The Underclass

The underclass truly are cunts aren’t they, today I had to leave Quimson Manor and mix with the plebs today to get my elderly fathers prescription from the Pharmacy in town, so in a queue of around 10 people I was at the back, up pulls an almost new VW golf driven by a fuzzy haired sow and her hipster 30 something cunt of a man, out he jumps dressed in a most fetching tracksuit, rolly hanging out of gob (upper class cunts such as myself only smoke Cuban cigars rolled by a big tittied Latino) holding his new I phone, you might say a bit of a cunt but nothing major, fuck no worst was to come, said cunt then proceeded to rub his weasel under his tracky bottoms while looking at his phone, the dirty cunt, it reminded me why I rarely venture into town, these cunts seem to infect every town, even quiet rural back waters, unfortunately by the looks of his car he has already bred another generation of on the spectrum cunts to infect the world and force me to pay more of my hard earned money in tax to pay for them, absolute cunts to man and beast these underclass wastrels really are.

Nominated by Captain Quimson

46 thoughts on “The Underclass

  1. Agreed they are dirty cunts – BUT in my experience all they want is a copy of The Sun or Daily Star a packet of fags, some beer and a lottery ticket. What is even worse in my opinion are the revolting middle classes – especially during the lockdown where the really “brave” decide to don their masks, cricket boxes and visors to “march” (or mince) through Central London on a weekday afternoon protesting about the death of George Floyd in America, throwing glass bottles at British policemen as a “protest” against three American policemen It makes a change from the same motherfuckers who “Love EU” – Remainers to a wanker.

    By contrast the underclass will, like us, not give a fuck about an American criminal of whom we know nothing and stay at home.

  2. Well the underclass nearest me will be waiting for a chance to steal everything you own when you make the mistake of leaving the house.
    After hawking your wares they’ll spend the proceeds on drugs.
    After getting wasted and leaving the evidence all over a childrens playground they’ll be off to get their dole cheques.
    Not financially or narcotically satisfied they may even resort to killing a frail elderly lady in her home for twenty quid without even realising the damned note is out of circulation.
    After strutting down the street massaging their balls (which results in a most curious bow-legged gait), telling anyone that looks at them to fuck off and staring intently from beneath a haircut that looks like it was done with a child’s plastic scissors, they’ll be off to the girlfriends’ house to drool their splooge into her guts to top up the child tax credit in 6 months’ time.
    And no, that’s not a mistake. A steady diet of face slaps, white lightning and benson and hedges not only results in a lighter birth, but a sooner one too.
    After the police find the smoking ruins of your car in a layby you’ll be wishing the cunts were in london protesting.

  3. Yesterday the Border Farce imported 166 more of these cunts to add to the stinking pile we already pay for.
    Mustard gas on the beaches.
    Thank you.

    • My area of the uk is thankfully far enough away from cultural centres that the underclass contain very few of the “culturally enriched.”
      Our underclass are born and bred whites.
      Of course, in previous eras sending them to beaches is exactly what we did.

    • We run the finest, most efficient water taxi service ……. in the world.

    • Possibly there should be a daily rubber boat gimmegrant press conference at 5 pm telling us how many arrived in the previous 24 hours and what HMG intended to do to eradicate this plague.

  4. After decades living in the multicultural shithole that is Birmingham, I am greatly relieved to be living in the relatively civilised world of the Lake District.

    But I have to say Birmingham, like most big metro cities, is nothing more than a melting pot for all the cunts demographics you can think of – the underclass, the foreign filth, the entitled middle-class, the gangsters, the druggies, the slags, the virtue signalling social media cunts with nothing better to do, and a host of other lazy cunts that want everything for free, and expect the working class to pay for it all!

    I predict riots and civil unrest in the coming months and years; everyone will be at each other’s throats driven by a hatred escalated by the media, who just love stirring the shit, while keeping a safe distance from the end results.

    • The thing is there is no melting pot. The new arrivals stay in their own ghettos for generations. Asone cunter recently pointed out nearly 50,000 inhabitants of Birmingham are unable to speak English. WTF are we doing tolerating that?

  5. What i find worrying is that the “Underclass, Chav Cunt Culture” is an aspirational look and lifestyle for some of these people seeking social prestige from their peers by how many times they have been banged up. I saw one of the fuckers in ASDA in her dressing gown the other week. WTF? CUNTS!

  6. Here they are known as ‘bogans’, and each and every one of them is a turd-brained cock-socket from the shallow end of the gene pool.

  7. You, Capt. Quimson are quite obviously an appalling snob and a fucking disgrace.

    Well done,keep up the good work.

    PS…everyone (apart from possibly Jacob Rees-Mogg) is the “underclass” to me.

  8. The cunts never wash shout fuck and cunt all day and drive around in old jallopy, oh no thats the upper class.

  9. I know an ingrate who quit his office job about 10 years back to stay at home and have kids on the dole with a slapper. He has five kids now and has a car and a home all paid for by the taxpayer.

    He smokes weed all day and sits outside his house drinking cans of cheap lager if the sun as much as comes out for a minute. He has SKY TV and we would see him in the pub when a big ‘footy’ game was on. Some of us knew him from when he worked. I moved away so don’t see the cunt around anymore. He was a hard bastard too, so you couldn’t take the mickey too much (he once beat up a professional boxer/bouncer outside a pub who everyone else was terrified of).

    But he did tell us that the government couldn’t pay him enough money to return to work. He was right. He could only get a job paying 20k tops really. For his four bedroom semi with front and back gardens near the city centre, a new car every few years and his food supplied to the same levels, he reckoned they’d need to pay him 50k a year at least. And even then, if he’s getting this for doing fuck all, why work?

    Therein lies the problem. I have never claimed dole (not saying I would never need to, we can all get unlucky), but there should be a limit of say, 12-18 months in your entire life that you can claim free housing etc.

    Because cunts like this are taking the piss and have been for years.

    I get the point about the underclass (like this tosser) but those of a certain religion take the piss far worse. Even those that do work, a lot of them don’t contribute as they tend to be self-employed taxi drivers/shop owners etc and fiddle diddle their tax and claim tax bennies on top (and housing etc).

    Huge problem and with the undoubted economic depression coming from the Rona, our culture of handing out free shit to cunts has to end.

    • Sorry, I meant ‘a potential employer couldn’t pay him enough to return to work’.

  10. can we have a severe and swift cunting for Lahdan protesssstors.
    Everyone who crammed into the stinking shit hole of the capital, rubbing dirty shoulders with each other in the name of peaceful protest. You did not acknowledge social distancing, or common sense.
    Did they take the day off work ? Nope. Are they all furloughed ? Nope. That’s right dear Cunters they just don’t work.
    Good to see BLM out in force. Where are they when a young aspiring architect draws and quarters a young aspiring rapper every weekend? Deafness is silencing

    • What the fuck do these cunts think they have to do with George Floyd, or anybody else across the pond?

      • The psychologists will have the explanation, probably along the lines of feeling the need to champion the downtrodden, not really any true empathy but a desire to gain empathy.

        That’s the end of me talking blocks, I am just really annoyed that I missed out on the doorstep ‘take the knee’ protest at 6 pm yesterday

  11. Has one of the above-mentioned underclass pilfered the IsAC cunt counter again ?

  12. It’s our own fault giving these cunts too much money to stay at home. Trouble is that now if we take it away these Beanies will just go on the rob more often and start the looting like in America. Keep em paid and in the luxury (ahem) they’ve come to enjoy and it stops them rising up. Take a million cunts off that benefit and see how soon you get civil unrest.
    Time to think about getting a shotgun licence me thinks.

  13. Why should they return to work?
    They can have it all.
    They can do what they want.
    I don’t think it’s possible for their understanding to bridge the superior moral standing provided by the virtue of hard graft and self reliance.
    Worrying though, lots of crazy people thought they could do what they wanted regardless of the cost to others. Bundy, Little, Dahmer, Escobar, Hitler…
    Fuck it, let’s all do what we want. We’ll all be so much happier….

  14. Like the law of all averages, there has become a ‘class’ to place beneath the underclass.

    The Moose Limb class.

    Fundamentally dirty, workshy and demented.

    • The reason WokeUp is that moose limb thinking is based on a culture of slavery. Take Saudi Arabia for example. Where does their wealth predominantly come from? Oil right. It gushes out of the ground. It’s not as if they have to innovate or work hard. Just use the proceeds of the free ‘black gold’ to pay engineers to get more out.

      Dubai’s skyscrapers get built using forced labour from trafficked south Asian immos. Check it out….

      Moose Limbs do not naturally posess a strong work ethic. Obviously, there will be exceptions, but it’s not part of the culture. First and foremost they are all slaves of Allah, so you have a descending order of slavery. Compare this with cultures with a strong work ethic and you will see the difference. Lazy Cunts.

      • Very insightful, and love the wordplay name. It gives me a new perspective that popping out upwards of 10 kids per family may not just be down to domination, but also access to free money.

  15. Talking of underclass is see Megain Sparkle is on her soap box now lecturing everyone on racism, it would be one thing if she was actually black and not a cunt, but she has decided to shoulder the chip and play the fucking victim again….yaaawn that old chestnut again, a perfect example of the poor oppressed, fucked her way to the top, dropped the white side her family in the process, is pretty much hated by everyone and this has absolutely nothing to do with her colour, poeple mostly brits dislike her intensely because she is a first class cunt, and being a cunt seems to be the only thing this fuckmonkey can do well….

    • How predictable that the Queen of Tarts would take the earliest opportunity to stick her woke oar in. There’s nothing I like more than being lectured from on high by a multi fucking millionaire living in the lap of luxury. I believe the Hewitts are spending nearly $9000 a week on security. They would be well advised to double that so Sparkle Tits had better start getting her legs open for some even richer bastards.

    • Sparkle is about as black as KKK fashion. Stupid bint already does her bit to promote anti-colour discrimination by noshing ginger cock.

  16. I propose a new welfare system – “Work or Starve”. It works in most countries in the world and only European countries have welfare systems that have turned indolence into a profession.

    This system would, of course, help those in genuine need and heaven knows there’s going to be lots of those in the near future. But I would happily step over the bodies of dole sc um on my way to work. We’re one of the richest countries in the world, yet we import labour. It’s lose lose for tax payers. The definition of socialism. American voters realise that. Lefty libtards hate that fact.

      • In the times of Elizabeth 1 the poor were divided into the the deserving ( orphans, disabled etc)and the undeserving ( workshy). It was the responsibility of the parish to provide alms. The system worked for centuries because all concerned perceived it to be fair. The current system is not fair and encourages laziness as it was designed to help a society with a strong work ethic not the turds who infest our nation at the moment.

  17. We don’t have a large enough underclass, luckily the third world has many to contribute.

  18. I live in the land of the chavs. Disgusting drunk neighbours SHOUTING AT DEAFENING VOLUME, never had a job but always money for drink and drugs, feral thieving little brats everywhere, no manners, no courtesy, no common decency.
    So, the answer? Make child benefit means tested and only for the first child – I do not want to see kids go hungry but child benefit in my experience seems to be spent on everything but children.
    All benefits to be means tested, and unemployment benefits only paid for six Months maximum and only to UK Nationals – the days of free everything for every parasite and traitor in the World have to stop. And no benefits whatsoever unless the claimant has been in work for at least 12 Months.
    But the Politicians will not do this, because idle vermin and import shit are a guaranteed Labour vote, and the Tories know that while half the Country is more bothered about booze, drugs, takeaways and games consoles they will never have the motivation or sense to look up and see how much we are being fucked over.
    We need to harden up and make some harsh decisions, because I do not see why I should pay 60 per cent tax (let me draw a deep breath – that’s right, 60 per cent!) to keep workshy cunts knocking out dirty feral brats and should not be made to fund the fuckers – indolence should NOT be rewarded.
    And fuck the African continent as well while I am on a rant – I have to cycle for nearly eight minutes to get beer and pies, terrible privation – where’s Stacey (Aaaw naaaw, crocodile tears to camera) Dooley with my free money then? ?
    As our esteemed colleague Sir Fiddler would say – it’s a fucking disgrace! ?

  19. Didn´t Marx or Engels (a factory owner by the way so an exploiting capitalist) or one of those bushy bearded intellectual fathers of Communism dismiss the underclass as the “lumpenproletariat” and basically dismissed them, saying, “Fuck them, they´re no good for the revolution as they lack class awareness”. Welfare state for them? No chance. Marx and his mates would have exterminated them.

    • And communism found people work for the state, which wouldnt go down well in soft-as-shit libfuck land, either.

      I had to remind several lib dem-voting part-timers and work-shy ‘Walter Mittys’ of this once.
      Not a single one had a reply, in part because of ignorance, but also cowardice and knowing it was true;
      None had ever met or worked with anyone who had lived under communist rule.

      Shut-in, parochial cunts.

  20. Having known a few specimens for a limited ttime, i speak from experience when I say they are pathologically lazy and disgusting bastards.

    I’m not on about some poor bastard down on their luck and having to go to the job centre to sign on and write out application forms,, but cunts to whom is this is normal life and revel in their indolence, shambling from job centre to post office to the bank to Wetherspoons or a video game retailer.

    The weird part is they really do look and sound like Wayne Slob or Mickey from the League of Gentlemen. Those characters are only slight exaggerations – a bit too lively, if anything.

    Unkle Terry, may I use your oven? I’ll happily stoke the fire myself.

  21. One of the white bitches at the Laaandaaan BLM demos had the words “ I can’t breathe” written on her hideous rent-a-
    My response is “good” .

    There are two reasons you can’t breathe, you filthy cunt.
    One is because you’ve got a swollen nyg nog’s cock blocking your airway, you revolting BBC-worshipping whore. (not that Beeb)
    The other is because you are so up your own arse that you have failed to practice social distancing, and you’ve got COVID-19.
    Either way you can fuck off.

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