The Chinese Cuntmunist Party

Aaand….Back to the politics. The Chinese Communist Party is most definitely in need of cunting, and I am officially nominating them for the great accolade of ‘Cunt of the Year’. Not content with unleashing a virus (which may are may not have been man made) on to the entire world that has already killed hundreds of thousands of innocent of people, they are entering a phase where they are preparing to take full control previously autonomous Hong Kong. It’s a coming people. It’s a coming. I response to this Boris has announced the UK is considering granting up to 3 million Hong Kong citizens refugee states and allowing to come here. Personally, I support this, but I know a lot of you wont. Of course, this means kicking out 3 million undesirables, illegal immigrants, criminals, terrorists etc. But still, I would rather have 3 million Hong Kong refugees come here. Why? Because unlike the illegals, they will come here and work for a living, study and for the most part, not engage in violent behaviour against our police or the public in general. Most of them won’t make constant accusations and demands.

In case anyone as has forgot, today (4th June) marks the 31st anniversary of the Tiannenman square massacre. Those of us of certain age remember well the images of those Chinese tanks driving through the square, until three of them are stopped by a lone protester with his shopping bags, who bravely stood in front of the first tank, and refused to move. That image was sent all around the world, and helped to force the CCP to take a step back.

It worked. And for the past couple of decades things started to improve. Over the past few years though, the CCP have been slowly taking steps to claw back control and introduce even more Draconian laws and rule. Even their dear leader has gone all North Korea and declared himself ‘leader for life’. They are systematically erasing the gains that were made in 89. What’s more worrying is that they seeking to withdraw the autonomy that China granted to Hong Kong. But what to do? The most sensible thing would be economic sanctions, hit them where it hurts. China has a reckoning coming. Done sensibly, they could easily get China to roll over.

Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw

48 thoughts on “The Chinese Cuntmunist Party

  1. It is now public knowledge that we must not criticise, denigrate, belittle, complain or even think anything remotely bad against the Chinese for fear of causing huge offence!


    • If some cunt declares itself “leader for life” the first thing to do is to kill it, with alacrity.

  2. Where did you get the idea that the Jellyfish would lob out 3 million pieces of shit to accommodate the Hong Kong Phooeys? That would require backbone and bollocks …….. never happen in a million years.
    As you say those people are, generally speaking, hard working and well educated. The commie bastards want to exploit those cunts and won’t be letting them fuck off somewhere else. Boris is bullshitting and Charlie Chan knows it only too well.

    • The CCP has killed over 50 million of its own people since 1949.

      That’s a greater death toll than those of the Nazis and the Soviet Communists.

      The only ideology that has caused more deaths in history is the one founded by the Paedophile Mohammed (piss on him).

    • We should cash in on these Hong Kongese cunts, we could do with their spirit of enterprise to help get us out of the coming recession /depression. Our soy-boy-woke contingent will be useless. Besides they hate the mainland Chinks and their Commie government worse than we do.

  3. There is good and bad in this nomination, I am fully behind kicking out illegals, there could be up to a million, no one is really sure, but I doubt that we have 2 million criminals and terrorists or undesirables, unless the undesirable fraction has a wide interpretation.
    The 3 million HK cunts would need to find work but I doubt that there are 3 million jobs going spare so who is going to pay for housing and subsistence, no it isn’t going to work.
    The Chinks are cunts on many levels, dirty bastards with wet markets breeding all sorts of virus contamination, covering it up as much as possible, dumping steel on world markets, human rights issues (muslim re-education is an exception).
    The Chinks produce stuff that everyone uses and it’s cheap to buy and because the state rules with a heavy hand it can control the population, stop work, start work, do as your are told or else.
    We, however, are a bunch of cunts (not ISAC) who pander to every fucking limp dick cause and ‘oppressed’ minority. We need to ease the lockdown, oh no it’s too soon, we need to wear mask on public transport, well who will enforce it, a few extra BAME are dying, let’s spend million trying to work out why (who really gives a fuck).
    China are kicking Honk Kong because 1. They can and 2. They deserve it, all those fucking riots of a few months have succeed, in giving China the excuse in needed to step in and kick ass.

    Friday rant over


    • There are at least a million illegals in London alone. Fuck knows how many of the cunts are lurking throughout the rest of the country.

      At least the HK Chinese speak English, are quite intelligent and would be grateful for any help given.

  4. If those slightly less yellow but still little bastards must come here then as long as they are told that in order to settle, they themselves need to remove a letter box family I have slightly less reservations. But leave the pets alone or you’re going in the soup next time.
    Little (slightly less) yellow bastards.

  5. The answer is to isolate the slave driving cunts. They enslave their own poor and half of Africa.

    But that doesn’t count. Only whitey is bad, remember kids? The top African brass say so (and they definitely aren’t getting rich from it all).

    Boycott is the only answer. But the sad thing is that they control so much manufacturing that we’d all need to take a huge hit financialy to send a big message.

    Are you prepared for that? I am but I doubt too many others would be.

    Fuck China. It’s time for the world to fuck them up big time (and the African billionaires riding on their waves).

  6. Our students rioting for communism should take heed from the people of Hong Kong risking all rioting against it.

    • I dont want 3 million Hong Kong Phooeys here!
      Fuck that!
      If they hate China so much defend your country!
      Dont come here pøncíng off us.

      Did you delete my Rolling stones comment ?
      Was it slanderous?

      • Haha – have you been libelling upstanding pillars of society again Miserable? ?

      • I said it was on news that Mick Jagger had been tampering with Dawn Chong (daughter of one half of Cheech & Chong)
        When she was 14yrs old.
        Asked was all the Rolling stones pee dos or just a few of them?

      • I love it you said tampering Miserable, like the old cunt was letting down someone’s bike tyres.

      • Will Bill the child fucker Wyman sue you for libel MNC?
        No, I don’t think so either! ??

      • It was par for the course in the 1960s/’70s, fourteen year old girls throwing themselves at rock stars. As a fourteen year old boy I threw myself at myself at Marianne Faithfull, and once did eat a Mars bar out her snatch.

      • “I threw myself at myself” What a demented cunt I am, ffs!

        Freudian fucking slip, yeah. ?

        Evening chaps.

      • You old charmer Creampuff, did Lady Creampuff even get a word in when dating?

      • Coincidentally LL, Lady Creampuff is 14 years my junior, and NEVER FUCKING SHUTTED UP while we were courting.

        I just had to make a few of the right noises.

        Like most blissfully happy married couples, barely a word passes between us nowadays.

      • Me & mrs Miserable have a marriage like Marge & Homer.

        “You look just like Roger Moore if your flies weren’t open…”?

  7. Personally I’m not a fan of chinese food, it’s just mush. The last thing we need is millions more chinese takeaways.

    Goodbye for now.

  8. Irony abounds! I just heard Chris Patten the last Governor of HK and latterly a BBC bigwig seeking to promote a large rise in the TV Tax. If he is so ahead of the game why did he not flag up evil Chinky government back in ‘97? He has yet to realise that he is yesterday’s man with the day before yesterday’s outlook.

    • I hope they do jack up the BBC poor tax GG – it might make a few people think if what they are being ransomed for is value for money, and the BBC are losing licence payers and money in droves.
      I look forward to the day they have their charter removed and become a subscription only service.
      Oh, nearly forgot – FUCK CHINA!

  9. China is oppressive, inward looking, aggressive and put simply plain evil. They have got where they are on the backs of armies of slave workers and they are hell bent on one thing – World domination.
    Q is right – smash them with import tariffs, but I would go further and inform them we are writing off the huge debt we owe them to compensate us for the devastation their (latest) virus has caused. York is filled with Chinese tourists – aggressive, loud mouthed bullies who think they own the place and treat the locals with contempt as they throw their money around – awful people.
    But we need to ally this with investment in a return to UK manufacturing and it needs a forward thinking Government to do this – we used to be the factory of the World and “Made in England” was a sign of quality.
    When you take into account product transport costs, increasing wages and raw materials transport costs the Chinese are rapidly becoming uneconomical in terms of mass production but they don’t care because they derive a huge income from loan repayments (google which Countries in the World owe China money – it will surprise you) and further money from buying up huge chunks of mineral rich Countries to exploit which they get by bribing dictators.
    Nothing will be done by Boris the narcoleptic traitor though – he is a liberal wet coward who would rather see us go to the wall than risk going up against China.
    We need to grow a pair and pick a fight on this one because unless we do something, and fast, we are history.

    • Much of what was made in China a decade ago is now being made in Vietnam. The costs of manufacturing in China are rising,both the wage rate and the West coming to its senses in that there is no such thing as a free lunch. Hand everything over to them and prepared to be fucked.

      • Some American companies have realised that there is a massive cheap labour force to exploit in Mexico and the transport costs are relatively low. Apple will be finished if they decide to continue manufacturing in China. We must no longer buy anything made by Chinese CUNTS.

    • Not a chance Boris will Foxy.
      If your looking for someone with balls to stand upto China hes not got the stones.
      Hes just Theresa May with
      a weight problem.

      • Sadly, I have to agree with you. I have said many times that Boris talks a good game but delivers nothing.

      • Agreed 100% MNC – Boris is a spineless little bitch.
        Put the Fox in charge!
        “Could the right honourable member get his trainers off the seats”!
        “Come and fuckin’ stop me nancy boy”! ??☠?

  10. I’d let the Hong Kongers live here and give them £10,000 each on one proviso:
    They have to boot a camel jockey family out to make room for them.
    Otherwise the fucking lot of them can have a good oven.

    • An interesting response, young Owen Jones might have a terminal something or other over this. Good job all round!

    • I would declare Hong Kong mine and tell fatty ping pong if he didn’t like it to get to mine for a rumble – I will do the bugger, then I run China! ???

  11. China is a wonderful place. Full of beauty, history and of culture. A peace loving nation who have suffered terribly at the hands of others, notably in the opium wars, and in the hands of the Japanese. We, have made them into what they are today. Rich, incredibly rich. We move our jobs and capital into their hands. We maximiise profits for enhanced dividends. They now have clout, and it aint all economic. China has invested heavily in state of the art weaponry, and the has the ability to deliver, and on a global scale. We are here today for the reason of corporate greed, and consumer stupidity.
    Over the past few weeks, our fuckwit leaders have been banging provocations and issuing threats, that quite honestly , we can no longer back up. Hong Kong was a lease. No more than that. And to demand that China bows to our ways of doing things, is surely not going to go down well.
    China is a cunt. A dangerous cunt, and a powerful one. But the bigger cunts, are the cunts around the globe, posturing and preening in their high office. It is they who need a good fucking over. And boy the Chinks will do it if they aren’t careful.

    • Whilst I agree with some of what you say the Chinks realise that even with their impressive weapons set many less endowed nations can take them out.
      LBJ used to get his todger out in the Oval Office and invite potential enemies to admire ‘prime Texas meat’.
      The poor sods went home telling everyone that the most powerful country on the planet had a nutter in charge of the nuclear codes.
      Made the fuckers think twice!

      • Trump has a small weener so that probably wouldn’t work today.

      • Me or GuzziGuy could be penis stunt doubles for Donald!
        We’re both hung like shire horses!
        They see that their little slitty eyes will spring wide open with fear!!
        “Donarrd he hung rike roch ness monster!??

      • Sez the man who issues members of the public binoculars so they can see his front bottom when he’s out flashing! ?

      • Hehehe! Touche Ruff!☺
        Although I weep a little inside…?

  12. No-one trusts the Chinese. Their neighbors, like Vietnam, the Philippines and Japan hate and fear them as they claim the South China sea practically down to Australia and build islets which they say are their “territory”. They are getting aggressive with India again and mobilizing troops on some forgotten glacier and have cynically lined up with Pakistan. They threaten to invade Taiwan every couple of weeks, have scrapped the Hong Kong democracy pledge, occupy Tibet and Inner Mongolia, oppress Moslem minorities in western China and use North Korea as a proxy threat to the US, pretending they have no control over its head case leader. On top of that there is barely anywhere in the world nowadays without a sizeable Chinese presence. They are more racist than any white supremacist and treat black Africans like dogs. No wonder a mob recently lynched three Chinese managers – or should I say slave drivers – after burning down their factory in Zambia. There are about 80,000 Chinese in Zambia and the government is in hock to them.

    • Chinese oppression and slave driving is happening all over Africa Mr Polly – I wonder what smell a chink would give off with a burning tyre around their neck?
      By and large black Africans are not keen on a days work, and they will not stand the Chinese invaders pushing them around for long.

      • No idea on smell but you can bet us would taste like fucking chicken?

    • True mr Polly.
      Mongolians hate the chinese with a passion too, and enjoy the sport of hate crime against them.

      • I must be part Mongolian! (I thought my mix of English, Irish, Welsh and Scandinavian would have been quite enough – I might have to start calling myself white and white cunt!)
        Off now in case B&WC tells me off! ??‍♂️

    • In New Guinea I have seen chink trade stores out in the country, the cashier is in a big chain mesh cage. There is a chair above and behind her within head kicking distance in which sits the Chinese boss he monitors everything but especially every cash movement very closely. Complete disrespect and clearly utter cunts. They must have approval of the cuntmunist party to be operating there

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