The Virtue Signalling Mob

I would like to nominate everything to do with virtue signalling be it either celebricunts or sportscunts or companycunts.
It’s a broad spectrum and could probably be tagged on to any other nomination here.
Maybe we can come up with a list of those companies and people we can boycott with the only way we can – with our wallets and feet – if enough of us defund these cretinous fuckwits and hit em where it hurts maybe just maybe it might make a difference.
I bet that most of these celebrities only virtue signal cos there career depends on it and are probably closet right wingers – other mr fox’s please come forward and be counted.
There will be a reckoning but I fear it will go the wrong way but in the meantime let’s boycott these cunts and share the list as much as possible everywhere we can.

Nominated by: Once a cunt always a cunt

Virtue signalling celebs (At least I think they are celebs)

Just when you thought all the virtue signalling cuntery we’ve recently had to had endure couldn’t become more puke inducing I stumbled upon this
The celebs (??) were obviously reading from a script and doing it for an up front payment; however, I think they were also hoping for coach loads of ‘fans’ who were so impressed with their PC credentials that they would turn up at their local multiplex to worship and adore them.
Well, I’ve got news for you Julianne Moore (she’s the only one I recognised) the cinema industry doesn’t work like that.
The dindus won’t pay to watch the shite you produce and people like me will put you and your mates on a list of cunts who won’t be getting my money. You may get a soy boy and girl buying a ticket but as soon as the cinema company realises that running your film is costing more in electricity than what is coming in through the box office they’ll fucking bin it.
The only good thing that has come out of the last few weeks’ of this shite is that I’ve found out the bods who contribute to this site are not alone. This bloke obviously thinks virtue signalling cunts are, to put it bluntly, complete cunts:

Nominated by: SimmyJavill

47 thoughts on “The Virtue Signalling Mob

  1. Fuck them all. Maybe the war is lost but I’ll not be a complicit victim in the surrender of England to savages and deviant left wing shite.

    If the truth was reported White racism barely exists in the west. White people are being literally brought to a knee in our own land.

    What’s been done to this nation totally against what the majority of English people wanted brings shame on us all, too long we were cowered in fear of being called racist. Now it’s too late, but I’ll not be silent and take a knee to our new overlords.

    Celebrities? I don’t care what you think, what have you done to believe you’re opinion is the right one?

  2. On the subject of celebs, many are posting about the Black protestor who saved fellow human being whitey in London. Not a word when whitey gets stabbed. Not a tweet noting that Svenson Ong-a-Kwie was black and murdered an innocent white girl in a park.

    BAME does something we would consider normal and the world knows about it and twitter gushes like a Malaysian whore, BAME murder, rob, riot and there’s not a description of the perp let alone condemnation from celebs.

    Even handed unbiased?

  3. The good thing about these companies jumping on the bandwagon is that some of them are being repaid by having their fucking buildings burned to the ground by those they champion (see the Wendy’s burger place for a recent example).

    I for one, am fucking loving that.

    • Isn’t the ingratitude scandalous. They’re probably blaming whitey for that too so that they don’t look the stupid cunts that they are.

  4. Virtue-Signalling was born from social media. The constant “Look at me, look how compassionate/ unracist/ welcoming/ massively tolerant I am” was what compelled this cunter to dee-activate any frivolous accounts. Sharing news stories with THIS written above it, criticising politicians for whom they secretly voted, promoting help for “refugee” gimmigrants as the consequences won’t be felt in private dwellings, attacking Brexit to show the world how much you love Polish Pavel and Rudy Romanian and Demetri Dooshka, and most recently the Clap for Carers/Boo for Boris/Kneel for Nêgroes endless black-a-thon through which we’re currently living.

    Virtue-signalling is the modern version of the carcinogenic Political Correctness and is performed with a flourish and without any shame by wretchedly vain cunts petrified of their own realism.

    • Didn’t George Harrison (RIP) say before he died that social media was the Devil’s Radio?

      He could be a grumpy cunt, but he’d have kicked this Peter Jackson Disney
      we never hated each other and Yoko Fucking Ono was great shite into touch.

    • Agree 100%. It’s so cosy and safe to be a virtue signaller and an apologist isn’t it. This, particularly where well known figures are concerned I believe, is mainly to do with self preservation. They don’t weigh up the facts of a particular news story and judge whether it merits empathy and support, they simply go with the herd and who’s voices and grievances are getting heard. The mainstream media which are only puppets of the government anyway, act as the weathervane and tell us which way the wind is blowing and surprise surprise, once again its blowing in favour of the perceived victims and oppressed in the world, and I emphasise the word ‘perceived’.

      Ever since Band Aid in the mid eighties when we had Geldof effing and blinding at people to get their visa cards out (when Irish eyes are smarting with flames) it’s been a constant drip, drip of emotional intimidation from charities, celebrities, this group and that group reminding us of ethnic people struggling to survive in some way. They don’t bang on about, for instance, the corrupt criminals that run shitholes like Somalia plundering UK and US aid money to buy a diamond encrusted toothbrush holder for their bathroom costing £300,000.

      Now they’re jumping on the George Floyd bandwagon. We and they all know what a waste of space cunt he was and that he threatened to shoot a pregnant woman in the stomach once.
      The man was filth, and if he’d been a honky none of us would’ve heard about his apprehension and death. But he was black and black = victim/ oppressed automatically regardless of whether he deserved his fate.

      I’m sick of this state of affairs to my back teeth. If the Lily Allen’s and Bono’s feel so indignant and upset on behalf of cultures that are willing to break social codes and steal their way to prosperity at the expense of value producers, then let them donate millions of their own money quietly and shut their faces. They’re not getting any of my money or patronage the cunts.

  5. @12.35pm 635 likes and 16k dislikes. People hate this woke shit.

    It’s not a surprise that these cunts have disabled comments for this crappy video. They know they will have the shit taken out of them. Pity – the comments would have been quite entertaining.

  6. The likes of YouTube is riddled with these fuckers all dying on their fucking crosses to champion the ‘cause’. All of which have not the first fucking clue as what they’re talking about. The only thing that they’re interested in is “does this get me more hits so that I reap more adverting revenue?”. I’m tired of makeup plastered, vacant bints telling me that I’m wrong all of the time. You’re so original, so profound…I wish I hadn’t been born in a hermetically sealed plastic bag for the last 40 odd years without any life experience or knowledge as to how the world works. Thank you ‘Melanie McBumfuck’ of YouTube for telling me all about the fucking ‘issues and problems’ in the world today. Where would I be without you? I can’t understand anything without your guidance. There were shit stains all up my back until you told me how to wipe my arse correctly. Die, you fucking scum sucking shitbags – the fucking lot of you. I’d kill the lot of you myself if I didn’t think that it would give you more hits on your account. Fucking cunts.

  7. Fuck me that YouTube video was painful to watch. Couldn’t make it to the end. So basically, left wing virtue signalling celebs are sorry for being racists. Thats what it tells me. Glad they see the error of their ways. I’ll be adding them to my shitlist of people ill never watch again. This is all so laughable.

    • I was just saying the other day to the mtebele tribe who id raised money for clean drinking water for, I abhorred virtue signalling!
      Smile for the selfie!
      Noe get me the fuck out of this backward shithole…

    • I had to turn it off too!! I can’t put them on my shitlist as I have’nt got a fucking clue who they are.

  8. Some bitch in Sheffield was whining on twatter about how she and her father were racially abused by a group of “gammons” who where there protecting the city’s war memorial. Now, this woman looks white me (or slightly tanned) something tells me that she was not a target of such abuse due to her simply walking past the monument, rather she (because she believes to hold the moral high ground) thought she could get in her daily virtue signalling points by mouthing off to said gammons, who were all pissed as farts according to reports, and she ended up getting smacked and verbally abused as a result. I do not condone such violence, but taking one look at her twatter profile, it’s easy not to feel feel sorry for her.

    • The fuckflake slag deserves a fucking slap. She deserves if for being a sneaking slithering little grass. The grassing culture that these social media shits use as currency is also sickening. In the old days it used to be get a bit of stick, give a bit of stick back. Fight it or argue it out man to man and that would be it. Now they go straight onto social media and they grass grass and grass again. People like Sheffield Bitch disgust me and I despise anyone who is a tell tale, he said she said, gonna tell teacher nark. The slippery little smear of slime.

      • Oh yeah, she was very quick to record every detail of her ordeal and post them bit-by-bit so her multitude of unwashed followers can congratulate and feel sorry for her. “Hope you’re ok, hun x” Oh she fucking is now after all this attention. Dopamine is a hell of a natural drug.

    • The cunts don’t see the irony in calling someone a ‘racist gammon’.

      It’s also ageist (and sexist as it appears to apply only to men).

      Fucking morons.

  9. Sorry about this but I am so enraged I had to share this.
    This is part of an email sent to all hospital staff by the CEO this morning.

    “Can you believe we are halfway through 2020? It’s not the year we all expected or wanted but I know that every member of the Team has been working really hard so thank you.

    There are three really important updates to cover in this week’s blog – my full support for our Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic colleagues, a summary of our new Corporate Strategy and advice on who you can talk to when you have feedback or concerns.

    I start with the recent atrocity in America that has really hit home. Since the death of George Floyd, I have been thinking a lot about what to say to you but also what we as an organisation should be doing, and I have come to the conclusion that actually, the thing we can all do, is call out racism when we see it. This is not just about direct racism; it’s also about unconscious bias which happens more regularly than I think all of us would like to admit.

    An example of this that I’ve seen is at my daughter’s school, her friend who is black had her hair beaded when she was visiting family in Barbados, and was told to immediately to remove the beads and style at school that day. Her other friend dyed her hair silver and was told on the same day – she could wait until it washed out. Both children breaking the school rules but being dealt with very differently.

    Another example, a black colleague of mine was in the queue for her flight flying business class and was told she was in the wrong queue for the flight. An assumption she was flying economy.

    These are just two examples I can point out, but if we are really honest with ourselves, I am sure all of us know or have encountered similar examples. Both direct and indirect racism is not acceptable. We all need to make sure we are challenging our assumptions and checking our privilege. We must have respect for each other and understanding of culture differences – celebrating those, rather than allowing them to become a divide or mechanism for hate. I want to make it really clear that racism, direct or indirect, has no place in our Trust, or our world for that matter.

    To our Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic colleagues – I am sorry. Sorry that our world continues to discriminate on the basis of race. I want you to know that our Trust is a place of safety and that racism of any kind will be dealt with in the strictest possible manner.

    I also want you to know that you are a valued and vital part of our Trust and I want each and every one of you to know that we stand with you; I stand with you. Please get in touch if there is anything further you think we should be doing as an organisation to support you and help build a world where racism does not exist………..”

    • What a sickening piece of virtue signalling arsecrawling. “The recent atrocity in America” ? Fuck me, the cunt runs a hospital and he calls that an “atrocity”? Stupid fucking twat.

      • I got either the same one or very similar, although I stopped reading after the first couple of lines. So either we have the pleasure of the same shitehole workplace or every hospital CEO has been told to sing from the same song sheet. Either way, it’s dogshit.

    • I think we can assume that if the “colleague” had been a nurse rather than management she would very definitely have been in Economy, eh?

      This may be a CEO template address to the wageslaves.
      Our university vice chancellor has been oozing some uncannily similar sentiments. In addition the university is promoting a welcome-the-illegal-immigrant…or ‘sanctuary’ programme locally. I’m leaving.

    • Virtue-signalling; the modern day equivalent of wearing a hair shirt as a symbol of your abasement.
      Sanctimonious tossers.

      • Christ Alive, I’m foaming at the gob after reading that essay of fawning, crawling, cringing apologist bullshit OACAAC. How dare this woman talk as if she speaks for everyone in your place on this issue. She is so overcome with pride in her own virtue signalling that she fails to realise that letter is going to cause more division, not less. I remember in the early 1970’s as a kid I was scared stiff of black people because I was told by adults that they didn’t like white people because of the past and I remember being on a red tube train (yes I’m that old!!) and a black man got on and sat opposite me. I was absolutely rigid. For years now that hasn’t been the case and I have worked happily with all races and creeds. Woke, apologist Britain is making me, and I’m sure many others feel threatened for no personal fault of our own.

        As many people as possible should see that drivel of a letter you were sent OACAAC. She needs the wet haddock treatment around her chops the bloody fool of a woman.

  10. Virtue signalling slebs…….money grabbing, totally selfish fucking cocksuckers who don’t give a fuck about anybody. You have to be a cunt to believe a single word that comes out of their lying stinking mouths.
    Classic examples ……Geldof and Bonio, the lying tax dodging cunts all the other cunts model themselves on.

  11. What a soft cunt, personally couldn’t give a flying fuck
    bend a knee not fucking likely,
    Sympathy no fucking chance.
    Raciest probably
    Do I give a fuck nope
    Have a great day fellow cunters,
    Oh and fuck China

  12. These try-hards did this with the aid of NAACP so they probably thought it was going to be well recieved.

    To be honest most of the stuff about going to work and not being killed applies to everyone at the moment, especially in yankland.

    I’m sure you’ll get basic cunts sharing this on fuckbook and wri nging their hands while their mates laugh at them.

    As for cinemas, they were dying before coronavirus. Under 30s stream everything these days. The growing audience is the over 50s. Hollywood hasnt adjusted to this reality and keeps churning out woke children’s films. They should be making war films, westerns and stuff like the Marigold Hotel.

  13. Any bame person that is ever arrested for any reason at all in future will obviously be a raacist act and so every policeman performing the arrest should be suspended then sacked.
    Blimey feels quite good to be a vìrtue signaller. I might start doing more of it as its so easy.

  14. Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) thought he could jump on the virtue cunt wagon when he tweeted against JK Rowling’s assertions that men with cocks intact are not women. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.

    What are your latest successes, Daniel, you z-list has been cunt?

    • The irony of a man telling a woman what a woman is.

      Isn’t that ‘mansplaining’?

      Fuck knows anymore, I can’t keep up (actually I refuse to ‘keep up’ in reality…because I live in reality not fantasy).

    • Young Twatcliffe is probably still resentful that he wasn’t smothered by JK’s admittedly vast funbags.

      Mind you, the little cunt is probably a doughnut puncher.

  15. They are just rotten dishrags.
    Hope their ivory towers collapse on their heads.
    Cunts one and all.

  16. What a load of horsehit that vido is. It has all the sincerity of an Anthony Blair matinee performance at the Sedgefield Playhouse in 1997.

  17. If it was just circle jerking celebrities cuming up their own backs I ‘d laugh about it.
    But I can see people at ground level emulating this.
    I’d bet that any mcarthyist whispers to bosses or cops are already being recieved with a wink and a brotherly handshake.
    Watch those fucking snakes cunters.

    • We must fight this! ISAC Tube – Sir Fiddler should be our first presenter – “good evening and fuckoff”! (Evening wear of course!)
      I think having our own online channel would be a winner!
      “And our guest presenter this evening is MNC – in a nicely ironed Motorhead t shirt”!
      “Our scheduled presenter Foxy is, er, having a bit of trouble with 8 snowflakes outside – oh no – one of them has stolen his pie”! ?????☠?
      “Rest in peace snowflakes”.. ?

  18. Cheers Admin 😉

    Virtue Signalling is it?… Chops thinks “I fancy a slice o’ that too” and in four days time I’ll be fucking signalling it alright…

    …the eldest fancied one for himself… good lad. Interesting Ebay search results – gotta be over 200 cunts hawking Bl*ck lives Matter merch (for it is nothing more than a retail opportunity to these cynical fucks) but I could find only 2 UK suppliers that had the bollocks to sell these and fulsome feedback will be left regardless of the quality of the shirt!
    Do a worldwide google search for such a T shirt and you’ll get a thousand hits, but try the same search with “UK” in front of it and… not a single listing, ad or image!
    Get one (for all the family) NOW before they’re elevated to “Proscribed/Banned ‘hate’ items” status,: which they surely will be.

    • If the whining self serving peddlers of hate speech disguised as “liberalism” are so bothered try a Month as a white person in any African Country.
      No? Didn’t think so.

    • Where I live, wearing that T-Shirt would be a death wish.

      Although it would be funny to be killed while wearing a t-shirt saying my life matters (if I ended up in the news that is. ‘Far Right male killed by blacks’)

  19. It’s fear. That’s the driving force behind woke culture:

    The fear of standing out from the crowd, the fear being labelled an “ist” of some description, the fear of their “true” feelings being criticised.

    The fear of being physically, verbally or emotionally abused By the “ist” inquisition.

    The fear of being held back from promotion, or being generally disadvantaged because your an “ist”.

    The truth is, in the UK, the overwhelming majoriy are sick of this shit-see Brexit, see the election results.
    Courage , fellow cunters, stand proud.

  20. Really loved this definition of virtue signalling that I found online, which to me says it all:-

    ‘ To take a conspicuous but essentially useless action ostensibly to support a good cause, but actually to show off how much more moral you are than everybody else ‘.

    All the phuckers (mainly public services or celebs) who are now publicly ‘taking the knee’ or apologising for past actions, really need to have a long hard look at themselves.

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