IsAC regulars will know that I have a visceral hatred of the EU which borders on the pathological. Hardly a day passes without something new to remind me of my abject loathing of the bastards, and today is no exception.
So what’s boiling my piss this time? Well in April, Ursula von der Leyen unveiled a £2.7 bill. ‘coronavirus relief package’, with funds to be distributed throughout the bloc. The UK recently paid £750 mill. into this fund, but now the EU is demanding that we throw another £270 mill. of our wedge in the direction of the financial Black Hole of Brussels. This is on the basis that (get this) ‘the UK remains fully liable to contribute to, and fully eligible to benefit from, the fund’. So cough up, say the Brussels’ bandits, or guess what, the UK-EU trade talks will be ‘jeopardised’.
Now I stand to be corrected, but I was under the impression that the UK left the EU on 1st January. Okay, no doubt we have residual obligations to contribute to EU finances under the Withdrawal Agreement, but as I see it, the ‘recovery fund’ was formulated in the wake of the C-19 pandemic, ie AFTER we had left. On this basis, it’s unclear to me why we’ve actually ended up agreeing to contribute anything at all to this fund in the first place.
Notwithstanding the circumstances, the Brussels weasels are maintaining that we are ‘fully eligible to benefit’ from the scheme. Now I call that downright neighbourly of them, so let’s have a look at how this might actually work in the event that we throw this extra £270 mill. into the pot (put the matter of our involvement and initial contribution to the fund to one side for now). Let’s say that in its infinite generosity, Brussels graciously awards us £50-60 mill. (we could of course get fuck all, but that that would put Brussels in a very bad light politically). The funds will arrive with due fanfare, wrapped in sparking paper with a huge red bow, labelled ‘a generous gift to the people of the UK from the EU’. Remoaners will jump up and down, cheering such munificence, and shout from the rooftops about the abundance of benefits which flow from EU membership. ‘Look how foolish we were to leave!’ they’ll trill. Meanwhile of course, the reality of the situation is that we’ll be out of pocket to the tune of another £200 mill. plus.
The are two things absolutely nailed on when it comes to the UK’s financial dealings with the Bastards of Brussels; no matter how much we give them, they always want more, and we always get back less than we put in. No wonder they’re gagging for an extension to the Brexit transition period. They see us as their ever-full ATM. You honestly couldn’t make this shit up. Fuck off you grasping, parasitic cunts. Enough already.
Nomintated by Ron Knee
Personally I have nothing against black holes.
But paying ridiculous amounts of money for one ,no,no,no. Pull out before it’s too late.
I bet Bent Denis wasn’t too pleased about that MPG. Stick to your own mate. Don’t let other people judge you……you dirty cunt.
‘Pull out before it’s too late’.
Sage words, MPG!
I don’t believe we will ever be free of the globalist capitalist enterprise of which the EU is a central plank. The 2016 vote meant nothing. The elites run the governments, the media…..they own the politicians, the slebs, the journalists. Their ideology has seeped into the civil service, the education system…….you can’t turn around without being confronted with some dumb cunt spouting their propaganda. It’s early in the morning and I am depressed. (Mental Elf Alert!!) I feel like a bit of Jimi Hendrix….Band of Gypsys. Fortunately I have a set of headphones so I don’t have to disturb my sleeping neighbours.
Sleeping in more ways than they could understand the thick cunts.
Cue Jimi……
You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.
Meanwhile, the Reading stabbings are not being treated as a terrorist incident, just a 25 yr old Libyan with Mental Elf issues that’s been arrested.
Nothing to see here, you racist cunts, move along.
Another day dawns, over a once great, fucked, infested, broke and broken country.
Get To Fuck.
I don’t believe that. Everybody knows it was either Johnson, Tommy Robinson (real name Jack the Ripper) or Trump.
No cunt can convince me otherwise.
And in other news – BLM.
It seems that Ethiopian maids have been dumped outside their embassy because the can no longer be afforded.
BLM unless they ‘belong’ to other blacks.
Everyone knows he was just trying to enrich everyone with his diversity.
Another cunt to be treated at the tax-payer’s expense then. Funny how many of these dodgy cunts end up here, ain’t it?
If Stephen Hawking had tried to wrap his brain around this particular Black Hole, it would have burst his colostomy bag!
In a similar vein, I have noticed that one of the logos of the EU closely resembles the teleporter that mangled the molecules of Jeff Goldblum and an uncredited bluebottle in ‘The Fly’ – presumably because what’s good for one monstrous hybrid is good for another!
Jeremy Corbyn lamented the death of Stephen Hawking. Jeremy said in a statement that Stephen was a great man and we both shared a common obsession with black holes .
Oooooh, matron!
Can’t see the problem myself….this Country is awash with money,drowning in it apparently..Free meals for brats,no problem.Overseas Aid,no problem.Housing and benefits for any bit of filth that washes up,no problem.Pay people to sit at home when they should be back at work,no problem. International Free Health problem. Underclass that’ll neither work nor want,no problem. Shady deals for Big Business using taxpayer money,no problem,Unsustainable Pension and Social Care commitments,no problem…etc,etc.
What difference will bunging a few more quid to our European partners make?…perhaps those nice Chinkies might be willing to extend our credit even further…although why they’d bother chucking good money after bad is a bit of a problem..never mind we’ll just print some more,
Boris announced when he was elected that he was going to loosen the reins after The Age of Austerity…at least he’s certainly kept one election promise.
Fuck Off.
Morning Mr F…that was a splendid summing up of Alexander the great fraud’s miserable failure of the past 6 months. And a thoroughly splendid nom from Ron.
Regarding the Reading murders, I wonder if the coast guard/Royal Navy should be held partially responsible when it emerges that the piece of allegedly Libyan shit who stabbed 3 people to death yesterday was picked up in the Channel and brought to this country, when he and all foreign spongers should be turned back at gunpoint?
Absolutely not Mr Cunt Engine. I reckon it was that cunt Farage in a fit of pique after being sacked by LBC.
But, just in case it might be one of our peaceful friends i’m off down the shops to buy some candles. I’d hate to miss out on a nice bit of virtue signalling.
Remember to change your Facebook avatar to a ribbon as well.
Hopefully his victims were just more of his own kind…possibly a falling out between friends over who had the next go on some young lassie.
Morning Mr.Cunt-Engine.
Presumably it would not be difficult to trace the entry date etc of these pieces of shit who murder people after their arrival to this once great nation. Confront the individual who signed the approval. When the official says ‘ I was only obeying orders’ you go to the person who gave the order a those who made the rules. FFS , someone has to be responsible for allowing this scum into the U.K. Officialdom must not be allowed to avoid the fact that people in this country are being killed by a system which betrays the indigenous citizens. Only yesterday this site was awash with criticism of the U.K. Border Farce.Heads must roll.
It’s obvious to me the BlackDiesMatter are of vital importance.
If you don’t keep a good eye on the shifty blek cunts they will knife you.
Full oven.
Tories are quite happy to throw taxpayers dosh around in recent years. Good little (corporate) socialists and anarcho-tyrants just like Tony.
A retired GP I worked for found it quite funny seeing all of this money being whacked on HS2 and foreign aid bribes. There was Chris Grayling’s millions to a shipping company that didn’t have any ships.
It turns out there wasn’t a magic money tree, but a money orchard.
Given the Covid extravagance and Boris letting leftists demolish everything I suggest the party rebrand themselves as CINO:
Conservatives In Name Only.
It’s doomed I’m completely dissolutioned with politics mainly because of what I witnessed during Brexit. You’ve got hands in the till, Jim Royale ‘social betterment my arse’, eye watering cash being haemorrhaged, laden with bearucratic lefty nonsense, any institution harking back to the days of our very own cunt of all cunts, COB Tony ‘how the fuck did he get away scot free and with A £40m gravy train choo choo’ing through a town near you’ as far as I’m concerned Members and benefactors get a meal ticket (Minority) injured parties aren’t even greased up before getting all dirty on our asses. All the grease is on the palms of its members. Legalised criminality
The current crop of pigs residing in power should seriously pull their trotters out and start getting things done.
They got a mandate and need to get the issues with Brussels sorted out.
Only a fuckin retard would consider this a acceptable request…oh.
I don’t see the problem.
In January the House of Commons voted for the EU Withdrawal Bill (aka Appeaser May’s Deal, dictated by Barnier, tweaked slightly by Boris Johnson) which means our relationship with the EU remains the same until the end of this year.
The only difference is we no longer have a seat at the top table.
We’re still in the Customs Union, the Single Market, and subject to EU and ECJ rules. No surprise then that we have to share commitments dreamed up by the EU Commission, at least until January of 2021, and possibly beyond if the Government finds some excuse to extend the current transition period…
Don’t worry. I have every confidence in this pile of shit government finding 20 reasons for an extension before the inevitable slide to Remain.
If we’d wanted to avoid this sort of thing we should have left on WTO rules, instead of signing a binding International Treaty, described by Sir Nigel as “the second worst deal in history”.
I think you’re bang on there Moggie. UK national debt currently stands at £2 trillion and is now larger than the entire economy. Last time we were here was in 1963 and warnings of a second wave of Covid-19 are being spouted by our doomsayers, the media. I think this will give the government Carte Blanche to rewrite much of its 2019 manifesto and once again ‘austerity’ will reign supreme. If you think about it, there isn’t a single potential decision or backtrack that won’t be blamed on the pandemic and having to saving us all from the flames of hell. They will now spend the next 5 years totally indemnified as our glorious saviours. Do the words “We can no longer afford brexit” echo in your imagination? They do in mine. Time to buckle up and enjoy the cunt show.
“We can no longer afford Brexit”?
Didn’t they (Johnson etc) say Brexit would benefit the UK economy? If that’s true we can no longer afford to Remain.
At the moment public life has more cunts on display than PornHub.
One suspects BLM and Remainers will unite demanding a new referendum, and given how weak this government is, they will probably get one!
They will want a referendum because they will see the last one as being racist etc etc.
I suppose it was. The majority voted for the country to remain British. Not African. Not an unknown cashpoint for the Germans and French. British. Racism at its most extreme. Aren’t we cunts.
Another day in the shit show, nothing to see here, move along.
I wonder what the consequences of not paying are?
Why not tell them to fuck off?
What will they do?Invade?
If Big Boris wants to keep his comfy seat he just needs to tell them.
Then start a tariff war.
Fuck em.
The EU can fuck off, maybe we can pay them in Black lives, send a few over as slaves to the correct monetary value.
Or, sorry we can’t afford it, we are in a recession…..
What was the fucking point in voting conservative anyway?
It seems at the moment this country is being run by the likes of Marcus Rashford and other race baiting cunts who throw out black Nazi salutes. We might as well have voted Corbyn in looking at the state of shit now.
They’re terrified of being called waycist instead of doing the fucking job their voters put them there to do.
They’re too stupid to understand that the people who voted them in are not the racist ones. They offered a lot and have so far delivered fuck all, as predicted by many here. I further predict that fuck all will be the sum total of what we get.
Reading yet another excellent nomination from the master it got me thinking! The obvious solution to the current dire mess engulfing this once great nation.
I propose.
Isac is to be immediately invited to form a government of national unity under Premier Fiddler.
Moggie63 = Chancellor of the Exchequer.
The man himself Ron Knee = Foreign Secretary.
Vernon Fox = Home Secretary.
Miserable Northern Cunt = Cabinet Office
Unkle Terry = Secretary of state for Justice.
Ruff Tuff Creampuff = Defence.
DCI Gene Cunt = Heath and Social Care.
Odin’s balls = Education.
Just a thought.
Me as Foreign Sec? get in!
Fuck you Microbe, fuck you Mutty Merkle, chew on this knuckle sandwich Verhofstadt you pumpkin-headed cunt…
Gunboats, I want more gunboats…
Let’s drop the big one on Brussels now…
I can live with that. What EU contribution? Fuck off!
Get in there, moggie. We want our money back! (c/f M. Thatcher).
Sir Fiddler as premier? Vernon Fox as Home Secretary?
Would this be a good idea – we are both well known liberal wets with a love of the EU! ?
I think I need to take charge of the EU negotiations – “right cunts, sit down and shut up – does this severed head show you I’m fucking serious? (Poor little Owen, but he deserved it!) Come here Frenchie – pointless hiding under that table, I can smell you from here.. OOF! Now wipe that blood off and empty your pockets of those stolen fish!
“Now – who’s in charge of pies”?
I see that Brussels is STILL pushing for oversight and control. It’s demanding that the UK remains subject to the European Convention on Human Rights, which is under the jurisdiction of the ECJ.
Access to fishing grounds in perpetuity, shackled to EU regulations… the fuckers just never give up, do they?
Point of order Ron. The ECHR is not under the jurisdiction of the ECJ. If anything it’s the other way round.
The two institutions are entirely separate yet are often confused with each other. A bit like Europe (a geographical area) is often confused with the European Union (a political and economic union of 27 states located in Europe).
PS: Forgot to add that the EU is demanding the UK remain subject to the ECJ, not the European Convention on Human Rights.
We have no intention of leaving the ECHR, which incidentally was originally proposed by Winston Churchill and drafted mainly by British lawyers, based on the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The ECHR was signed in Rome in 1950 and came into force in 1953, and bizarrely includes Russia as a signatory.
Good spot Ruffers!
Ffs there’s so much fucking bureaucracy I lose the thread sometimes!
I nominate Miles Plastic as Minister for Culture.
Yes the EU are a bunch of money grabbing, control freaks. I heard on the radio last week the cunt that is Verhoffshite or whatever his name is, he was preaching at a meeting of the EU dictatorial elitists. He sounded every bit the modern day Hitler, going on about how all member countries should hand over sovereignty and full control of taxation, military, law etc, etc, basically everything. Verhoffshite certainly is one power crazy cunt. We’ve definately dodged a bullet there by getting out.
Verhofstadt strikes me as a seriously mixed up twat. I watched a couple of his ravings the other day; in the first one he was going on yet again about (as you say) creating his blesséd United States of Europe, in the other he was carrying on about how the EU wasn’t fit for purpose and in serious need of large scale reform (fucking as if!).
The more I see of this cunt, the more he strikes me as being a bit unhinged.
Sorry this is in reply to DLP
“…It is due to them (the aircrews in bomber command) and their kind in the other Services, that Britain today is not merely a slave market in a Nazi empire.
That was the Plan.
Never forget it.”
Arthur T Harris (guest forward to the book Lancaster at War publ 1971)
Have the loonies pulled his statue down yet?
I doubt it! Wokeness doesn’t extend to reading a history book. They probably confusing him with that irish poof who got hung by the tits in “a man called horse”!
EU Countries (I refuse to call them member states, this not America) owe the UK Billions in unpaid reciprocal healthcare bills – who is chasing this up?
The European International Bank (formerly the European Central Bank – sly name change to try and legally avoid financial liability) owe the UK Billions in money and assets – who is chasing this up?
Contractually the UK owes the EU around 16 Billion, the EU and its members owe us around 19 Billion. But Teresa the appeaser (one of a long line of spineless cowardly traitors) happily agreed to hand over 39 Billion we were not legally obliged to pay when the EU OWES US MONEY! ???????????????
The EU is a perfect example of the disease infecting the western World, and they will never be happy until they have a European dictatorship.
Fuck them, fuck them to hell.
This kind of EU cuntitude drives me to the brink of insanity VF. The EU is one of the biggest financial rackets ever created, possibly second only to the laughingly named ‘Federal Reserve’ in the States.
How people can actually put up with this shit, never mind actually want to stay part of this monumental con trick, is beyond me.
I recall the last time the Krauts got uppity – it didn’t end well for them.
Oh, sorry – yes it did.
Warriors brought to their knees by jealous pen pushers.
Speaking of uppityness in The Reich, I see that things kicked off good and proper in Stuttgart last night. Hundreds of cunts running amok and police injured according to police.
Now in the past the Krauts wouldn’t have put up with this; the fucking SS would have gone in and the rioting and looting fuckers would have promptly disappeared without a trace, never to be seen again.
It almost makes me nostalgic for the good old days.
I’ve found that these parasitic cunts are generally supported by other parasitic cunts. I don’t know many with full-time jobs who voted to Remain.
Those without jobs who voted leave where and are retired.
Of those I know who voted remain, most were men in their 30s with part-time jobs, eternal students or unemployed, women who were unemployed or worked part time in council offices or education, or were ‘full-time’ lazy, fat, pram-pushers waiting for the husband’s money to land on the kitchen table.
All of them voted Lib dim or Labour and were vocal about it.
I honestly can’t imagine being Lib Dem and being vocal about it. It’s like owning up to being a p***o in my book.
I’m an unemployed (unemployable?) fat cunt who voted leave and Brexit Party when possible. I would sooner confess to raping babies than being a LibDem. Neither of which is true, I hasten to add.
Why don’t we just ask Marcus Rashford what to do? He seems to have all the answers.
Cunts that get £200grand a week for not kicking a ball around & are not elected by their peers, should mind there own fucking business – but I blame the gov’t for being weak & giving in.
If you choose the have 5 or 10 kids, then you fucking pay to feed them. Or exercise self control, or SNIP fucking SNIP.
This Country has turned to shit.
Whenever I see that boney, blond, Aryan nazi bitch, I picture her in her SS guards uniform at one of the camps, grabbing little Jewish kids by the hair & drowning them in a bucket.
She & all her 4th Reich chums should be told to take their ‘demands’ & told to Fuck right off.
& if European fisherfolk try to cast their nets in our waters, let what’s left of the Royal Navy use them for target practice (assuming the fuckwits at MOD proqurement have order the right kind of bullets for the guns!)
EU – understand that you milked this cash cow for the last time – WANKERS