Oh shite, the “transphobia” saga has broken out again. Front and centre this time is Jo “Harry Potter” Rowling, who in December voiced support for a researcher who posted that “men cannot change into women”. More recently, JK responded to a headline which read “creating a more equal post C-19 world for people who menstruate”. Rowling wrote ” ‘people who menstruate’? I’m sure there used to be a word for them… wumden? wimpund? woomud…”.
Naturally howls of protest have greeted these comments, and JK’s been accused of “hating upon” marginalised people. Virtual signalling luvvies have been lining up to have a go. The most famous, Oscar winner Eddie Redmayne, opined pompously that “respect for transgender people remains a cultural imperative, and I’ve been trying to constantly educate myself… I want to make it clear where I stand… trans women are women, trans men are men”.
Now personally I’m for people living the best life they can, as the cliché has it. If Joe wants to call himself Joanne, take hormones, have surgery, wear a dress, that’s his business. Same goes for Georgina who wants be George. But I sincerely disagree with the dogma that says that it’s biologically possible for a person to change their sex. This to me is a fact of genetics; it’s in the DNA. Ultimately any changes that are made to this effect are cosmetic. It might hurt some people’s feelings to say this, but it isn’t being transphobic, it’s just pointing out the way something is in life.
Now I could walk around in a funny hat and long coat, demanding that people shout “long live the emperor!”. I could squat on all fours and howl at the moon. I could paint myself green and claim to be from the planet Zog. Persistent insistance on my part would not, however, make me Napoleon, or a wolf, or an alien. Indeed, if I persisted in identifying as an amputee, demanding the removal of a healthy limb, I’d probably be sectioned. What any of these things would make me is delusional, and I’d be regarded as such.
Transgender people travel a tough road, and I admire and respect them for the choice they make. But I do believe that sadly, they too are delusional if they think that they can actually change their sex, and I won’t collude with anyone in their delusion. That goes double for any “woke” doctrine which expects complete compliance with the view that “trans women are women, trans men are men”, and with those zealots only too ready to treat a differing view with a scream of “phobic bigot!”. If they can’t tolerate a differing view, that’s too bad.
No doubt the zealots will expect a snivelling apology from Rowling for causing “emotional trauma and stress” or what-have-you (it’s par for the course these days) but I hope she doesn’t offer one. She’s got a valid point of view and has nothing to apologise for.
Nominated by: Ron Knee
Excellent nom Ron – Men are Men, Women are Women. In every seventeen Million or so cases one can be born cross gender – ie with Male and Female physiology.
This does not mean a Man wearing a dress claiming to be a Woman is a Woman, and it needs calling out.
The World in 2020 has turned into madness.
Ungrateful little fuckers arent they?
The speccy cunt
The ginger cunt
The one whose knickers id eat cunt.
JK Rowling gives them fame and fortune and when the shit hits the fan the little woke fucks rat pack her?!!
Nowt like gratitude eh?
Im not totally sympathetic to Rowling shes a right woke London luvvie cunt herself so getting a taste of her own medicine, but shows you these cunts have no loyalty, like piranhas.
Afternoon Miserable, the woke wizards seem to be living in one of their own fantasy films. I wonder how open-minded and progressive they would be when one of their own kids has to share a changing room or toilet with 6’3 pre-op ‘woman’.
PS, yes Rowling is a right PC shit eating liberal twat, so there is a bit of schadenfreude that they are piling into her.
Hi LL,
Yeah, staunch remoaner, labour flirting, feminazi.
Attacked by her own side the tranny nutters.
Whys no trans animals?
And why in thousands of years of history did we not discover another sex?
Because its fuckin nonsense?
Not against some fat little busdriver called Dennis putting on lippy, wig, and a frock, upto him, none of my beeswax,
But if you tell me hes popping round as a nanny or midwife you can time on your fingers Dennis ringing the doorbell to Dennis going airborne back down the path.
The Left always eats itself.
Great fun to be had watching it all…
Nobody does it better than south park
Trannies, by and large have a mental disorder. You just have to look at the fuckers. They seldom look what they claim to be. In the past they got on with it. Now they are a vocal, organised collection of weirdos, encouraged by Labour, the Libdums and pathetic, woke activists to make ever more ridiculous claims. They are putting women at risk. Fact. As Trumpington might say.
Rowling should just tell them to fuck off. She is rich enough.
In a way I want to let the woke cunts get their own way on this one, then in the very near future when a gymnasium locker room full of women complain like fuck about the weird she/man who’s been perving on them for hours and rubbing one out, but it’s ok because he calls himself Sally and wears a bra, I wonder if the woke cunts then will still believe that anyone should be able to claim they’re a different sex.
It really fucks me off when in a time where people are told to talk openly about their mental health issues and not to be ashamed of them, when she did exactly that, she is torn apart on Twitter. She spoke about her fears regarding her sexual and mental abuse years ago, how these memories now haunt her. She has been forced to re-live them now that she is faced with having to accept that some bloke who thinks he is a woman must have the right to come into the bog with her. Okay – let him in, then kick him in the nuts just to remind him why he should have gone next door. – Hateful bastards.
Looking on the bright side, at least these self-important, deranged trånsbumder freaks have a significantly higher rate of suicide than normal people.
It’s more the trans-activists who are just plain ugly women and ducky-boys that are causing the trouble. The transbenders themselves are suicidal because they need help with an illness that society has decided to pretend is a mainstream lifestyle. They will be the ones to suffer more than the woketards, just as blacks will suffer because of white leftist freaks encouraging disorder.
Does anyone know if Brucie Jenner’s had his cock and balls inverted yet?
I read somewhere (it may have been on here, so I’m sure it’s 100% true lol) that when they do that, their fake cunt tunnel ends up stinking of shit because it’s too near the male shit pipes (medical term there, just showing off).
Hence the rates of depression and suicide not improving for post-op trannies.
They dont get a ladyflower, they get a shitcunt (another term i read in the Lancet).
They might be in the Smithsonian.
I heard he only decided to change sex after he realized just how much that collection of slags he lived with was getting paid, and wanted a piece of the action!
No sympathy. Rowling was another champagne socialist telling us how thick we were for voting Brexit and that more ‘refugees’ should be allowed in (just not near her mansions, of course).
The left come for their own in the end and I never shed a tear when they do.
But yes, this tranny shite is mental. If you’re born with a vagina you’re female and with a cock, male. End of fucking story. Don’t involve me in your fucking fantasy world, you freaks.
Somewhere to keep your cheese toastie warm on cold mornings eh Thomas?
Good for shoplifting too!
No cunt will check in there!☺
If I had £ for every gender there is I’d have……..£2. if I had a child who made millions and then stabbed their benefactor in the back I’d feed them to the dogs of war.
There was something earlier this week on a law passed in the US over trans rights in the workplace and a protest march sprang up, ‘Black transgender lives matter’.
Fuck me sideways, pick the sweetcorn out of that turd. Its like super wokeflake’s on steroids, untouchable.
Fuck me, some right states on that!
Like king kong raided faye wrays dressing room!
Put the lippy on with a yardbrush,
Spat my black jack chew out at the idea…
I bet Lammy likes a bit of dress up, Davina on the weekends.
Anthony joshua too.
Throw in idris Elbow,
New 3 degrees.
3 shades of shite.
I watched an episode of ‘Six Feet Under’ last night. In church the congregation started The Lord’s Prayer ‘ Our Parent Who art in Heaven….’ . The episode dates from 2004.
Mind you ,ultimately Woke will eat itself.
I was reading the other day that there is a higher rate of Corbyn 19 deaths among males than females. So what about the other 57 genders? Why aren’t they telling us about that? What are they hiding from us? I want the full woke figures!!
A very good point Freddie
A petition must be started to ask for, nay demand, figures broken down into all the LBGT+ selections and of course for the (approximately 69) trannies in the UK.
I hear Chicken and mushroom is susceptible, and beef broth usually makes a recovery.
Transbumderism is a mental illness that in many cases can be cured. Pandering to these fruit-loops doesn’t help them, which is why their suicide rates are so high. We’ve got one that occasionally pops into our local, a big fucking bloke in a dress who uses the ladies loo.
Wearing a frock doesn’t make it female, it’s a big hairy bloke with mentalist problems. I agree with J K Rowling but I’m loving the lefty getting mauled by her own kind.
It is great fun watching wimmin and trans at each other’s throats over this. The left eats itself. What’s not to like?
Yes it’s great. Playing identity politics always ends in in-fighting. Years ago (I was working) at a LGBT conference it was hilarious seeing all of the different groups at each other’s throats. Mostly fighting over which group was the most oppressed. One of the little dinner mashers started his lecture with..’ I’m not against straight parents having children in theory, but..’
The Manchester hotel also had posters all over the walls which told the delegates not to EXPOSE YOUR GENITALS OR TOUCH OTHERS SEXUALLY WITHOUT CONSENT!
IF they needed telling this what the he’ll is wrong with these people.
The only reason these blokes want to be birds is because they know how fucking easy women have got it the fucki g crazy cunts. Clever really, we’re the fucking mugs. Off to get a couple of bricks, some lippy and a nice frock.
If we can convince them a bloke on a dress is the same as a woman just imagine what else we can make them believe.
I may tell Daniel Radcliffe i’m a black orphan from Ethiopa.
Gissus cash.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Lipstick
KNOBBY: Harry Potter! Such an honour it is!
HARRY: Who are you?
KNOBBY:Knobby sir, Knobby the tranny elf.
HARRY: Not to be to be rude or anything but You don’t look very….feminine.
KNOBBY: Oh, oh, ho. Oh, hooooo. Ohh, hoo, hoo…hate speech…
HARRY: Knobby, ssh! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to offend you.
KNOBBY: Could you do some magic powers on me? Knobby wants to have no knob. Bad Knobby!
HARRY: ?Wengardium CutYerWillyOff! ?
KNOBBY: Hooray! I’m a woman. Now I can nag men, act unreasonably, have days off work for “women’s problems”, be in a mood for no reason, listen to women’s hour, be paid as much for doing much less, and go to women’s toilets and changing rooms.
HARRY: No, you’re still a man, just with no cock.
KNOBBY: Oh fuck. Bad Knobby. Knobby’s a cunt.
JK Remoaning is a fake, champagne socialist, fucking bitch. It’s great to see these idiots at each other’s throats. The modern left are just a mosaic of weirdo, minority interest groups all competing for the greatest victimhood. Give them power and they would be at war with each other at the drop of a hat.
Just compare the Labour Party of Harold Wilson with the bunch of whining freaks of today. There is no comparison…….two completely different animals.
Many years back there used to be a daytime TV chat show hosted by Robert “Orange” Kilroy. Every now and then he would discuss trans sexuals as they were then known. You could see where each of them was sitting in the audience long before the camera panned to close up. They were the ones in dresses with hands like shovels. Nothing has really changed. If hairy blokes want to go round dressed like pantomime dames then fine but they never fool me into thinking they are women. Not even if they have bits cut off.
JK is right and brave to say what she did. Harry Potter is pure fantasy and so is transgender politics.
Ha ha, I remember that episode. Ex Dockers in unfashionable flowery dresses. Our trannies can’t compete with the ladyboys of Bangkok..someone told me…
Those ‘ladyboys’ are fantastic.
According to my mate Big Al…
I remember having to see a nurse when I visited Thailand. The receptionist said, “She see you in five minute. You wait here.”
Eventually I was called in.
“Captain Mags, you tekk off shirt” she said. I did.
“You tekk off tlousers” she then said. I did.
“Now you tekk off pants.” I also did.
“This only medical plocedure” she said. “Erection perfectly normal.”
“I haven’t got an erection” I protested.
“No,” she replied “but I have.”
There is no Big Al is there.
It’s now big Alison!
I’m certain there are many important issues that this touches upon but,for me,they should all be gassed.
And their fake beards and dresses the size of donkey jackets burnt in a big pit at some poncy cunts house.
All this crap makes me laugh, the big debate around sports, they can’t even make a proper decision about a ‘woman’ who naturally produces more testosterone than mike Tyson.
A male athlete says one day ‘I am a woman and want to compete in women’s sports’ the fact that pound for pound I am stronger and faster than biological women is irrelevant, I Identify as a Woman!!!
Its all a load of bollocks!
Man in dress = Female Impersonator
Man with tits in a dress = Female Impersonator
Man with tits no cock in a dress = Female Impersonator
Is that hate speech, oops!
Bottom line, identify as a ‘woman’ for a few years, clean up in competition, make a few million bucks, then when you’re minted, apologise and say that you were ‘confused’ for a while.
Excellent Fox plan – I am a pretty good golfer – I may self identify as a talentless tank – er, sorry “wimminz golfer”, clean up for a bit and retire a multi Millionaire!
I am a bit past doing it in the wimminz hundred meters though! ?
Spot on. It’s the simplest and most fundamental marker of any DNA specimen – X+Y= male and X + X = female. Period.
At the end of the day if you have a cock and a pair of balls you’re a man, if you have a cunt then you’re a cunt of (female of the species of course).
Agree with a comment earlier, most trans people are just plane fucked up in the brain and clearly have some sort of mental disorders. Of course there are genuine cases of individuals who seem to have been born the with “incompatible” genitalia. Genuinely I feel sorry for these people and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.
JK can go and fuck herself. She is a cunt like no other. Don’t see the big deal with the whole Harry Potter cunt bollocks, just a big deal over some blatantly gay little wizard type cunt. She just struck it lucky, right time right place. I’d still slip her one though, right up the bumhole. Bet she fucking would love it, especially if I dressed up as the little cunt Harry Pooper.
Please see my earlier reply regarding South Park.
Just in case here it is again
Like I’ve always said to trans women. If you commit a crime and they only have DNA evidence to go on at the scene, the police will be looking for a man. That’s all there is to it.
Cry all you like about that. It won
It won’t change that fact
A very ‘on the mark’ observation.
Don’t you find it strange that a lott of these ‘women trapped in mens bodies’ are ‘lesbian women trapped in mens bodies’…
I suppose it’s about time for me to own up on this cunting, Moister. I’m a lesbian, joylessly locked into a man’s body. If anyone out in IsACland knows of a couple of young, nubile lesbians who can help me in my desperate trauma, see beyond my being cursed by getting a penis as an act of birth, and bring me into the joys of lezza sex, please contact me urgently via the site.
PS I’ll bring the oil and the butt plugs.
Head down to Brighton and go to the student bars. I’m sure some of the LGBTQ thingamys will be convinced. Not sure how nubile they’ll be, or mobile for that matter.
What I want to know is how do you treat a white person that identifies as the opposite sex but also identifies as black. According to lefties its acceptable to identify as the opposite sex so surely it is acceptable to get the brown boot polish out?
A case in point
Those knockers look like a cartoon off the front of the original Tom Sharpe books…
A more severe case of the afflication several of contemporaries suffered, being white teenagers from rural Southern England and convinced they were black.
Anybody with half a brain would treat them like accessories coz tits they ain’t.
Fuck my old boots, that is an incredible sight to behold. If I identify as a black person am I able to use thr N word?
J.K rowling telling the truth about trannies is more of a triumph than any of her works of fiction.
has Harvey borrowed a spare pair of his mother’s basketball sized implants and gone trans?
J.K.Rowling has enough money to comfortably tell them all go go fuck themselves with a large barrel cactus.
What ho Sheikh. Haven’t seen you around on here in a while.
Greetings Rone. Note taking a Knee I hope. I have been waging jihad on the woke wankers on Twitter. Should rename it Twatter for real. Some woke American female Fuckwit with coloured hair called ma a racist yesterday, because I called the Chinese plague the KungFlu. Demanded an “apology” so called it the FluManchu instead and wound her up even further. Clinched it when I accused her of not being a real SJW as she didn’t have a snot-hanger-nose-ring to match the coloured hair.
Good work. There’s a lot of ‘demanding an apology’ about these days.
Mine are of the ‘I humbly and sincerely apologise for pointing out that you’re a complete and utter fucking cunt’ kind.
Have another account on stand-by.
Ive been suspended for less.
I have, Sheikh Yabouhti @yabouhti also now on Parker.
A mate of mine is a poof, he is a great guy. Even he hates these cunts
Have a laugh at this cunt. He reckons that any bloke who doesn’t fancy going out with a bird with a dick in her pants is being discriminatory.
Er, it might just come down to the fact that basically, you like a woman to have a fanny in her pants…
Discrimination is a necessary skill. I need to discriminate against deranged fuckpigs to keep myself and loved ones sane.
Too bad some of my loved ones arent so eager.
Lanky cunt has an Adam’s Apple like Bramley cooker.
If trans womeen are women and trans men are men, why qualify them with the trans-prefix?
These luvvies dont believe their own lies.
More statues down. I wonder when the first tranny statue will go up?
As always what will be important is to get the proportions right. But he has to correctly show the shot -putters arms, the sausage fingers, the huge thick neck, Desperate Dan jaw line. How is he to achieve proportionate harmony with those features? Beyond the powers of anyone living I think. We need another Michaelangelo to emerge.
We’ll probably end up with one who has a chubby on and is six months pregnant.
Don’t you mean Michelle-angelo, you sexist? ???
Excellent nomination
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
Thank you
Yet another ‘valid point of view’ which is now a matter for public outrage and for demands to end free speech, but only free speech I don’t like. Raab’s comment that he’s only bend the knee ( he said ‘take’ the knee, but let’s not call a spade a gentleman from Ghana, eh?) to his missus and HM the Queen, was another trigger for woke vapuoring despite being wholly inclusive of everyone of any gender, race, colour, orientation or identification to whom he would not kneel. There’s far too much of this kind of thing going on, and I wish the cunts who shriek about non-issues would
(a) grow up
(b) learn to laugh at the ridiculous arseholes who are telling them to shriek.
Burning down the Guardian office before controversy is made a hate crime should also be a priority.
Sheeplike hysterical cunts.
A few weeks ago some big time trannie activist in Yankland snuffed it. The New York Times published an obituary for the cunt and all the trannies were up in arms and going apeshit.
Well they mentioned the first 52 years of his life, when he was a geezer, and the name he was born with. They call this his “dead life” and his “dead name” and any mention of it is reeeeeeeeally offensive. So the NYT republished it as if the cunt had been born at the age of 52, with a grovelling apology obviously. Another example of obliterating history and replacing it with your own narrative. Get used to it.
Fucking hell; unbelieveable!
So it’s now ‘offensive’ to write facts is it?
Those cunts whining about this need to take a long look at themselves.
Well maybe not..
What about if he had kids before his great trans epiphany? Did they even exist?
Yes he did have kids, four of them I believe, but they are woke so you are allowed to mention them. I assume if one of them said it was all bollocks they don’t exist anymore.
Of course none of them existed before he became a trannie. Dead people in his dead life.
Indeed Ron. Taking “a long look at themselves” is at the root of their problem. Where we see a fucked up pathetic cunt they see a beautiful sexy woman.
That boxing promoter cunt whose name (both of them) i’ve forgotten being a classic example.
“To write about a woman who is trans and remind the reader of her deadname under the pretense that what she was called at birth is important to understanding who she is today actually evokes the image of a man for readers and contributes to the insidious social understanding that ‘this person claimed to be a woman but was really a man,’”
Yeah that’s the one…..Aimee, fine figure of a woman.