bad losers.

    Which is odd, considering the amount of practice they’ve had.

    • The left are cunts, they pretend they want to lift everyone up but to do so they have to drag everyone down.

  4. Apologies in advance for any cunter offence ……

    Anyone call Tim is usually a cunt!

    Just watching the news waiting for the next episode of ‘Boil my Piss’

      • I find Tim Vine is hilarious and charming and does not to use blue jokes. Proper dad jokes hehe. 😀

        His brother Jeremy though is somewhat of a can of can’t. Particularly on the radio.

    • Tim Horton’s round the corner from me shut up shop and…left the bloody lights on. What cunts.

  5. The episode of Fawlty Towers, The Germans has been pulled by some network or other. Some cunts took the decision not realising that it takes the piss out of the British rather than the fucking Krauts. It just shows how far people have drifted from being able to understand the most basic truths.

    • They are gunning for Gavin and Stacey now, fat woke cunt James Corden likes giving it out, what goes around comes around eh fat kid?

    • I don’t suppose they’re going to pull the episode where Basil is ripping the piss out of the Yanks?

    • League of Gents and The Mighty Boosh have been dropped from Netflix.
      Expect lots more of this. The woke activists want a cultural revolution.
      It’s what’s been behind Black Lives Matter and Extinction Rebellion, the trans agenda and modern feminism. They admitted it on Talkradio.’recalibrating the cultural environment’.
      It’s now as clear as day where this has been heading. They just needed the death of a black criminal and the biggest social taboo of civilised society as an excuse to accelerate The process..
      The media either cant see it or are happily complicit.

      • Three of the four ‘wimminz of Crayola’ are boot-ugly run-munching viragos. BLM is to BAME what The Moose Limb Brotherhood is to Eye-Slam (trucks into crowds).

      • Who started BLM I forgot to qualify!!

        I also forgot to add bald to the their description.

    • I have the box set of Fawlty Towers, it’s a pity the fucking woke bastards are having a go it hilarious. While they are at it I am surprised they jumped all over the abuse of stereotype Spanish waiter. Que

      • Didn’t the Chinks have a go a while back, only allowing one child per family, the Asian and African countries fire them out faster than metal storm!

  6. These libertard leftie cunts appear to work on the principal “ why let the truth get the way of a good story “ Keep throwing enough shit and some is sure to stick , even when they are found to be blatantly lying the damage has already been done , the message is out there , any retraction or correction gets buried if aired at all So as far as the sheeple are concerned the lie is true……
    This BLM UK campaign is looking more Fraudulent everyday, soros funded activists stirring the pot just as the EU transition Cut off approaches , So much protesting over what happened the other side of the Atlantic, is it a Coincidence? Or a well oiled and highly motivated attempt to derail brexit Using a small easily lead vociferous minority backed by MSM and the usual celeb wankers, the fucking bald cunt mentioned in this thread is just the tip of a shitty liberal iceberg……

    I’m not buying it , neither will I be taking the knee or apologising for being white..

  7. When the football starts next week all teams will be wearing “Black Lives Matter” on their shirts. Jesus fucking Christ! If you weren’t convinced that the rich cunts have stolen our game from us that is surely the final nail in the coffin. Fuck those arseholes!

    • And I’ve heard from a friend who works closely with PL for the first game no players shirts will have names on the back !! Just BLM
      A BLM badge will appear on their sleeve in future ………
      let’s see if he’s right ????

      • I like White Shirts
        White Tee-Shirts
        White sliced bread
        White Eggs
        White sheets
        White chocolate

        Fuck anyone who doesn’t like this statement.

    • Ron, don’t give up. We need your commentary and your interviews and reporting.

      • Thanks Spoons.
        I’m just feeling very pessimistic with the state of things right now!

    • Can I join you, Ron? I think I’d happily swap places with the dying cunt we’ve just blued to ED….. I genuinely want to fucking cry for what’s being forced upon us.

      • I find myself posting less and less on here, simply because I feel more like weeping than typing.?

  8. Rich cunts are behind all this unrest,make no mistake.
    Stand up George (Cunto) Soros.

  9. Don’t worry Ron, the next vote they’re going to get creamed again. They are just building up votes for the other side. I guarantee Tangoman will win in November. Imagine the mass wailing and crying and wringing of libtard hands. It will be a joy to behold.

    • Morning Fred, and thanks for that!
      As I just said to Spoons, I’m feeling very pessimistic right now. There do appear to be forces at work who know that they can’t win at the ballot box, so they’re taking to the streets on any pretext to try to cause unrest and division. Cultural Marxism at its finest!

      • The cunts won’t win on the streets either, not in the long run. People will be pushed too far and these protesters will start getting battered.

      • I’m rather hoping tomorrow kicks off and the bloody kneeling policemen get some too, the cowardly cunts.

    • According to the polls Biden has a 10 point lead ( if you believe them) but trump must be relishing taking on the doddery old cunt , biden will be ruthlessly exposed in any live debates and one thing that tango man is good at is a dirty no holds barred political street fight ..
      As the famous old American boxing referee mills lane used to say to the fighters where touching gloves
      “ let’s get it on “
      IF trump wins the democrats will be incandescent with rage, Expect mass protests and violence which may spill over to the UK …….

      • Keep the faith Ron, honest and impartial reporting is as rare as rocking horseshit at the moment. Any one remember cunter Hugh Chattering Islington-Cunt and his ‘Shitholes of the World’ reports?

  10. This is a great time to be a Loony Leftie. A field day. They must be filling their boots.

    • They have won in London, the cenotaph and Churchill statue being boarded up, I would have preferred armed response, lethal force against any cunt attacking either one.

      There are right wing protests scheduled this weekend, I bet that little cunt suckdick doesn’t hold back the police for them.

      • London was lost a while ago Sick of it, it will take a revolution to claim back what was one of the greatest cities in the world.
        The bbc say far right protests but they’re not, they’re just people sick of having their history and culture trashed in our own country.
        The BNP should get themselves sorted, they will Hoover votes up.

      • Suckdick Khant is advising BLM ‘demonstrators’ that ‘far right’ groups are planning to ‘hijack’ their protests. Funny, but I don’t remember him warning them of the far left loonies already doing just that…

    • I feel that some of the lefty cunts will get their comeuppance this weekend. Plod might have been told to deal more firmly with protesters but it it more likely that some Millwall types will decide to ensure that statues are not going to be molested.
      BTW did any of you find the attitude of the coppers dealing with that mouthy woman in Ipswich offensive? The only people who came out of it smelling of shit were the dark key herself and the Deputy Chief Constable; no surprise there then.

      • I pinched this from the Millwall forum – quoted by a supporter without attribution. (Probably wise, as the jiggasucking BLM cunts would probably make the author’s life intolerable)

        You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you. So why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?

        You have the Muslim Council of Great Britain.

        You have Black History Month.

        You have swimming pools for Asian women.

        You have Islamic banks for Muslims only.

        You have year of the dragon day for Chinese people.

        If we had a White Pride Day, you would call us racists.

        If we had White History Month, we’d be racists.

        If we had any organization for only whites to ‘advance’ OUR lives, we’d be racists.

        A white woman could not be in the Miss Black Britain or Miss Asia, but any colour can be in the Miss UK.

        If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships, you know we’d be racists.

        There are over 200 openly proclaimed Muslim only schools in England. Yet if there were ‘White schools only’, that would be racist!

        In the Bradford riots and Toxteth riots, you believed that you were standing-up for your race and rights. If we stood-up for our race and rights, you would call us racists.

        You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you’re not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.

        We fly our flag, we are racists. If we celebrate St George’s day we are racists.

        You can fly your flag and it’s called diversity. You celebrate your cultures and it’s called multiculturalism.

        I am proud…. but you call me a racist.

        Why is it that only whites can be racists??

        BEING PROUD TO BE WHITE! It’s not a crime, YET… but its getting very close!

      • You know the answer “black lives matter”

        Anything else and it fingers in the ear and lalalalalala!

      • Boris has just put out a series of tweets, in political speak telling the cunts to leave the statues alone.
        My letter to No.10 and my MP must have done the trick ?

        Just complained to the BBcunts for inaccurate reporting of the attack on the police in Hackney, they report that the female officer was pushed, but the footage clearly shows one of the apes taking kicks at her upper leg.
        Fuck the BBC wankers!!! They know if they report she was kicked it would piss people off more than a ‘push’

        Piss on full steam boil this morning!!

  11. A woke cultural revolution that is entirely subversive is unfolding right before us dressed up as outrage over a long time jailbird of colour.
    What interesting times we live in.
    The mithering cunts.

  12. There are rumours flying about that some organised football firms are going to bash the commies in London tomorrow. I have no idea but this is what happens when the coppers surrender to the mob.

    • That is not at all surprising; the police have created a vacuum as far as public order is concerned. Watch the news tomorrow and see how BLM &Co. present themselves as the victims – yet again

    • Funnily enough, it’s in the news today that anyone causing trouble at protests will be dealt with and could be imprisoned within 24 hours. Call me cynical,but I know which lot would be targeted for arrests if a ‘right wing’ (MSM speak for law abiding citizens) mob were to intervene to carry out a bit of self-policing.
      Funny how this new action will kick in when there’s mention of reprisals against the BLM rioters … sorry, that should say ‘protesters’.

  13. They soon dropped the story when this prick was caught out lying, as the damage had been done, and they didn’t want to ruin the narrative that has been created. Like Professor Lockdown, that prick whose ropey data got us into lockdown, who thought it didn’t apply to him when he wanted to bang that lefty harpie bitch, who’s husband must be in the running for Britain’s biggest cuck. It got nowhere near the coverage that baldilocks got. Cunts.

  14. Tim NoName is a cunt, Dominic Manbatter is a cunt and BoBo is a cunt. Complacency, chaos, scandal, death and disaster. And now someone has stirred up the simians whilst -we- ‘bail out’ the nastiest cunts on earth .. AGAIN. Just Fuck Off.

  15. Netflix have now got a new channel:
    Black Lives Matter

    • Netflix lost my subscription. It will make no difference to their finger-in-ears posturing but they’ll not get the Cuntle shilling.

  16. Moby has really let himself go.
    (The left side of the nomination picture).

    #Heaaaaaaal up and go#

  17. Just had the reply from Yorkshire tea.

    “Racism has no place in our business and we’re against discrimination in all its forms. We want to be inclusive and we value diversity and difference.

    Anti-racism campaigners are raising important issues. We need to hear those and understand what that means for us so we can take proper action.

    Thank you once again for taking the time to contact us.”

      • Fucking Twinings and Tetley have both umbed on the BLM bandwagon of chimp wank.

        Clipper seems safe for the moment…

      • Fucking lardy fingers, jumped not umbed.

        Perhaps I subconsciously had ‘Umbongo’ on my mind…

    • Email them back. Ask them how much they pay for their tea and how many blacks work for them in the UK.

  18. The stooge of the socialist marxist BBC did the job they wanted him to – the fascists, communists, anarchists and nazis (let’s finally call them what we all know they are) are furious their campaign of lies, propaganda and fake news did not get them what they wanted – Cummings gone.
    When democracy does not go the way that Antifa – who are a big part of permanently causing left wing extremism and unrest – want it to they resort to what we have seen in the recent riots, because they claim to be supporting freedom of speech and liberal tolerant values – THEIR twisted nazi values.
    This is being exposed more and more clearly for what it is – lies, bullshit, hatred, brainwashing/grooming and a concerted attempt to take over democratic societies, Countries and people by any means possible.
    These people are the 2020 version of the nazis – and when, as I feel it inevitably will, it kicks off tomorrow I can guarantee the Police will be there in force ready to give whitey a good kicking – the full brutal force of the law will hammer down on them and I don’t know about anyone else but if a copper was laying the shit into me for making a democratic protest I think after the snivelling cowardly appeasement to utter fucking savages I have witnessed any Police trying to mess about with me would need all the skills of DCI Gene to save.
    We are experiencing an attempted coup, and need to do whatever is necessary to stop it.

    • Welcome to the USSUKC – Union of Soviet Socialist UK Countries, shortly to be renamed Utopia (left-wing) which will then prostrate itself on the alter of the EU.

      That’s the way I see it.

      • Pretty much covers it for me Moggie.
        First comes the realisation, then the depression and tears that it has come to this on our watch, then comes the realisation that you are not alone in finding this wrong and the first spark of resistance is born – then a flame, then a fire.
        I will not let this takeover happen while I still draw breath.
        And many of the increasingly loud and angry majority stand with me.

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