The Financial Times (2)

I used to have to read this pink rag for professional purposes but now only check it out for the cryptic crossword and the weekend edition. It has a section called “How to spend it” which is aimed at the idle rich with too much money and time on their hands so they buy up ludicrous “exclusive” articles like money clips, cigar cutters, decanters, gourmet ice cream etc. The more obscenely expensive, the better.

I´m sure ISACers will be tempted by some of the following items recommended in the latest edition: Victoria Beckham sunglasses “made in Italy with an angular diamond shape inspired by the ’70s”. These cool shades are going for a song at £279. A Saint Laurent Rive Droite tennis racket is just £430. Hang on, didn´t Saint Laurent die in 2008? It doesn´t really matter because no-one believes that Victoria Beckham actually designed her sunglasses except maybe peabrain Dave. Elizabeth Gage cufflinks, a bargain at a mere £4,560, and a Givenchy backpack, a giveaway at £2,550, complete my shopping list for the day.

Time to turn the page to Jancis Robinson´s wine column but as I have already cunted the old hag, I won´t inflict her latest dribblings on you.

Nominated by Mr Polly

43 thoughts on “The Financial Times (2)

  1. Some right bargains in it eh? 5 grand for cufflinks?
    Sweet! Cash or card luv?
    Get fucked.
    Seen cunts on the train posing reading the FT,
    Got a fivers worth of shares in fucking Dorothy perkins.
    I stopped reading papers when they stopped putting tits on page 3.
    Im like the MSM,
    Make up my own news.

    • Jancis Robinson is a prime example of a Karen. Remember seeing a photo on the front of one of her books years ago, with her wearing those stupid big placcy specs. Well, if she thinks they make her look sexy, she needs to get contact lenses. And she’d still fail by a cuntry mile. Almost as grotesque and absurd as Jilly Goolden, who resembles Caffy Nooman off Ch4 Nooz.

      • ah, yes Jancis – you have to pay to get her opinion on wine so she can fuck right off, cunt

    • Don’t you have 4 grand cufflinks Northern?. I thought everyone had them. Do you have a shirt? Things seem to be getting worse.

      • Naw, got T shirts!
        Nice ones too!
        All black (hides the gravy stains)

  2. They’re really in touch with the working man. All value for money.
    No wonder the cunts backed remain.

  3. It’s not only the FT. The Sunday Times has ridiculously expensive property, furnishings, holidays. The restaurant critic doesn’t sit down unless it’s £300 for two. Lunch. Dinner gets pricy.
    You wonder what planet the cunts are on.

    • Planet cunt, CC.

      The Evening (sub) Standard does the same.

      Impossibly expensive clothes that won’t last one wash, houses that only a hedge fund manager could afford, holidays that you would need to save for two years just to afford the flights. That kind of shit.

      Talk about rubbing the prole’s noses in it.

      • I never understood conspicuous consumption. You work long hours for a high wage then spend it on stuff that gives you a 1 day high max.

  4. A bit like the woke BBC showing posh cunts buying houses for a million cash and then ‘doing them up by themselves’ (getting cunts in to do it for them in reality, of course).

    They tend to be champagne socialists (you hear the odd Trump or Brexit dig). Cunts.

    • Or escaping to the country. It’s never Wayne and Waynetta from Sunderland with £35k, it’s Tarquin and Cressida from London with just over £500k although they could ‘stretch’ to £750k. The fucking rubbish the Londoncentric BBC think we plebs want to watch, they haven’t a clue.

      • Moggie@
        Escape to the country is one show me & missus Miserable watch together.
        And your spot on!
        Never Dave the welder with £150k
        Always some rich snotty hard to please toffee nosed cunts.
        I writhe with jealousy because thats our dream, why I work myself to fuckin death to try and get me & the mrs& kids a better lifestyle.
        But some old miners cottage is now resided in by some chinless vegan cyclist cunt and his anorexic bint wife.
        Out of the reach of the working class.
        God im a bitter fucker.?

      • Not only that, the cunts whose experience of horticulture is arranging an obscenely expensive bunch of flowers bought in a poncy shop in Knightsbridge, have delusions of growing their own “fresh organic “ vegetables and keeping chickens.
        Clueless or what?! Fuck off!

      • Aye. A lot of them townies moving to the country to tell the locals how to live. Fiddler loves ’em lol

  5. The FT like the woke well off are covering their arses. “Were good people, we hate Trump we love to smear a race or class with “privilege”. Pleeeeezz don’t treat us like the Kulaks and murder us in our beds. Won’t work..Cunts. SWING LOW SWEET

  6. I always assumed that the FT was the fore-runner to the laptop computer and now the smart phone-a tool used to avoid making eye cuntact with other cunts using the railways, underground, buses etc.

  7. Ostentatious displays of wealth really piss me of!
    It comes from when, as a kid in the 50’s we didn’t have a lot of spare cash.
    I remember most of my clothes came from the army surplus store and my mum altered them to fit me.
    Never felt bad about walking to school dressed as an ss Haupsturmführer!

    Couldn’t do these days.

    • It’s easier, and cheaper, nowadays, you don’t even need a uniform to be called a Nazi.

      • I wore an England football shirt in London the other day. The looks on middle class faces ?. Traitorous cunts.

        On the plus side, got a look of approval from some white working class people. Depressingly there weren’t many ?

  8. We are told that the more wealthy there are the better off everyone is. The old crumbs from the table idea. I’ve never believed it. I’ve also always wondered exactly what these people do to become so super rich and doubted that it could possibly be legal.

    Apart from playing premiership football that is.

  9. The purveyors of such ridiculously expensive items like Mr Polly mentions are fully tuned into the fact that the filthy rich love nothing better than to spend exorbarant amounts of money by comparison to most people on everyday things. The wealthy are sold exclusivity by dint of endorsement or branding that is unusual for that type of thing. The average price for a backpack is about £35 with a really nice one weighing in at around £150-£200 usually. Is the £2550 Givinchy one 65 times better than the one you pay 35 quid for? What a load of bollocks, it’s laughable.

    I once worked for a top end department store in London that was patronized by the super wealthy, some of which had a lot of time on their hands and just dying to part with their cash. I particularly remember an Arab lady in her full burqa buying an item for £400 in the 90’s, which was a lot, considering the item normally retailed at around £80 for a regular brand then, and she opened her shoulder bag and began throwing £20 and £50 notes on the counter like confetti. There was about £800 on there before my colleague told her to “stop, stop”. The woman had no idea of the value of the cash that she had, and had to put half of it back into her bag that was full of the folding green stuff. Apparently, I learned that often Arab men would send several of their wives out shopping to keep them occupied, but only with cash as they couldn’t be trusted with a platinum American Express card as they were thick??

    The truth is, if you can afford to have a business that caters for the wealthy, and particularly the super wealthy, it’s like taking candy from a baby. Unlike ordinary people they’re not happy unless they’re paying too much for something. Bizarre but true. Wasteful cunts could build a few houses for war veterans, what do you reckon cunters?

  10. If it does not have a cartoon strip and mention of pies it’s a poor publication!
    The weird principle of the more rich people there are the better off we all will be is just drivel – the rich only spend money on other rich people, the poor don’t get a look in.
    As it always was, as it always is, as it always will be.

    • Agree totally Foxy.
      Recipe for perfect paper-
      Page3 knockers
      Voucher for pies half price
      Load of jingoistic anti french/immigrant headlines
      Comic strip=Garth, Andy Capp and the perishers.
      And Hagar the horrible.
      Racing and sport back 3 pages.

      • And an opinion column edited by Jim Davison, or Bernard Manning if he were still with us… ?

      • Every paper should also have a five Pound trip to France offer – those shifty fish pinchers won’t beat themselves up!
        Sorry, I meant “load the five pounder”! ?
        The FT owned by the Japanese Nikkei Corporation – I’ll bet they don’t celebrate VJ day in that paper!
        Wonder if they have a “Bridge on the river Kwai” day, with 100,000 cut out and keep figures of murdered British soldiers?

  11. Q. What’s pink and hard in the morning? A. The Financial Times crossword…I’ll get me coat.

  12. A set of cunts.
    Quite frankly it needs destroying completely.
    Cunts and parasites.

  13. Gaudy trash, made in a sweat shop and sold at super ridiculous prices to dumb vacuous mongs like footballers and boxers who have little in the way of taste, but through lack of personality have to show off their wealth.
    If I won the euromillions, I wouldn’t be seen dead in any of that shit, I’d still look like man at millets. I would have other things to concern me, such as, am I going for a spin in my MKIX Spitfire, or the B25. Any man who buys a handbag should be fed to feral dogs.

  14. Anyone who doesn’t recognise the sound of a merlin engine is a philistine and a cunt of the first order!!

    • I particularly like the sound a mustang makes on a low pass, not only do you have a merlin growling away, but there is an added whistle, caused by air forced into the gun ports. Music to my ears. Makes a five hour drive to Duxford worth every mile.

  15. The Financial Times — the only thing on earth that is pink and too hard for an Essex girl in the morning!

  16. The Evil Times. Capitalism as a system is the best we’ve got unfortunately though 1-2% of the rich cunts take 80% of the wealth. It’s classic ‘greed is good’ and extreme personality disorders win at this game. I just don’t get how once you’ve got let’s say £10m in Bank and own a house or two, a few motors, paid for divorces you don’t change your perspective to ‘hang on a minute I can’t possibly spend all this’ let’s spread the love a little bit. I blame sunseeker feeding the narrative for ‘ahh yes but we can feed the egomaniac in you, just sold this to Greco your going to want a bigger one surely’

  17. I have the cure,I’ve mentioned it several times before.
    It’s very straightforward.
    Stop watching the propaganda outlet in your living room, it’s a well oiled bullshit machine and if you watch it you’ll get infected by bullshit, your piss will boil,your heart will race erratically and your fortitude will lessen with every exposure.
    Defund the fraudcasters, return your licence, there is a legal course available (for now that is).
    TV has become ingrained into our psyche and the manipulators know it, it’s time to stamp it out and get rid of the dependence addiction. Dumbed down ‘light entertainment’ is the baby food of the masses,ask yourselves, just how much positivity do you get from this Pavlovian instinct to stare at a flat box in the corner?
    It no longer has any influence in my life and I don’t miss it whatsoever, try it and see for yourself.
    MSM is lies.

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